Matt Damon Puts His Kids In Private School, Despite His Advocacy For Public Schools



So I ask you to explain and instead of explaining you quote yourself explaining that its already been explained :rofl:


Don't take some of these people serious. They use methods that were oringinaly "institution games" which were converted into street scams and now converted into message board games. They talk in circles, use out of context quotes and comments, deflections and deversions. When they provide a link to something to prove a point it leads to some blogger bs and sometimes an unrelated issue. If you give them facts and viable links to prove your point they ignore them. They are not here to learn. They are here to have fun and reinforce their ego's and sense of being smart. You waste your time trying to have a genuine civil discussion with them.
The humiliation for the liberals never ends

Liberals are incapable of feeling humiliation. Or embarrassment. Or shame.

If they could, with their record, they'd have dried up and blown away years ago. All of them.

The only shame a liberal knows is the shame their parents feel.
During the postwar years US public schools (both high school and college) were the envy of the world.

The US had the most educated workforce in the world.

Problem is, those great public schools came with a high tax burden. After Reagan's historic tax cuts, there was less tax money for education. So the Right waged a war against public education and teachers, and they eventually starved it to death. They did this in order to preserve the gains of the new aristocracy created by Reaganomics, especially those that benefited from the globalization of production, allowing them to ship jobs to cheap labor markets.

Now they wonder why our students can't compete effectively for tech jobs.

The Reagan Revolution replaced a well-educated middle class with a horde of impoverished low wage workers. It turned our thriving postwar public sphere into a neoliberal dystopia where corporations own government and talk radio perpetually agitates the serfs with images of gay communist Islamo doom.

I remember when the Republican Party started to wage war on our education system. It felt like a body that turned against one its internal organs. I thought to myself: "are we really going to destroy something as vital to national prosperity as education just to preserve the tax cuts of those born wealthy?"

America swallowed poison in 1980.

Once again opinion is proved to be BS. Oh and note, the only drop in spending was during CLINTON and the massive increase, Bush.

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During the postwar years US public schools (both high school and college) were the envy of the world.

The US had the most educated workforce in the world.

Problem is, those great public schools came with a high tax burden. After Reagan's historic tax cuts, there was less tax money for education. So the Right waged a war against public education and teachers, and they eventually starved it to death. They did this in order to preserve the gains of the new aristocracy created by Reaganomics, especially those that benefited from the globalization of production, allowing them to ship jobs to cheap labor markets.

Now they wonder why our students can't compete effectively for tech jobs.

The Reagan Revolution replaced a well-educated middle class with a horde of impoverished low wage workers. It turned our thriving postwar public sphere into a neoliberal dystopia where corporations own government and talk radio perpetually agitates the serfs with images of gay communist Islamo doom.

I remember when the Republican Party started to wage war on our education system. It felt like a body that turned against one its internal organs. I thought to myself: "are we really going to destroy something as vital to national prosperity as education just to preserve the tax cuts of those born wealthy?"

America swallowed poison in 1980.

"So the Right waged a war against public education and teachers, and they eventually starved it to death."

This is truly one of your most stupid of posts.

The only explanation for this opus is that you simply tossed the Scrabble tiles, and copied each word as it appeared.

332-206 = 1 (impotent) man

234-201 = 234 men & women



332-206...wins in the north, the south, the east, and the west; all over this great nation.

234--about 220 of which were gerrymandered districts

8 years

5 of the last 6 popular votes

SCOREBOARD!!! But keep telling yourself you're in control; someday you may believe it too.

332-206 = 1 (impotent) man

234-201 = 234 men & women



332-206...wins in the north, the south, the east, and the west; all over this great nation.

234--about 220 of which were gerrymandered districts

8 years

5 of the last 6 popular votes

SCOREBOARD!!! But keep telling yourself you're in control; someday you may believe it too.

Like Obama, you're too ignorant of U.S. Constitutional law to comprehend that the presidency is not a dictatorship. After 2 years of his amateur community organizer bullshit, the American people corrected their mistake of voting for race instead of qualifications and rendered Obama an impotent little man who can't even pass a single bill without bowing to Republicans :lol:

332-206 = 1 (impotent) man (through voter fraud) in Washington D.C. only

234-201 = 234 men & women from the north, south, east, and west of this nation


Here we have yet another leer-jet, limousine Hollywood liberal screaming one thing but doing something else. "Do as I say, not as I do". Proving once again, "Socialism is for the people, not the Socialist".

Matt Damon Puts His Kids In Private School, Despite His Advocacy For Public Schools


I think Obama humiliated all of you wingnuts by beating your candidates up in that last two elections. The event even ran off some of the wingnuts who used to participate pretty heavily here.

Yeah they sure were gloating about obama getting beaten in the election, right up to the time romney conceded defeat. For hate filled racist tea baggers, this was similar to old dixie getting it's ass whooped by the yankees.
During the postwar years US public schools (both high school and college) were the envy of the world.

The US had the most educated workforce in the world.

Problem is, those great public schools came with a high tax burden. After Reagan's historic tax cuts, there was less tax money for education. So the Right waged a war against public education and teachers, and they eventually starved it to death. They did this in order to preserve the gains of the new aristocracy created by Reaganomics, especially those that benefited from the globalization of production, allowing them to ship jobs to cheap labor markets.

Now they wonder why our students can't compete effectively for tech jobs.

The Reagan Revolution replaced a well-educated middle class with a horde of impoverished low wage workers. It turned our thriving postwar public sphere into a neoliberal dystopia where corporations own government and talk radio perpetually agitates the serfs with images of gay communist Islamo doom.

I remember when the Republican Party started to wage war on our education system. It felt like a body that turned against one its internal organs. I thought to myself: "are we really going to destroy something as vital to national prosperity as education just to preserve the tax cuts of those born wealthy?"

America swallowed poison in 1980.

"So the Right waged a war against public education and teachers, and they eventually starved it to death."

This is truly one of your most stupid of posts.

The only explanation for this opus is that you simply tossed the Scrabble tiles, and copied each word as it appeared.

There you go again PC. You can't formulate an answer even though you consider yourself brilliant, so you just insult. Londoner is correct. You were maybe in grade school when reagan took over so maybe you don't know the greatness of America before reagan.
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The humiliation for the liberals never ends

Republicans think they are humiliating famous people who protect their children. Famous people have to protect their children. Because they are "famous". Poor Republicans. Humiliated once again and don't even know it.

You may be a little slow here but they aren't protecting themselves from any outside attack they are protecting their kids from the bullsh*t you people call an education system. They do it because they f*cking can and have the money to do so. That alone should tell you your kids in public schools are getting a sub-par education when those that have a choice on your side opt out every time they can afford to do so. No millionaire libs send their kids to public schools, yet they claim it's good enough for your kid.
I doubt the kids in public schools were expecting Matt Damon to send his kids to public schools. I went to public school and it would have been motivating just to have someone like Matt Damon speak positive about public schooling. I wouldn't have cared where he sent his kids.
332-206 = 1 (impotent) man

234-201 = 234 men & women



332-206...wins in the north, the south, the east, and the west; all over this great nation.

234--about 220 of which were gerrymandered districts

8 years

5 of the last 6 popular votes

SCOREBOARD!!! But keep telling yourself you're in control; someday you may believe it too.

Like Obama, you're too ignorant of U.S. Constitutional law to comprehend that the presidency is not a dictatorship. After 2 years of his amateur community organizer bullshit, the American people corrected their mistake of voting for race instead of qualifications and rendered Obama an impotent little man who can't even pass a single bill without bowing to Republicans :lol:

332-206--still your President.
I just don't see hypocrisy in trying to make public schools better, but at the same time giving your kid every advantage you can afford.

Obama obviously believes his kid gets a better education in a private school. Yet, like all liberal morons, he opposes allowing poor children the same option.

You have to be incredibly stupid not to see the hypocrisy.
I doubt the kids in public schools were expecting Matt Damon to send his kids to public schools. I went to public school and it would have been motivating just to have someone like Matt Damon speak positive about public schooling. I wouldn't have cared where he sent his kids.

You obviously suffered brain damage in those schools because you're a moron who can't see an obvious case of hypocrisy when it's pointed out to you.
During the postwar years US public schools (both high school and college) were the envy of the world.

The US had the most educated workforce in the world.

Problem is, those great public schools came with a high tax burden. After Reagan's historic tax cuts, there was less tax money for education. So the Right waged a war against public education and teachers, and they eventually starved it to death. They did this in order to preserve the gains of the new aristocracy created by Reaganomics, especially those that benefited from the globalization of production, allowing them to ship jobs to cheap labor markets.

Now they wonder why our students can't compete effectively for tech jobs.

The Reagan Revolution replaced a well-educated middle class with a horde of impoverished low wage workers. It turned our thriving postwar public sphere into a neoliberal dystopia where corporations own government and talk radio perpetually agitates the serfs with images of gay communist Islamo doom.

I remember when the Republican Party started to wage war on our education system. It felt like a body that turned against one its internal organs. I thought to myself: "are we really going to destroy something as vital to national prosperity as education just to preserve the tax cuts of those born wealthy?"

America swallowed poison in 1980.

"So the Right waged a war against public education and teachers, and they eventually starved it to death."

This is truly one of your most stupid of posts.

The only explanation for this opus is that you simply tossed the Scrabble tiles, and copied each word as it appeared.

There you go again PC. You can't formulate an answer even though you consider yourself brilliant, so you just insult. Londoner is correct. You were maybe in grade school when reagan took over so maybe you don't know the greatness of America before reagan.

What makes you think I can't be brilliant, and insult you?
Watch this:

Now...before I send you back to the last seat in the dumb row, take out a pencil and paper....oh- you forgot one again?

OK....I'll lend you one. was Carter who created the Department of Education to gain Liberal votes.....'education' was turned over to Liberal educrats.....that presaged the end of learning....e.g., production of students like you.

Second...Start taking notes:

Education is about learning and requires effort and working day after day, and some people are better learners than others because some people are smarter than others. Best not let progressives hear that; progressives will insist that all are equal, and thinking otherwise is biased!

Their mantra is that education must be comforting, nurturing, and never discouraging.

a. Red pens for marking are harsh, while purple is soothing.
“In a show of educational Kumbaya-ism not seen since English became Language Arts and self-esteem replaced “go to the principal’s office” as the Mantra of Discipline, teachers are dumping their red pens faster than plans for Gigli II and grading students’ papers using purple ones. They say they’re doing this because purple’s “not as scary,” “friendlier,” and “goes better with their new fall outfits.” Grading with purple pens

b. Progressive Education aims to “level the playing field.” Translation: “lower the standards.” Everyone’s work goes up on the walls because it’s not fair to judge a child’s work as there are no wrong answers, only life experiences.

‘Lost in all the chanting for change is the core commitment to impart actual knowledge. For progressives in the Age of Obama, setting high academic standards is secondary to the self-improvement of the "whole child" and "service" to the cause of social justice.’ The Three R's in the Age of Obama: Rappin', Revolution and Radicalism - Michelle Malkin - Page 2

c. “Progressive Education is straight out of John Dewey's work. It's no accident that Dewey was one of the major inventors of both Progressive education and modern liberal Fascism. He was one of the triad that invented Pragmatism. (He called his version Instrumentalism.) He was also a social democrat and a proponent of doing away with classical education. All of these are intricately linked. Pragmatism essentially teaches that there are no eternal truths, because there are no objective natural laws. Everything is in Heraclitean flux, forever shifting. All we can do is arrive at a social consensus of what is true. That view prepares the field for the educational agenda that Dewey advocated, one in which it would no longer consist of memorizing "dry facts" and performing boring cogitation with them. Instead, not just the child's mind but the "whole child" would be taught, chiefly by "socializing" him. I.e. what counts is not objective reality and what it requires of us to create values, but whatever others think is true and worthwhile. The political consequences are all around us.

Progressives are the consistent practitioners of what the Left has been preaching for three generations: social subjectivism, collectivism, and statism. “Shaving Leviathan: Dewey to Obama: Progressive Education and Politics

d. “The teacher is not in the school to impose certain ideas or to form certain habits in the child, but is there as a member of the community to select the influences which shall affect the child and to assist him in properly responding to these influences.” John Dewey

e. Competition is unhealthy. Grades are hurtful. Freedom over structure, and empathy over narrative.
“Generations of children have been let down by so-called progressive education policies which have taught skills and "empathy" instead of bodies of knowledge, the shadow education secretary, Michael Gove, said yesterday.

A Conservative government would reinstate traditional styles of fact-based lessons, he told teachers at a conference at Brighton College in Sussex yesterday. It privileges temporary relevance over a permanent body of knowledge which should be passed on from generation to generation ..” Children being failed by progressive teaching, say Tories | Education | The Guardian

So, you see, Liberalism is one of the reasons that you are as dumb as you are.

The other is far too personal to go into here without hurting your widdle feelings.

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