Matt Gaetz explains to Fox new some basic facts

Fucktwits like Gaetz want line by line vote to fund their own pet programs & to fuck over anyone who doesn't play ball & to scuttle anything they don't like or want to fund.

We're in the hands of a bunch of fucking right wing jerkoffs & assasins.
They Need to add a dumbass rating for posts like this
Ideally they would solve the spending going forward immediately. Cut 1/2 the GOVT now. Reduce overall spending to $5T (~revenue?). Then implement a $1T/yr plan to pay off debt.

Elimination/Consolidation/25% salary cut for all but active military and GOVT police/No parties/No trips/No GW BS/No 30 car caravans to Scotland to haul a corpse/No capitol gym-pool time (work remotely)/Kill pensions (you got to your own 401K in GOVT)

Seems eventually they will have to do something? Why not start now? Private business does it all the time.
Ideally they would solve the spending going forward immediately. Cut 1/2 the GOVT now. Reduce overall spending to $5T (~revenue?). Then implement a $1T/yr plan to pay off debt.

Elimination/Consolidation/25% salary cut for all but active military and GOVT police/No parties/No trips/No GW BS/No 30 car caravans to Scotland to haul a corpse/No capitol gym-pool time (work remotely)/Kill pensions (you got to your own 401K in GOVT)

Seems eventually they will have to do something? Why not start now? Private business does it all the time.
Can't cut 1/2 the government, even if you could it wouldn't save much money. Trump's 2021 budget was $4T, say $5T with the additional interest on the Debt. See revenue gains below. You could adjust tax rates to get to a $1T surplus, but that might hurt the economy,
I agree that its now or never, and never means default, and default is very bad.

1. Add a 4% Federal Sales Tax on all sales (gains ~400b/yr)

2. Add a 0.1%? financial transaction tax on ALL financial buy/sell transactions (stocks, bonds, derivatives, bitcoin, etc.) (gains 777b/yr)

3. Add a Remittance Tax on all money sent out of the US (gains ~$150b/yr, see below)

4. Remove the cap on SS tax, and raise the ages from 62/67 to 63/68 (saves SS)

5. Raise the tax and co-pay for Medicare

6. Add a co-pay for Medicaid

7. So if all of the above taxes were implemented, the $1T Budget Deficit would become a $350b surplus to start paying down the $32T Debt

Gaetz and a few others are trying to minimize future obligations. To reduce future spending. Not welch on what's already been promised.

Gay pride parades in Progue or the alphabet peoples seminars in Indonesia isn't something we think are important. Because money like that and trillions more, when they have to borrow it from the fed, reduces the value of the USD.
I don't want my eggs, or anything costing me more because of something that 99.9999% of Americans have nothing to do with.
lol. Tell that to pensioners

If Gatz was really about reducing future spending, he'd condition a CR to meet what we've already agreed to spend over an above 2023 spending bills, for something like an across the board cut (on some agencies/depts) in 24 ... but he knows the gop doesn't actually have the votes to cut spending on agriculture, defense, obamacare, to name but three, and not to mention medicare, soc sec
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"Lobbyist owned"? Is that the new democrat rallying cry? Everyone is a freaking lobbyist from Greenie global warmers to 2nd Amendment advocates. It seems that Fauci might have been an unregistered lobbyist for big pharma and a Chinese bio lab. Ukraine is the biggest lobby in the history of the U.S. and old Joe keeps throwing unregulated money at the corrupt country.
Can't cut 1/2 the government, even if you could it wouldn't save much money. Trump's 2021 budget was $4T, say $5T with the additional interest on the Debt. See revenue gains below. You could adjust tax rates to get to a $1T surplus, but that might hurt the economy,
I agree that its now or never, and never means default, and default is very bad.

1. Add a 4% Federal Sales Tax on all sales (gains ~400b/yr)

2. Add a 0.1%? financial transaction tax on ALL financial buy/sell transactions (stocks, bonds, derivatives, bitcoin, etc.) (gains 777b/yr)

3. Add a Remittance Tax on all money sent out of the US (gains ~$150b/yr, see below)

4. Remove the cap on SS tax, and raise the ages from 62/67 to 63/68 (saves SS)

5. Raise the tax and co-pay for Medicare

6. Add a co-pay for Medicaid

7. So if all of the above taxes were implemented, the $1T Budget Deficit would become a $350b surplus to start paying down the $32T Debt

Like the post. Like it that you can come up with REAL ideas'. thank you.

Can't cut 1/2 the government, even if you could it wouldn't save much money.
Why not eliminate entire Departments right away? 7 of them gone. Top to bottom?

4. Remove the cap on SS tax, and raise the ages from 62/67 to 63/68 (saves SS)
Removing the CAP defeats the structure of the PLAN? Do you give them higher payout? That just makes it another TAX.

Raising age to retire does not work for all occupations. Maybe getting rid of phony disability claims would help to save it?
Like the post. Like it that you can come up with REAL ideas'. thank you.
Why not eliminate entire Departments right away? 7 of them gone. Top to bottom?
Removing the CAP defeats the structure of the PLAN? Do you give them higher payout? That just makes it another TAX.
Raising age to retire does not work for all occupations. Maybe getting rid of phony disability claims would help to save it?
1. You can eliminate departments. DOE for one, declare education a total state responsibility, or block grant them funds. Listing the other departments and how to handle their responsibilities is tougher.
2. Removing the CAP saves SS. It only affects the high earners. They should be allowed to opt out of SS payments too.

3. Raising the retirement ages one year is nothing. The rationale' is that people live longer and collect benefits longer.
Big examples? All those little one, year after year after year, is a big example. FFS, they were funding gender studies in Pakistan during Trump. Paid millions for some political opposition candidate in Bulgaria, during Trump. And every other president & most congress's for decades has been packing these bills with BS like this.
Those were Pelosi's spending bills, not Trumps.
Gaetz and many others in DC knew McCarthy was lobbyist owned. That he only cared about his speakership. Not running the House.

Gaetz here is explaining how it's being done. And this "new anchor" knows what Gaetz is saying it correct. She knows McCarthy is lame. But she still tries to put the blame on Gaetz.

Gaetz is one of a VERY FEW that I trust in government. I think he'd make a great President one day.
I thought Bidenomics has the US economy roaring?
Yes, the economy is steady now. The recent stock market dip is a reflection of the Fed reaction to good news and the possibility of raising rates next month.
You didn't answer my question.
What attempt? It’s just one idiot caucus in the house that thinks their idiotic economic hostage taking will over run the Senate or the executive.

They’re just proving that they can’t govern.
What attempt? It’s just one idiot caucus in the house that thinks their idiotic economic hostage taking will over run the Senate or the executive.

They’re just proving that they can’t govern.

What attempt? Did you seriously just ask this?

All of this fighting about this issue is "THE ATTEMPT." The very issue we're talking about.
You're opinion on whether it's idiotic or not, is irrelevant.
Gaetz is one of a VERY FEW that I trust in government. I think he'd make a great President one day.

I trust him when there's a democrat in the White House. When Trumps in office, not so much.. Gaetz voting record on spending sucked between 2017 and 2021.
Those were Pelosi's spending bills, not Trumps.

Trump only vetoed one of Pelosi's spending bills. So yeah, they're Trumps. The one he vetoed, he did because he said it didn't spend enough. So then there's that.
What attempt? Did you seriously just ask this?

All of this fighting about this issue is "THE ATTEMPT." The very issue we're talking about.
You're opinion on whether it's idiotic or not, is irrelevant.
Are they forcing a government shutdown or not sycophant.

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