Matt Gaetz explains to Fox new some basic facts

The founding fathers were they alive today would be livid at what we have done to their system. A 2 party system is NOT what they intended . At all.

hardly matters. That is what we have. We have to face reality, not live in a fantasy world
I'm a numbers guy. Here are the factoids:
The 2021 Budget was $4T, with about $370b in interest on the Debt.
I think the 2022 Budget was $6.9T with about $1T of interest on the Debt
I'm not sure what the 2023 Budget is, I think they are hiding it
Same with the 2024 Budget, but some pol said that we're now or soon paying $2T in interest on the DEBT.

We're toast. Social Security and Medicare are going insolvent. We need more revenue and less spending, and congress is willfully ignorant.

I want to get back to the Trump $4T Budget with a tax increase to handle the Debt & Interest.

We need to go back further than Trump. Trump hurt the debt as much as Biden in.
Not to paraphrase obummer but

McCarthy & Trump are conservative enough (at least most of the time?)

I was just checking Matt Gaetz's voting record during Trump. It's not near as fiscally conservative as since Biden has taken office.
This is what seems to always happen. When Republicans have the white house, they're spending as bad or worse than dems. But when there's a democrat president, suddenly they care about the budget, deficit and national debt.

I'm glad Gaetz is fighting this fight now. I just wished he was like this all the time.
Baby steps. McCarthy realizes that only 11% of the budget is discretionary spending, The other 89% can't be cut, its entitlements and defense. Agreed that Trump's tax cuts were irresponsible.

His tax cuts were a wash, since there were so many tax deductions eliminated, the governments tax income was about same.

The reason this is so out of control is because the value of the USD is so out of whack (over inflated). $15hr is basically a poverty wage in many places. When in places like Mexico and China, it would be an upper middle class to lower upper class wage.

When just 40 or 50 years ago, our currencies were almost equal.
Baby steps. McCarthy realizes that only 11% of the budget is discretionary spending, The other 89% can't be cut, its entitlements and defense. Agreed that Trump's tax cuts were irresponsible.
"Defense" could be cut by 1/3, all the impoverished enlisted personnel given a 25% raise, and the Pentagon would still be swimming in cash.
What the entire Congress should do is raise taxes on the wealthiest, however much it takes to balance the budget and pay down the debt, and stop the political BULLSHIT!!!
No, you are wrong.

The answer is not to increase taxes. The answer is for the government to spend less money. That is the only sane thing to do.

The Federal government takes in a little over $5 trillion a year but yet spends almost $7 trillion a year.

$5 trillion a year is more than the GDP of all but about 3 or 4 countries on the face of the earth. That is in additon to another $5-6 trillion spent by State and Locals.

Besides, if you would take every cent of the "rich" people in the US that wouldn't even be enough to fund the filthy ass bloated government for more than a few months.
What the entire Congress should do is raise taxes on the wealthiest, however much it takes to balance the budget and pay down the debt, and stop the political BULLSHIT!!!

You have been shown 1000X how that won't work. You have been challenged to find $2T in new FED revenue (WITHOUT tanking the GDP). But you ran off to post TDS. You stupid people own all of this destruction of the Country since ~2007. You own about $20T debt too.
Democrats like this Biden piece of shit and RINOs like this McCarthy shithead have fucked this country big time with their big government.

don't forget. MacCarthy still owes "FULL" J6 videos he promised for public consumption.
Defaulting? He is discussing funding, not the debt ceiling.

You don't seem understand the relationship between the two.

Debt Ceiling increase is used to FUND all the deficit spending.

If you don't fund the gov programs, they DEFAULT.
The problem with the RINOs is they look at the shutdown as a negotiating tool for piddly ass future cuts.

They should just say no to any future debt and tell the goddamn Democrats to prioritize the existing budget.

However, they don't have the courage to do that.

The Democrats fuck this country. The RINOs help them.

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