Matt Gaetz explains to Fox new some basic facts

If they were the ones trying to stall the bills so they could inject BS funding, I would agree. But these few are trying to keep the spending down. Spending on crap that none of will ever benefit from.
So I really don't understand your opposition. Unless you're just opposing it because it's a few republicans doing it.
Then that would make you a democrat loyalist. Which would make you just as bad as a Trump loyalist.

That's exactly what he is.
It's too bad that we have to live this saga out over and over again. The fact is that federal spending is the product of massive horse trading between Congress People. Each wants his own pork, which they bring home to their districts and which creates jobs and boosts the economies - not to mention making their donors very, very wealthy.

The main stream Republicans will not stand for a continued shutdown. If the chaos caucus won't get on board, they'll force McCarthy to work with Democrats. Then the chaos caucus can try to remove McCarthy, but that won't work.

What McCarthy really has to lose is the support of his home district's MAGA supporters.
Gaetz is only part of a 4 or 5 member group who are supporting him.

He can't get anywhere with those small numbers.

I agree w/ him and see his side. I also see the other side. You have to face reality. You can't just complain about something that is wrong, and it is wrong... You have to deal w/ Congress as Congress is (has dimrat members, etc), not as you would have it..
Gaetz and many others in DC knew McCarthy was lobbyist owned. That he only cared about his speakership. Not running the House.

Gaetz here is explaining how it's being done. And this "new anchor" knows what Gaetz is saying it correct. She knows McCarthy is lame. But she still tries to put the blame on Gaetz.

Republican Civil War :popcorn:
Gaetz is only part of a 4 or 5 member group who are supporting him.

He can't get anywhere with those small numbers.

I agree w/ him and see his side. I also see the other side. You have to face reality. You can't just complain about something that is wrong, and it is wrong... You have to deal w/ Congress as Congress is (has dimrat members, etc), not as you would have it..
How many on the (D) side ever dared to contradict and stand up to Piglosi?
Go AHEAD, minimimize future spending by passing new laws.

What the hell does that have to do with voting down existing obligation funding?

It's nothing but a minority taking America's good faith and credit as hostage.
Pass a law to not spend money in the future? What?
It's too bad that we have to live this saga out over and over again. The fact is that federal spending is the product of massive horse trading between Congress People. Each wants his own pork, which they bring home to their districts and which creates jobs and boosts the economies - not to mention making their donors very, very wealthy.

The main stream Republicans will not stand for a continued shutdown. If the chaos caucus won't get on board, they'll force McCarthy to work with Democrats. Then the chaos caucus can try to remove McCarthy, but that won't work.

What McCarthy really has to lose is the support of his home district's MAGA supporters.
I would say it another way.

Whenever the Democrats screw Americans they get RINO help.

There is only one political party in the US and that is the Party of Big Government. The Democrats are the bat shit crazy branch and the Republicans a little more moderate branch.

There never seems to be penalty for the Republicans to give the Democrats what they want.

The Democrats promise bad government and always delivers bad government.

The Republicans promise good government but far too many times deliver about the same bad government we would have got from the Democrats. When it comes time for election the Conservatives always seem to forget that the Republicans sold the American people out to the Democrat filth.

What the Republicans should be doing right now is saying "no one more penny of debt" and prioritize the budget accordingly. But McCarthy and the other RINOs don't have the courage to do it.
Gaetz is only part of a 4 or 5 member group who are supporting him.

He can't get anywhere with those small numbers.

I agree w/ him and see his side. I also see the other side. You have to face reality. You can't just complain about something that is wrong, and it is wrong... You have to deal w/ Congress as Congress is (has dimrat members, etc), not as you would have it..
The founding fathers were they alive today would be livid at what we have done to their system. A 2 party system is NOT what they intended . At all.
Gaetz is only part of a 4 or 5 member group who are supporting him.
He can't get anywhere with those small numbers.
I agree w/ him and see his side. I also see the other side. You have to face reality. You can't just complain about something that is wrong, and it is wrong... You have to deal w/ Congress as Congress is (has dimrat members, etc), not as you would have it..
I'm a numbers guy. Here are the factoids:
The 2021 Budget was $4T, with about $370b in interest on the Debt.
I think the 2022 Budget was $6.9T with about $1T of interest on the Debt
I'm not sure what the 2023 Budget is, I think they are hiding it
Same with the 2024 Budget, but some pol said that we're now or soon paying $2T in interest on the DEBT.

We're toast. Social Security and Medicare are going insolvent. We need more revenue and less spending, and congress is willfully ignorant.

I want to get back to the Trump $4T Budget with a tax increase to handle the Debt & Interest.
I would say it another way.

Whenever the Democrats screw Americans they get RINO help.

There is only one political party in the US and that is the Party of Big Government. The Democrats are the bat shit crazy branch and the Republicans a little more moderate branch.

There never seems to be penalty for the Republicans to give the Democrats what they want.

The Democrats promise bad government and always delivers bad government.

The Republicans promise good government but far too many times deliver about the same bad government we would have got from the Democrats. When it comes time for election the Conservatives always seem to forget that the Republicans sold the American people out to the Democrat filth.

What the Republicans should be doing right now is saying "no one more penny of debt" and prioritize the budget accordingly. But McCarthy and the other RINOs don't have the courage to do it.

What the entire Congress should do is raise taxes on the wealthiest, however much it takes to balance the budget and pay down the debt, and stop the political BULLSHIT!!!

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