Matt Gaetz explains to Fox new some basic facts

Asking tough questions isn't placing blame anywhere.....Gaetz answered the questions well, and refuted the assumptions being made.

Why would she ask questions favoring the Deep State? I thought she was supposed to be decent? Another reason I refuse to turn on any MSM (no radio, no TV, no print). FOX got to her big-lipped butt?
Why would she ask questions favoring the Deep State? I thought she was supposed to be decent? Another reason I refuse to turn on any MSM (no radio, no TV, no print). FOX got to her big-lipped butt?
She asked questions that used their presumptions and Gaetz refuted them....Whether that was by design or not really doesn't change the fact.

After all, it's not as though a guy like Gaetz is going to get face time on any of the other Sunday ratchet-jaw shows.
Why would she ask questions favoring the Deep State? I thought she was supposed to be decent? Another reason I refuse to turn on any MSM (no radio, no TV, no print). FOX got to her big-lipped butt?
"I thought she was supposed to be decent?"

She is lucid here and there. Otherwise she's MAGA.
Oh yes they should.
No, they shouldn’t. And the fact that they think they can dictate terms as a tiny minority shows their entitlement.

Perhaps they wouldn’t be holding us hostage if they could convince people with persuasion rather than threats.
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Gaetz and many others in DC knew McCarthy was lobbyist owned. That he only cared about his speakership. Not running the House.

Gaetz here is explaining how it's being done. And this "new anchor" knows what Gaetz is saying it correct. She knows McCarthy is lame. But she still tries to put the blame on Gaetz.

Your post is biased reporting: 2.7K replies cannot be read unless one is a member of Musk's SS.
No, they shouldn’t. And the fact that they think they can dictate terms as a tiny minority shows their entitlement.

Perhaps they wouldn’t be holding us hostage if they could convince people with persuasion rather than threats.

If they were the ones trying to stall the bills so they could inject BS funding, I would agree. But these few are trying to keep the spending down. Spending on crap that none of will ever benefit from.
So I really don't understand your opposition. Unless you're just opposing it because it's a few republicans doing it.
Then that would make you a democrat loyalist. Which would make you just as bad as a Trump loyalist.
Yep. Split the bills up into individual pieces. This one-size-fits-all crap is what produces pork. It's how politicians make re-election their top priority.
Just on defense the military industrial complex has hamstringed the Navy. China is building many ships while we have wasted tens of billions of dollars on the same and have issues with keeping enough ships active that are needed.
Big examples? All those little one, year after year after year, is a big example. FFS, they were funding gender studies in Pakistan during Trump. Paid millions for some political opposition candidate in Bulgaria, during Trump. And every other president & most congress's for decades has been packing these bills with BS like this.

Did you just seriously say....gender studies in Pakistan? 33 Billion is our TOTAL budget for foreign aid out of 4 Trillion+ budget. This is EVERYTHING and you are talking about a tiny slice of even that.

This is what you are willing to shutdown the government over? This is what you are willing to risk our credit rating over?

Insane is the word that comes to mind again and again when it comes to today's rightwing politics.
Did you just seriously say....gender studies in Pakistan?

This is what you are willing to shutdown the government over? This is what youa re willing to risk our cerdit rating over? Are you fucking kidding me?

Not just gender studies. It's all the BS funding like that. Gay parades, funding some other opposition candidates campaign in some foreign country, and the thousands of other things COMBINED that "we the people" don't benefit from. All that adds up, and it doesn't take long for it to add up to trillions of $$$$.

The Federal Reserve shouldn't be used as an unlimited credit card.
Gaetz and many others in DC knew McCarthy was lobbyist owned. That he only cared about his speakership. Not running the House.

Gaetz here is explaining how it's being done. And this "new anchor" knows what Gaetz is saying it correct. She knows McCarthy is lame. But she still tries to put the blame on Gaetz.

This is how it should be done.

What should not be done is to wait till 4 days till a lapse in funding to start debating those bills.
Not just gender studies. It's all the BS funding like that. Gay parades, funding some other opposition candidates campaign in some foreign country, and the thousands of other things COMBINED that "we the people" don't benefit from. All that adds up, and it doesn't take long for it to add up to trillions of $$$$.

Can you show the math? Where did you pull $trillions from?
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Especially the far right fascists.
If you visited a Highrise ghetto low-income housing complex, what percentage of nuclear families would live in the apartments? A Dad, a mom and the children from the same. This is 2023. 1973 was fifty years ago with Good Times. And that family was not the norm but better than today. So then ask all of those politicians who have spent tens of trillions of dollars to improve things and wasted much of it. At the same time, we pushed total individuality and live anyway you want with government social programs to give it that push.
Defaulting on obligations US Government has already passed into law.

This is what these rw morons are talking about voting on line by line.
You are confused Moon Bat.

Voting line by line is sound budgeting. It is called Priority Based Budgeting and is done by most responsible businesses.

A budget is not law. We can say fuck it to any mistake made in the past.

A budget or bloated worthless bill passed by stupid filthy deranged Democrats is a not a suicide pact and can be .undone with appropriate budgeting prioritization.

The only "obligation" Congress has to the American people is not put our children trillions in debt to fund welfare and other worthless special interest payoffs. Why are we funding Illegals and EVs and electric trains for India? Where is the fucking law that says we have to bankrupt this country so that those shitheads can get their welfare?

This fucking Banana Republic we live in now is out of control and needs to be curtailed and brought back to sanity. There is absolutely no reason in the world for the filthy ass Federal Government to have a $7 trillion budget and then be a trillion and a half in the red. That is stupidity.

Democrats like this Biden piece of shit and RINOs like this McCarthy shithead have fucked this country big time with their big government.
Gaetz and many others in DC knew McCarthy was lobbyist owned. That he only cared about his speakership. Not running the House.

Gaetz here is explaining how it's being done. And this "new anchor" knows what Gaetz is saying it correct. She knows McCarthy is lame. But she still tries to put the blame on Gaetz.

Did you see Mark Levin on AFTER Gaetz (same show, same host)?

He pretty much demolished Gaetz' case against McCarthy.

I cannot claim to be an expert on the machinations of Congress, much less this seemingly complicated situation RE the possible shut down and etc.. but what struck me is how Gaetz has only something like 4 or 5 people on his side.

There is NO way that small number of persons can do ANYTHING in DC. Like it or not, there are 2 parties and you either work w/ the opposing party or you get nowhere. That's life in America and it's been that way since Day One of the Founding. It is supposed to be that way, so that stupid bills aren't passed thoughtlessly... and there are other reasons..
Oh yes they should. And it's a good thing they have that ability. It's not the funding of things that we all need and agree on, that Gaetz is holding up. It's all those other things that some are putting into bills that have nothing to do with the bills themselves.
This is Gaetz's point here. Funding the government necessities could've been done months ago. But they, lobbyist own politicians have delayed normal funding to ensure a situation like this comes about, so they can pack these bills with a ton of BS.

We're $33 trillion in debt, for pete's sakes because of this very thing. It should've been stopped in the 80's and 90's. But now it's turned into a monster.
Gaetz is only part of a 4 or 5 member group who are supporting him.

He can't get anywhere with those small numbers.

I agree w/ him and see his side. I also see the other side. You have to face reality. You can't just complain about something that is wrong, and it is wrong... You have to deal w/ Congress as Congress is (has dimrat members, etc), not as you would have it..
No, they shouldn’t. And the fact that they think they can dictate terms as a tiny minority shows their entitlement.

Perhaps they wouldn’t be holding us hostage if they could convince people with persuasion rather than threats.

Just like all of the other tiny minorities that are dicatating terms these days, but it's okay if the left does it. Typical hypocrisy.

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