Mattis lays it on the line about resigning

Ukrainian court found that high ranking officials inside its government sought to help Hillary Clinton win the election.
No doubt. They knew full well what it meant for them, if the Putin puppet won the election. And those fears have come to pass, as Trump blocks aid to them. While Trump's asministration publicly supports Ukraine's claim to Crimea, the president (who decides) does no such thing.
Might be legit if what we were doing is defending the country. It's not.
Ukrainian court found that high ranking officials inside its government sought to help Hillary Clinton win the election. There’s also an admission from Bruce Ohr that a Ukrainian lawmaker was feeding phony, anti-Trump dirt to Fusion GPS, the firm that, well, yes, Bruce Ohr's wife Nellie worked for, the firm responsible for the bought and paid for, Russian lies to influence the 2016 election.

We lie all the time.
Ukrainian court found that high ranking officials inside its government sought to help Hillary Clinton win the election.
No doubt. They knew full well what it meant for them, if the Putin puppet won the election. And those fears have come to pass, as Trump blocks aid to them. While Trump's asministration publicly supports Ukraine's claim to Crimea, the president (who decides) does no such thing.

Which means multiple countries tried to influence our elections, so to be outraged solely at Russia is to be selective indeed. Either none should try or we should not be surprised that any do.
Which means multiple countries tried to influence our elections, so to be outraged solely at Russia is to be selective indeed
To equate them is to be dishonest indeed. The russian effort was unprecedented in scale. Clearly it is correct and appropriate to address their efforts first and foremost.
First off, this piece is clearly written by a Never Trumper who tries every way possible to make the president look bad. He pushes and pushes but Mattis shows what a class act he is.

The duty of silence. If you leave an administration, you owe some silence. When you leave an administration over clear policy differences, you need to give the people who are still there as much opportunity as possible to defend the country. They still have the responsibility of protecting this great big experiment of ours. I know the malevolence some people feel for this country, and we have to give the people who are protecting us some time to carry out their duties without me adding my criticism to the cacophony that is right now so poisonous.”

But Goldburg keeps trying and gets this response:

I didn’t cook up a convenient tradition here,” he said. “You don’t endanger the country by attacking the elected commander in chief. I may not like a commander in chief one fricking bit, but our system puts the commander in chief there, and to further weaken him when we’re up against real threats—I mean, we could be at war on the Korean peninsula, every time they start launching something.”

The whole article is nothing more but attempt after attempt to make the president look bad. Read it, if you care, @ The Man Who Couldn’t Take It Anymore

Mattis suggests he might not like Trump 'one fricking bit' but says he's holding fire on him — for now @ Mattis suggests he might not like Trump 'one fricking bit' but says he's holding fire on him — for now

I saw video of that reply.

I applaud him for his class and tact.

More people need to do the same thing. We all know what trump is and we don't need people adding to it. He wouldn't have said anything we don't already know.

It only continues to divide this nation.

That's what putin wants and the last thing I'm going to do is help give putin what he wants.
Again, their loyalty should be to the country, not the man.

The problem here is that we have a whole system, very well designed, compensating for a crazy person at its head.

I agree but it only angers him and his followers more.

Then they continue to divide this nation even more.

Everyone knows what trump is now. Mattis wouldn't have told us anything we didn't already know.

What's the point in the far right radical extremists dividing our nation even more?
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Again, their loyalty should be to the country, not the man.

The problem here is that we have a whole system, very well designed, compensating for a crazy person at its head.

Sad that Mattis still has a loyalty to not report on Trump

Trump lacks the same loyalty

What he says isn't going to change anything.

The far right radicals that are the trump supporters will never acknowledge the truth about trump.

It's only going to divide our nation even more making things even worse.

What's the point?
Again, their loyalty should be to the country, not the man.

The problem here is that we have a whole system, very well designed, compensating for a crazy person at its head.

I agree but it only angers him and his followers more.

Then they continue to divide this nation even more.

Everyone knows what trump is now. Manttis wouldn't have told us anything we didn't already know.

What's the point in the far right radical extremists dividing our nation even more?
No one divided this nation more than Obama... His hate filled nature made it so
Again, their loyalty should be to the country, not the man.

The problem here is that we have a whole system, very well designed, compensating for a crazy person at its head.

Sad that Mattis still has a loyalty to not report on Trump

Trump lacks the same loyalty

Why is that sad? It's good that he doesn't want to undercut a sitting president and that he puts the needs of the country ahead of his own grievances. That's admirable. Is it really so important to have something to yell about?
The sad part is that out of respect, he chooses to remain silent

Trump does not have the same respect and viciously attacks a man who will not talk back

I wonder what the public response would have been in Selma on the bridge if the protesters had fought back instead of only trying to protect themselves?

Would we have the voting rights and civil rights laws we have now?

Sometimes remaining silent in the face of such hate from people like trump is the better approach.

It's something to think about.
Why is that sad? It's good that he doesn't want to undercut a sitting president and that he puts the needs of the country ahead of his own grievances. That's admirable. Is it really so important to have something to yell about?

Again, that would be fine if the sitting president was legitimate and not a crazy person.

There's nothing illegitimate about your president. He won fair and square because his opponent ran perhaps the worst campaign in modern history.
I thought he won because the overwhelmingly majority just flat out loved Trump and felt he would be the best president ever??

Now you saying he won because Hillary ran a bad campaign?? that's sort of a bummer
So if he professed to be more “flexible” to Putin, he wouldn’t be doing his bidding?

Well, since that's not what Obama said or anywhere near that... you have no point.

Obama is the one who threw Putin out of the G-8 for invading Ukraine. Trump wants to let them back in.
Who was it that said on a open mike, "I can be more flexible after the Election." ?????? Just what did he mean. Might be a statement made by someone who could not be reelected again. Can you put a name to the quote. Bet you could but don't have the honest gram guts to do so. This post will never be responded to by you liar.

Flexible about what?

All you have is an out of context sentence.

Which doesn't mean much. It does leave room for lies and conspiracy theories by you far right radical extremists.

No one but Obama and putin can say what he was talking about so any supposition on anyone's part is worthless lies.

Meanwhile trump stood before the world at Helsinki to tell the world he believed putin over all of our intelligence agencies.

There was no out of context here. We knew exactly what he said.

Then there's putin at the same conference say yes he wanted trump to win and helped him to win then went on to say why.

You don't know what Obama was talking about so why do you try to turn it into something nefarious?
Why is that sad? It's good that he doesn't want to undercut a sitting president and that he puts the needs of the country ahead of his own grievances. That's admirable. Is it really so important to have something to yell about?

Again, that would be fine if the sitting president was legitimate and not a crazy person.

There's nothing illegitimate about your president. He won fair and square because his opponent ran perhaps the worst campaign in modern history.
I thought he won because the overwhelmingly majority just flat out loved Trump and felt he would be the best president ever??

Now you saying he won because Hillary ran a bad campaign?? that's sort of a bummer

It was a combination of factors, but Hillary being perhaps the worst candidate in modern history was certainly one of them.

And I've been saying that since he sent her into retirement.

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