Mattis Points It Out - Obama Agrees, Hillary Agrees, Snowflakes Agree, but....

Mattis was very impressive today...reminds me of my WW2 vet Marine Uncle...answers direct questions, volunteers nothing more, sizes you up on first glance thinking he might have to kill you.
I've worked with him - he is outstanding. No 'PC' / Social Experiment-focused 'politician'.
I've worked with him - he is outstanding. No 'PC' / Social Experiment-focused 'politician'.

Dead eyes....he's a killer. Should do something about those bags under them.....My second wife stuck pieces of cucumber under her peppers to reduce the swelling.
Mattis was very impressive today...reminds me of my WW2 vet Marine Uncle...answers direct questions, volunteers nothing more, sizes you up on first glance thinking he might have to kill you.

Yeah, gotta respect the dude. But i am concerned he'll convince Trump to get involved with more quagmire interventions. Trump needs to avoid them. He needs to focus on domestic affairs. I'm a little concerned with the military presence he's brought into his administration. Quagmire interventions will sink his Presidency.
Mattis was very impressive today...reminds me of my WW2 vet Marine Uncle...answers direct questions, volunteers nothing more, sizes you up on first glance thinking he might have to kill you.

Yeah, gotta respect the dude. But i am concerned he'll convince Trump to get involved with more quagmire interventions. Trump needs to avoid them. He needs to focus on domestic affairs. I'm a little concerned with the military presence he's brought into his administration. Quagmire interventions will sink his Presidency.
(Though Libya was not a 'quagmire') Like Libya and Syria did for Barry?!
How long before democrats start a nuclear war with Russia?

It sure looks pretty bad right now. They're pretty much going along with the Warmongering Neocons on this one. A bloody confrontation with Russia now looks to be inevitable. I'm not sure there's anything Trump can do about it. The wheels may be set in motion.
Mattis was very impressive today...reminds me of my WW2 vet Marine Uncle...answers direct questions, volunteers nothing more, sizes you up on first glance thinking he might have to kill you.

Yeah, gotta respect the dude. But i am concerned he'll convince Trump to get involved with more quagmire interventions. Trump needs to avoid them. He needs to focus on domestic affairs. I'm a little concerned with the military presence he's brought into his administration. Quagmire interventions will sink his Presidency.

Not me...the reason they are Generals is because they are brilliant men and they've seen what war really is....nothing glorious about mud and blood. They know how to run operations and organizations and have Trump watching them. It will be good to have professionals in charge again instead of a bunch of academics who never grew up.
Mattis was very impressive today...reminds me of my WW2 vet Marine Uncle...answers direct questions, volunteers nothing more, sizes you up on first glance thinking he might have to kill you.

Yeah, gotta respect the dude. But i am concerned he'll convince Trump to get involved with more quagmire interventions. Trump needs to avoid them. He needs to focus on domestic affairs. I'm a little concerned with the military presence he's brought into his administration. Quagmire interventions will sink his Presidency.
(Though Libya was not a 'quagmire') Like Libya and Syria did for Barry?!

He needs to be very careful. Bloody quagmire interventions would be his undoing.
Mattis was very impressive today...reminds me of my WW2 vet Marine Uncle...answers direct questions, volunteers nothing more, sizes you up on first glance thinking he might have to kill you.

Yeah, gotta respect the dude. But i am concerned he'll convince Trump to get involved with more quagmire interventions. Trump needs to avoid them. He needs to focus on domestic affairs. I'm a little concerned with the military presence he's brought into his administration. Quagmire interventions will sink his Presidency.

Not me...the reason they are Generals is because they are brilliant men and they've seen what war really is....nothing glorious about mud and blood. They know how to run operations and organizations and have Trump watching them. It will be good to have professionals in charge again instead of a bunch of academics who never grew up.

You make some points. Thanks. We'll see i guess.
I don't believe Russia is "dangerous" at all. They are a brutal people and their leaders are bad hombres. But Putin has no designs on eastern Europe. He took Crimea to keep his only warm water port and that's why he's in Syria also..for port facilities....he's also angling to the Viets to use Cam Ranh Bay. He felt Bush betrayed their friendship with his "missile shield" to shoot down something from Korea or Iran....that's when he started the sabre-rattling. Trump won't take any shit off him and with low oil prices, the Ivans can barely feed themselves.
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I don't believe Russia is "dangerous" at all. They are a brutal people and their leaders are bad hombres. But Putin has no designs on eastern Europe. He took Crimea to keep his only war water port and that's why he's in Syria also..for port facilities....he's also angling to the Viets to use Cam Ranh Bay. He felt Bush betrayed their friendship with his "missile shield" to shoot down something from Korea or Iran....that's when he started the sabre-rattling. Trump won't take any shit off him and with low oil prices, the Ivans can barely feed themselves.

Russia is absolutely no threat to the US and its allies. The US has 700 bases worldwide. Russia has 3. The US vastly outspends both Russia and China combined on military.

Even Putin himself has admitted many times, that his country doesn't have near the military capabilities the US does. So all this Warmongering against Russia really is perplexing. There has to be more to it. There has to be an agenda most of us just aren't aware of.
As an American with children, I want to Thank God, for whatever hand He or She played in getting us through these last eight years.

We are back to highly competent men and women in control of things, instead of Ass Kissers who got their first, second, third, even fourth stars by telling Barack Obama what he wanted to Political Hacks who agreed with dumb-asses like Valerie Jarret & Susan Rice because that's how they moved up the the Suck-Ass Chain.

People like this General take over with their backs to the wall on some matters which were well in hand eight years ago...and which are a mess now because of the direct proximate and effective cause of Obama being an unadulterated Pussy.

He is a Liar; a Pompous Ass; a Fool; he is almost certainly a Marxist; he is probably a Muslim; but he is most certainly a Pussy.


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