Mauna Loa shows that reducing economic Activity has NO EFFECT on CO2

Do you _ever_ stop whining? How can you stand yourself? If I acted like you do, I'd off myself to remove the stain of dishonor from my family.
that's what you call debate? ahhahahahahahahaahha
I think you should answer his question. For your own sake.
off topic. You have something to say to me address it through the OP.

Mauna Loa shows that reducing economic Activity has NO EFFECT on CO2​

What is true is that no one has ever reproduced how to make a cloud

You've never boiled water on your stove? ...

A fasinating demonstration of cloud nucleation physics can be had with a flask and bent tubing ... let it sit still for a year, then suck on the pipe ... this reduces pressure inside the flask, which should condense water vapor like crazy, but it doesn't ... ha ha ha ... now suck on the pipe again and presto ... the flask is full of water droplets ... the difference is the dust particles act as nucleation sites for the liquid water to condense on ... when th eflask sits for a year .. all the dust settles to the bottom ... when we first release the pressure, the air rushes in stiring up all the dust ...

Super duper easy to reduce pressure in Earth's atmosphere ... just lift moist air upwards ... a cloud will always form ... watch thunderstorms, perfect example ...
This is all trolling pure and simple.

Thank you for your expertise in this matter ... that went straight over my head ... didn't occur to me that jc456 would troll here ... with as much practise as you've got, you spot trolling like it's second nature to you ...

You claim to know how clouds form, that makes you a troll ... jc456 has never claimed to know, that makes him a student ... he's made an honest mistake, whereas you are a LIAR ... see the difference? ... fucking moron ...
Thank you for your expertise in this matter ... that went straight over my head ... didn't occur to me that jc456 would troll here ... with as much practise as you've got, you spot trolling like it's second nature to you ...

You claim to know how clouds form, that makes you a troll ... jc456 has never claimed to know, that makes him a student ... he's made an honest mistake, whereas you are a LIAR ... see the difference? ... fucking moron ...
What I see is that you either have no idea what a troll is or are yourself willing to lie to defend someone on your "team".
What I see is that you either have no idea what a troll is or are yourself willing to lie to defend someone on your "team".

Why do you think jc456 is feinting ignorance? ... his knowledge is completely consistent with his claims of education ... I'm not a seaweed biologist, if I make an untrue statement about seaweed, it's not trolling, I made an honest mistake ...

You ... on the other hand ... claim to be college educated, and thus expected to have a general knowledge base ... specifically higher mathematics ... of which you are patently ignorant of ... that makes you a LIAR ... not a troll ...
You've never boiled water on your stove? ...

A fasinating demonstration of cloud nucleation physics can be had with a flask and bent tubing ... let it sit still for a year, then suck on the pipe ... this reduces pressure inside the flask, which should condense water vapor like crazy, but it doesn't ... ha ha ha ... now suck on the pipe again and presto ... the flask is full of water droplets ... the difference is the dust particles act as nucleation sites for the liquid water to condense on ... when th eflask sits for a year .. all the dust settles to the bottom ... when we first release the pressure, the air rushes in stiring up all the dust ...

Super duper easy to reduce pressure in Earth's atmosphere ... just lift moist air upwards ... a cloud will always form ... watch thunderstorms, perfect example ...
No one’s done it why?
What also isn't science is sating something is false without stating what is true ...

Around and around we go ... you'll never actually say what he did that CAN'T be duplicated ... have a link? ... or are you plain stupid ...

NONE of his studies can be repeated. That is the point.

You trotted out a "study" that was nothing more than a history lesson.

Are you so stupid that you didn't understand that?
My Friends, there is an IGNORE FUNCTION for good reason. You continue to respond to these people who worship AlGore and only waste your time and give them excuses to post again and again.
Simply say your piece and ignore the Climate Change Cultists. please.
Why do you think jc456 is feinting ignorance? ... his knowledge is completely consistent with his claims of education ... I'm not a seaweed biologist, if I make an untrue statement about seaweed, it's not trolling, I made an honest mistake ...

You ... on the other hand ... claim to be college educated, and thus expected to have a general knowledge base ... specifically higher mathematics ... of which you are patently ignorant of ... that makes you a LIAR ... not a troll ...
If you have a specific statement of mine that you believe to have been a lie, I'd like you to identify it. I have asked you this repeatedly in the past and you have yet to do so even once.

A troll is someone who has no real interest in the conversation but makes statements in order to get a rise from people, to anger and enrage them. JC does this constantly and particularly seems to enjoy making everyone dance to his tunes when he demands material just posted or proof of the obvious. Time spent answering his demands, answering his questions, responding to his inane comments is all time wasted. He doesn't care what you say to him, only that he is able to make you do SOMETHING.
No one’s done it why?

Do you have a flask and some piping? ... moist air is easy to get ... make a cloud yourself ... or, you know, boil water ...

Water vapor is invisible ... what we see with our eyes is liquid droplets ... steam, fog ... and clouds ...

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