Maxine Waters: Global warming skeptics oughtta be prosecuted

Maxine Waters: We need to do something about the island of Guam. If we dont, it will collapse into the Spacific Ocean and all 200 Million peoples will die.

That was Rep. Hank Tompson, Democrat from Georgia.

Maxine Waters: We need to do something about the island of Guam. If we dont, it will collapse into the Spacific Ocean and all 200 Million peoples will die.

That was Rep. Hank Tompson, Democrat from Georgia.

well they all come from the same gene/mold. all democrats seem to believe that if all the overweight residents of a small island head for one end of their island, the 6.7 Trillion pounds will cause it to tip over, and to some extreme, upside down like a fishing boat.
Can Maxine explain the record cold winters of the 70's? and what about the winter of 2013 when it was freezing in Florida?

I'd love to be the one to ask her "what happened in between the five major ice ages Maxine?"


I've never had much respect for folks who disagree with nine of every ten scientists in the world. Global warming is real and mankind is speeding it up.

9 of every 10 in the world or 9 of every 10 surveyed? If you are saying 9 of every 10 in the world, please site the study that put up those numbers. That means they polled every registered scientist in the World. Quite an undertaking. Need to validate it though.
Can Maxine explain the record cold winters of the 70's? and what about the winter of 2013 when it was freezing in Florida?

I'd love to be the one to ask her "what happened in between the five major ice ages Maxine?"


I've never had much respect for folks who disagree with nine of every ten scientists in the world. Global warming is real and mankind is speeding it up.

/--- That is a bogus survey. 90% of scientists don't agree on that. If 90% of scientists agreed the world is flat would that make the world flat?
Maybe Trump can work out a trade deal....lets see,,,,he can give Putin Maxine Waterts, and in return, Putin can send Trump about 300 single russian brides of which Trump can sell back here in the states.
Can you believe someone that dumb is in congress voting on bills :wtf:
Bills that she has never read nor knows what is in them.

It should be mandatory that all bills be read and our Representatives should be required to quote them, " word for word."

That would put and end to the nonsense that comes from these moronic idiots in DC.
Can you believe someone that dumb is in congress voting on bills :wtf:

That's the kind of horse shit that happens in a Trump administration. She never said that bullshit before.


She is and was a dimwitted fool long before Trump came along.

Are you saying she has a stick shoved up her ass and Trump made or makes her say the stupid shit coming out of her mouth?
Maxine Waters is the poster child for the dumbass Moon Bats. Just think, she is the brain trust (along with Debbie Wasserman Schultz) of the Democrat Party.
Maxine Waters gets re-elected because she' is a predominately black zone. She will always be re-elected to Congress.

Waters makes a box of rocks look like MENSA material.

Waters is the most tree stump dumb person to ever be voted into Congress.

Woman is a disgrace.
Can Maxine explain the record cold winters of the 70's? and what about the winter of 2013 when it was freezing in Florida?

I'd love to be the one to ask her "what happened in between the five major ice ages Maxine?"


I've never had much respect for folks who disagree with nine of every ten scientists in the world. Global warming is real and mankind is speeding it up.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.

And what do we intend to do about it.

The only choice now is to go back to living in the dark ages.

Are you willing to stop driving, shut off your computer, your heating, air conditioner, eating, etc.

Bitch, bitch, bitch!

As you make your daily contribution.

The only answer I have heard is...

Give us more money.
Can Maxine explain the record cold winters of the 70's? and what about the winter of 2013 when it was freezing in Florida?

I'd love to be the one to ask her "what happened in between the five major ice ages Maxine?"


I've never had much respect for folks who disagree with nine of every ten scientists in the world. Global warming is real and mankind is speeding it up.

9 of every 10 in the world or 9 of every 10 surveyed? If you are saying 9 of every 10 in the world, please site the study that put up those numbers. That means they polled every registered scientist in the World. Quite an undertaking. Need to validate it though.

Climate Change: Vital Signs of the Planet: Scientific Consensus


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