Maxine Waters: 'The Tea Party Can Go Straight To Hell'

Telling someone to go to hell is a terrorist threat? Are you fucking serious here. How far down the rabbit hole are you guys going to go. Damn.

Dont retreat, reload and crosshairs and someone shooting Mrs. Giffords in the head is closer to a terrorist threat than this. Give me a fucking break.

"Don't retreat reload" as it was used, in an absolutely clear and definite reference to continuing a political fight- is hardly the same as an elected "official" damning an entire group of law abiding American citizens to hell! You know, that place of eternal torment~

What Maxine Waters did is not merely despicable it's dishonoring! There is NO defense.

Your excuse making is likewise despicable. There was NO connection to anything Palin said or did, to connect her to the Giffords shooting- how do you manage to breathe- I mean what with the fact that even breathing takes some effort.


[ame=]Sarah Palin Fadenkreuze Gabrielle Giffords SHOT - YouTube[/ame]

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Beckel says it is "unfair" and "unhelpful" to go after Sarah Palin for her "crosshairs" map because many on the left have made similar images.

You are a total douche-bag. You can't honestly defend Waters outrageous comment and instead resort to disingenuous partisan quackery. I mean OMG- just look at a 2004 map that democrats used~

Take a look at this 2004 map from the Democratic Leadership Council. The DLC lists “target” areas where the “enemy” President George W. Bush carried a less than 10 percent margin of voters.

Politicians have been using "target" maps for ages - but none with rifle scope crosshairs and a maniac shouting "Don't retreat - RELOAD".
Anybody who can't admit the Monkine Waters is a racist, is lying to themselfs
[ame=]Gabrielle Giffords Speaks on palin's Crosshairs - January 13, 2011 - YouTube[/ame]

It says a hellava lot about the guy who said that, more than it ever says about the Tea Party. I'm sorry you were stupid enough to re print it. I think it was her father. No one in the Tea Party looked at Gabby Giffords as an enemy. too bad that wasn't a two way street innit?

The worst thing about stupidity is the amount of people who will keep repeating it - even after it's been thoroughly debunked. It's funny really. They must be really desperate.

It says a hellava lot about the guy who said that, more than it ever says about the Tea Party. I'm sorry you were stupid enough to re print it. I think it was her father. No one in the Tea Party looked at Gabby Giffords as an enemy. too bad that wasn't a two way street innit?

You know, only a kid writes like this. What are you, 12?? No wonder all of your posts are so immature. Quit trying to pass as an adult.

It says a hellava lot about the guy who said that, more than it ever says about the Tea Party. I'm sorry you were stupid enough to re print it. I think it was her father. No one in the Tea Party looked at Gabby Giffords as an enemy. too bad that wasn't a two way street innit?

You know, only a kid writes like this. What are you, 12?? No wonder all of your posts are so immature. Quit trying to pass as an adult.

phuck ewe two trip.

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