Maxine Waters: 'The Tea Party Can Go Straight To Hell'


Have you ever actually listened to Limbaugh or do you allow Arianna Huffington form all of your opinions for you?




Which is dumber?
I intend to help them get there.
Thats a threat, you racist pig.

Praying for them to go to hell is a threat? Weren't some tea party pastors praying for Obama to go to hell?

Number 1, you were not praying. You were threatening and number 2, Not TEA Party pastors, only people YOU want to associate with the TEA Party. You want to talk about pastors? Let's talk about Jeremy Wright.
Your "chimp" is showing.
Telling someone to go to hell is a terrorist threat? Are you fucking serious here. How far down the rabbit hole are you guys going to go. Damn.

Dont retreat, reload and crosshairs and someone shooting Mrs. Giffords in the head is closer to a terrorist threat than this. Give me a fucking break.

Except that you can not make the connection between Palin's rhetoric and Gifford's shooting, can you? So as usual, you are irrelevant.
Black women generally stir up shit to make it stink.. they're most obnoxious morons.
Now you add an election win and they become socialist like Waters.
The tea Party is ready for anything including some black assholes who want to fuck with us.
Its inevitable.. I'm l00king forward to the day.

Oh goody. Another moron.

Was this post by you below in another thread so different than Slowlicks post above? :

I will see your Congress-mans wife and raise you a Congresswoman, ever hear of Maxine Waters?

Maive waters isn't racist

Yea, she is..... and... she is possibly one of the dumbest females ever to walk the planet - but that is a personal view not necessarily based on research.

Got to love your irony CG. Slowlicks is a moron, agreed, but what are you based on that post you made about Waters or should I say how much of a moron were you for making it, 25%, 40% of a moron?
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The left need to realize that calling everyone a racist because they disagree with you is actually racism. The TEA Partiers- much as you might want them to be - are not racists.

You are so off base it's not even funny. Miss "I am smarter than all of you. "

Fuck off, fat ass.

Not a very good response from someone that is supposedly so intelligent. Guess I hit another nerve. I do that a lot, don't I??? You stupid cow.
You must be very, very young, dear. Don't you remember all the chimpanzee likenesses ascribed to President Bush from his announcement he was running until a year after Obama was in office. :rolleyes:
Were you offended by that?

First of all, I am not young. Secondly, I am not your dear. I don't give a damn how many friggin' monkies posed with Bush. He is not African-American, isn't he??? What's the use of explaining yet again. You people just don't get it. I really wish you'd all stop trying to justify racist language and pictures. It just makes it worse.
Hardly, madam. The real problem is YOU. You can dish it out, but you cannot take what you dish out to other people without leaving a little pooie on everyone elses' screen, that is the little fibbie about racism.

You can't take only once what your party dished out for 10 solid years, day in and day out, a million times a day over the entire freaking internet. I was there, and I witnessed it. It's the sickest thing I've ever seen in my lifetime was the disgraceful way the Democrat Party took JHHatfield, convicted attempted murderer of his boss, and took every word of his lying filth and made it their party platform in the year 2000 and the year 2004. Not to be outdone, Barack Obama took the whole thing to new heights, blaming Bush for everything he did his first two years. Did I say 10 years of insanity? Make that eleven years.

And you're lying about racism. Maxine Waters drew the first blood when she told the press the tea party can go to hell.

She hates white conservative people in the tea party, and she rankles them every time she gets the opportunity. She is a no-holds barred, arrogant, threatening-to-destroy-businesses, racist, and she Maxine Watters, filthy lying racist, deserves every little thing happen to her that she would do to the people on her black, black, do-harm-whites spider's list.

Why does the word, "racism" upset you all so much?? You conservatives exhibit that that is what you are almost every single day. So take your indignation and shove it.
You do, if you support racism.

What Waters said was "racist", but the names, signs, jokes and comments about President Obama from the tea party crowd aren't?

They are no different to the 'anti-Bush' names, signs, jokes and comments. He doesn't get special treatment because he's black - that would be racist. See how that works? No, I doubt you will understand it.

It's easy to understand. It's bullshit, just like you.
LOOK Rinata!
Please tell me why picturing George Bush as a chimp is a comment on his intelligence, but picturing barack obama the same way, racist?
In my opinion, barack obama and anyone who still supports him are below the IQ level of a chimpanzee.

Sometimes, a chimp is just a chimp, chimp.
The Progressives-Democrats-Commies are firing up their nutter base for VIOLENCE folks.

better be PREPARED..

I thought Second Amendment solutions were the domain of the right wing fringe.
No.....just ask the following:

The crazy lefty who shot Gabrielle Giffords.

The crazy lefty who shot John Lennon.

The crazy lefty who shot President Reagan.

The TWO crazy lefty's who shot at President Ford

The Marxist lefty who killed JFK.
The Progressives-Democrats-Commies are firing up their nutter base for VIOLENCE folks.

better be PREPARED..

I thought Second Amendment solutions were the domain of the right wing fringe.
No.....just ask the following:

The crazy lefty who shot Gabrielle Giffords.

The crazy lefty who shot John Lennon.

The crazy lefty who shot President Reagan.

The TWO crazy lefty's who shot at President Ford

The Marxist lefty who killed JFK.

Actually, I was thinking more about the crazy GOP idiots who showed up at a health care speech with loaded weapons.

And then, there's those that spoke about "Second Amendment solutions" to things that didn't go their way.

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