Maxine Waters: 'The Tea Party Can Go Straight To Hell'

It says a hellava lot about the guy who said that, more than it ever says about the Tea Party. I'm sorry you were stupid enough to re print it. I think it was her father. No one in the Tea Party looked at Gabby Giffords as an enemy. too bad that wasn't a two way street innit?

You know, only a kid writes like this. What are you, 12?? No wonder all of your posts are so immature. Quit trying to pass as an adult.

phuck ewe two trip.

I see you are now the chosen one for the stalker. Aren't you lucky.

It says a hellava lot about the guy who said that, more than it ever says about the Tea Party. I'm sorry you were stupid enough to re print it. I think it was her father. No one in the Tea Party looked at Gabby Giffords as an enemy. too bad that wasn't a two way street innit?

The worst thing about stupidity is the amount of people who will keep repeating it - even after it's been thoroughly debunked. It's funny really. They must be really desperate.

And that completely describes the crazy conservatives, right wing extremists, and teabag heads. They all listen to Fox and Rush and take their word as gospel. So many lies have been uncovered it's not even funny. It doesn't matter to them. All proof is looked on with disdain. Fox news said it, so it must be true!!!
You're such a fucking moron. The TEA Party is a huge group. Obama is an individual. There is no legitimate comparison between a group and an individual.

Fucking idiot.
You're talking to a leftist. They don't understand the concept of individualism. It's all about the collective for them.

And conservatives understand NOTHING about unity.

Remember? We're supposed to be the UNITED States of America, not the bickering political parties of North America.
It's tough to feel united with people who call you terrorists simply because you disagree with them.
It says a hellava lot about the guy who said that, more than it ever says about the Tea Party. I'm sorry you were stupid enough to re print it. I think it was her father. No one in the Tea Party looked at Gabby Giffords as an enemy. too bad that wasn't a two way street innit?

The worst thing about stupidity is the amount of people who will keep repeating it - even after it's been thoroughly debunked. It's funny really. They must be really desperate.

And that completely describes the crazy conservatives, right wing extremists, and teabag heads. They all listen to Fox and Rush and take their word as gospel. So many lies have been uncovered it's not even funny. It doesn't matter to them. All proof is looked on with disdain. Fox news said it, so it must be true!!!

you don't have creative juices doya? The old Fox news shit is so yesterday. You need a new writer. :lol:
The worst thing about stupidity is the amount of people who will keep repeating it - even after it's been thoroughly debunked. It's funny really. They must be really desperate.

And that completely describes the crazy conservatives, right wing extremists, and teabag heads. They all listen to Fox and Rush and take their word as gospel. So many lies have been uncovered it's not even funny. It doesn't matter to them. All proof is looked on with disdain. Fox news said it, so it must be true!!!

you don't have creative juices doya? The old Fox news shit is so yesterday. You need a new writer. :lol:

Don't be mean to the slow kid, Willy.
You do, if you support racism.

What Waters said was "racist", but the names, signs, jokes and comments about President Obama from the tea party crowd aren't?

Why do you fucking morons insist every single TEA Partier is racist?

Never mind. I just answered my own question.

I am somewhat heartened that they have branched out. Being from the south and all. That distinction is usually reserved for just us.

I'll never forget the last seminar I went to in Nashville in which this nawthehn educator stood up and told us how happy she was to be able to come and help the ignorant people of the south. This was at the Radisson. I was sitting with my colleagues. We all have bachelor's, master's, and doctorates. The woman was a moron. She said 'uhn' 653 times during her 20 minute speech. I ticked off every last one of them on a napkin.
The worst thing about stupidity is the amount of people who will keep repeating it - even after it's been thoroughly debunked. It's funny really. They must be really desperate.

And that completely describes the crazy conservatives, right wing extremists, and teabag heads. They all listen to Fox and Rush and take their word as gospel. So many lies have been uncovered it's not even funny. It doesn't matter to them. All proof is looked on with disdain. Fox news said it, so it must be true!!!

you don't have creative juices doya? The old Fox news shit is so yesterday. You need a new writer. :lol:

LOL, no kidding.
A senior member of the congressional committee handling the financial crisis is being investigated for steering federal bailout funds to a questionable bank because she and her board member husband had deep financial ties to it.
Months after the media exposed the shady deal involving prominent California Democrat Maxine Waters, the House Ethics Committee is finally investigating the veteran lawmaker’s controversial intervention on behalf of her husband’s failing Massachusetts bank. As a result, the financial institution (OneUnited) received $12 million in federal bailout funds.
Waters pressured Treasury officials to bail out the minority-owned bank whose executives have donated heavily to her political campaigns. At the time she and her husband, Sidney Williams, held big financial stakes worth hundreds of thousands of dollars in OneUnited and her husband had just been the bank’s director and still served on its board.
The conflict was so blatant that even the scandal-plagued chairman of the House Financial Services Committee, her good buddy Barney Frank, urged Waters to "stay out of it," assuring her that he would see to it that her precious bank got bailout money. Earlier this year Judicial Watch uncovered documents that Congress, especially Frank, for years ignored corruption at Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac so it’s not surprising that he took no action when Waters ignored his suggestion.
The OneUnited case was hardly the first time that Waters, California’s most influential black lawmaker, used her political clout to benefit her family financially. In 2004 Waters’ hometown newspaper reported that her relatives made more than $1 million by doing business with companies, candidates and causes that the well-connected and powerful congresswoman had helped.
Waters has also made international headlines for her frequent trips to communist Cuba to visit her convicted cop-assassin friend, Joanne Chesimard, who is also known by her Black Panther name of Assata Shakur​. Chesimard was sentenced to life in prison after being convicted by a jury of the 1979 murder of a New Jersey State Trooper. With the help of fellow cult members, she escaped from jail and fled to Cuba.
Outraged U.S. lawmakers insisted she be extradited but Waters always stood by her side, likening the cop-assassin to civil rights leader Martin Luther King. In fact, she wrote Cuban Dictator Fidel Castro a letter to ensure that she was not part of the group of U.S. legislators who voted for a resolution to extradite the cop murderer. Waters told Castro that she opposed extradition because Chesimard was “politically persecuted” in the U.S. and simply seeking political asylum in Havana, where she still lives.
Maxine Waters Under Investigation | Judicial Watch

Remember, questioning the ethics of black Congress members is racist.

Right, USMB lefties?
Telling someone to go to hell is a terrorist threat? Are you fucking serious here. How far down the rabbit hole are you guys going to go. Damn.

Dont retreat, reload and crosshairs and someone shooting Mrs. Giffords in the head is closer to a terrorist threat than this. Give me a fucking break.

Except that you can not make the connection between Palin's rhetoric and Gifford's shooting, can you? So as usual, you are irrelevant.
All they have is wishful thinking. But for leftists, that's good enough. They see what they believe.
A senior member of the congressional committee handling the financial crisis is being investigated for steering federal bailout funds to a questionable bank because she and her board member husband had deep financial ties to it.
Months after the media exposed the shady deal involving prominent California Democrat Maxine Waters, the House Ethics Committee is finally investigating the veteran lawmaker’s controversial intervention on behalf of her husband’s failing Massachusetts bank. As a result, the financial institution (OneUnited) received $12 million in federal bailout funds.
Waters pressured Treasury officials to bail out the minority-owned bank whose executives have donated heavily to her political campaigns. At the time she and her husband, Sidney Williams, held big financial stakes worth hundreds of thousands of dollars in OneUnited and her husband had just been the bank’s director and still served on its board.
The conflict was so blatant that even the scandal-plagued chairman of the House Financial Services Committee, her good buddy Barney Frank, urged Waters to "stay out of it," assuring her that he would see to it that her precious bank got bailout money. Earlier this year Judicial Watch uncovered documents that Congress, especially Frank, for years ignored corruption at Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac so it’s not surprising that he took no action when Waters ignored his suggestion.
The OneUnited case was hardly the first time that Waters, California’s most influential black lawmaker, used her political clout to benefit her family financially. In 2004 Waters’ hometown newspaper reported that her relatives made more than $1 million by doing business with companies, candidates and causes that the well-connected and powerful congresswoman had helped.
Waters has also made international headlines for her frequent trips to communist Cuba to visit her convicted cop-assassin friend, Joanne Chesimard, who is also known by her Black Panther name of Assata Shakur​. Chesimard was sentenced to life in prison after being convicted by a jury of the 1979 murder of a New Jersey State Trooper. With the help of fellow cult members, she escaped from jail and fled to Cuba.
Outraged U.S. lawmakers insisted she be extradited but Waters always stood by her side, likening the cop-assassin to civil rights leader Martin Luther King. In fact, she wrote Cuban Dictator Fidel Castro a letter to ensure that she was not part of the group of U.S. legislators who voted for a resolution to extradite the cop murderer. Waters told Castro that she opposed extradition because Chesimard was “politically persecuted” in the U.S. and simply seeking political asylum in Havana, where she still lives.
Maxine Waters Under Investigation | Judicial Watch

Remember, questioning the ethics of black Congress members is racist.

Right, USMB lefties?

First of all, I am not young. Secondly, I am not your dear. I don't give a damn how many friggin' monkies posed with Bush. He is not African-American, isn't he??? What's the use of explaining yet again. You people just don't get it. I really wish you'd all stop trying to justify racist language and pictures. It just makes it worse.
Hardly, madam. The real problem is YOU. You can dish it out, but you cannot take what you dish out to other people without leaving a little pooie on everyone elses' screen, that is the little fibbie about racism.

You can't take only once what your party dished out for 10 solid years, day in and day out, a million times a day over the entire freaking internet. I was there, and I witnessed it. It's the sickest thing I've ever seen in my lifetime was the disgraceful way the Democrat Party took JHHatfield, convicted attempted murderer of his boss, and took every word of his lying filth and made it their party platform in the year 2000 and the year 2004. Not to be outdone, Barack Obama took the whole thing to new heights, blaming Bush for everything he did his first two years. Did I say 10 years of insanity? Make that eleven years.

And you're lying about racism. Maxine Waters drew the first blood when she told the press the tea party can go to hell.

She hates white conservative people in the tea party, and she rankles them every time she gets the opportunity. She is a no-holds barred, arrogant, threatening-to-destroy-businesses, racist, and she Maxine Watters, filthy lying racist, deserves every little thing happen to her that she would do to the people on her black, black, do-harm-whites spider's list.

Why does the word, "racism" upset you all so much?? You conservatives exhibit that that is what you are almost every single day. So take your indignation and shove it.
Why does the word "moron" upset you all so much?? You leftists exhibit that that is what you are almost every single day. So take your indignation and shove it.
Telling someone to go to hell is a terrorist threat? Are you fucking serious here. How far down the rabbit hole are you guys going to go. Damn.

Dont retreat, reload and crosshairs and someone shooting Mrs. Giffords in the head is closer to a terrorist threat than this. Give me a fucking break.

Except that you can not make the connection between Palin's rhetoric and Gifford's shooting, can you? So as usual, you are irrelevant.

Giffords was shot by a schizophrenic. Which makes the entire connection irrelevant.
What Waters said was "racist", but the names, signs, jokes and comments about President Obama from the tea party crowd aren't?

Why do you fucking morons insist every single TEA Partier is racist?

Never mind. I just answered my own question.

I am somewhat heartened that they have branched out. Being from the south and all. That distinction is usually reserved for just us.

I'll never forget the last seminar I went to in Nashville in which this nawthehn educator stood up and told us how happy she was to be able to come and help the ignorant people of the south. This was at the Radisson. I was sitting with my colleagues. We all have bachelor's, master's, and doctorates. The woman was a moron. She said 'uhn' 653 times during her 20 minute speech. I ticked off every last one of them on a napkin.
:lol: Maybe she should have hired TOTUS.
Why do you fucking morons insist every single TEA Partier is racist?

Never mind. I just answered my own question.

I am somewhat heartened that they have branched out. Being from the south and all. That distinction is usually reserved for just us.

I'll never forget the last seminar I went to in Nashville in which this nawthehn educator stood up and told us how happy she was to be able to come and help the ignorant people of the south. This was at the Radisson. I was sitting with my colleagues. We all have bachelor's, master's, and doctorates. The woman was a moron. She said 'uhn' 653 times during her 20 minute speech. I ticked off every last one of them on a napkin.
:lol: Maybe she should have hired TOTUS.

:lol: She would have still been challenged, IMNSHO!
I am somewhat heartened that they have branched out. Being from the south and all. That distinction is usually reserved for just us.

I'll never forget the last seminar I went to in Nashville in which this nawthehn educator stood up and told us how happy she was to be able to come and help the ignorant people of the south. This was at the Radisson. I was sitting with my colleagues. We all have bachelor's, master's, and doctorates. The woman was a moron. She said 'uhn' 653 times during her 20 minute speech. I ticked off every last one of them on a napkin.
:lol: Maybe she should have hired TOTUS.

:lol: She would have still been challenged, IMNSHO!
You're just not nuanced enough to see how intellectually superior she is. :lol:
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You're such a fucking moron. The TEA Party is a huge group. Obama is an individual. There is no legitimate comparison between a group and an individual.

Fucking idiot.
You're talking to a leftist. They don't understand the concept of individualism. It's all about the collective for them.

And conservatives understand NOTHING about unity.

Remember? We're supposed to be the UNITED States of America, not the bickering political parties of North America.
ok.....i agree.....but at the same time why do some people have to identify their nationalities instead of just saying....IM AN AMERICAN.....thats a divisive thing as well and very Politically Correct.....which is bullshit in itself....

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