Maxine Waters: 'The Tea Party Can Go Straight To Hell'

Shot Congresswoman Was In Sarah Palin’s ‘Crosshairs’

Giffords' father tells the New York Post that members of the Tea Party "always threatened" his daughter.

Giffords' Tea Party opponent in the 2010 election, Jesse Kelly, went even further with the violent rhetoric. Kelly's campaign held an event called "Get on Target for Victory in November." Description: "Help remove Gabrielle Giffords from office. Shoot a fully automatic M16 with Jesse Kelly."


MORE: Shot Congresswoman Was In Sarah Palin's 'Crosshairs'

Oh brother..nice try but still as stupid as before.
Shot Congresswoman Was In Sarah Palin’s ‘Crosshairs’

Giffords' father tells the New York Post that members of the Tea Party "always threatened" his daughter.

Giffords' Tea Party opponent in the 2010 election, Jesse Kelly, went even further with the violent rhetoric. Kelly's campaign held an event called "Get on Target for Victory in November." Description: "Help remove Gabrielle Giffords from office. Shoot a fully automatic M16 with Jesse Kelly."


MORE: Shot Congresswoman Was In Sarah Palin's 'Crosshairs'

Oh brother..nice try but still as stupid as before.

Mark Kelly and Gabbie Giffords don't think so.
Shot Congresswoman Was In Sarah Palin’s ‘Crosshairs’

Giffords' father tells the New York Post that members of the Tea Party "always threatened" his daughter.

Giffords' Tea Party opponent in the 2010 election, Jesse Kelly, went even further with the violent rhetoric. Kelly's campaign held an event called "Get on Target for Victory in November." Description: "Help remove Gabrielle Giffords from office. Shoot a fully automatic M16 with Jesse Kelly."


MORE: Shot Congresswoman Was In Sarah Palin's 'Crosshairs'

Oh brother..nice try but still as stupid as before.

Mark Kelly and Gabbie Giffords don't think so.

yeah right, that MADE someone go out and shoot at people.
Shot Congresswoman Was In Sarah Palin’s ‘Crosshairs’

Giffords' father tells the New York Post that members of the Tea Party "always threatened" his daughter.

Giffords' Tea Party opponent in the 2010 election, Jesse Kelly, went even further with the violent rhetoric. Kelly's campaign held an event called "Get on Target for Victory in November." Description: "Help remove Gabrielle Giffords from office. Shoot a fully automatic M16 with Jesse Kelly."


MORE: Shot Congresswoman Was In Sarah Palin's 'Crosshairs'
And that had absolutely NOTHING to do with the loony lefty shooting her.

Oh brother..nice try but still as stupid as before.

Yeah, facts can be stressful... Apparently you don't see anything wrong with such violent innuendos.

How do you feel about violent rhetoric like "if they bring a knife to a fight, we bring a gun" or "I want you to get in their faces"?

I've heard those phrases from some punk politician before.
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Oh brother..nice try but still as stupid as before.

Yeah, facts can be stressful... Apparently you don't see anything wrong with such violent innuendos.
And i'm sure your lil' liberal ass was howling at the moon when the dem's put crosshairs on republicans loooooooooooong before Palin put them on crappy liberal politicians, correct?

Or are you just being a typical, weak lil' liberal hypocrite?

Be honest now.
Oh brother..nice try but still as stupid as before.

Yeah, facts can be stressful... Apparently you don't see anything wrong with such violent innuendos.

How do you feel about violent innuendos like "if they bring a knife to a fight, we bring a gun" or "I want you to get in their faces"?

I've heard those phrases from some punk politician before.

Well TD, I agree with you, and I think Waters was distasteful in her remarks. But that is where this nation is today, not the America we knew.
Oh brother..nice try but still as stupid as before.

Yeah, facts can be stressful... Apparently you don't see anything wrong with such violent innuendos.

How do you feel about violent innuendos like "if they bring a knife to a fight, we bring a gun" or "I want you to get in their faces"?

I've heard those phrases from some punk politician before.

Why would someone want to bring a knife to a fight in the first place?
[FONT=Palatino, Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif]Who, again, is Maxine Waters? This story has something to say:

[FONT=Palatino, Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif]Maxine Waters apologizes to Fidel Castro[/FONT]

[SIZE=-1]Posted: August 24, 2011

[/SIZE] [FONT=Palatino, Times New Roman, Georgia, Times, serif]By Humberto Fontova [/FONT]

According to Maxine Waters, the tea party "can go straight to hell." But "VIVA FIDEL!" she chanted during the rapturous reception that greeted the Stalinist dictator's visit to Harlem's Riverside Church on Sept. 9, 2000. The overflow crowd packed the church to suffocation and spilled from the doors onto the streets and sidewalks.

"I came to Harlem because I knew it was here that I would find my best friends!" beamed the jailer of the longest suffering black political prisoners in modern history, inside the Harlem church that might still be radioactive except for Khrushchev foiling his fondest wish in October 1962. "If the nuclear missiles had remained," boasted Che Guevara to the London Daily Worker in November 1962, "we would have fired them against the heart of the U.S. including New York City. The victory of socialism is worth millions of atomic victims."

By the time of Castro's Riverside Church gig, Rep. Maxine Water's fleeting lapse in her Castrophilia had been contritely clarified and forgiven. Two years earlier, you see, she had voted in favor of a congressional resolution calling on Castro to kindly refrain from harboring fugitives from U.S. law, including convicted Cop-killer Joane Chesimard.

Over a million Cubans fled Cuba to America to get away from the dictator, Fidel Castro, and we took them in. source
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Oh brother..nice try but still as stupid as before.

Yeah, facts can be stressful... Apparently you don't see anything wrong with such violent innuendos.
And i'm sure your lil' liberal ass was howling at the moon when the dem's put crosshairs on republicans loooooooooooong before Palin put them on crappy liberal politicians, correct?

Or are you just being a typical, weak lil' liberal hypocrite?

Be honest now.

Did the dem's put crosshairs on republicans? They did? When? I want to see.
Yeah, facts can be stressful... Apparently you don't see anything wrong with such violent innuendos.
And i'm sure your lil' liberal ass was howling at the moon when the dem's put crosshairs on republicans loooooooooooong before Palin put them on crappy liberal politicians, correct?

Or are you just being a typical, weak lil' liberal hypocrite?

Be honest now.

Did the dem's put crosshairs on republicans? They did? When? I want to see.

Damn and msnbc no less.

The Last Word - Crosshair maps: 2010 vs. 2004
Yeah, facts can be stressful... Apparently you don't see anything wrong with such violent innuendos.
And i'm sure your lil' liberal ass was howling at the moon when the dem's put crosshairs on republicans loooooooooooong before Palin put them on crappy liberal politicians, correct?

Or are you just being a typical, weak lil' liberal hypocrite?

Be honest now.

Did the dem's put crosshairs on republicans? They did? When? I want to see.
Yeah, they did......Loooooooooong before Palin did.

See Full Auto's post above......He beat me to it.

Now, let your liberal excuses begin.:eusa_whistle:
And i'm sure your lil' liberal ass was howling at the moon when the dem's put crosshairs on republicans loooooooooooong before Palin put them on crappy liberal politicians, correct?

Or are you just being a typical, weak lil' liberal hypocrite?

Be honest now.

Did the dem's put crosshairs on republicans? They did? When? I want to see.

Damn and msnbc no less.

The Last Word - Crosshair maps: 2010 vs. 2004

States are Republicans?

Florida is a Republican?
Virginia is a Republican?
New Mexico is a Republican?

and so on?
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