Maxine Waters: "To hell with the Supreme Court, we will defy them!"

Yeah Mad Maxine, you defy the court. I suggest you go into some back alley and perform a self abortion until dead.
What does "defy" mean?

The States are going to operate abortion clinics anyway, and refuse to prosecute the doctors?

How is that defiant?

Last I checked it's called States Rights
Some freedom-loving blue states are already saying they'll ignore any fugitive slave laws from the fascist states. That is, they won't extradite anyone to Taliban-territory based on those laws. And they'll do their best to help countersue the slavers if they try any civil actions.

The historical parallels are obvious. Pro-choicers are the abolitionists who ran the underground railroad, while pro-lifers are the slavers. And those slavers are so very, very proud to be slavers.
If you don't want to control guns stop using unborn children as a sheild

If someone wants Abortion to have the same protections as firearms ... Gain a supermajority in the House and Senate, get 38 states to agree,
and make it a Defined Right instead of pretending it makes a difference what they want.

No, IM2...she's not. Would you like a litany of the stupid things that Maxine has said over the years? It's long and it's laughable.
Almost as long and laughable as the shit IManidot2 has said stupid things. Maybe they are related or the same person. Is that you Mad Maxine?
I don't care who you are, but that's one dumb bitch right there.
Coming from a "lawmaker" in name only.
Al Green defends Maxine, he was standing right next to her: she was calling for "peaceful protests like Dr King"...she's Dr King now?

Why isn't that filthy ass bitch in jail for insurrection?

She should have been in jail years ago for threatening to attack people that disagreed with her far Left revolutionary agenda.
yeh, and that statement could apply to so many other loonies... who of course just keep spouting loony tunes stuff bc they always get away with it...

and we wonder why our country is going the way of Venezuela?
Al Green defends Maxine, he was standing right next to her: she was calling for "peaceful protests like Dr King"...she's Dr King now?

What a total insult to MLK Jr

but what do we expect? Libs just say anything in order to... we don't know... They will even say things that make their comrades look bad just for.. well, I won't say we don't know

one word suffices:


(but then there are others that come to mind: power, money..)
Waters seems increasingly desperate for attention, her career is all but over.
it's sad... reminds me of that saying
no fool like an oldfool

I mean, she is at the age she should be enjoying her grandkids and whatever. As it is it doesn't look like the witch enjoys much of anything... except terrorizing us with her image on TV

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