May 15, 2013, It Is Nakba Day In Palestine


VIP Member
Jun 11, 2012
It is Nakba Day and for the Palestinians it is an annual day of commemoration of the displacement that preceded and followed the*Israeli Declaration of Independence*in 1948. "Today marks the 65th anniversary of the historic*ethnic cleansing*of Palestine by the Zionist movement, and the establishment of the State of Israel on the rubble of hundreds of emptied, destroyed villages.Nakba Day continues to grow in prominence as a time for remembrance*and protest, an alternative history to the narrative of Israeli 'independence', and a reminder that the 'miracle' of a Jewish state was actually realised through the historically familiar methods of expulsion and colonial erasure. But this is more than just an anniversary or commemoration. In three important ways, the Nakba is not simply confined to the history books.First, the Nakba is a defining event. Many potted histories or summaries of the "Israeli-Palestinian conflict" cover 1948 with a sentence like this: 'The State of Israel declares independence and is immediately attacked by its Arab neighbours'. The Palestinian refugees emerge in the narrative as if by magic, or as a vague consequence of war.Yet the ethnic cleansing of 1948 is the heart and soul of the Palestinian people's struggle. This is how a landscape was obliterated and communities destroyed; homes, schools and mosques disappearing under rolling explosions, citrus groves and fields of crops separated from their owners. Palestinian lives are shaped by the Nakba, from refugee camps and fragmented families to destroyed livelihoods and murdered loved ones.The Nakba is how a Jewish majority was established in the first place, and thus it is no wonder that many people wish to consign it to 'the past'. For just as its impact is felt deeply in Palestinian society so also the Nakba is a defining event for Zionism and the State of Israel - the inconvenient truth that turns myths to dust, the reminder of - in the words of Meron Benvenisti - 'what lies beneath'. Nakba denial is commonplace, a history covered up by distortions and counterfactuals in the same way Jewish National Fund forests were planted over the rubble of Palestinian villages.Second, the Nakba is also an*ongoing event, and not just in the sense that the Palestinian refugees still await return and restitution. The Nakba is a past and a present, a continuous and developing process of Zionist colonization. You can see it in the discriminatory and colonial logic of the land regime and planning laws inside the pre-1967 lines, designed to maintain Jewish spatial hegemony and guard against the threat of the land being 'lost' to its indigenous people."
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Let us hear what other Arabs have said:

"There is no such country as Palestine. 'Palestine' is a term the Zionists invented. There is no Palestine in the Bible. Our country was for centuries part of Syria. 'Palestine' is alien to us. It is the Zionists who introduced it". :clap:

- Auni Bey Abdul-Hadi, Syrian Arab leader to British Peel Commission, 1937 -

"There is no such thing as Palestine in history, absolutely not".:clap:

- Professor Philip Hitti, Arab historian, 1946 -

"It is common knowledge that Palestine is nothing but Southern Syria". :clap:

- Representant of Saudi Arabia at the United Nations, 1956 -

"The Arabs themselves cannot be considered but temporary residents. They pitched their tents in its grazing fields or built their places of refuge in its ruined cities. They created nothing in it. Since they were strangers to the land, they never became its masters. The desert wind that brought them hither could one day carry them away without their leaving behind them any sign of their passage through it". :clap:

- Comments by Christians concerning the Arabs in Palestine in the 1800s -

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This is a good discussion of the Zionist Movement, a colonization movement Iin Palestine. "Zionist Movement The Zionist Movement was formed in the late Nineteenth century with the aim of creating a Jewish home through the formation of a ‘…national movement for the return of the Jewish people to their homeland and the resumption of Jewish sovereignty in the Land of Israel.’[1]*As such, the Zionist enterprise combined the Jewish nationalism which it aimed to create and foster, with the colonialism of transplanting people, mostly from Europe, into Palestine with the support of European imperial powers. Jewish history was interpreted towards constructing a specific Jewish national identity in order to justify the colonization of Palestine. Basically, the movement had to define the “Jewish people”, therefore a national identity had to be created and this identity had to be linked to Jewish presence in Palestine during the first century CE. Here it is important to note that like any other national identity it cannot be traced back to a natural development and was instead constructed based on the concept and wishes of its creators. As a result, all Jewish people around the world were part of one and the same nation, who shared the same history; who admired the same national heroes; and who were united in the longing of returning to their place and home of origin. As Ilan Pappe rightly concludes, however, “Zionism was not… the only case in history in which a colonialist project was pursued in the name of national or otherwise non-colonialist ideals. Zionists relocated to Palestine at the end of a century in which Europeans controlled much of Africa, the Caribbean, and other places in the name of ‘progress’ or idealism…”[2]. What is unique to Israel, however, is the effect of Zionism on the people it has claimed to represent. By basing itself on the idea of Judaism as a national identity, adherents of the Jewish faith around the world would become, as per Israeli law, Jewish “nationals,” whether or not they accepted said classification. To date, Israel continues to define its citizenry extra-territorially." The Ongoing Nakba: The continuous forcible displacement of the Palestinian people
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[ame=]Christians Under Attack In Gaza By Muslims!!! - YouTube[/ame]
P F Tinmore, et al,

This raises an interesting question.
  • Who is at war with whom?
"Sorry we won"

Aren't you supposed to wait until the end of the war to claim victory?

The are peace agreements all the way around Israel. The only ones causing a threat to peace and disturbing regional stability are the non-state actors behind the insurgency (Arab/Palestinians) and the cohort (Iran).

If a "war" is in progress, then that changes the entire dynamic over the (so called) Occupied Territories.

Most Respectfully,
happy shavuo't:d
lipushiness has no arguments

so she resorts to hebrew which no one else can understand

what a push over??

Pathetic she is, this pro of phoney mock paranoia

pro standing for professional OR PRO-FESSOR not prostitute i assure you
re: "Naqba day"

The jewish calendar is full of holidays----but virtually all are entirely
celebatory. ----those days marked as "this bad thing happened"-----
are not actually observerd much----except for the Ninth of Av---which
is a date----and is used as a kind of catch-all for all disasters and a
reason to read some deep poetry.

This one day covers all is a mistake----there should be an official
rememberence for hundreds of events of disgusting filth wrought
by the disgusting jihadist pigs and isa-respecters ----named

Certainly a day should be set aside to remember each of the various
lumps of filth ---perhaps their birthdays if known. Genghis khan,
muhummad, adolf abu ali, arafart, Sadaam hussain,
Isabella queen of spain, ---etc etc (probably hundreds)---
and there should be event days-----eg the day the disgusting pigs
infllicted a comprehensive ethnic cleansing of khaybar, yathrib, and
eventually all of arabia. The days the disgusting pigs entered each
of the lovely countries or north africa and spain--and even Italy,
France, and Turkey etc etc (scores)

the benefit of having disgusting person days and disgusting event days,
is----of course ----like ninth of Ab----not for celebration---but to
contemplate the filth that sherri so adores and promotes
"Sorry we won"

Aren't you supposed to wait until the end of the war to claim victory?

48' was long ago.

The result of that war is known to everyone.

Sorry, I say, I am truely sorry. Sorry they attacked us with their armies, brigades, and trained fighters, while we were hardly standing; and even more, I'm sorry that with that fact that we were hardly standing, we won their armies of death.

Well, actually I'm not.

I'm quite happy, actually.
"Sorry we won"

Aren't you supposed to wait until the end of the war to claim victory?

48' was long ago.

The result of that war is known to everyone.

Sorry, I say, I am truely sorry. Sorry they attacked us with their armies, brigades, and trained fighters, while we were hardly standing; and even more, I'm sorry that with that fact that we were hardly standing, we won their armies of death.

Well, actually I'm not.

I'm quite happy, actually.

What did they lose? None of their borders were changed. Nobody lost any land.
Aren't you supposed to wait until the end of the war to claim victory?

48' was long ago.

The result of that war is known to everyone.

Sorry, I say, I am truely sorry. Sorry they attacked us with their armies, brigades, and trained fighters, while we were hardly standing; and even more, I'm sorry that with that fact that we were hardly standing, we won their armies of death.

Well, actually I'm not.

I'm quite happy, actually.

What did they lose? None of their borders were changed. Nobody lost any land.

They lost their OBJECTIVE in fighting tinsy----the rape, murder and pillage
thing so dear to the hearts of isa-worshippers------read "al koran"

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