Mayday Leftists Living In the Past

Trump's a congenital liar who was born on third base and tells his gullible fans he hit a triple. His "accomplishments" are overshadowed by his inability to know when the words coming out of his mouth actually reflect any thoughts going through his "mind."
"President Trump lied more than 3,000 times in 466 days..."

President Trump lied more than 3,000 times in 466 days - CNNPolitics

Washington Post's Fact-Checker blog has been keeping a strict count of President Donald Trump's many misstatements, untruths and outright lies. And, over the weekend at a rally in Michigan, Trump hit a(nother) milestone: He topped 3,000 untrue or misleading statements in 466 days in office.

"That means that, on average, Trump says 6.5 things that aren't true a day.




"(Trump is actually picking up the pace when it comes to not telling the truth; he has averaged nine untruths or misleading statements a day over the past two months, according to the Post's count.)"

Contrary to your link, accomplishments are dependent on results and not on how much red meat a candidate can toss to its domestic political base.
I don't read posts in extra large print, or stuff coming from fake news jokes like the Washington Post.

And no, Trump's accomplishments are not overshadowed by media drivel. Anyone who would think they are, is possibly in need of brain surgery.

4 More Years!! :biggrin:

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