Mayday Leftists Living In the Past

How can you absolve Ronald open borders Reagan of his complicity? Pseudocons are the ultimate dupes.

He gave us a 3 million illegal alien amnesty, so he also bears guilt. Might I ask can you absolve Jimmy open borders Carter of his complicity?
How Trump "won"

Analysis | This anti-voter-fraud program gets it wrong over 99 percent of the time. The GOP wants to take it nationwide.
I wouldn't even wash my car's windows with the Washington Post.
So now psuedocons can see that Marx was right all along because they now have in common the understanding that global capitalism destroys nations.
But Marx was not right insofar as his internationalism is concerned. Marx, and the 21st century leftists who revere him, are too multiculturalist. They need to get a dictionary and read the definition of a NATION, and read it over and over, 10,000 times, until it sinks in.

NATION - a stable, historically developed community of people, with a territory, economic life, distinctive culture and language in common. (Webster's New World College Dictionary, 4th edition)
Satan's Sandcastle

And Saudi Arabia did the same for Al Qaida and ISIS.
Saudi Arabia also bankrolls jihadists in the US, and has been doing so for years. At least some private individuals in SA, that is. The SA govt has its own sin list also, going back to the oil embargo that gave us the 1974 recession, and followed by the boycott of US businesses.
So now psuedocons can see that Marx was right all along because they now have in common the understanding that global capitalism destroys nations.
But Marx was not right insofar as his internationalism is concerned. Marx, and the 21st century leftists who revere him, are too multiculturalist. They need to get a dictionary and read the definition of a NATION, and read it over and over, 10,000 times, until it sinks in.

NATION - a stable, historically developed community of people, with a territory, economic life, distinctive culture and language in common. (Webster's New World College Dictionary, 4th edition)
Lol, your blame is misplaced. It's capital that brings about globalization. Marx was correct in that workers needed to organize on an international level to compete with globalized capitalism. It's capital that seeks to expand its markets dummy, it has nothing to do with Marx or leftists.

A socialist system of production will allow us to localize our productive forces.
Lol, your blame is misplaced. It's capital that brings about globalization. Marx was correct in that workers needed to organize on an international level to compete with globalized capitalism. It's capital that seeks to expand its markets dummy, it has nothing to do with Marx or leftists.

A socialist system of production will allow us to localize our productive forces.
You are funneling all internationalism into economics. Economics is one phase of internationalism. Other aspects are physical geography and culture (esp. language).
Lol, your blame is misplaced. It's capital that brings about globalization. Marx was correct in that workers needed to organize on an international level to compete with globalized capitalism. It's capital that seeks to expand its markets dummy, it has nothing to do with Marx or leftists.

A socialist system of production will allow us to localize our productive forces.
You are funneling all internationalism into economics. Economics is one phase of internationalism. Other aspects are physical geography and culture (esp. language).
Well I was speaking in context. Not sure what Marx has to do with geography or culture?
Well I was speaking in context. Not sure what Marx has to do with geography or culture?
Me neither. The thread is about internationalism (including physical geography and culture), not about Marx.
Were you gullible enough to vote for a racist, imbecilic con man for POTUS?

Sure you did.
No. I was smart enough to vote for a multi-billionaire genius, who is outside the low-life Washington establishment, and who already has done more for the American working class, than any president since perhaps Eisenhower. And you voted for whom ? This criminal, ass-kissing, anti-American, globalist, opportunist con woman ? >>


As for the word "racist", you used, do you support Affirmative Action ?

And as far as Trump teaching real estate investing, how many of these do YOU own ? >>

Well I was speaking in context. Not sure what Marx has to do with geography or culture?
Me neither. The thread is about internationalism (including physical geography and culture), not about Marx.
You blamed Marx and communists in your OP for what you perceive is a problem.

Why can't you see that globalism is just a consequence of capitalism. The right is just as culpable as the left. Politicians, regardless their ideology, represent moneyed interests. And moneyed interests want their capital to have free access to scour the globe for the best rate of return. It's just that simple.

You will have to explain what effect geography and culture have on globalism. I don't get it.
You blamed Marx and communists in your OP for what you perceive is a problem.

Why can't you see that globalism is just a consequence of capitalism. The right is just as culpable as the left. Politicians, regardless their ideology, represent moneyed interests. And moneyed interests want their capital to have free access to scour the globe for the best rate of return. It's just that simple.

You will have to explain what effect geography and culture have on globalism. I don't get it.
I have a BA in Geography. It is a word composed of 2 roots (Geo - Greek - "earth") & (graph - Latin - "description of") So Geography literally means description of the earth. And that is within the 3 main branches of geography (physical, cultural, and economic)

As for globalism in 2018, it is clearly a leftist philosophy, that ties in with multiculturalism, which steps on the toes of nationalism, and at least in the USA, leftists use it to pull foreigners into the US to vote for them (Democrats)
we have now observed several instances of the cycle of enthusiastic idealism that propels modern Democrat politics, as well as the lagging cycle of disappointment that follows it.
Were you gullible enough to vote for a racist, imbecilic con man for POTUS?

Sure you did.
No. I was smart enough to vote for a multi-billionaire genius, who is outside the low-life Washington establishment, and who already has done more for the American working class, than any president since perhaps Eisenhower. And you voted for whom ? This criminal, ass-kissing, anti-American, globalist, opportunist con woman ? >>

View attachment 191754

As for the word "racist", you used, do you support Affirmative Action ?

And as far as Trump teaching real estate investing, how many of these do YOU own ? >>

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View attachment 191761
I've never been ignorant/stupid enough to vote for either rich bi*ch

Obviously, you swallow every load the "billionaire" vomits forth.
As for globalism in 2018, it is clearly a leftist philosophy, that ties in with multiculturalism, which steps on the toes of nationalism, and at least in the USA, leftists use it to pull foreigners into the US to vote for them
"Free market" globalization is about as leftist as Milton Freidman, Margaret Thatcher, or Ronald Reagan.

Neoliberalism - Wikipedia

"Neoliberalism or neo-liberalism[1] refers primarily to the 20th-century resurgence of 19th-century ideas associated with laissez-faire economic liberalism.[2]:7

"Those ideas include economic liberalization policies such as privatization, austerity, deregulation, free trade[3] and reductions in government spending in order to increase the role of the private sector in the economy and society.[11]

"These market-based ideas and the policies they inspired constitute a paradigm shift away from the post-war Keynesian consensus which lasted from 1945 to 1980.[12][13]..."

"Scholars now tended to associate it with the theories of Mont Pelerin Society economists Friedrich Hayek, Milton Friedman and James M. Buchanan, along with politicians and policy-makers such as Margaret Thatcher, Ronald Reagan and Alan Greenspan.[5][24]."
I've never been ignorant/stupid enough to vote for either rich bi*ch

Obviously, you swallow every load the "billionaire" vomits forth.

Then you're nor very smart. I'm OK with swallowing almost all of this >>

Trump’s first year: a list of his top 82 accomplishments

And certainly not the laughingstock, anti-Trump bashes, the left perpetually and
pitifully keeps coming up with.​
Trump's a congenital liar who was born on third base and tells his gullible fans he hit a triple. His "accomplishments" are overshadowed by his inability to know when the words coming out of his mouth actually reflect any thoughts going through his "mind."
"President Trump lied more than 3,000 times in 466 days..."

President Trump lied more than 3,000 times in 466 days - CNNPolitics

Washington Post's Fact-Checker blog has been keeping a strict count of President Donald Trump's many misstatements, untruths and outright lies. And, over the weekend at a rally in Michigan, Trump hit a(nother) milestone: He topped 3,000 untrue or misleading statements in 466 days in office.

"That means that, on average, Trump says 6.5 things that aren't true a day.




"(Trump is actually picking up the pace when it comes to not telling the truth; he has averaged nine untruths or misleading statements a day over the past two months, according to the Post's count.)"

Contrary to your link, accomplishments are dependent on results and not on how much red meat a candidate can toss to its domestic political base.

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