Mayday Leftists Living In the Past

We'll see how it works out.
It's ALREADY working out. Every illegal alien that is deported, is less dollars$ being ripped out of the US economy, and sent out of the country.

And every employed illegal alien who is deported, and whose job is replaced by an American, represents more SALES$$ to American businesses, from that American worker, who doesn't send his earnings out of the country, but rather, he spends his earning$ in American stores (AKA "the economy")
I thought we were talking about nationalism. You are talking about illegal immigrants. They are two different topics, whether you know it or not.
Well, globalism has given us one of the most peaceful periods in history. It may not seem that way with 24 hour news channels and the internet advertising every bomb that goes off anywhere, but it actually is an era that will be looked back on as a period of peace.
And that ain't hay, protectionist.
So, you call THESE things "peace" ?

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It may not seem it, but it is actually, relatively an era of peace since the end of WWII. As far as how many people are fighting others, etc. It's a numbers thing.
huh? Isn't Syria a country? how many people have died? again, don't you know anything on history?
I repeat,
It may not seem it, but it is actually, relatively an era of peace since the end of WWII. As far as how many people are fighting others, etc. It's a numbers thing.
Apparently, compared to other eras in history, this is a period when LESS people are being killed in wars. I didn't make that statistic up. I believe it is at least partially because so many countries have their hands in each other's pockets. It keeps us smiling at each other, even if through clenched teeth.
probably because there isn't a world war at the moment. there are wars within countries that are fought differently today. Technology allows for less loss of life. doesn't change the threat,
Then stop conflating Obama Democrats with Marxist Communism and realize how similar your beliefs are to Marx's beliefs.
Obama and his cronies are all a bunch of Red Army Bolsheviks.

Stop trying to sell commie shit to everyone on the basis that they are in common. Bullshit.
"But, in general, the protective system of our day is conservative, while the free trade system is destructive. It breaks up old nationalities and pushes the antagonism of the proletariat and the bourgeoisie to the extreme point. In a word, the free trade system hastens the social revolution."
On the question of free trade
So, Marx was in favor of free trade so he could hasten the revolution and end free trade?

You forgot the last part of his quote:
"It is in this revolutionary sense alone, gentlemen, that I vote in favor of free trade.'
So now psuedocons can see that Marx was right all along because they now have in common the understanding that global capitalism destroys nations.
So now psuedocons can see that Marx was right all along because they now have in common the understanding that global capitalism destroys nations.
It certainly has been destroying the USA, but only because of the idiocy or maliciousness of 4 US presidents 1989 - 2016, who have thrown in with it.
The days of young Americans spouting the words of Marx in The Communist Manifesto, and Lenin in the The State and Revolution, are as Lenin put it >> "withering away". But this time it's not the state that is withering away. It is left-wing ideology, and particularly the internationalist , multicuturalist, immigrationist philosophy so favored by the Democratic Party. In a new study, it's revealed that millenials are leaning to the right, and toward the Republicans, especially with regard to the issues of the economy, race relations, and crime
So why did more young voters cast their ballots for Sanders than for Trump and Clinton combined?

More young people voted for Bernie Sanders than Trump and Clinton combined — by a lot

"More young people voted for Bernie Sanders than Trump and Clinton combined — by a lot."
Young people voted for Sanders because they want free stuff and they do not understand that socialism is government slavery.
I thought we were talking about nationalism. You are talking about illegal immigrants. They are two different topics, whether you know it or not.
Whether YOU know it or not, they couldn't be more the same. Nationalism is protecting your nation.. Few things have ever been done in US history that have harmed the US more than the unrestricted immigration, that reckless Democrats have engineered over the past decades.

Harms of Immigration

1. Americans lose jobs. (especially Whites due to affirmative action).

2. Wage reduction.

3. Tax $ lost (due to off books work + lower wages paid).

4. Remittance $$$ lost. ($138 Billion/year).

5. Tax $$ lost to immigrants on welfare.

6. Increased crime.

7. Increased traffic congestion.

8. Increased pollution.

9. Overcrowding in hospital ERs.

10. Overcrowding in recreational facilities.

11. Overcrowding in government offices.

12. Overcrowding in schools.

13. Decrease in funds available for entitlements.

14. Cultural erosion.

15. Overuse of scarce resources (oil, gasoline, fresh water, jobs, electricity, food, etc)

16. Introduction of foreign diseases

17. Influx of terrorists.
Well, globalism has given us one of the most peaceful periods in history. It may not seem that way with 24 hour news channels and the internet advertising every bomb that goes off anywhere, but it actually is an era that will be looked back on as a period of peace.
And that ain't hay, protectionist.
My problem w globalism is we can't all get along in here and now we are expecting countries to do what's best globally, not for their own citizens.

Good on paper but I don't see it lasting or working for a long long time
Only in a Children's Game Does Paper Cover Rock

How is it "good on paper"? The same has been said about Communism. Never trust idealists; they are spoiled sheltered snobs who want to feel superior to everybody because of their pretty pipe dreams.
Nature has selected liberals for extinction, as 99.9% of all species that ever existed have gone extinct its not looking good for liberals.
The days of young Americans spouting the words of Marx in The Communist Manifesto, and Lenin in the The State and Revolution, are as Lenin put it >> "withering away". But this time it's not the state that is withering away. It is left-wing ideology, and particularly the internationalist , multicuturalist, immigrationist philosophy so favored by the Democratic Party. In a new study, it's revealed that millenials are leaning to the right, and toward the Republicans, especially with regard to the issues of the economy, race relations, and crime
So why did more young voters cast their ballots for Sanders than for Trump and Clinton combined?

More young people voted for Bernie Sanders than Trump and Clinton combined — by a lot

"More young people voted for Bernie Sanders than Trump and Clinton combined — by a lot."
our kids love free shit. They are so entitled... we are so fucked!
We'll be just fine when the boomers are all gone.
Shows Show Only the Shallow

You mean the media's presentation of my generation? Television news is multimillionaires showing us pictures of their college-age children.
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So what's the weapon count?
Us 2000
Israel 200
Iran 0?
And wars?
Us 200 ish
Iran 1 ?
Who overthrew whose democratic gov?
And we don't trust them????!!!
That's right. You can't trust an Islamic theocracy, especially one that supports and bankrolls terrorist activity such as that of Hezbollah in Lebanon, Islamic Jihad and PFLP-GC in Palestinian territories, Hamas in Gaza, Houthis in Yemen.
Satan's Sandcastle

And Saudi Arabia did the same for Al Qaida and ISIS.
We'll see how it works out.
It's ALREADY working out. Every illegal alien that is deported, is less dollars$ being ripped out of the US economy, and sent out of the country.

And every employed illegal alien who is deported, and whose job is replaced by an American, represents more SALES$$ to American businesses, from that American worker, who doesn't send his earnings out of the country, but rather, he spends his earning$ in American stores (AKA "the economy")
Selfism Is the Ideology of Treason

Why then do Republican businessmen support cheap-labor immigration, including H1-Bs? Because each company that hires them doesn't profit from where its employees spend their money.
So now psuedocons can see that Marx was right all along because they now have in common the understanding that global capitalism destroys nations.
It certainly has been destroying the USA, but only because of the idiocy or maliciousness of 4 US presidents 1989 - 2016, who have thrown in with it.
How can you absolve Ronald open borders Reagan of his complicity? Pseudocons are the ultimate dupes.

Personally, I feel Sanders didn't have a chance. The fix was in and Sanders was a participant to give the impression there was no fix.
There's no doubt in my mind the DNC anointed Hillary long before the first primary, but I doubt if Bernie was in on the deception. For sure, the millions of voters who cast their ballot for Bernie did so in good faith.

More young people voted for Bernie Sanders than Trump and Clinton combined — by a lot

"It's hard to overemphasize how completely and utterly Sen. Bernie Sanders dominated the youth vote to this point in the 2016 presidential campaign. While Hillary Clinton dominated him among older voters, he dominated her right back among younger voters -- even winning more than 80 percent of their votes in some states against no less than the eventual Democratic nominee."

The DNC has not learned its lesson from losing to Trump. It is working against any progressive challenge to its corporate base in 2018.

"Secretly Taped Audio Reveals Democratic Whip Steny Hoyer Pressuring Progressive Candidate To Leave Race"

Secretly Taped Audio Reveals Democratic Whip Steny Hoyer Pressuring Progressive Candidate To Leave Race

"The secretly taped audio recording, released here for the first time, reveals how senior Democratic officials have worked to crush competitive primaries and steer political resources, money, and other support to hand-picked candidates in key races across the country, long before the party publicly announces a preference.

"The invisible assistance boosts the preferred candidate in fundraising and endorsements, and then that fundraising success and those endorsements are used to justify national party support.

"Meanwhile, opponents of the party’s unspoken pick are driven into paranoia, wondering if they are merely imagining that unseen hands are working against them."
Personally, I feel Sanders didn't have a chance. The fix was in and Sanders was a participant to give the impression there was no fix.
There's no doubt in my mind the DNC anointed Hillary long before the first primary, but I doubt if Bernie was in on the deception. For sure, the millions of voters who cast their ballot for Bernie did so in good faith.

More young people voted for Bernie Sanders than Trump and Clinton combined — by a lot

"It's hard to overemphasize how completely and utterly Sen. Bernie Sanders dominated the youth vote to this point in the 2016 presidential campaign. While Hillary Clinton dominated him among older voters, he dominated her right back among younger voters -- even winning more than 80 percent of their votes in some states against no less than the eventual Democratic nominee."

The DNC has not learned its lesson from losing to Trump. It is working against any progressive challenge to its corporate base in 2018.

"Secretly Taped Audio Reveals Democratic Whip Steny Hoyer Pressuring Progressive Candidate To Leave Race"

Secretly Taped Audio Reveals Democratic Whip Steny Hoyer Pressuring Progressive Candidate To Leave Race

"The secretly taped audio recording, released here for the first time, reveals how senior Democratic officials have worked to crush competitive primaries and steer political resources, money, and other support to hand-picked candidates in key races across the country, long before the party publicly announces a preference.

"The invisible assistance boosts the preferred candidate in fundraising and endorsements, and then that fundraising success and those endorsements are used to justify national party support.

"Meanwhile, opponents of the party’s unspoken pick are driven into paranoia, wondering if they are merely imagining that unseen hands are working against them."

Yup, not sure if Bernie was in on it...but I wouldn't be surprised.
The days of young Americans spouting the words of Marx in The Communist Manifesto, and Lenin in the The State and Revolution, are as Lenin put it >> "withering away". But this time it's not the state that is withering away. It is left-wing ideology, and particularly the internationalist , multicuturalist, immigrationist philosophy so favored by the Democratic Party. In a new study, it's revealed that millenials are leaning to the right, and toward the Republicans, especially with regard to the issues of the economy, race relations, and crime
So why did more young voters cast their ballots for Sanders than for Trump and Clinton combined?

More young people voted for Bernie Sanders than Trump and Clinton combined — by a lot

"More young people voted for Bernie Sanders than Trump and Clinton combined — by a lot."
Young people voted for Sanders because they want free stuff and they do not understand that socialism is government slavery.
Young people understand capitalism doesn't exist without war, debt, and inherent corruption:

White-collar crime
Yes, and Marx understood the diluting effects global capitalism would have on nations long before you free trade, open border conservatives woke to it.

The reason Marx wanted workers to unite was to stop the global capitalist pigs in their tracks.
Marx saw the inherent contradictions and inefficiencies of capitalism more clearly than any investment banker who ever lived.

Marx Was Right: Five Surprising Ways Karl Marx Predicted 2014

"There's a lot of talk of Karl Marx in the air these days – from Rush Limbaugh accusing Pope Francis of promoting 'pure Marxism' to a Washington Times writer claiming that New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio is an 'unrepentant Marxist.'

"But few people actually understand Marx's trenchant critique of capitalism. Most people are vaguely aware of the radical economist's prediction that capitalism would inevitably be replaced by communism, but they often misunderstand why he believed this to be true.

"And while Marx was wrong about some things, his writings (many of which pre-date the American Civil War) accurately predicted several aspects of contemporary capitalism, from the Great Recession to the iPhone 5S in your pocket.

"Here are five facts of life in 2014 that Marx's analysis of capitalism correctly predicted more than a century ago:..."
If Hillary lost to Trump in rust belt states that normally vote Democratic because of Republican voter suppression efforts, it is widely believed (on the left) she used very similar strategies to defeat Sanders in the primaries. US elections have been rife with fraud virtually from the beginning, imho. Maybe the 1912 presidential election reveals what we might see in 2020?

United States presidential election, 1912 - Wikipedia

If so, Trump could win reelection with 30%+ of the popular vote.
Once Schumer's illegal alien voters have all been deported.

View attachment 191069
How Trump "won"

Analysis | This anti-voter-fraud program gets it wrong over 99 percent of the time. The GOP wants to take it nationwide.
Well, globalism has given us one of the most peaceful periods in history. It may not seem that way with 24 hour news channels and the internet advertising every bomb that goes off anywhere, but it actually is an era that will be looked back on as a period of peace.
And that ain't hay, protectionist.

Globalism also brought you WWI and WWII.

Dont' worry, when the phony global credit system finally crashes (again) the globalist powers will stage WWIII and reset the credit system all over again.

Federal Reserve and other international private banks come into existence in 1913...WWI...Great Depression...WWII...what happens after when the current house of cards falls to the slightest gust of wind?
So why did more young voters cast their ballots for Sanders than for Trump and Clinton combined?

More young people voted for Bernie Sanders than Trump and Clinton combined — by a lot

"More young people voted for Bernie Sanders than Trump and Clinton combined — by a lot."
"That was 2 YEARS AGO. The study referred to in the OP, refers to NOW, and the change since 2016. Get it ?
Democrats are losing the millennial support they need to win in the midterms, new poll suggests

"Millennials may not be as loyal to the Democrats as previously thought—and it could hurt the party at the ballot box in November.

"A Reuters/Ipsos poll released Monday found that support among voters ages 18 to 34 has fallen by roughly 9 percentage points over the last two years.

"That means just 46 percent of registered millennial voters now identify with the Democrats, as compared to 2016, when the majority of the voting bloc backed the party."

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