Mayday Leftists Living In the Past

good post
NO, it is NOT a good post. Feeling that certain (quite a few) countries in the world are our adversaries is NECESSARY. Just as it would be necessary to identify (and take action agaisnt ) people who loot your house during parties, and then not allow them back in again (if not call the police on them)

Let's get it straight here. Mexico and China are ENEMIES of the US, not friends. What doesn't end well is wrongly considering them friends, when they're stealing from us ( if you don't know how, you're not ready for this thread). Every year that has gone by hasn't ended well for us by NOT considering them enemies, and here is exactly how much not well, in dollars and cents >>

In 2016, USA LOST in remittances$$ (modern day imperialism)

$28.1 Billion to Mexico

$15.4 Billion to China

And that is just part of it. There's also the tens of Billions$$ more USA lost in welfare payments to Mexicans and Chinese living in the US, from the anchor baby racket and/or false documentation, + a misinterpretation of the 14th amendment. Us paying their poverty bills.
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The days of young Americans spouting the words of Marx in The Communist Manifesto, and Lenin in the The State and Revolution, are as Lenin put it >> "withering away". But this time it's not the state that is withering away. It is left-wing ideology, and particularly the internationalist , multicuturalist, immigrationist philosophy so favored by the Democratic Party. In a new study, it's revealed that millenials are leaning to the right, and toward the Republicans, especially with regard to the issues of the economy, race relations, and crime
So why did more young voters cast their ballots for Sanders than for Trump and Clinton combined?

More young people voted for Bernie Sanders than Trump and Clinton combined — by a lot

"More young people voted for Bernie Sanders than Trump and Clinton combined — by a lot."
our kids love free shit. They are so entitled... we are so fucked!
We'll be just fine when the boomers are all gone.
As far as the USA is concerned, Communists celebrating Mayday today should take a good hard look at themselves, and their internationalist philosophy. After decades of imperialism abuse the US has endured from Mexico, China, India, et al, a mood among Americans for the leftist ideology of globalism, is about as popular and up to date as the telephone booth, the VCR, and the Plymouth Sundance.

Fact is, the US has, in its foolish acquiesence to international thinking, over the past 30 years, been pillaged for Trillions$$$, just in remittances alone. Then there's the trade imbalance, where unfriendly countries like Mexico and China have been given unrestricted access to our huge and wealthy market, while our exports to them have been "greeted" with restrictive tariffs.

Not hard to find the stark contrasts. Even on the TV news this morning, we see the so-called "caravan" from Honduras, at our southern border, with invaders criminally climbing the old fence (and being arrested), plus a few given asylum status (at least temporarily). But did Mexico arrest any of these people ? Or grant any asylum ? Not that I've heard of.

The days of young Americans spouting the words of Marx in The Communist Manifesto, and Lenin in the The State and Revolution, are as Lenin put it >> "withering away". But this time it's not the state that is withering away. It is left-wing ideology, and particularly the internationalist , multicuturalist, immigrationist philosophy so favored by the Democratic Party. In a new study, it's revealed that millenials are leaning to the right, and toward the Republicans, especially with regard to the issues of the economy, race relations, and crime.

"Two years ago, young white people favored Democrats over Republicans for Congress by a margin of 47 to 33 percent," reports Reuters, but "that gap vanished by this year, with 39 percent supporting each party."

In a report from Reason/Reuters >> “The outlier here is white male millennials, who do actually show a strong tilt rightward. In 2016, young white men favored Democrats 48 percent to 36 percent. This year, they preferred Republican candidates to Democrats by 46 to 37 percent

All of this "presents a potential problem for Democrats who have come to count on millennials as a core constituency—and will need all the loyalty they can get to achieve a net gain of 23 seats to capture control of the U.S. House of Representatives in November," Reuters notes.”

Rather than moving to the left and globalism, in 2018, Americans are choosing to protect their country with nationalism. It took quite a while for it to happen, but authors like Pat Buchanan, Ann Coulter, and Lou Dobbs are being shown to have been right all along (in more ways than one).
Still not read Proust?
"Apologies but I didn't have time to make this letter shorter"
Boy, you must have an awful lot of time on your hands
Then stop conflating Obama Democrats with Marxist Communism and realize how similar your beliefs are to Marx's beliefs.
I'm not conflating a damn thing. Obama Democrats ARE Marxist Communism One and the same. Redistribution of wealth by way of the income tax system (as Marx prescribed), and internationalism as opposed to nationalism (as evidenced by his internationalist activity, TPP, et al, and his support of massive immigration and multiculturalism.
Well, globalism has given us one of the most peaceful periods in history. It may not seem that way with 24 hour news channels and the internet advertising every bomb that goes off anywhere, but it actually is an era that will be looked back on as a period of peace.
And that ain't hay, protectionist.
Really? It was globalism that got the US into WWI, WWII, the Cold War, Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan and now maybe Iran. And now while you praise globalism, you balk at the US playing a major role in dealing
the Iranian nuclear threat.

So what's the weapon count?
Us 2000
Israel 200
Iran 0?
And wars?
Us 200 ish
Iran 1 ?
Who overthrew whose democratic gov?
And we don't trust them????!!!
Then stop conflating Obama Democrats with Marxist Communism and realize how similar your beliefs are to Marx's beliefs.
Obama and his cronies are all a bunch of Red Army Bolsheviks.

Stop trying to sell commie shit to everyone on the basis that they are in common. Bullshit.
NO, it is NOT a good post. Feeling that certain (quite a few) countries in the world are our adversaries is NECESSARY. Just as it would be necessary to identify (and take action agaisnt ) people who loot your house during parties, and then not allow them back in again (if not call the police on them)

Let's get it straight here. Mexico and China are ENEMIES of the US, not friends. What doesn't end well is wrongly considering them friends, when they're stealing from us ( if you don't know how, you're not ready for this thread). Every year that has gone by hasn't ended well for us by NOT considering them enemies, and here is exactly how much not well, in dollars and cents >>

In 2016, USA LOST in remittances$$ (modern day imperialism)

$28.1 Billion to Mexico

$15.4 Billion to China

And that is just part of it. There's also the tens of Billions$$ more USA lost in welfare payments to Mexicans and Chinese living in the US, from the anchor baby racket and/or false documentation, + a misinterpretation of the 14th amendment. Us paying their poverty bills.
I said good post because it was how she sees things and was not some left wing tripe filled diatribe on the evils of all things American...she obviously did not just parrot someone else's thoughts and any time someone on the left can advocate a position of their own it needs to be appreciated.
Still not read Proust?
"Apologies but I didn't have time to make this letter shorter"
Boy, you must have an awful lot of time on your hands
Apologies are designed for the benefit of the apologizer, not the apologizee. I rarely accept them.
Then stop conflating Obama Democrats with Marxist Communism and realize how similar your beliefs are to Marx's beliefs.
I'm not conflating a damn thing. Obama Democrats ARE Marxist Communism One and the same. Redistribution of wealth by way of the income tax system (as Marx prescribed), and internationalism as opposed to nationalism (as evidenced by his internationalist activity, TPP, et al, and his support of massive immigration and multiculturalism.
Wow, as they say "nothing more dangerous than a man with no doubts"
Good ol Ike here is a laugh. Always quotes both sides
Sucking off his Marxist SS and Medicare
I said good post because it was how she sees things and was not some left wing tripe filled diatribe on the evils of all things American...she obviously did not just parrot someone else's thoughts and any time someone on the left can advocate a position of their own it needs to be appreciated.
And I can appreciate what you said here, as well as what you appreciated in her post. Problem is, there is a massive negligence in America, that doesn't see the ENEMIES of America ATTACKING America, and how they're doing it, and that was what I found as the unacceptable part of her post.
And never apologize I see.
Could you do us all a favor and try to express yourself in 5 lines or less?
No. I'll express myself how I see fit at any one particular time. Form follows function.
Well, globalism has given us one of the most peaceful periods in history. It may not seem that way with 24 hour news channels and the internet advertising every bomb that goes off anywhere, but it actually is an era that will be looked back on as a period of peace.
And that ain't hay, protectionist.
Really? It was globalism that got the US into WWI, WWII, the Cold War, Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan and now maybe Iran. And now while you praise globalism, you balk at the US playing a major role in dealing with the Iranian nuclear threat.
I wouldn't go so far as to say I'm "praising" it, but it has had some positive benefits, including improving the standard of living for millions around the globe. That's not a bad thing. I get it that we've got the short end of the stick right now, until everyone is on a level playing field which takes a LONG time, but it's not an evil concept. Nationalism is what led to WWI and WWII. I believe in being proud of our country, but when it leads to feeling the rest of the world is our adversary or competitor, that rarely ends well.
But the US has paid a heavy price in blood and treasure to support its globalist adventures and while I agree the world is a better and more hopeful place because of US actions beyond our borders and would be a much more dangerous place without the US, one should remember that imperialism is a globalist concept and policy, which is why so many people around the world are wary of US influence, and why Americans should be wary of falling into a trap in which we think in terms of deciding for others what is in their interests.

WWI was caused by growing globalism in the 19th and early 20th century that led to the chains of defense treaties that turned the assassination of a minor official into a WW, and it was their imperialist (globalist) ambitions, not their sense of nationalism, that led Germany and Japan to cause WWII. Caesar, Napoleon, Hitler, Hirohito were all globalists who were proud of what they were doing, as well as all the Europeans who conquered and colonized the world, including the early Americans who conquered and colonized America.

These are all examples of globalist policies and they clearly show that globalism can be a very dangerous policy. If we are engaging around the world in order to help people, as you suggest, at what point do we decide those that oppose us are bad guys? During the Cold War we thought we knew, and the South Koreans are glad we did, but the Vietnamese, not so much. The Cold War and all the little wars that resulted from it was the product of a clash between two globalist policies, and the proponests of both were proud of what they were doing. At what point does our notion of what is good for other people make us imperialists?

On the other hand, it was the nationalists who tried to keep the US out of both WW's, and if not for them, if the US would have stayed engaged after WWI, would Germany have been prevented from becoming powerful enough to wage WWII, and if not for the nationalist anti war movement that prevented the US from engaging against the German military buildup in the early 1930's perhaps WWII would not have been so horrific.

The fact is, globalism as a policy is dangerous despite sometimes bringing benefits to the US and others, and nationalism, is safer for Americans and sometimes for the rest of the world, sometimes more dangerous for the rest of the world.
These ^ are your heroes?

Yes. Thise ABSOLUTELY are some of my top heroes. They have all wriiten excellent, and extremely informative books, supplying mountains of information that you will not (and probably haven't) receive in your liberal American MISeducation system.

Amd this is why liberals are so information-deprived in America (AKA ignorant), which I've proved in this forum by means of my Islamization Quiz. I could Quiz you right now, on some of the facts from the books by these authors and you'll be ignorant of all or most of them. Wanna bet ?

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