Mazie Hirono, 'Call To Arms'

Besides, you democrats are violent piles of shit - she's being true to your nature,

It was MAGAMAGGOTS that staged an attempted Insurrection, not the Democrats.

It was MAGAMAGGTOS who attacked the Capitol Hill Police Officers with metal flags and used bear spray, not the Democrats.

It is ReThuglicans threatening violence when (no if) the Traitor is indicted. Not the Democrats.

Women have the same rights as a Man to have control, to have dominion over their bodies. Women have the same rights as a Man to decide for themselves what medications they may/maynot take and they sure as fuck as the same rights a Man in deciding for themselves what medical procedures that they, as Woman can and cannot undergo.
It was MAGAMAGGOTS that staged an attempted Insurrection, not the Democrats.

Lie much, Nazi?

There has been ONE armed Insurrection - by you Nazi fucks.


You invaded and held American territory through force of arms - an act of war and of treason.

You lying about a 3 hour protests is idiocy - you Nazi pile of shit.
It was MAGAMAGGTOS who attacked the Capitol Hill Police Officers with metal flags and used bear spray, not the Democrats.

It is ReThuglicans threatening violence when (no if) the Traitor is indicted. Not the Democrats.

Women have the same rights as a Man to have control, to have dominion over their bodies. Women have the same rights as a Man to decide for themselves what medications they may/maynot take and they sure as fuck as the same rights a Man in deciding for themselves what medical procedures that they, as Woman can and cannot undergo.

You're bouncing off the walls, Nazi. You can't even form a coherent post.
You MAGAMAGGOT'S seem to have actually believed Women of this country would role over and accept losing control over their bodies, you are gravely mistaken.

No MAN has a right to decide a Woman's Reproductive Care. You don't you wife, your mistress to get knocked up. Use a rubber.
You MAGAMAGGOT'S seem to have actually believed Women of this country would role over and accept losing control over their bodies, you are gravely mistaken.

No MAN has a right to decide a Woman's Reproductive Care. You don't you wife, your mistress to get knocked up. Use a rubber.

No pink pussy hat was EVER going to vote Republican.

All your noise and fury means nothing. Dobbs changed less than 1% of the votes.

Pro-aborts will vote dim, as they always have, pro-life will still vote Republican.
For years, Cons/MAGAMAGGOTS bleated and bloviated about how they hated "Government Over Reach". They would throw body blows and elbows to get in front of what camera was up to bitch about, "How the government should not decide health care", they would fill the airwaves with interviews about "How the Government should not tell a doctor what he/she can do" or "How wrong it is for the government to be in the doctor's office". Cons love to bitch about, "Keep the government out of the operating room".

They have proven time and again to be the liars we all knew.

It is NOT up to the State to decide what health care a Woman receive. It is not up to the state to decide what operations a Woman can undergo. It is not up to the state to decide what medications a Woman can take.
The watch word for Cons has been small government.

Now, we know that small government is to be decided by Men and up to Men to decide a Woman's private health care.

So much for small government.

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