Mazie Hirono, 'Call To Arms'

Thats unexpected

Given her negative attitude toward human life Mazie should have welcomed being aborted
A certain former president is being blamed for giving marching orders to people who then rioted and entered the Capitol building. If a nutcase subsequent to this woman's statement literally takes up arms against pro-lifers and hurts someone, should we not then hold her accountable for said assault?
A certain former president is being blamed for giving marching orders to people who then rioted and entered the Capitol building. If a nutcase subsequent to this woman's statement literally takes up arms against pro-lifers and hurts someone, should we not then hold her accountable for said assault?
I will hold her accountable
A certain former president is being blamed for giving marching orders to people who then rioted and entered the Capitol building. If a nutcase subsequent to this woman's statement literally takes up arms against pro-lifers and hurts someone, should we not then hold her accountable for said assault?
Nope. Blaming her would be racist. She is one of the oppressed class. She gets a pass.
Ah, going to a public facility with absolute strangers is "private."

There is no right to privacy, but there is a right to be secure in your person and papers - you know, such as tax returns...

and making decisions over her body.
It isn't her body she is deciding about.

I support the right of any woman to stick a probe up her nostril and mash her brain. Mazie's mama did it to her and look how that turned out.

I support a woman's right to pull her own arms and legs off.

I just don't support them doing those things to the body of another person.

This isn't new you fucking dunce.

What's new is that the people now get to decide, and you fascists are melting down.
^ taliban logic
Yet another attempt to create another divisive phrase for idiots to pick up on, “Taliban logic” and your similar post using the phrase “American Taliban logic”. Hey, did you come up with that phrase by chance as a member of Biden’s political research team that worked 6 months searching for a way to divide Republicans, and the best thing you came up with the “popping phrase” Biden used during speeches: ultra-MAGA? If so, you were highly overpaid!

I’m having a lot of fun after learning about Biden’s administration’s 6 months research and what scrappings resulted!
Everyone knows she is not talking about actually taking up and using weapons but we also know if any Republican had said the same thing the liberals in and out of Congress and the meida would immediately be accusing them fermenting an inssurection and or inciting violence.
Everyone knows she is not talking about actually taking up and using weapons but we also know if any Republican had said the same thing the liberals in and out of Congress and the meida would immediately be accusing them fermenting an inssurection and or inciting violence.
She hasn't got a clue what her words actually mean. She's on par intellectually with Sheila Jackson Lee. Stupid people have a right to representation.
Remember a while back when Hirono said:

"Who the heck would know what our Founding Fathers meant?''​

Remember a while back when Hirono said:

"Who the heck would know what our Founding Fathers meant?''​

Wow, that should extremely embarrassing for her, particularly on record and not privately said at some pre-coffee moment at home lol Kind of like Pelosi saying, "If you want to know what's in the bill, you have to sign it first". Huge similarity in mindsets it appears, void of rational thought.
Yes, your ignorance of reality is that less then 1% of voters give a damn about your desire to kill babies. Inflation at 50 year highs, crashing stock market wiping out retirement savings, rising crime rates, floods of illegals, record high gas prices, fuel costs rising. THOSE are real issues that affect daily life. Better learn to cope with that red wave coming in November.
Hirono calls for women to get armed against other Americans. Is this not inciting violence?

Madam President, I yield the floor but clearly, this is literally a call to arms in our country.”

Good for her. Women have a right to defend their own bodies. Asshat MAGAMAGGOTs attacked the U.S. Capitol and you cheered them on.

Ms. Hirono is making a call out to all Americans who believe that Women have right to control over their bodies, to dominion over their bodies.
Good for her. Women have a right to defend their own bodies. Asshat MAGAMAGGOTs attacked the U.S. Capitol and you cheered them on.

Ms. Hirono is making a call out to all Americans who believe that Women have right to control over their bodies, to dominion over their bodies.
Besides, you democrats are violent piles of shit - she's being true to your nature,

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