McCabe effectively fired from FBI

the pos in our wh has been on McCabes case for weeks even went as far as mocking him over his wifes loss of a senate seat We have the worst POS ever representing us now trying to protect himself from charges of obstruction

:boo_hoo14: president Trump hurt our feelings come on eddie grow a pair.
the hell with feelings blues he's ruining our country...the man is a grifter a blabbermouthed fool who does not belong in our gov't ,,,,maybe putins gov't would be more his style He wants bi-partisanship??? The ah has a strange way of trying to get it

I see, what specifically has he done to "ruin our country"? You speak of bi-partisanship yet YOUR party votes no on every bill the majority of American's representatives in congress put up for a vote.
maybe he doesn't realize how many immigrants work for AAPL,,,MSFT AMAZ etc etc etc ?

Still waiting for you to back up your claim that Trump is ruining our country. Can you back up your claim or should I write that off as an irrational rant?
OK Who do you think is paying off that 1.5 million + ??? Your children ,,,,Who is really doing great with his bs tax cut The average guy or the billionaire?? Who.s getting hurt with him pulling back clean air ,water regulations And he's made most of non white America hate his racist bones as well as women who see the pervert for what he is Theres more but I need to check into HIS stock market lol down only 271 as we speak Prk likes to pat himself on the back I hate that
:boo_hoo14: president Trump hurt our feelings come on eddie grow a pair.
the hell with feelings blues he's ruining our country...the man is a grifter a blabbermouthed fool who does not belong in our gov't ,,,,maybe putins gov't would be more his style He wants bi-partisanship??? The ah has a strange way of trying to get it

I see, what specifically has he done to "ruin our country"? You speak of bi-partisanship yet YOUR party votes no on every bill the majority of American's representatives in congress put up for a vote.
maybe he doesn't realize how many immigrants work for AAPL,,,MSFT AMAZ etc etc etc ?

Still waiting for you to back up your claim that Trump is ruining our country. Can you back up your claim or should I write that off as an irrational rant?
OK Who do you think is paying off that 1.5 million + ??? Your children ,,,,Who is really doing great with his bs tax cut The average guy or the billionaire?? Who.s getting hurt with him pulling back clean air ,water regulations And he's made most of non white America hate his racist bones as well as women who see the pervert for what he is Theres more but I need to check into HIS stock market lol down only 271 as we speak Prk likes to pat himself on the back I hate that

You have the nerve to even talk about clean water when I just posted yet another instance of Dem's spilling millions of gallons of raw sewage into public waterways? This time it was California, they had to close the beaches due to health concerns it was that foul. Go ahead give us even one example where Trump did that kind of damage, you can't.

Again not a single specific example from you, just empty talking points. I list specific examples, you don't, end of story. :eusa_hand:
the hell with feelings blues he's ruining our country...the man is a grifter a blabbermouthed fool who does not belong in our gov't ,,,,maybe putins gov't would be more his style He wants bi-partisanship??? The ah has a strange way of trying to get it

I see, what specifically has he done to "ruin our country"? You speak of bi-partisanship yet YOUR party votes no on every bill the majority of American's representatives in congress put up for a vote.
maybe he doesn't realize how many immigrants work for AAPL,,,MSFT AMAZ etc etc etc ?

Still waiting for you to back up your claim that Trump is ruining our country. Can you back up your claim or should I write that off as an irrational rant?
OK Who do you think is paying off that 1.5 million + ??? Your children ,,,,Who is really doing great with his bs tax cut The average guy or the billionaire?? Who.s getting hurt with him pulling back clean air ,water regulations And he's made most of non white America hate his racist bones as well as women who see the pervert for what he is Theres more but I need to check into HIS stock market lol down only 271 as we speak Prk likes to pat himself on the back I hate that

You have the nerve to even talk about clean water when I just posted yet another instance of Dem's spilling millions of gallons of raw sewage into public waterways? This time it was California, they had to close the beaches due to health concerns it was that foul. Go ahead give us even one example where Trump did that kind of damage, you can't.

Again not a single specific example from you, just empty talking points. I list specific examples, you don't, end of story. :eusa_hand:
is it possible just maybe, his relaxing the clean waters laws were responsible? And just who are those dems with the raw sewage If so they should be jailed Guess republicans all have clean hands
I see, what specifically has he done to "ruin our country"? You speak of bi-partisanship yet YOUR party votes no on every bill the majority of American's representatives in congress put up for a vote.
maybe he doesn't realize how many immigrants work for AAPL,,,MSFT AMAZ etc etc etc ?

Still waiting for you to back up your claim that Trump is ruining our country. Can you back up your claim or should I write that off as an irrational rant?
OK Who do you think is paying off that 1.5 million + ??? Your children ,,,,Who is really doing great with his bs tax cut The average guy or the billionaire?? Who.s getting hurt with him pulling back clean air ,water regulations And he's made most of non white America hate his racist bones as well as women who see the pervert for what he is Theres more but I need to check into HIS stock market lol down only 271 as we speak Prk likes to pat himself on the back I hate that

You have the nerve to even talk about clean water when I just posted yet another instance of Dem's spilling millions of gallons of raw sewage into public waterways? This time it was California, they had to close the beaches due to health concerns it was that foul. Go ahead give us even one example where Trump did that kind of damage, you can't.

Again not a single specific example from you, just empty talking points. I list specific examples, you don't, end of story. :eusa_hand:
is it possible just maybe, his relaxing the clean waters laws were responsible? And just who are those dems with the raw sewage If so they should be jailed Guess republicans all have clean hands
of course no one ever said that either. but a move done out of frustration is usually flipping to the opposite of what you feel so you can push whatever logic may be presented as far away from you as possible.

most of what i see you post is just insecurity and anger. not a good combo.
the hell with feelings blues he's ruining our country...the man is a grifter a blabbermouthed fool who does not belong in our gov't ,,,,maybe putins gov't would be more his style He wants bi-partisanship??? The ah has a strange way of trying to get it

I see, what specifically has he done to "ruin our country"? You speak of bi-partisanship yet YOUR party votes no on every bill the majority of American's representatives in congress put up for a vote.
maybe he doesn't realize how many immigrants work for AAPL,,,MSFT AMAZ etc etc etc ?

Still waiting for you to back up your claim that Trump is ruining our country. Can you back up your claim or should I write that off as an irrational rant?
OK Who do you think is paying off that 1.5 million + ??? Your children ,,,,Who is really doing great with his bs tax cut The average guy or the billionaire?? Who.s getting hurt with him pulling back clean air ,water regulations And he's made most of non white America hate his racist bones as well as women who see the pervert for what he is Theres more but I need to check into HIS stock market lol down only 271 as we speak Prk likes to pat himself on the back I hate that

You have the nerve to even talk about clean water when I just posted yet another instance of Dem's spilling millions of gallons of raw sewage into public waterways? This time it was California, they had to close the beaches due to health concerns it was that foul. Go ahead give us even one example where Trump did that kind of damage, you can't.

Again not a single specific example from you, just empty talking points. I list specific examples, you don't, end of story. :eusa_hand:
It is said his theme is 'building a safe strong America. Yet he has single-handedly torn down more American tradition than any outsider could have done. A glaring example is in tearing down the independent FBI in an effort to replace it with a Praetorian Guard, a phalanx of 'his guys' to cover his matter what. He has Jordan and Nunes both attached by the lips like lamphreys to his butt. A compliant Paul Ryan and McConnell will give him whatever he throws a tantrum for, and America will end up looking like North Korea, with the biggest crowds praising and praying for blessings from the most wonderful, wisest, most genius President America ever had. Ask these guys: GOP Rep. Gaetz joins the 'Infowar' against the FBI
Yesterday FBI Director, Chris Wray, read the Nunes memo and today Andrew McCabe was told not to come back to work. Apparently there is also an IG report due out soon that is highly critical of McCabe.

no doubt if president Obama had engaged in any of these clearly obstructive and probably illegal methods, you'd be in melt down mode.

but if the orange one and his henchmen do it.... .

what are you babbling about?
the hell with feelings blues he's ruining our country...the man is a grifter a blabbermouthed fool who does not belong in our gov't ,,,,maybe putins gov't would be more his style He wants bi-partisanship??? The ah has a strange way of trying to get it

I see, what specifically has he done to "ruin our country"? You speak of bi-partisanship yet YOUR party votes no on every bill the majority of American's representatives in congress put up for a vote.
maybe he doesn't realize how many immigrants work for AAPL,,,MSFT AMAZ etc etc etc ?

Still waiting for you to back up your claim that Trump is ruining our country. Can you back up your claim or should I write that off as an irrational rant?
OK Who do you think is paying off that 1.5 million + ??? Your children ,,,,Who is really doing great with his bs tax cut The average guy or the billionaire?? Who.s getting hurt with him pulling back clean air ,water regulations And he's made most of non white America hate his racist bones as well as women who see the pervert for what he is Theres more but I need to check into HIS stock market lol down only 271 as we speak Prk likes to pat himself on the back I hate that

You have the nerve to even talk about clean water when I just posted yet another instance of Dem's spilling millions of gallons of raw sewage into public waterways? This time it was California, they had to close the beaches due to health concerns it was that foul. Go ahead give us even one example where Trump did that kind of damage, you can't.

Again not a single specific example from you, just empty talking points. I list specific examples, you don't, end of story. :eusa_hand:
President Trump is destroying our country - Statesman Journal
Dec 21, 2017 - Once again, this moronic, fake President Donald Trump has made a disastrous mistake by recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.
The Past Week Proves That Trump Is Destroying Our Democracy - The ...
Aug 1, 2017 - But in other respects the United States is already well on the way to what I have, in myacademic work, called “democratic deconsolidation.” Mr. Trump is increasingly emulating the playbook of popularly elected strongmen who have done deep, lasting damage to their countries' democratic institutions.
How Donald Trump Is Destroying America in Three Easy Steps ...
Nov 13, 2017 - How Donald Trump Is Destroying America in Three Easy Steps, According to John Oliver ... Concluding his analysis of Trump's techniques, Oliver called on Americans to “train ourselves to identify” when they are used “because their natural endpoint is the erosion of our ability to decide what's important, ...
How Trump is slowly destroying America's national security agencies ...
Nov 25, 2017 - Countless highly talented young Americans who were once inspired to serve our countrynow may go to Wall Street rather than Foggy Bottom. This is good for real estate values in the Hamptons, but very bad for our country. Roger Cohen's column in the New York Times of 28 July chronicled this tragic ...
Trump is destroying America's image around the world - Vox
Trump is destroying America's image around the world
Jun 27, 2017 - It might seem like a subjective judgment to say that Donald Trump is wrecking America's image. But a new Pew poll of 37 countries shows that this is measurable reality: Perceptions of the United States have collapsed since President Trump took office. Pew asked people in countries ranging from Canada ...
Brennan was part of the Clinton corruption problem he is also exposed in the memo as I have been told..

Your whole Russia meme is now on fire and burning up right in front of your eyes..
It is the modern Stalin who is doing the purging. Comey, McCabe, Wray and Rosenstein in the crosshairs, and the (Howdy Doody) Nunes making cobbled memos. Any other person would have you tearing your hair out at the guilt Trump displays. Would an innocent try to obstruct an investigation? Every twitter, every 'look over there', every diversion, every block screams guilty.

You sure you want to live under the leadership of a guy that looks like Mussolini and acts like Stalin? God! How did it come to this?
Pucker up butter cup...

McCabe was not even allowed to attend the morning meeting. I've had several LE people tell me he is now in very deep shit. He is accused of forcing officers to change their 302's (record of interview) in an effort to bear false statements against Trump. THIS IS PERJURY... Falsifying the Records, Manufacturing criminal behavior... this will kill the Special Counsel..

This thing is blowing up right in front of us..

Well I hope he was fired... They are making this obstruction of justice charge even easier to prosecute...

but who will be left to prosecute it? that is the question. and ultimately that is the point of all of this.
nobody left is what the orange anus is gunning for Putin opened up his play book for trump
what's the play?
:boo_hoo14: president Trump hurt our feelings come on eddie grow a pair.
the hell with feelings blues he's ruining our country...the man is a grifter a blabbermouthed fool who does not belong in our gov't ,,,,maybe putins gov't would be more his style He wants bi-partisanship??? The ah has a strange way of trying to get it

I see, what specifically has he done to "ruin our country"? You speak of bi-partisanship yet YOUR party votes no on every bill the majority of American's representatives in congress put up for a vote.
maybe he doesn't realize how many immigrants work for AAPL,,,MSFT AMAZ etc etc etc ?

Still waiting for you to back up your claim that Trump is ruining our country. Can you back up your claim or should I write that off as an irrational rant?
OK Who do you think is paying off that 1.5 million + ??? Your children ,,,,Who is really doing great with his bs tax cut The average guy or the billionaire?? Who.s getting hurt with him pulling back clean air ,water regulations And he's made most of non white America hate his racist bones as well as women who see the pervert for what he is Theres more but I need to check into HIS stock market lol down only 271 as we speak Prk likes to pat himself on the back I hate that
who is paying off the 10 trillion? You meant trillion right? LOL, million billion trillion means the same to you I see. no idea of the real world. hahahahhahaahahaha
maybe he doesn't realize how many immigrants work for AAPL,,,MSFT AMAZ etc etc etc ?

Still waiting for you to back up your claim that Trump is ruining our country. Can you back up your claim or should I write that off as an irrational rant?
OK Who do you think is paying off that 1.5 million + ??? Your children ,,,,Who is really doing great with his bs tax cut The average guy or the billionaire?? Who.s getting hurt with him pulling back clean air ,water regulations And he's made most of non white America hate his racist bones as well as women who see the pervert for what he is Theres more but I need to check into HIS stock market lol down only 271 as we speak Prk likes to pat himself on the back I hate that

You have the nerve to even talk about clean water when I just posted yet another instance of Dem's spilling millions of gallons of raw sewage into public waterways? This time it was California, they had to close the beaches due to health concerns it was that foul. Go ahead give us even one example where Trump did that kind of damage, you can't.

Again not a single specific example from you, just empty talking points. I list specific examples, you don't, end of story. :eusa_hand:
is it possible just maybe, his relaxing the clean waters laws were responsible? And just who are those dems with the raw sewage If so they should be jailed Guess republicans all have clean hands
of course no one ever said that either. but a move done out of frustration is usually flipping to the opposite of what you feel so you can push whatever logic may be presented as far away from you as possible.

most of what i see you post is just insecurity and anger. not a good combo.
I'll agree with anger but I'm probable one of the most secure people here And all I'd like to know is how did blues know the dumping was done by Dems?
It is the modern Stalin who is doing the purging. Comey, McCabe, Wray and Rosenstein in the crosshairs, and the (Howdy Doody) Nunes making cobbled memos. Any other person would have you tearing your hair out at the guilt Trump displays. Would an innocent try to obstruct an investigation? Every twitter, every 'look over there', every diversion, every block screams guilty.

You sure you want to live under the leadership of a guy that looks like Mussolini and acts like Stalin? God! How did it come to this?
Pucker up butter cup...

McCabe was not even allowed to attend the morning meeting. I've had several LE people tell me he is now in very deep shit. He is accused of forcing officers to change their 302's (record of interview) in an effort to bear false statements against Trump. THIS IS PERJURY... Falsifying the Records, Manufacturing criminal behavior... this will kill the Special Counsel..

This thing is blowing up right in front of us..

Well I hope he was fired... They are making this obstruction of justice charge even easier to prosecute...

but who will be left to prosecute it? that is the question. and ultimately that is the point of all of this.
nobody left is what the orange anus is gunning for Putin opened up his play book for trump
what's the play?
Getting rid of anyone who won't kiss his ass...anyone trying to find out about his connections to putin and getting him elected and anyone looking into the thiefs finances
the hell with feelings blues he's ruining our country...the man is a grifter a blabbermouthed fool who does not belong in our gov't ,,,,maybe putins gov't would be more his style He wants bi-partisanship??? The ah has a strange way of trying to get it

I see, what specifically has he done to "ruin our country"? You speak of bi-partisanship yet YOUR party votes no on every bill the majority of American's representatives in congress put up for a vote.
maybe he doesn't realize how many immigrants work for AAPL,,,MSFT AMAZ etc etc etc ?

Still waiting for you to back up your claim that Trump is ruining our country. Can you back up your claim or should I write that off as an irrational rant?
OK Who do you think is paying off that 1.5 million + ??? Your children ,,,,Who is really doing great with his bs tax cut The average guy or the billionaire?? Who.s getting hurt with him pulling back clean air ,water regulations And he's made most of non white America hate his racist bones as well as women who see the pervert for what he is Theres more but I need to check into HIS stock market lol down only 271 as we speak Prk likes to pat himself on the back I hate that
who is paying off the 10 trillion? You meant trillion right? LOL, million billion trillion means the same to you I see. no idea of the real world. hahahahhahaahahaha
you got me jc good going
Pucker up butter cup...

McCabe was not even allowed to attend the morning meeting. I've had several LE people tell me he is now in very deep shit. He is accused of forcing officers to change their 302's (record of interview) in an effort to bear false statements against Trump. THIS IS PERJURY... Falsifying the Records, Manufacturing criminal behavior... this will kill the Special Counsel..

This thing is blowing up right in front of us..

Well I hope he was fired... They are making this obstruction of justice charge even easier to prosecute...

but who will be left to prosecute it? that is the question. and ultimately that is the point of all of this.
nobody left is what the orange anus is gunning for Putin opened up his play book for trump
what's the play?
Getting rid of anyone who won't kiss his ass...anyone trying to find out about his connections to putin and getting him elected and anyone looking into the thiefs finances
so you would want people who wanted to impeach you around in a coup? hmmmmm me thinks not.
I see, what specifically has he done to "ruin our country"? You speak of bi-partisanship yet YOUR party votes no on every bill the majority of American's representatives in congress put up for a vote.
maybe he doesn't realize how many immigrants work for AAPL,,,MSFT AMAZ etc etc etc ?

Still waiting for you to back up your claim that Trump is ruining our country. Can you back up your claim or should I write that off as an irrational rant?
OK Who do you think is paying off that 1.5 million + ??? Your children ,,,,Who is really doing great with his bs tax cut The average guy or the billionaire?? Who.s getting hurt with him pulling back clean air ,water regulations And he's made most of non white America hate his racist bones as well as women who see the pervert for what he is Theres more but I need to check into HIS stock market lol down only 271 as we speak Prk likes to pat himself on the back I hate that

You have the nerve to even talk about clean water when I just posted yet another instance of Dem's spilling millions of gallons of raw sewage into public waterways? This time it was California, they had to close the beaches due to health concerns it was that foul. Go ahead give us even one example where Trump did that kind of damage, you can't.

Again not a single specific example from you, just empty talking points. I list specific examples, you don't, end of story. :eusa_hand:
is it possible just maybe, his relaxing the clean waters laws were responsible? And just who are those dems with the raw sewage If so they should be jailed Guess republicans all have clean hands

Holy shit lib, Trump is responsible for flaming liberals in California spilling sewage? You do realize liberals spilled hundred of millions of gallons of sewage into public waterways under Obama right...:itsok:
Still waiting for you to back up your claim that Trump is ruining our country. Can you back up your claim or should I write that off as an irrational rant?
OK Who do you think is paying off that 1.5 million + ??? Your children ,,,,Who is really doing great with his bs tax cut The average guy or the billionaire?? Who.s getting hurt with him pulling back clean air ,water regulations And he's made most of non white America hate his racist bones as well as women who see the pervert for what he is Theres more but I need to check into HIS stock market lol down only 271 as we speak Prk likes to pat himself on the back I hate that

You have the nerve to even talk about clean water when I just posted yet another instance of Dem's spilling millions of gallons of raw sewage into public waterways? This time it was California, they had to close the beaches due to health concerns it was that foul. Go ahead give us even one example where Trump did that kind of damage, you can't.

Again not a single specific example from you, just empty talking points. I list specific examples, you don't, end of story. :eusa_hand:
is it possible just maybe, his relaxing the clean waters laws were responsible? And just who are those dems with the raw sewage If so they should be jailed Guess republicans all have clean hands
of course no one ever said that either. but a move done out of frustration is usually flipping to the opposite of what you feel so you can push whatever logic may be presented as far away from you as possible.

most of what i see you post is just insecurity and anger. not a good combo.
I'll agree with anger but I'm probable one of the most secure people here And all I'd like to know is how did blues know the dumping was done by Dems?

I have been posting links to articles in the liberal news reporting on Dem's spilling hundreds of millions of gallons of raw sewage into public waterways for years, Dem spills in Dem controlled cities in Dem controlled states. YOU PEOPLE have zero credibility on the environment, the most filthy polluted areas of the country are Dem controlled cities. I'm sorry if that pops your liberal balloon, deal with it.
Well I hope he was fired... They are making this obstruction of justice charge even easier to prosecute...

but who will be left to prosecute it? that is the question. and ultimately that is the point of all of this.
nobody left is what the orange anus is gunning for Putin opened up his play book for trump
what's the play?
Getting rid of anyone who won't kiss his ass...anyone trying to find out about his connections to putin and getting him elected and anyone looking into the thiefs finances
so you would want people who wanted to impeach you around in a coup? hmmmmm me thinks not.
Look what happened with Nixon firing guys because they wouldn't fire who was giving him a hard time
maybe he doesn't realize how many immigrants work for AAPL,,,MSFT AMAZ etc etc etc ?

Still waiting for you to back up your claim that Trump is ruining our country. Can you back up your claim or should I write that off as an irrational rant?
OK Who do you think is paying off that 1.5 million + ??? Your children ,,,,Who is really doing great with his bs tax cut The average guy or the billionaire?? Who.s getting hurt with him pulling back clean air ,water regulations And he's made most of non white America hate his racist bones as well as women who see the pervert for what he is Theres more but I need to check into HIS stock market lol down only 271 as we speak Prk likes to pat himself on the back I hate that

You have the nerve to even talk about clean water when I just posted yet another instance of Dem's spilling millions of gallons of raw sewage into public waterways? This time it was California, they had to close the beaches due to health concerns it was that foul. Go ahead give us even one example where Trump did that kind of damage, you can't.

Again not a single specific example from you, just empty talking points. I list specific examples, you don't, end of story. :eusa_hand:
is it possible just maybe, his relaxing the clean waters laws were responsible? And just who are those dems with the raw sewage If so they should be jailed Guess republicans all have clean hands

Holy shit lib, Trump is responsible for flaming liberals in California spilling sewage? You do realize liberals spilled hundred of millions of gallons of sewage into public waterways under Obama right...:itsok:
no honestly this dem not a lib, didn't know that
lol And now the Justice Department Inspector General appears to agree with the President that McCabe is dirty.
read up on what john brennan former cia director had to say ,,,,get yourself an education and pass it on to your other sheep here
Brennan was part of the Clinton corruption problem he is also exposed in the memo as I have been told..

Your whole Russia meme is now on fire and burning up right in front of your eyes..
It is the modern Stalin who is doing the purging. Comey, McCabe, Wray and Rosenstein in the crosshairs, and the (Howdy Doody) Nunes making cobbled memos. Any other person would have you tearing your hair out at the guilt Trump displays. Would an innocent try to obstruct an investigation? Every twitter, every 'look over there', every diversion, every block screams guilty.

You sure you want to live under the leadership of a guy that looks like Mussolini and acts like Stalin? God! How did it come to this?
Pucker up butter cup...

McCabe was not even allowed to attend the morning meeting. I've had several LE people tell me he is now in very deep shit. He is accused of forcing officers to change their 302's (record of interview) in an effort to bear false statements against Trump. THIS IS PERJURY... Falsifying the Records, Manufacturing criminal behavior... this will kill the Special Counsel..

This thing is blowing up right in front of us..

Well I hope he was fired... They are making this obstruction of justice charge even easier to prosecute...
But there is no obstruction of justice charge nor are there any grounds for one just as there is no collusion charge or grounds for that. The whole purpose of the investigation is to have an investigation going into the election because the Democrats have nothing else to offer the American people.
read up on what john brennan former cia director had to say ,,,,get yourself an education and pass it on to your other sheep here
Brennan was part of the Clinton corruption problem he is also exposed in the memo as I have been told..

Your whole Russia meme is now on fire and burning up right in front of your eyes..
It is the modern Stalin who is doing the purging. Comey, McCabe, Wray and Rosenstein in the crosshairs, and the (Howdy Doody) Nunes making cobbled memos. Any other person would have you tearing your hair out at the guilt Trump displays. Would an innocent try to obstruct an investigation? Every twitter, every 'look over there', every diversion, every block screams guilty.

You sure you want to live under the leadership of a guy that looks like Mussolini and acts like Stalin? God! How did it come to this?
Pucker up butter cup...

McCabe was not even allowed to attend the morning meeting. I've had several LE people tell me he is now in very deep shit. He is accused of forcing officers to change their 302's (record of interview) in an effort to bear false statements against Trump. THIS IS PERJURY... Falsifying the Records, Manufacturing criminal behavior... this will kill the Special Counsel..

This thing is blowing up right in front of us..

Well I hope he was fired... They are making this obstruction of justice charge even easier to prosecute...
But there is no obstruction of justice charge nor are there any grounds for one just as there is no collusion charge or grounds for that. The whole purpose of the investigation is to have an investigation going into the election because the Democrats have nothing else to offer the American people.
you're too much anyone saying that with 17 expert investigators investigating obstruction and money laundering that there is no THERE THERE doesn't know what they're talking about
read up on what john brennan former cia director had to say ,,,,get yourself an education and pass it on to your other sheep here
Brennan was part of the Clinton corruption problem he is also exposed in the memo as I have been told..

Your whole Russia meme is now on fire and burning up right in front of your eyes..
It is the modern Stalin who is doing the purging. Comey, McCabe, Wray and Rosenstein in the crosshairs, and the (Howdy Doody) Nunes making cobbled memos. Any other person would have you tearing your hair out at the guilt Trump displays. Would an innocent try to obstruct an investigation? Every twitter, every 'look over there', every diversion, every block screams guilty.

You sure you want to live under the leadership of a guy that looks like Mussolini and acts like Stalin? God! How did it come to this?
Pucker up butter cup...

McCabe was not even allowed to attend the morning meeting. I've had several LE people tell me he is now in very deep shit. He is accused of forcing officers to change their 302's (record of interview) in an effort to bear false statements against Trump. THIS IS PERJURY... Falsifying the Records, Manufacturing criminal behavior... this will kill the Special Counsel..

This thing is blowing up right in front of us..

Well I hope he was fired... They are making this obstruction of justice charge even easier to prosecute...
But there is no obstruction of justice charge nor are there any grounds for one just as there is no collusion charge or grounds for that. The whole purpose of the investigation is to have an investigation going into the election because the Democrats have nothing else to offer the American people.

Sorry but 'collusion' is not a crime and doesn't need to be proven to be found guilty of Obstruction of Justice.

Trump stated that he fired Comey over the Russian thing... That by its definition is Obstructing Justice.

His actions after that have just confirmed those actions but are generally not needed...

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