McCain dead

After reading many of these posts all I can say is that all dignity, decency and respectability has abandoned and fled the new Republican party. It is now just a collection of bitter, angry and unhinged individuals. The Republican party of old is dead, buried and wasted away.
I'm a democrat, so I agree. Getting back to McCain, I consider him a prince and gentlemen and he will be missed in the Senate. Take a look at the following. It is well worth watching.

Regardless of political party, McCain is what America needs in politics, integrity, honesty, and a deep desire to serve our nation.

Obama telling McCain to shut the fuck up

WHO did McCain wish to speak at his funeral?? Go on stupid ,,,tell us

Who gives a shit what that piece of shit wanted, he was a career politician who screwed over the citizens of this country....

Just back from being banned rustic and hope I won,t be again for calling you a low life pos and whats wrong with America

Here is John McCain before brain cancer

Then he spun around and voted to keep that shit in place because he was a spiteful old asshole.


McCain is right when he says there was no Republican input into Obamacare. What he is not saying is the Republicans offered nothing other than a big NO. What should have happened is republicans should have offered amendments that actually fixed weak parts of the legislation and democrats should of course listened. This typifies what is wrong in American politics, the inability of of both sides to compromise. For example, Trump is issuing executive orders that weakening Obamacare requirements putting money in the pockets of insurance companies and the public. Some but not all of the changes are good but when Democrats get control, they will totally reset all Obamacare both good and bad. The same will occur with taxes. The inability of the two sides to compromise and to work together is hurting the nation. We have to stop this insane idea that if the other side proposes it has to be voted down.

Millions of Americans want nothing to do with socialize medicine... so shut the fuck up you motherfucker
Here is John McCain before brain cancer

Then he spun around and voted to keep that shit in place because he was a spiteful old asshole.


McCain is right when he says there was no Republican input into Obamacare. What he is not saying is the Republicans offered nothing other than a big NO. What should have happened is republicans should have offered amendments that actually fixed weak parts of the legislation and democrats should of course listened. This typifies what is wrong in American politics, the inability of of both sides to compromise. For example, Trump is issuing executive orders that weakening Obamacare requirements putting money in the pockets of insurance companies and the public. Some but not all of the changes are good but when Democrats get control, they will totally reset all Obamacare both good and bad. The same will occur with taxes. The inability of the two sides to compromise and to work together is hurting the nation. We have to stop this insane idea that if the other side proposes it has to be voted down.

Rural and urban America will never have the same needs and wants... so shut the fuck up
CNN reporting John McCain requested that both
George W Bush and
Barack Obama deliver eulogies at his funeral.

What's wrong with Slick Willy? Sen. McCain was a huge fan of Mr. Clinton, and pushed hard for Clinton to become our nation's first male First Lady.
After reading many of these posts all I can say is that all dignity, decency and respectability has abandoned and fled the new Republican party. It is now just a collection of bitter, angry and unhinged individuals. The Republican party of old is dead, buried and wasted away.
I'm a democrat, so I agree. Getting back to McCain, I consider him a prince and gentlemen and he will be missed in the Senate. Take a look at the following. It is well worth watching.

Regardless of political party, McCain is what America needs in politics, integrity, honesty, and a deep desire to serve our nation.

Obama telling McCain to shut the fuck up

WHO did McCain wish to speak at his funeral?? Go on stupid ,,,tell us

Who gives a shit what that piece of shit wanted, he was a career politician who screwed over the citizens of this country....

CNN reporting John McCain requested that both
George W Bush and
Barack Obama deliver eulogies at his funeral.

Did he request that Trump be barred from entry?
McCain is right when he says there was no Republican input into Obamacare. What he is not saying is the Republicans offered nothing other than a big NO. What should have happened is republicans should have offered amendments that actually fixed weak parts of the legislation and democrats should of course listened. This typifies what is wrong in American politics, the inability of of both sides to compromise. For example, Trump is issuing executive orders that weakening Obamacare requirements putting money in the pockets of insurance companies and the public. Some but not all of the changes are good but when Democrats get control, they will totally reset all Obamacare changes both good and bad. The same will occur with taxes. The inability of the two sides to compromise and to work together is hurting the nation. We have to stop this insane idea that if the other side proposes something it has to be voted down. Also Senators and congressmen need to read the bills and vote for what they think is right not just follow the leader.

I'm a democrat, so I agree. Getting back to McCain, I consider him a prince and gentlemen and he will be missed in the Senate. Take a look at the following. It is well worth watching.

Regardless of political party, McCain is what America needs in politics, integrity, honesty, and a deep desire to serve our nation.

Obama telling McCain to shut the fuck up

WHO did McCain wish to speak at his funeral?? Go on stupid ,,,tell us

Who gives a shit what that piece of shit wanted, he was a career politician who screwed over the citizens of this country....

CNN reporting John McCain requested that both
George W Bush and
Barack Obama deliver eulogies at his funeral.

Did he request that Trump be barred from entry?

think he did but a ways back
I'd like to see Superstar Billy Graham appointed to serve out the rest of McCain's term. I don't know where he stands on the issues, but Graham knows how to give a good speech. Graham is from Paradise, AZ.

That would be a good trick. He's dead too. :lol:
It seems extremely messed up that many who praise Senator McCain now were calling him the vilest names 10 years ago.

i certainly understand why many in the right were unhappy with him. He constantly claimed he was one of us then would turn around and vote against us when we needed him most. He worked with the left to pass legislation violating the 1st amendment. There is certainly reason to be upset with him.

But we are called to be better than that. Christ has called us to forgive those who hurt us. What McCain has or hasn't done is in the past. We need to forgive and heal and move on.
Justin Trudeau ‏Verified account @JustinTrudeau 3h - 3 hours ago

Le sén. John McCain était un patriote et un héros dont les sacrifices pour son pays et la vie qu’il a consacrée au service public ont été une source d’inspiration pour des millions de gens. Les Canadiens se joignent aux Américains ce soir pour célébrer sa vie et pleurer son décès


Justin Trudeau‏ Verified account @JustinTrudeau 3h - 3 hours ago

Senator John McCain was an American patriot and hero whose sacrifices for his country, and lifetime of public service, were an inspiration to millions. Canadians join Americans tonight in celebrating his life and mourning his passing.
a great american has passed
Your post doesn’t match your headline who died? McCain or a great American?
McCain didn't back down
He was one of just three Republican senators to vote against - and thus defeat - a Trump-backed effort to repeal Barack Obama's signature health-care law. That single vote earned lasting disdain from the president.

But McCain did not back down. In an op-ed article in the Washington Post, he called the president "impulsive" and "often poorly informed." In a prepared speech that seemed directed at the president and his aides, McCain denounced the "spurious nationalism" of people who "would rather find scapegoats than solve problems."

And when an October 2017 interview turned to the subject of service in the Vietnam War - a profoundly marking experience in McCain's own life - he did not hold back.

"One aspect of the conflict, by the way, that I will never countenance is that we drafted the lowest-income level of America, and the highest-income level found a doctor that would say that they had a bone spur," he said. "That is wrong. That is wrong." The allusion to the medical deferment that saved a young Donald Trump from serving in that war could not have been clearer.

The patent contempt the two men displayed for each other showed no sign of fading, even as McCain continued to weaken.

A few weeks ago, Trump could not even bring himself to say McCain's name during a signing ceremony for a defence funding bill that fellow senators had named in the Arizona lawmaker's honour.
I'd like to see Superstar Billy Graham appointed to serve out the rest of McCain's term. I don't know where he stands on the issues, but Graham knows how to give a good speech. Graham is from Paradise, AZ.

That would be a good trick. He's dead too. :lol:
Well, one is dead....The other is still signing autographs at rassling expo-fest-a-ramas....

I wasn't a fan, but I did respect him. He was indeed a great man.
a great american has passed
Your post doesn’t match your headline who died? McCain or a great American?
McCain didn't back down
He was one of just three Republican senators to vote against - and thus defeat - a Trump-backed effort to repeal Barack Obama's signature health-care law. That single vote earned lasting disdain from the president.

But McCain did not back down. In an op-ed article in the Washington Post, he called the president "impulsive" and "often poorly informed." In a prepared speech that seemed directed at the president and his aides, McCain denounced the "spurious nationalism" of people who "would rather find scapegoats than solve problems."

And when an October 2017 interview turned to the subject of service in the Vietnam War - a profoundly marking experience in McCain's own life - he did not hold back.

"One aspect of the conflict, by the way, that I will never countenance is that we drafted the lowest-income level of America, and the highest-income level found a doctor that would say that they had a bone spur," he said. "That is wrong. That is wrong." The allusion to the medical deferment that saved a young Donald Trump from serving in that war could not have been clearer.

The patent contempt the two men displayed for each other showed no sign of fading, even as McCain continued to weaken.

A few weeks ago, Trump could not even bring himself to say McCain's name during a signing ceremony for a defence funding bill that fellow senators had named in the Arizona lawmaker's honour.

Mr. McCain was awfully thin skinned. He did not take criticism very well. I think he was jealous of The Donald.
McCain didn't back down
He was one of just three Republican senators to vote against - and thus defeat - a Trump-backed effort to repeal Barack Obama's signature health-care law. That single vote earned lasting disdain from the president.

Which he promised a vote to repeal the law. In other words, the guy lied to the American people.
I'd like to see Superstar Billy Graham appointed to serve out the rest of McCain's term. I don't know where he stands on the issues, but Graham knows how to give a good speech. Graham is from Paradise, AZ.

That would be a good trick. He's dead too. :lol:
Well, one is dead....The other is still signing autographs at rassling expo-fest-a-ramas....

View attachment 212992
That rock jawed American Icon? The guy that also accidentally shot up the USS Forestall? And may have killed 130 American sailors? Son of a Admiral kiddo? That GUY? Survivor of the Hanoi Hilton? Somebody Trump couldn't imagine in his wildest wet dream of becoming? That Guy?
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