McCain thumps Trump on the Khans and effectively ends Trump's chances for election

Being John McClain cost Republicans an election. I don't think we'll pay attention to anything he has to say.
Trump 2016 ~ Because McCain was worthless then and is worthless now.

Because he chose Palin and you guys cheered all the way to a lose. Then you blamed McCain for it:badgrin:
explain how McCain did so poorly when he went for the nomination in 1999.
lets see if I can help. Americans don't vote for liberals. Not then, not now.
This whole Khan thing is nothing but a con thrust upon the American sheeple by the media. The Trump train moves on. Just another heap of bullshit to plow through on the way to the election.

The truth will come out on this Con man (pun intended) and we'll all have a good laugh at the expense of the dopes who fell for it
Wait Jake, you've been showing us polls and such that long before this according to you Trump all along has had no chance.
Wait DD, I have been showing polls for a long time, and now McCain is confirming what I have been saying all along.

McCain gutted Trump's legitimacy as the Republican nominee. No apologies, just a gutting.
McCain is a stupid ass and is worried about HIS reelection that's why he's spewing stupidity. He should keep it up though because the more crap aka lies he spews the deeper the hole he digs. McCain is washed up and should be taken out with the trash
I agree he should be taken out with the Clintons.
Explain why, if McCain is irrelevant, the far right now is frothing.
The dumbest thing supporters of Hillary Clinton can to underestimate the possibility of Donald Trump being elected.

Never sell an opponent short.

In the meantime, I am delighted McCain decided to be so forceful in his reaction to this latest Trump silliness.
Being John McClain cost Republicans an election. I don't think we'll pay attention to anything he has to say.
Trump 2016 ~ Because McCain was worthless then and is worthless now.

Because he chose Palin and you guys cheered all the way to a lose. Then you blamed McCain for it:badgrin:

He could have chosen God for vp and no body would have voted for him. Too RINO and a little slow out of the gate upstairs.

Speaking of which. You'd think if Hillary's exploitation of Kahn really did end Trump's campaign, that the #'s would support that. Trump should be the one canceling his rallies in Ohio because of no voter turn out, instead of Hitlery. huh.
Trump could say that Jesus was overrated and the next day these wingers would be like "well, he did hang out with some questionable characters!"

They would, indeed, CC!

I have friends...people I love who are going to vote for Trump...but I still think the only reason anyone would have for voting for him is questionable sanity, stupidity, or a desire to see our country destroyed.
People voting for a habitual liar who is lining her foundation pockets is better?
why would McCain say that all white males are racist and uncaring like that?
Why should we all have to suffer because Donald Trump hurt some sand turds feelings.
Not all white males, just those who find it acceptable reffering to Muslims as sand turds.
Explain why, if McCain is irrelevant, the far right now is frothing.
He made himself that pushing an extremist agenda of globalism onto the American public, his voting record and people are truthfully sick of the lies coming out of the politicians in D.C.
why would McCain say that all white males are racist and uncaring like that?
Why should we all have to suffer because Donald Trump hurt some sand turds feelings.
Not all white people, just those who find it acceptable reffering to Muslims as sand turds.
When this is what they push for their agenda they deserve to be called "sand turds".
why would McCain say that all white males are racist and uncaring like that?
Why should we all have to suffer because Donald Trump hurt some sand turds feelings.
Not all white people, just those who find it acceptable reffering to Muslims as sand turds.
When this is what they push for their agenda they deserve to be called "sand turds".
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Unless you can somehow prove that every single Muslim has that agenda, that argument is simply false. Generalising based on religion or ethniticity like Maryland and you do with that reply is the textbook definition of racism. RASISM the belief that all members of each race possess characteristics, abilities, or qualities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races.
Senator McCain's condemnation is to Trump what Joseph Welch did to Senator Joseph McCarthy.

"When McCarthy tried to continue his attack, Welch angrily interrupted, 'Let us not assassinate this lad further, senator. You have done enough. Have you no sense of decency?'"

1941: Have You No Sense of Decency? -- June 9, 1954

McCarthy was "attacking" one of Welsh's staffers, who, as it turned out, was working with the Communists.

McCarthy woefully understated the extent to which the Democrat WH was working for Jake's Uncle Joe Stalin

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