McCain under fire for racist comments

He called the leader of Iran a monkey? A US senator of his stature used that term? If so, if he did say that, while some might not call it racist, it is certainly stupid. Somebody here using the term is one thing. A representative of America doing it on a global scale is irresponsible and certainly counterproductive.

****** please. Ahmadinejad looks a lot like Tony Montana and nobody complained when they called Tony a fuckin monkey!
He called the leader of Iran a monkey? A US senator of his stature used that term? If so, if he did say that, while some might not call it racist, it is certainly stupid. Somebody here using the term is one thing. A representative of America doing it on a global scale is irresponsible and certainly counterproductive.

I think he should've called him a bigfoot.

But that's just me.
Sissies would certainly be offended by it. Plenty of those round here. Im thinking he was way too kind and humane in describing that particular piece of excrement. Humorless marxists, poor darlings.....
Absolutely racist. Iranians are traditionally viewed as "non-whites" alluded to "monkeys" is the same as alluded the same to black people. It's racist.

I'm assuming this is a serious post, so let me get this straight.

If a "white" person calls a "non-white" person a "monkey", that is a "racist" comment. Questions:

1. Who, precisely, gets to determine whether the "white" person actually qualifies as a "white" person? What if they have some "non-white" blood in them? For the man people of "mixed" blood, precisely what percentage of "non-white" blood is allowable so that calling a "non-white" person a "monkey" is a "racist" comment? And is that in writing somewhere?

2. What is your definition of "non-white"? Is Italian non-white? Portuguese? Malaysian? Knowing this would be very helpful in determining who is "allowed" to say what. And do you first ask people what their ethnic mix is before branding their words "racist"? Do you have a script for that, for future reference?

3. What should be done to a "white" person who calls a "non-white" person a "monkey"?

4. Have you ever considered launching a web site that lists precisely who is allowed to say precisely what, so that no one has to deal with the hassle and stigma of being branded a "racist" by the hypersensitive folks among us who so love to use PC as a club as a way to put their target on the defensive?

Looking forward to your response, thanks.

American liberals got their feelings hurt because McCain called Ahmadinejad a monkey. It's quite an apt comparison.

Justin Amash isn't a liberal.

No, he's a Lebanese-American who got his panties in a wad over some STUPID shit.

It's RACIST to call I'madinnerjacket a monkey.

It's RACIST to picture Obama as a witch doctor.



Not so much...
American liberals got their feelings hurt because McCain called Ahmadinejad a monkey. It's quite an apt comparison.

Justin Amash isn't a liberal.

No, he's a Lebanese-American who got his panties in a wad over some STUPID shit.

It's RACIST to call I'madinnerjacket a monkey.

It's RACIST to picture Obama as a witch doctor.



Not so much...

I've already pointed out that I don't think McCain's comments were racist. I was merely pointing out that Amash is not a liberal.
Absolutely racist. Iranians are traditionally viewed as "non-whites" alluded to "monkeys" is the same as alluded the same to black people. It's racist.

McCain was clearly referring to Ahmadinejad individually, and there's no reason to suspect it was in reference to his nationality or race.

You don't know the mind or heart of McCain, anymore than I do, and thus your conclusion is ill-conceived.
Absolutely racist. Iranians are traditionally viewed as "non-whites" alluded to "monkeys" is the same as alluded the same to black people. It's racist.

I'm assuming this is a serious post, so let me get this straight.

If a "white" person calls a "non-white" person a "monkey", that is a "racist" comment. Questions:

1. Who, precisely, gets to determine whether the "white" person actually qualifies as a "white" person? What if they have some "non-white" blood in them? For the man people of "mixed" blood, precisely what percentage of "non-white" blood is allowable so that calling a "non-white" person a "monkey" is a "racist" comment? And is that in writing somewhere?

2. What is your definition of "non-white"? Is Italian non-white? Portuguese? Malaysian? Knowing this would be very helpful in determining who is "allowed" to say what. And do you first ask people what their ethnic mix is before branding their words "racist"? Do you have a script for that, for future reference?

3. What should be done to a "white" person who calls a "non-white" person a "monkey"?

4. Have you ever considered launching a web site that lists precisely who is allowed to say precisely what, so that no one has to deal with the hassle and stigma of being branded a "racist" by the hypersensitive folks among us who so love to use PC as a club as a way to put their target on the defensive?

Looking forward to your response, thanks.


I can't imagine why. I don't respond to utter nonsense. You want to argue semantics, and want to deny the obvious. I don't play games with children.
Absolutely racist. Iranians are traditionally viewed as "non-whites" alluded to "monkeys" is the same as alluded the same to black people. It's racist.

McCain was clearly referring to Ahmadinejad individually, and there's no reason to suspect it was in reference to his nationality or race.

You don't know the mind or heart of McCain, anymore than I do, and thus your conclusion is ill-conceived.

Oh but you can call anyone you want racist. You must be a negro with an attitude like that.
Comparing Iranian President Iamanutjob to a monkey is a serious insult to all primates.

Having said that, the date McCain's "best before" label is about January first, 1955.

Along with all the Senators and Representatives whose gigantic egos stopped them from being anywhere half decent and bugger off after two terms.

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