McCain under fire for racist comments

However, you don't hear - EVER - a Caucasian bitching like Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton and of course, poet.

BTW, European feudal serf were far, far, far worse off the American slaves. And there were European feudal serf long after all the African Americans were freed. And while the freed American slaves had an option to go to Africa, liberated serfs had no such option. You don't hear descendants of serfs bitch about long dead ancestors who were serfs.

As a professional wrestler says: Sorry about your bad luck!

Lies and sissy chatter. What do you think Rush Limbaugh, Bill O'Reilly, Sean Hannity, and Glenn Beck do, daily?
And oh please. No you are not trying to equate and quantify European serfdom with the Black Diaspora. Talk about reverse racism and the plight of poor white people/men. I have zero sympathy.

Rush Limbaugh is a racist?


You don't know who this is do you?

No....why would I?
A guy like ahmadinejad deserves some respect from third world dictators, european socialists and marxist totalitarians.........
Lies and sissy chatter. What do you think Rush Limbaugh, Bill O'Reilly, Sean Hannity, and Glenn Beck do, daily?
And oh please. No you are not trying to equate and quantify European serfdom with the Black Diaspora. Talk about reverse racism and the plight of poor white people/men. I have zero sympathy.

Rush Limbaugh is a racist?


You don't know who this is do you?

No....why would I?

That's James Golden aka Bo Snerdly. Rush's producer, call screener, engineer and most importantly friend for forever.

And "Bo" is awesome.

James Golden, under the pseudonym "Bo Snerdley," serves as call screener, producer, and engineer for the syndicated Rush Limbaugh radio talk show. Since 2001 he has been a Producer/Executive for Premiere Radio Networks, the largest radio syndication company in the United States.

James Golden (radio personality) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Rush Limbaugh is a racist?


You don't know who this is do you?

No....why would I?

That's James Golden aka Bo Snerdly. Rush's producer, call screener, engineer and most importantly friend for forever.

And "Bo" is awesome.

James Golden, under the pseudonym "Bo Snerdley," serves as call screener, producer, and engineer for the syndicated Rush Limbaugh radio talk show. Since 2001 he has been a Producer/Executive for Premiere Radio Networks, the largest radio syndication company in the United States.

James Golden (radio personality) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The left is trying to seperate dency to force their communism down our throats. Going to get ugly fast.
However, you don't hear - EVER - a Caucasian bitching like Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton and of course, poet.

BTW, European feudal serf were far, far, far worse off the American slaves. And there were European feudal serf long after all the African Americans were freed. And while the freed American slaves had an option to go to Africa, liberated serfs had no such option. You don't hear descendants of serfs bitch about long dead ancestors who were serfs.

As a professional wrestler says: Sorry about your bad luck!

Lies and sissy chatter. What do you think Rush Limbaugh, Bill O'Reilly, Sean Hannity, and Glenn Beck do, daily?
And oh please. No you are not trying to equate and quantify European serfdom with the Black Diaspora. Talk about reverse racism and the plight of poor white people/men. I have zero sympathy.

Rush Limbaugh is a racist?


You don't know who this is do you?
What about Tim
Rush Limbaugh is a racist?


You don't know who this is do you?

No....why would I?

That's James Golden aka Bo Snerdly. Rush's producer, call screener, engineer and most importantly friend for forever.

And "Bo" is awesome.

James Golden, under the pseudonym "Bo Snerdley," serves as call screener, producer, and engineer for the syndicated Rush Limbaugh radio talk show. Since 2001 he has been a Producer/Executive for Premiere Radio Networks, the largest radio syndication company in the United States.

James Golden (radio personality) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

What is that to me? Rush Limbaugh is a convicted felon, a drug abuser, and a sexual predator, who goes on sex junkets to Thailand....and you want to go on about his producer, who is his flunky. How lame and irrelevant. I have no regard for race traitors. Sorry.
Lies and sissy chatter. What do you think Rush Limbaugh, Bill O'Reilly, Sean Hannity, and Glenn Beck do, daily?
And oh please. No you are not trying to equate and quantify European serfdom with the Black Diaspora. Talk about reverse racism and the plight of poor white people/men. I have zero sympathy.

Rush Limbaugh is a racist?


You don't know who this is do you?
What about Tim

Appreciate anyone who tells the truth. I often quote and post Tim Wise's videos on "white privilege".
However, you don't hear - EVER - a Caucasian bitching like Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton and of course, poet.

BTW, European feudal serf were far, far, far worse off the American slaves. And there were European feudal serf long after all the African Americans were freed. And while the freed American slaves had an option to go to Africa, liberated serfs had no such option. You don't hear descendants of serfs bitch about long dead ancestors who were serfs.

As a professional wrestler says: Sorry about your bad luck!

Lies and sissy chatter. What do you think Rush Limbaugh, Bill O'Reilly, Sean Hannity, and Glenn Beck do, daily?
And oh please. No you are not trying to equate and quantify European serfdom with the Black Diaspora. Talk about reverse racism and the plight of poor white people/men. I have zero sympathy.

Rush Limbaugh is a racist?


You don't know who this is do you?

James Golden from the "James and Joel Show" in NYC during the mid to late 90's, he is aka as snerdley. What about him? He's the asshole that degrades himself and serves as the "official Obama translator" and speaks in some stupid assed fake ebonics. Thus fulfilling negative stereotypes that some white people have about black people. So yeah he's limbaugh's stooge.
Lies and sissy chatter. What do you think Rush Limbaugh, Bill O'Reilly, Sean Hannity, and Glenn Beck do, daily?
And oh please. No you are not trying to equate and quantify European serfdom with the Black Diaspora. Talk about reverse racism and the plight of poor white people/men. I have zero sympathy.

Rush Limbaugh is a racist?


You don't know who this is do you?

James Golden from the "James and Joel Show" in NYC during the mid to late 90's, he is aka as snerdley. What about him? He's the asshole that degrades himself and serves as the "official Obama translator" and speaks in some stupid assed fake ebonics. Thus fulfilling negative stereotypes that some white people have about black people. So yeah he's limbaugh's stooge.

I beg to differ. Golden is no one's stooge. He is a very accomplished individual. And funny. And the spot he does is satire.

James Golden, under the pseudonym "Bo Snerdley," serves as call screener, producer, and engineer for the syndicated Rush Limbaugh radio talk show.

Since 2001 he has been a Producer/Executive for Premiere Radio Networks, the largest radio syndication company in the United States.

Although Golden works from a control booth off the air, a 2008 New York Times Magazine profile of Limbaugh reported that during the show, Golden "banters with and occasionally badgers Limbaugh via an internal talk-back circuit."

On occasion, Golden has been accorded airtime on the program. In February 2008, Golden, who is black, was assigned (as Snerdley) a satirical cameo role by Limbaugh as the show's Official Criticizer of Barack Obama ("certified black enough to criticize"); the role has become an irregular recurring feature.

He is a Senior Partner for Golden Creative Communications, LLC.

James Golden (radio personality) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Rendering the traders absolved of any responsibility, right. The sellers didn't rape, beat, torture or force labor upon them, did they? And, excuse me? Because people like you, weren't adverse to "dipping their wicks", I also have French, English, and Spanish blood coursing through my veins. And it's not like people like you, made my way easy or obstacle-free. Anything I have, I got, on my own, from hard days work..and if Africa is such a shit hole, why are white people there, still taking advantage of the indigenous people there, raping and pillaging, and stealing their resources and minerals????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

White people aren't taking advantage of anyone in Africa. Black people are doing all the raping, pillaging and stealing of resources.

You're confused. What do you think apartheid was? Who do you think controls South African gold and diamonds???? It isn't the native peoples.
What is your excuse for stealing America from the Native American people? (this ought to be real good).

What does that have to do with your hatred for whitey?

"people like you?" If a white guy said that to some black people, people like you would be calling him a racist.

and, actually, people like me did make you was easier and more obstacle free.

Pardon me, but did you notice me referring to white people as "whitey"????? Since you didn't, why did you make that a part of your post? I'll tell you, because you want to excuse your racism, by projecting it onto me.
And why does the truth upset you? People like you, means exactly what I meant...that all white people don't think , act, or speak like you. There is you and there are decent white folk.

Not all libertarians are racist, but many, like bripat are. Just read their posts.
He called the leader of Iran a monkey? A US senator of his stature used that term? If so, if he did say that, while some might not call it racist, it is certainly stupid. Somebody here using the term is one thing. A representative of America doing it on a global scale is irresponsible and certainly counterproductive.

You seem to forget that there were innumerable treasonous liberal punks who constantly referred to the President of their own country as Chimp and Shrub.

Tweets are those of a PRIVATE citizen, not of a government representative.

We can imagine by the first sentence of the response that the first amendment is being referred to.

As for the second sentence, a senator at his level is not a private citizen. Anything said takes on much more significance, so wise people in such a position say little and mean it.
Mccain is that old uncle at thanksgiving. He really is but he has power. That is the scary part. Dude, just retire. Half the shit your signing you don't even read.

It's sad really.

Oh and is this racist? Well to certain people I am sure it is. Old white guys should not tell them its not racist though.

Did he sign the health bill?

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