McCain under fire for racist comments

Who told you to put the balm on? Did I tell you to put the balm on? I know I didn't tell you to put the balm on.
The only one who should be insulted is the monkey for being compared to Ahmadinejad as for the idiot making the racist claim he should just be pitied for being such a fool. Side note if anyone considers my calling Amash a idiot or fool racist I could truly care less.
The only one who should be insulted is the monkey for being compared to Ahmadinejad as for the idiot making the racist claim he should just be pitied for being such a fool. Side note if anyone considers my calling Amash a idiot or fool racist I could truly care less.

I'm going to say those comments from McCain were not racist.

Is there any way Iran can send Ahmadinejad to space and for him to get stuck there? Maybe collide with a rogue satellite or something.
Moral equivocation??? That's hilarious...coming from someone who obviously thinks he or she is better than, say, the likes of me. White privilege, on parade. Take it or leave it. Y'all are everywhere, aren't you?

White privelege. Lol. Somebody has been apeing their oppressed black "studies" professor. Reparations, reparations. !!!!!

It's always the white racists that go for the "reparations card". I don't want anything you have. There is not enough gold in Fort Knox to settle the debt of what you and yours did to my I forgive it. Take your blood money and twirl on it.
your own people sold them to traders !! thats a fact !! and you ought to be thankful they betrayed their own people or you would be starving in the shit hole Africa today.
Spoken like someone who enjoys the precepts of "white privilege", where nothing you do, or say, is ever wrong. Y'all are wasting no time in coming for me, are you?

Poet is clearly racist in his assertion in the first sentence. Do not hide behind the racist card to levy the charge. We have to put up with that all the time from the black racists on the far left and the white racists on the far right and libertarian wing.

Oh, isn't that cute. I feel like I'm back in the other racist forum. Racists, by and large, don't hang out, interact, socialize, or shoot the shit with the objects of their hate. I have so many white friends on Facebook, and in real life, that not only back me up, but revel in my opinions and my taking white racists and bigots and homophobes to task.........daily.
So stop your "projecting" and "projection". I'm no racist, then or now. What you're calling a black racist, is someone who is not afraid to bring it to you, and call you out. Now who's playing the victim role? You sound whiney to me.

I bet you would NEVER consider the following African Americans your friend. Not even slightly. Not even EVER:

Justice Clarence Thomas.
Senator Tim Scott.
Economist Thomas Sowell.
Former Congressmen Alan West and J.C. Watts.
Author Larry Elder.
Columnist Walter Williams.
TV commentator Juan Williams.
First female African America Security Advisor AND Secretary of State Condi Rice.
Former Ohio politician Ken Blackwell.

Too bad, they could teach you a thing or two about fairness and expand your obviously limited mind.

To be fair, you would probably welcome turncoat Colin Powell as a friend.
Whatever, indeed. Calling whites "monkey" or "chimp" doesn't have the racist connotations that it does for blacks or non-whites. Blacks were referred to as "monkeys" from the first slave ship landing, in 1619. Google is your friend.

If Africans had had the knowledge and wherewithal to get on ships, invade Europe and take whites sold by other whites as slaves, back to Africa, this would not be even an issue.

Grow up and be an adult.

BTW, were YOU, personally, ever a slave? Were even your grandparents slaves?

Africans and Arabs did exactly that throughout the Mediterranean and the west Atlantic coasts to England. You are stupid. Entire European villages were slave raided.

However, you don't hear - EVER - a Caucasian bitching like Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton and of course, poet.

BTW, European feudal serf were far, far, far worse off the American slaves. And there were European feudal serf long after all the African Americans were freed. And while the freed American slaves had an option to go to Africa, liberated serfs had no such option. You don't hear descendants of serfs bitch about long dead ancestors who were serfs.

As a professional wrestler says: Sorry about your bad luck!
White privelege. Lol. Somebody has been apeing their oppressed black "studies" professor. Reparations, reparations. !!!!!

It's always the white racists that go for the "reparations card". I don't want anything you have. There is not enough gold in Fort Knox to settle the debt of what you and yours did to my I forgive it. Take your blood money and twirl on it.
your own people sold them to traders !! thats a fact !! and you ought to be thankful they betrayed their own people or you would be starving in the shit hole Africa today.

How do you know his own people wold blacks into slavery? And btw... doa little reading, many blacks were sold into slavery by other blacks.
Whatever, indeed. Calling whites "monkey" or "chimp" doesn't have the racist connotations that it does for blacks or non-whites. Blacks were referred to as "monkeys" from the first slave ship landing, in 1619. Google is your friend.

Amadinejadh is not african american and you were never a slave

common sense is your friend

And no one has ever claimed that your I.Q. exceeded 90...but that hasn't kept you from embarrassing yourself, has it? And truth be told, we're all slaves to something. Is your master a prohibited substance or alcohol? You would have to bring some common sense, to talk about some.

We're also all monkeys what's your point.
If Africans had had the knowledge and wherewithal to get on ships, invade Europe and take whites sold by other whites as slaves, back to Africa, this would not be even an issue.

Grow up and be an adult.

BTW, were YOU, personally, ever a slave? Were even your grandparents slaves?

Really? This is the extent of your rebuttal? Are you intellectually challenged, or something?
I actually didn't come here for lecture, or to chide, you or anyone, on something you obviously feel guilty for. I came here for discourse and lofty exchange. Since you're in no position to satisfy that query, I'll be leaving you where you're at...seems that "adults" are in short supply 'round these parts.

Oh get over yourself.. you're just another race-baiting nincompoop with a bad attitude.

Oh, please. You're hilarious. I've been called worse by better.

Aw, Poet's a victim now.

Won't stop him insulting others, though.


Funny, that's what the other forum's racist members used to let themselves "off the hook"....I'm a victim. No, sweetheart....a victim would lay down and allow you to do or to say anything with no rebuttal. I'm not that one. And I know the Queen's English, so pull out your dictionary.

Yeah, it takes eminent knowledge of the Queen's English to declare the IQ of someone you disagree with - especially if that person does not share your skin color - 90 (or less).


How deep, and thoroughly "thought out". LOL.
LOL ... Poet doesn't know the heart or mind of McCain but McCain was still racist. Haha. Good one.

Unstatesmanlike? Yes.

Racist? :eusa_hand:

Spoken like someone who enjoys the precepts of "white privilege", where nothing you do, or say, is ever wrong. Y'all are wasting no time in coming for me, are you?

The persecution complex is STRONG in this one...

Another allude to Star Wars? How lame and "reaching". No persecution complex here. I do confess to a superiority complex, however.

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