McCain under fire for racist comments

You guys called Bush "chimp" for eight years....

Whatever, indeed. Calling whites "monkey" or "chimp" doesn't have the racist connotations that it does for blacks or non-whites. Blacks were referred to as "monkeys" from the first slave ship landing, in 1619. Google is your friend.

If Africans had had the knowledge and wherewithal to get on ships, invade Europe and take whites sold by other whites as slaves, back to Africa, this would not be even an issue.

Grow up and be an adult.

BTW, were YOU, personally, ever a slave? Were even your grandparents slaves?
Oh whatthefuckever.

Go peddle your moral equivocation elsewhere.

Moral equivocation??? That's hilarious...coming from someone who obviously thinks he or she is better than, say, the likes of me. White privilege, on parade. Take it or leave it. Y'all are everywhere, aren't you?

White privelege. Lol. Somebody has been apeing their oppressed black "studies" professor. Reparations, reparations. !!!!!

It's always the white racists that go for the "reparations card". I don't want anything you have. There is not enough gold in Fort Knox to settle the debt of what you and yours did to my I forgive it. Take your blood money and twirl on it.
Absolutely racist. Iranians are traditionally viewed as "non-whites" alluded to "monkeys" is the same as alluded the same to black people. It's racist.

****** please.

Reported, you racist POS.

Grow a skin, dude. You got no problem with that colloquialism when directed at you by a 'minority', is Sasquatch not minority enough for you?
You guys called Bush "chimp" for eight years....

Whatever, indeed. Calling whites "monkey" or "chimp" doesn't have the racist connotations that it does for blacks or non-whites. Blacks were referred to as "monkeys" from the first slave ship landing, in 1619. Google is your friend.

If Africans had had the knowledge and wherewithal to get on ships, invade Europe and take whites sold by other whites as slaves, back to Africa, this would not be even an issue.

Grow up and be an adult.

BTW, were YOU, personally, ever a slave? Were even your grandparents slaves?

Africans and Arabs did exactly that throughout the Mediterranean and the west Atlantic coasts to England. You are stupid. Entire European villages were slave raided.
Moral equivocation??? That's hilarious...coming from someone who obviously thinks he or she is better than, say, the likes of me. White privilege, on parade. Take it or leave it. Y'all are everywhere, aren't you?

White privelege. Lol. Somebody has been apeing their oppressed black "studies" professor. Reparations, reparations. !!!!!

It's always the white racists that go for the "reparations card". I don't want anything you have. There is not enough gold in Fort Knox to settle the debt of what you and yours did to my I forgive it. Take your blood money and twirl on it.

LOL, I don't care who you are, that's funny!
Whatever, indeed. Calling whites "monkey" or "chimp" doesn't have the racist connotations that it does for blacks or non-whites. Blacks were referred to as "monkeys" from the first slave ship landing, in 1619. Google is your friend.

Oh whatthefuckever.

Go peddle your moral equivocation elsewhere.

Moral equivocation??? That's hilarious...coming from someone who obviously thinks he or she is better than, say, the likes of me. White privilege, on parade. Take it or leave it. Y'all are everywhere, aren't you?

I have no idea what the likes of me means.... but what I do know is I have a problem when people start talking about racist whites in stead of racists in general.
Totally manufactured faux outrage.

This OP is embarrassing even for the left.

John McCain @SenJohnMcCain

So Ahmadinejad wants to be first Iranian in space -wasn't he just there last week? "Iran launches monkey into space"…
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Oh whatthefuckever.

Go peddle your moral equivocation elsewhere.

Moral equivocation??? That's hilarious...coming from someone who obviously thinks he or she is better than, say, the likes of me. White privilege, on parade. Take it or leave it. Y'all are everywhere, aren't you?

White privelege. Lol. Somebody has been apeing their oppressed black "studies" professor. Reparations, reparations. !!!!!

I think the federal government should make full reparation to the former confederate states for the outrages committed on them during The US government's illegal and immoral invasion. Part of those reparations should go to the descendants of the slaves who were left to steal or perish as a result of that same outrageous invasion and to the descendants of the indentured servants who were forced into involuntary servitude during the formation of the present United States of America.

That ought to square things up a little.
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Moral equivocation??? That's hilarious...coming from someone who obviously thinks he or she is better than, say, the likes of me. White privilege, on parade. Take it or leave it. Y'all are everywhere, aren't you?

White privelege. Lol. Somebody has been apeing their oppressed black "studies" professor. Reparations, reparations. !!!!!

It's always the white racists that go for the "reparations card". I don't want anything you have. There is not enough gold in Fort Knox to settle the debt of what you and yours did to my I forgive it. Take your blood money and twirl on it.

There ya go again... hey, note to self, my ancestors didn't come here until the turn of the 20th century so I doubt they did a damn thing to you ancestors.. stop being such an ass.
You guys called Bush "chimp" for eight years....

Whatever, indeed. Calling whites "monkey" or "chimp" doesn't have the racist connotations that it does for blacks or non-whites. Blacks were referred to as "monkeys" from the first slave ship landing, in 1619. Google is your friend.

If Africans had had the knowledge and wherewithal to get on ships, invade Europe and take whites sold by other whites as slaves, back to Africa, this would not be even an issue.

Grow up and be an adult.

BTW, were YOU, personally, ever a slave? Were even your grandparents slaves?

Really? This is the extent of your rebuttal? Are you intellectually challenged, or something?
I actually didn't come here for lecture, or to chide, you or anyone, on something you obviously feel guilty for. I came here for discourse and lofty exchange. Since you're in no position to satisfy that query, I'll be leaving you where you're at...seems that "adults" are in short supply 'round these parts.
Whatever, indeed. Calling whites "monkey" or "chimp" doesn't have the racist connotations that it does for blacks or non-whites. Blacks were referred to as "monkeys" from the first slave ship landing, in 1619. Google is your friend.

If Africans had had the knowledge and wherewithal to get on ships, invade Europe and take whites sold by other whites as slaves, back to Africa, this would not be even an issue.

Grow up and be an adult.

BTW, were YOU, personally, ever a slave? Were even your grandparents slaves?

Really? This is the extent of your rebuttal? Are you intellectually challenged, or something?
I actually didn't come here for lecture, or to chide, you or anyone, on something you obviously feel guilty for. I came here for discourse and lofty exchange. Since you're in no position to satisfy that query, I'll be leaving you where you're at...seems that "adults" are in short supply 'round these parts.

Oh get over yourself.. you're just another race-baiting nincompoop with a bad attitude.

Aw, Poet's a victim now.

Won't stop him insulting others, though.


Funny, that's what the other forum's racist members used to let themselves "off the hook"....I'm a victim. No, sweetheart....a victim would lay down and allow you to do or to say anything with no rebuttal. I'm not that one. And I know the Queen's English, so pull out your dictionary.

Yeah, it takes eminent knowledge of the Queen's English to declare the IQ of someone you disagree with - especially if that person does not share your skin color - 90 (or less).

Moral equivocation??? That's hilarious...coming from someone who obviously thinks he or she is better than, say, the likes of me. White privilege, on parade. Take it or leave it. Y'all are everywhere, aren't you?

White privelege. Lol. Somebody has been apeing their oppressed black "studies" professor. Reparations, reparations. !!!!!

It's always the white racists that go for the "reparations card". I don't want anything you have. There is not enough gold in Fort Knox to settle the debt of what you and yours did to my I forgive it. Take your blood money and twirl on it.

Huh. Someone may want to take issue with their ancestral bruthas whom sold them into slavery. The oppressed victim card is just precious though....
****** please.

Reported, you racist POS.

Grow a skin, dude. You got no problem with that colloquialism when directed at you by a 'minority', is Sasquatch not minority enough for you?

Pardon me, but do you know me? I think not. So for you to suggest that I have no problem with the n-word, is totally a false assumption on your part. I don't associate with folks that use that word, and I don't use or approve of the word myself.
Dude???? What? Are you a throwback to the hippies of San Francisco in the late 60's? Dude???? It's 2013. Try to catch up.
You don't know the mind or heart of McCain, anymore than I do, and thus your conclusion is ill-conceived.

LOL ... Poet doesn't know the heart or mind of McCain but McCain was still racist. Haha. Good one.

Absolutely racist. Iranians are traditionally viewed as "non-whites" alluded to "monkeys" is the same as alluded the same to black people. It's racist.

Unstatesmanlike? Yes.

Racist? :eusa_hand:

Spoken like someone who enjoys the precepts of "white privilege", where nothing you do, or say, is ever wrong. Y'all are wasting no time in coming for me, are you?

The persecution complex is STRONG in this one...
You don't know the mind or heart of McCain, anymore than I do, and thus your conclusion is ill-conceived.

LOL ... Poet doesn't know the heart or mind of McCain but McCain was still racist. Haha. Good one.

Absolutely racist. Iranians are traditionally viewed as "non-whites" alluded to "monkeys" is the same as alluded the same to black people. It's racist.

Unstatesmanlike? Yes.

Racist? :eusa_hand:

Spoken like someone who enjoys the precepts of "white privilege", where nothing you do, or say, is ever wrong. Y'all are wasting no time in coming for me, are you?

Pointing out your willingness to judge someone you don't know as racist is "wasting no time in coming for [you]"?


I'll be sure to stay out of your way in the future. :eusa_hand:
LOL ... Poet doesn't know the heart or mind of McCain but McCain was still racist. Haha. Good one.

Unstatesmanlike? Yes.

Racist? :eusa_hand:

Spoken like someone who enjoys the precepts of "white privilege", where nothing you do, or say, is ever wrong. Y'all are wasting no time in coming for me, are you?

The persecution complex is STRONG in this one...

Reads to me more like a guilty conscience.
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