McCain wants cruise missle strikes and to take out the Syrian airforce: he wants WWIII

Think of it this way. The US in one strike in Mosul offed 200 people in Mosul. Does that give anyone the right to launch an attack on America?
OLD SCHOOL: Patton /// NEW AGE: Pit-A-Pat

Not if they're all dead. In order to protect our fighting men, anyone who surrenders to the enemy becomes the enemy. "Collateral damage" is a weakling pacifist traitor's term. Ditch this idea that we are fighting for that ilk's right to protest.
John SELLOUT McAIPAC will always support war against Israel's enemies.

It is the reason why he is a millionaire with 13 homes....
If it were me, I would order missile strikes on all N.Korean rocket, missile, and arty positions all along the DMZ and anywhere within striking distance of Seoul, as well as the strategic sites in N.Korea from which Kim has been launching into the Sea.

Enough devastation to make Kim Jong Ooon crap his pants.
We've all known he is a war mongering bastard who views the planet as a battlefield. Rand Paul was right. This is a seriously dangerous game he is playing because any military action against Assad will be declaring war not only on Syria, but on Russia and Iran.

I'm praying Trump wakes up and realizes he's being played with this false flag that Assad purposefully used chemical weapons against his people.
McCain was right when he proposed this in 2012 before Russia entered the war, and it might still be a good idea if President Trump can reach an understanding with Russia that would prevent a conflict between the US and Russia. Russia wants several things from the US and if President promises to support Russia keeping its bases in Syria when Assad falls, this could be the beginning of a mutually beneficial process that not only ends the slaughter in Syria but also sorts out the conflicts in eastern Europe.
Two likely scenarios for Syria -

1. We do nothing and a generation of Syrians are raised hating America for doing nothing.

2. We enter the war and the future generation of Syrians hate us for extending the war.
If this were a situation that could possibly be "won," Obama would have done it 4 years ago. Trump may rue the day he said Syria had crossed a bunch of lines.
We've all known he is a war mongering bastard who views the planet as a battlefield. Rand Paul was right. This is a seriously dangerous game he is playing because any military action against Assad will be declaring war not only on Syria, but on Russia and Iran.

I'm praying Trump wakes up and realizes he's being played with this false flag that Assad purposefully used chemical weapons against his people.

I believe Trump will wait and see what the UN has to say about using Sarin gas, a direct violation of international law.
That would definitely be the sanest thing at this point. The UN, if Russia doesn't stop it, could save our ass yet.
John SELLOUT McAIPAC went to Iraq, with our troops there, and accused Shia Iran of arming and funding Sunni "Al Qaeda." Every Iraqi Shia knew that was treasonous BS sucking up to Zionism. It is probably the main cause of 1000 US troop deaths at the hands of the Shia....
John SELLOUT McAIPAC will always support war against Israel's enemies.

It is the reason why he is a millionaire with 13 homes....
What on Earth does anyone want with 13 homes? Think of the cleaning. The lawncare. The refrigerators that will need replacing. Good God.
Two likely scenarios for Syria -

1. We do nothing and a generation of Syrians are raised hating America for doing nothing.

2. We enter the war and the future generation of Syrians hate us for extending the war.
If this were a situation that could possibly be "won," Obama would have done it 4 years ago. Trump may rue the day he said Syria had crossed a bunch of lines.
We've all known he is a war mongering bastard who views the planet as a battlefield. Rand Paul was right. This is a seriously dangerous game he is playing because any military action against Assad will be declaring war not only on Syria, but on Russia and Iran.

I'm praying Trump wakes up and realizes he's being played with this false flag that Assad purposefully used chemical weapons against his people.

I believe Trump will wait and see what the UN has to say about using Sarin gas, a direct violation of international law.
I don't know what he will do, but I doubt his decision will be influenced by what (what part of) the UN says.
How about a cruise missile strike on the presidential palace?

Now that would send a message
I just had to turn that FAGGOT son of a bitch shepherd smith off fox news or I was gonna either smash the TV or head to NY and shut that cocksucker up myself. This infuriates me to no end and is just part of the reason I want my kids to move to Europe for college where they mind their OWN FUCKING BUSINESS unlike the US. GO IRAN! GO SYRIA! GO RUSSIA! GO HEZBOLLAH!
Two likely scenarios for Syria -

1. We do nothing and a generation of Syrians are raised hating America for doing nothing.

2. We enter the war and the future generation of Syrians hate us for extending the war.
If this were a situation that could possibly be "won," Obama would have done it 4 years ago. Trump may rue the day he said Syria had crossed a bunch of lines.
he tried, I do believe. Obama wanted Assad gone

everyone but Trump wanted that sob dead and gone ..
There are millions of people not interested in enriching the rich and hurting the poor like you war mongering assholes do.

Its funny, Nia88 is sitting here calling the right the war mongers and look at this shit!

me a war monger?

how far did you fall when you hit your head ?
McCain is a crazy fuck, let those stupid idiots in the region deal with it or gas themselves into extinction its NOT our problem.
if Trump had any balls he would order a drone missile attack on Assad's sorry ass. But that would cut the grain of the Russians, and he loves Putin's cock in his mouth too much, Assad lives to gas innocent children another day.
It was never a US problem until 1948, the greatest mistake in US history....
Yeah, it really takes "balls" to tell someone else to go kill others....

BALLS means COURAGE. Sending troops to war is NOT COURAGE. George W Bush never had any courage....

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