McCain wants cruise missle strikes and to take out the Syrian airforce: he wants WWIII

Yeah, it really takes "balls" to tell someone else to go kill others....

BALLS means COURAGE. Sending troops to war is NOT COURAGE. George W Bush never had any courage....

who the hell said anything about sending troops? the little voice in your head maybe?
We've all known he is a war mongering bastard who views the planet as a battlefield. Rand Paul was right. This is a seriously dangerous game he is playing because any military action against Assad will be declaring war not only on Syria, but on Russia and Iran.

I'm praying Trump wakes up and realizes he's being played with this false flag that Assad purposefully used chemical weapons against his people.
McCain was right when he proposed this in 2012 before Russia entered the war, and it might still be a good idea if President Trump can reach an understanding with Russia that would prevent a conflict between the US and Russia. Russia wants several things from the US and if President promises to support Russia keeping its bases in Syria when Assad falls, this could be the beginning of a mutually beneficial process that not only ends the slaughter in Syria but also sorts out the conflicts in eastern Europe.

He proposed it because along with the Obama administration his goal was to take out Assad on behalf of Saudi Arabia, Qatar and at that time Turkey to give Syria to the Muslim Brotherhood.

The goal was always to turn Syria into another hardliner state of Salifism despite the fact that Libya very quickly turned into a state run by various terrorist factions.
Two likely scenarios for Syria -

1. We do nothing and a generation of Syrians are raised hating America for doing nothing.

2. We enter the war and the future generation of Syrians hate us for extending the war.
If this were a situation that could possibly be "won," Obama would have done it 4 years ago. Trump may rue the day he said Syria had crossed a bunch of lines.
he tried, I do believe. Obama wanted Assad gone

everyone but Trump wanted that sob dead and gone ..

Correction. Everyone but Putin wants him gone. The question will be, will Trump dare to counter Russia and his puppet master, Putin.
We've all known he is a war mongering bastard who views the planet as a battlefield. Rand Paul was right. This is a seriously dangerous game he is playing because any military action against Assad will be declaring war not only on Syria, but on Russia and Iran.

I'm praying Trump wakes up and realizes he's being played with this false flag that Assad purposefully used chemical weapons against his people.

He's nuts. It is not even known exactly what happened. And can Syria really be that dumb to use Chemical weapons in a war that they were winning with Russian Help?

You make two enemies doing that.

Russia and THE US.

Nobody can tell me Assad is that stupid.

From Everything I have read ISIS and other so called "moderate jihadists" (is there such a thing) would like nothing but to draw the world in to their conflict and get rid of Assad, because they view Assad as soft against Israel.

They'd like nothing more than to take over Syria and then turn The Syrian Army against Israel.

These chemical weapons were in Rebel\Terrorists Territory. They use human shields, and plant themselves in the middle of populated areas. They want Collateral Damage.

I am not defending Assad. I don't like the guy, but we should not be in the business of regime change.

Look at what Hillary Clinton did with Benghazi, Qadaffi, and Libya, and they tried to pull the same shit next door in Egypt, but luckily for The Egyptian People there was a strong Anti-Jihadist movement there, and they rebuffed Obama's well funded Islamic Brotherhood (Terrorists), and now lucky for us, the new leadership is very Pro America and Anti-Jihadist.
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What part of Obama's years of trying to actively overthrow Assad did you miss?


By doing what, claiming it is racism that Assad won't step down????

No by actively being involved in the attempts to depose Assad. Almost from the get go Obama's CIA was assisting in funnelling cash and weaponry to the terrorists errrrrrrrrrr jihadists from around the world errrrrrrrrrrrr mercenaries errrrrrrrrrrrrrrr REBELS MODERATE REBELS.


Somehow Obama thought it would be a swell idea to give the weaponry to the Muslim Brotherhood to hand out. I mean what could possibly go wrong?
Two likely scenarios for Syria -

1. We do nothing and a generation of Syrians are raised hating America for doing nothing.

2. We enter the war and the future generation of Syrians hate us for extending the war.
If this were a situation that could possibly be "won," Obama would have done it 4 years ago. Trump may rue the day he said Syria had crossed a bunch of lines.
he tried, I do believe. Obama wanted Assad gone

everyone but Trump wanted that sob dead and gone ..

Correction. Everyone but Putin wants him gone. The question will be, will Trump dare to counter Russia and his puppet master, Putin.

Most of his people love him because he protects Christians, Jews, Kurds, Yazidis, Shia and moderate Sunnis. As a matter of fact while the west was trying to ignore the slaughter of Yazidis those who could run headed straight for Syria for Assad to protect them.

Why don't you left wing loons just admit you want Assad gone so you can install the terror group the Muslim Brotherhood so they can whack all moderates Muslims and Christians like they started to in Egypt under Obama's puppet Morsi.

Dead Christians makes you happy.
What part of Obama's years of trying to actively overthrow Assad did you miss?


By doing what, claiming it is racism that Assad won't step down????

No by actively being involved in the attempts to depose Assad. Almost from the get go Obama's CIA was assisting in funnelling cash and weaponry to the terrorists errrrrrrrrrr jihadists from around the world errrrrrrrrrrrr mercenaries errrrrrrrrrrrrrrr REBELS MODERATE REBELS.


Somehow Obama thought it would be a swell idea to give the weaponry to the Muslim Brotherhood to hand out. I mean what could possibly go wrong?

That is absolutely true.

And Honestly Obama, Clinton & Kerry should be brought up on charges.

Here is a list of the Terrorist Groups we gave money and weapons to.

Al Nusra
The Muslim Brotherhood
Al Queda in Libya
ISIS in Syria


U.S. Intel: Obama Coalition Supported Islamic State in Syria

They have in their ignorance and Ideological Naivety have been funding what they called "moderate factions" of these primary terrorists groups to destablize Middle Easter Governments who they felt weren't playing ball well enough with The US.

Obama and Clinton have made a Cluster Fuck of The Middle East. They even struck a deal with Iran.

They were all about REGIME CHANGE. The 4 year Civil War in Syria and what they did in Iraq was all about the fact they didn't like those Nation's Leadership.

So let's run this down.


They have phucking been dealing with radicals in all of these nations to do regime change.
over 500,000 people are dead because of Obama & Clinton & Kerry's Foreign Policy.

These dumbasses practically have the entire Middle East in flames, when GWB whether you like him or not, had that shit under control.
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What part of Obama's years of trying to actively overthrow Assad did you miss?


By doing what, claiming it is racism that Assad won't step down????

No by actively being involved in the attempts to depose Assad. Almost from the get go Obama's CIA was assisting in funnelling cash and weaponry to the terrorists errrrrrrrrrr jihadists from around the world errrrrrrrrrrrr mercenaries errrrrrrrrrrrrrrr REBELS MODERATE REBELS.


Somehow Obama thought it would be a swell idea to give the weaponry to the Muslim Brotherhood to hand out. I mean what could possibly go wrong?

That is absolutely true.

And Honestly Obama, Clinton & Kerry should be brought up on charges.

Here is a list of the Terrorist Groups we gave money and weapons to.

Al Nusra
The Muslim Brotherhood
Al Queda in Libya
ISIS in Syria


U.S. Intel: Obama Coalition Supported Islamic State in Syria

They have in their ignorance and Ideological Naivety have been funding what they called "moderate factions" of these primary terrorists groups to destablize Middle Easter Governments who they felt weren't playing ball well enough with The US.

Obama and Clinton have made a Cluster Fuck of The Middle East. They even struck a deal with Iran.

They were all about REGIME CHANGE. The 4 year Civil War in Syria and what they did in Iraq was all about the fact they didn't like those Nation's Leadership.

So let's run this down.


They have phucking been dealing with radicals in all of these nations to do regime change.
over 500,000 people are dead because of Obama & Clinton & Kerry's Foreign Policy.

These dumbasses practically have the entire Middle East in flames, when GWB whether you like him or not, had that shit under control.

You still don't quite get it, and crediting W with having "that shit under control" is just breathlessly idiotic.

Try this one.... Al Qaeda is really a CIA-Mossad joint venture, and Bin Laden is really... a CIA/Mossad Jew traitor named Tim Ossman, and he is still alive living it up on the West Bank.

Cheney seen leaving WH back door, I predict a Shock 'n Awe on Damascus, then Assad insurgency, then ISIS II, then 4 more trillion added to the national debt

questions ?
What part of Obama's years of trying to actively overthrow Assad did you miss?


By doing what, claiming it is racism that Assad won't step down????

No by actively being involved in the attempts to depose Assad. Almost from the get go Obama's CIA was assisting in funnelling cash and weaponry to the terrorists errrrrrrrrrr jihadists from around the world errrrrrrrrrrrr mercenaries errrrrrrrrrrrrrrr REBELS MODERATE REBELS.


Somehow Obama thought it would be a swell idea to give the weaponry to the Muslim Brotherhood to hand out. I mean what could possibly go wrong?

That is absolutely true.

And Honestly Obama, Clinton & Kerry should be brought up on charges.

Here is a list of the Terrorist Groups we gave money and weapons to.

Al Nusra
The Muslim Brotherhood
Al Queda in Libya
ISIS in Syria


U.S. Intel: Obama Coalition Supported Islamic State in Syria

They have in their ignorance and Ideological Naivety have been funding what they called "moderate factions" of these primary terrorists groups to destablize Middle Easter Governments who they felt weren't playing ball well enough with The US.

Obama and Clinton have made a Cluster Fuck of The Middle East. They even struck a deal with Iran.

They were all about REGIME CHANGE. The 4 year Civil War in Syria and what they did in Iraq was all about the fact they didn't like those Nation's Leadership.

So let's run this down.


They have phucking been dealing with radicals in all of these nations to do regime change.
over 500,000 people are dead because of Obama & Clinton & Kerry's Foreign Policy.

These dumbasses practically have the entire Middle East in flames, when GWB whether you like him or not, had that shit under control.

You still don't quite get it, and crediting W with having "that shit under control" is just breathlessly idiotic.

Try this one.... Al Qaeda is really a CIA-Mossad joint venture, and Bin Laden is really... a CIA/Mossad Jew traitor named Tim Ossman, and he is still alive living it up on the West Bank.


Go join ISIS.

So Israel hired a bunch of Islamic Extremists to attack us on 9-11 because you know, that is just what Jews do, right?
Like they staged WWII and created The Holocaust so they could get their homeland back.
You are probably a Holocaust Denier.
And I am damn sure you probably denied that the Armenian Genocide happened as well.

You are just another scum sucking Liberal-Commie-Socialist-Globalist Bastard.

Go Phuck Yourself.
Actually I don't have to tell you that.
Say hello to allah in Hell.
It would have been a lot cheaper for Nato to declare a No Fly over half of Syria and pay the kurds and Iranians to protect refugee camps. Just sayin.
Wow. I just picked up that McCain is saying that Trump doesn't need Congressional approval to strike Syria.
So Israel hired a bunch of Islamic Extremists to attack us on 9-11

No, there were no Islamic people involved with 911 at all.

Shanksville - a ditch with rusted metal junk doused with gasoline and set on fire - no plane
North Tower - exploded from within
South Tower - hit by 767, except it was the CARGO VERSION of the 767
Pentagon - cruise missile, which is why we were never shown the video

You are clearly a sub human devoid of a molecule of patriotism to the United States.
Two likely scenarios for Syria -

1. We do nothing and a generation of Syrians are raised hating America for doing nothing.

2. We enter the war and the future generation of Syrians hate us for extending the war.
If this were a situation that could possibly be "won," Obama would have done it 4 years ago. Trump may rue the day he said Syria had crossed a bunch of lines.
he tried, I do believe. Obama wanted Assad gone

everyone but Trump wanted that sob dead and gone ..

Correction. Everyone but Putin wants him gone. The question will be, will Trump dare to counter Russia and his puppet master, Putin.

Most of his people love him because he protects Christians, Jews, Kurds, Yazidis, Shia and moderate Sunnis. As a matter of fact while the west was trying to ignore the slaughter of Yazidis those who could run headed straight for Syria for Assad to protect them.

Why don't you left wing loons just admit you want Assad gone so you can install the terror group the Muslim Brotherhood so they can whack all moderates Muslims and Christians like they started to in Egypt under Obama's puppet Morsi.

Dead Christians makes you happy.

And don't forget their ultimate goal. Annihilation of Israel.

Assad is not hostile towards Israel. They don't like each other all that much, but they aren't in all out war with each other.

ISIS, Al Queda, and The Muslim Brotherhood all want Assad gone, so that they could have a more ISLAMIC government.

And it wouldn't be The Muslim Brotherhood running Syria.

That plan was to have The Muslim Brotherhood run Egypt, Al Queda run Libya, and ISIS run Syria.

We are lucky Obama was such a bumbler with his foreign policy because he armed and funded all three groups in each one of these Nations to over throw those Governments and install Radical Islam instead.

Obama created and then helped to Propagate The Islamic State and has NEVER DONE ONE THING TO SUPPRESS IT.
So Israel hired a bunch of Islamic Extremists to attack us on 9-11

No, there were no Islamic people involved with 911 at all.

Shanksville - a ditch with rusted metal junk doused with gasoline and set on fire - no plane
North Tower - exploded from within
South Tower - hit by 767, except it was the CARGO VERSION of the 767
Pentagon - cruise missile, which is why we were never shown the video

You are clearly a sub human devoid of a molecule of patriotism to the United States.

We have a conspiracy subsection for your lunacy, please feel free to return there. You do this nation and yourself a great disservice with this type of rant.

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