McCain's VP decision is 'fundamentally irresponsible'

No. I didn't read the whole thing or all of the links. But when I got to this part ....

"Zionism is but an incident of a far reaching plan," said leading American Zionist Louis Marshall, counsel for bankers Kuhn Loeb in 1917. "It is merely a convenient peg on which to hang a powerful weapon."

.... that was enough for me. Ain't it great to live in a country where you can believe what you wish?
No. I didn't read the whole thing or all of the links. But when I got to this part ....

.... that was enough for me. Ain't it great to live in a country where you can believe what you wish?

not much different than hated the Christian right , really.
S'okay, he's just projecting. And he thinks anyone who doesn't want to live in a theocracy is a bigot.

But ask him about how the big bad jews run everything...

Has anyone asked sarah palin if her church thinks jews are going to hell?

Fuck extremists, of all religions.
Someone should find a video of John McCain defending Sarah today with Katie Couric :lol: he looked like her dad sitting at the principal's office trying to explain why she shouldn't get detention.
An African American ahead by 10-15 in Alabama would be like the Cubs winning the world series. It would usher in armageddon, simply by the impossible being possible. LOL. Impressive rant, by the way.

Don't say it ain't possible... the Cubs are #1 in the National League going into the playoffs. I think the billygoat curse is over!!
The part that was the most funny was when Katie asked Sarah a question and McCain answered for her.. and the look on her face was priceless...she totally looked like "how the fuck did I get myself into this?" :lol:
And yet, you don't see Obama's lack of experience as dangerous? Help me understand, please. Were you voting for McCain until he picked Palin?

Exerperience is one thing. Understanding of the issues at hand is another. Obama understands the issues and has a typical liberal-Democratic viewpoint of them. Palin has absolutely ZERO understanding of them. She was born and raised in Alaska. That's like someone from a town of 6000 being able to tell you what a country of 305,000,000 wants. Obama has been active inside of politics for a very long time. Palin hasn't. Obama understands lower and middle class people in urban America. Palin understands fishing in Alaska. To make the argument that you can actually see Russia from land in Alaska as foreign policy experience without giving specific examples of how you dealt with Russia or Canada... I hate to agree with Charlie Rengel, but she's disabled.. there's no question. No human being in their right mind would accept that as exerpeince.

Now if she said she didn't have foreign policy experience, if she said she's new to the game and wants to learn, I'd give her some slack. But the fact that she thinks we're stupid enough to buy her answers is shocking to me.
The part that was the most funny was when Katie asked Sarah a question and McCain answered for her.. and the look on her face was priceless...she totally looked like "how the fuck did I get myself into this?" :lol:

I point to my story about the turtle earlier. Did you happen to see that Silence? :lol:
Exerperience is one thing. Understanding of the issues at hand is another. Obama understands the issues and has a typical liberal-Democratic viewpoint of them. Palin has absolutely ZERO understanding of them. She was born and raised in Alaska. That's like someone from a town of 6000 being able to tell you what a country of 305,000,000 wants. Obama has been active inside of politics for a very long time. Palin hasn't. Obama understands lower and middle class people in urban America. Palin understands fishing in Alaska. To make the argument that you can actually see Russia from land in Alaska as foreign policy experience without giving specific examples of how you dealt with Russia or Canada... I hate to agree with Charlie Rengel, but she's disabled.. there's no question. No human being in their right mind would accept that as exerpeince.

Now if she said she didn't have foreign policy experience, if she said she's new to the game and wants to learn, I'd give her some slack. But the fact that she thinks we're stupid enough to buy her answers is shocking to me.

Are you counting his community organizer days?
I'm having a very difficult time understanding how anyone at this point can equate Obama's 'inexperience with Palin's.

The differences are on display any time Palin is asked to answer a question. She needs to have people kept away from her, while Obama is constantly in the spotlight.

And maybe the most telling video I have found on the subject:

[ame=]YouTube - Sarah Palin 3 AM Video[/ame]
Are you counting his community organizer days?

There you go elvis! Take a pot shot at Community Organizers in order to try and bring down Obama a peg or two. :cuckoo:

And you say your not a Republican? Hell your acting like Sarah Palin at the moment.

...Sarah? Is that you?

I'm having a very difficult time understanding how anyone at this point can equate Obama's 'inexperience with Palin's.

The differences are on display any time Palin is asked to answer a question. She needs to have people kept away from her, while Obama is constantly in the spotlight.

And maybe the most telling video I have found on the subject:

YouTube - Sarah Palin 3 AM Video

I issue this challenge to any con.

If you gave both Barack Obama and Sarah Palin three minutes notice to give a unscripted, off the cuff, 15 minute talk on the situation in the Congo, Barack would pass with flying colors and be able to natter on competently about the subject.

At this point, I'm not even sure if Palin knows what or where the Congo is.

Obama, game set, match.

They are not even in the same ball park together.
The part that was the most funny was when Katie asked Sarah a question and McCain answered for her.. and the look on her face was priceless...she totally looked like "how the fuck did I get myself into this?" :lol:

Cindy McCain has that look all the time.
:iagree: and in saying that ... it is nothing personal against Palin .... she is just not Presidential material ... or someone that I want to see in the Whitehouse. It is not only "very dangerous" it is a nightmare to even think about it.

Would you turst someone who's never watched a football game to be in charge of the New England Patriots?

Would you turst a high school drop out to be an engineer of a nuclear power plant?

This isn't about experience... this is about an understanding of the issues. Back in 2000, McCain understood the issues. I think McCain is exhibiting early signs of dimentia today and I'm saddened to say we're watching an American hero deterioate mentally before our very eyes.

I will say this right here, right now. I love John McCain. I love how tough he is, I love how dedicated he is, I love how much he believes in our country. I love the service he's given for the country and I love the sacrfacies he's made. He deserves a medal of honor and it's a sham he never received it, to be honest. He, much like Lloyd Bensten, are true American heroes.

McCain, though, is not right for this country to be our leader. He's confused over a lot of issues and I seriously question his judgment asking Palin to be his running mate. He has absolutely no idea what it's like to be poor, what a lot of lower and middle class Americans are going through right now. His foreign policy is quite hawkish in a time where the American people are tired of war. He sang a song in the tune of Barbara-Ann from the Beach Boys singing "Bomb bomb bomb bomb Iran." Do you seriously want the leader of the free world, after two wars, both of which have been horribly mis-managed, to jokingly sing about bombing a country that could potentially unleash $500 a barrell oil and lead us into World War 3?
I issue this challenge to any con.

If you gave both Barack Obama and Sarah Palin three minutes notice to give a unscripted, off the cuff, 15 minute talk on the situation in the Congo, Barack would pass with flying colors and be able to natter on competently about the subject.

At this point, I'm not even sure if Palin knows what or where the Congo is.

Obama, game set, match.

They are not even in the same ball park together.

The CONGO !!!!!
:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: omg
Would you turst someone who's never watched a football game to be in charge of the New England Patriots?

Would you turst a high school drop out to be an engineer of a nuclear power plant?

This isn't about experience... this is about an understanding of the issues. Back in 2000, McCain understood the issues. I think McCain is exhibiting early signs of dimentia today and I'm saddened to say we're watching an American hero deterioate mentally before our very eyes.

I will say this right here, right now. I love John McCain. I love how tough he is, I love how dedicated he is, I love how much he believes in our country. I love the service he's given for the country and I love the sacrfacies he's made. He deserves a medal of honor and it's a sham he never received it, to be honest. He, much like Lloyd Bensten, are true American heroes.

McCain, though, is not right for this country to be our leader. He's confused over a lot of issues and I seriously question his judgment asking Palin to be his running mate. He has absolutely no idea what it's like to be poor, what a lot of lower and middle class Americans are going through right now. His foreign policy is quite hawkish in a time where the American people are tired of war. He sang a song in the tune of Barbara-Ann from the Beach Boys singing "Bomb bomb bomb bomb Iran." Do you seriously want the leader of the free world, after two wars, both of which have been horribly mis-managed, to jokingly sing about bombing a country that could potentially unleash $500 a barrell oil and lead us into World War 3?

Obama goes to a church for 20 years where the pastor is a raving lunatic.
If he respects a man like that, who is he going to put in his cabinet?
Obama goes to a church for 20 years where the pastor is a raving lunatic.
If he respects a man like that, who is he going to put in his cabinet?

How lame are you?

Rising unemployment, rising gas prices, record foreclosures, record trade deficit, the Big Three on the verge of bankrupcy, $700 billion dollars wasted on Iraq, a $500 billion dollar budget deficit, and a trillion dollars wiped out in a day in the stock market, and all you can talk about is Rev. Wright?

You need to take a long look at yourself.

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