McCarthy Admits Trump Bears Jan. 6 Responsibility

Why can't Trump's right-hand man tell the country what he said on a small time radio interview in California?

McCarthy calls for a "bi-partisan" investigation in the interview but failed to vote for the select committee.
I think that is called a "flip flopper"

“Let me be clear to you and I have been very clear to the President. He bears responsibility for his words and actions. No if, ands or buts,” McCarthy said on January 11, 2021. “I asked him personally today if he holds responsibility for what happened. If he feels bad about what happened. He told me he does have some responsibility for what happened. But he needs to acknowledge that.”

“All of the people that are being unlawfully detained or denied bail, they’re being abandoned by Trump. He’s done nothing for them. You know, he could donate money, he hasn’t even done that. He didn’t pardon anybody while he was still in office, and then when he left, he hasn’t raised money,” Rhodes said. “... I think he has abandoned his base, because he has abandoned the people who were there to protect his other supporters. So yes, I do feel abandoned by him.”

-- Stewart Rhodes, Oath Keeper Leader

Stewart Rhodes, the Oath Keeper founder, believes trump is responsible for the riot too.

And he goes on to say, trump hasn't lifted a finger to help the people he duped.
Why can't Trump's right-hand man tell the country what he said on a small time radio interview in California?

McCarthy calls for a "bi-partisan" investigation in the interview but failed to vote for the select committee.
I think that is called a "flip flopper"

“Let me be clear to you and I have been very clear to the President. He bears responsibility for his words and actions. No if, ands or buts,” McCarthy said on January 11, 2021. “I asked him personally today if he holds responsibility for what happened. If he feels bad about what happened. He told me he does have some responsibility for what happened. But he needs to acknowledge that.”

Pay no attention to what he said days after the Jan 6 attack

That was before Trump gave him a spanking at Mara Lago
“All of the people that are being unlawfully detained or denied bail, they’re being abandoned by Trump. He’s done nothing for them. You know, he could donate money, he hasn’t even done that. He didn’t pardon anybody while he was still in office, and then when he left, he hasn’t raised money,” Rhodes said. “... I think he has abandoned his base, because he has abandoned the people who were there to protect his other supporters. So yes, I do feel abandoned by him.”

-- Stewart Rhodes, Oath Keeper Leader

Stewart Rhodes, the Oath Keeper founder, believes trump is responsible for the riot too.

And he goes on to say, trump hasn't lifted a finger to help the people he duped.
According to Kevin McCarthy, Trump feels he's responsible as well.
No matter what, you'd never find the commission "bipartisan". You know that so you'll continue to press that point to obfuscate the real issue far up does 1/6 go.
No matter what, you'd never find the commission "bipartisan".

100 senators

put 50 names each in 2 hats, one for Dems, one for Pubs.

pull 6 names out of each hat.

any other way is cherry picking the panel to get the result you want.
You're burying the lead:

McCarthy says that Trump Admitted to Personal Blame
I see you and the other communists trying to spin Trumps words-----anything that he says or his people say, the nuts will try to spin it.

Trump expressed a normal non-psychopathic response-----these people were just at his rallies, it is human (if you aren't a psychopath) to try that you could of did more to protect your own people. Like a mother or father whose child just died for whatever reason... If the communists had any morals, they wouldn't be trying to attack and destroy people over this. Why don't try to find something REAL to lay blame at. Like Pelosi knowing that people would showing, knowing that the swamp corrupt FBI was trying to insight, and purposely leaving the building up for a riot.
Why can't Trump's right-hand man tell the country what he said on a small time radio interview in California?

McCarthy calls for a "bi-partisan" investigation in the interview but failed to vote for the select committee.
I think that is called a "flip flopper"

“Let me be clear to you and I have been very clear to the President. He bears responsibility for his words and actions. No if, ands or buts,” McCarthy said on January 11, 2021. “I asked him personally today if he holds responsibility for what happened. If he feels bad about what happened. He told me he does have some responsibility for what happened. But he needs to acknowledge that.”

Another CNN hit piece.
According to Kevin McCarthy, Trump feels he's responsible as well.
Human response-----it doesn't mean that Trump is responsible...for other peoples actions. Other people being pushed by FBI plants to do so.....

Why are you immoral Trump haters trying to blame Trump who told people to peacefully protest instead of the corrupt swamp FBI who told and actually acted to try to get people to riot?
I see you and the other communists trying to spin Trumps words-----anything that he says or his people say, the nuts will try to spin it.

Trump expressed a normal non-psychopathic response-----these people were just at his rallies, it is human (if you aren't a psychopath) to try that you could of did more to protect your own people. Like a mother or father whose child just died for whatever reason... If the communists had any morals, they wouldn't be trying to attack and destroy people over this. Why don't try to find something REAL to lay blame at. Like Pelosi knowing that people would showing, knowing that the swamp corrupt FBI was trying to insight, and purposely leaving the building up for a riot.
Yes, and when will Nancy Pelosi, Kamala Harris, et al take responsibility for the summer riots?
When were they given the chance for an 'independent bipartisan commission'?

Senate Republicans Block A Plan For An Independent Commission On Jan. 6 Capitol Riot​

Bipartisan legislation to establish an independent commission to investigate the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol has failed in the Senate, as Republicans staged their first filibuster since President Biden took office to block the plan.

The final vote Friday was 54-35, but Republicans withheld the votes necessary to bring the bill up for debate. Just six GOP senators joined with the Democrats, leaving the measure short of the 60 votes needed to proceed.

The proposed commission was modeled on the one established to investigate the 9/11 terror attacks, with 10 commissioners — five Democrats and five Republicans — who would have subpoena powers. A Democratic chair and Republican vice chair would have had to approve all subpoenas with a final report due at the end of the year.

Senate Republicans Block A Plan For An Independent Commission On Jan. 6 Capitol Riot​

Bipartisan legislation to establish an independent commission to investigate the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol has failed in the Senate, as Republicans staged their first filibuster since President Biden took office to block the plan.

The final vote Friday was 54-35, but Republicans withheld the votes necessary to bring the bill up for debate. Just six GOP senators joined with the Democrats, leaving the measure short of the 60 votes needed to proceed.

The proposed commission was modeled on the one established to investigate the 9/11 terror attacks, with 10 commissioners — five Democrats and five Republicans — who would have subpoena powers. A Democratic chair and Republican vice chair would have had to approve all subpoenas with a final report due at the end of the year.
Stupid investigation of a protest. Where is the commission investigating the Summer riots and the Democrats that condoned them? Where is the commission investigating Hunter Biden and Joe? Where is the commission investigating Pelosi? How about we investigate the illegal things the FBI did to Trump? What about investigating Schiff for lying? You lefties are the height of hypocrisy.
Stupid investigation of a protest. Where is the commission investigating the Summer riots and the Democrats that condoned them? Where is the commission investigating Hunter Biden and Joe? Where is the commission investigating Pelosi? How about we investigate the illegal things the FBI did to Trump? What about investigating Schiff for lying? You lefties are the height of hypocrisy.
I'd be all for it if anything you question actually had any merit. You ever stop to think you're just plain wrong and that's why nothing you want prosecuted gets prosecuted. You'll forever be upset because you live in a world of lies and delusions.
So you've got nothing. I understand. You criticize Pelosi for following legal procedure in picking members of the committee. You evidently somehow think people possibly involved in 1/6 should be on a committee seeking to find out the truth of what happened that day. What exactly have you said so far that can be deemed anything close to being correct? As far as I can tell, absolutely nothing.
Why no negotiations?

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