McCarthy doesn't get it (yet)

You Republicans go ahead and impeach, impeach, impeach yourselves as crazy nutbags completely incapable of serious governing. What better use for your House majority could anyone ever imagine?
Seemed to work for your boys, didn't it?
You don't need to impeach Mr. Biden to put him out to pasture. He needs to be removed from office with the incompent mental state of his third stage dementia or Altzheimer's disease. He should first be approached to resign with dignity.

I agree.
Finally something Republicans and Democrats can agree on.

You Republicans go ahead and impeach, impeach, impeach yourselves as crazy nutbags completely incapable of serious governing. What better use for your House majority could anyone ever imagine?
So impeaching a president means you are incapable of serious governing?

Then why did you vote Democrat?
You don't need to impeach Mr. Biden to put him out to pasture. He needs to be removed from office with the incompent mental state of his third stage dementia or Altzheimer's disease. He should first be approached to resign with dignity.
No, he should be keel hauled. What has he done to deserve decent treatment?
The Republican House is proving why they had the worst showing of any out of office midterm party in a million years. They cant lead... all they can do is issue grievances.
Dems will lead us straight into black hole.
You don't need to impeach Mr. Biden to put him out to pasture. He needs to be removed from office with the incompent mental state of his third stage dementia or Altzheimer's disease. He should first be approached to resign with dignity.
It's like this:

This is why's Biden is important.
"The fact is, this place has to change, and the change comes by either adopting rules and procedures that will make us actually do our job, or it comes from leadership... we've made progress but we do not have the tools to stop the swamp from rolling over people." - @RepChipRoy
It's humorous that you're saying that as laughable Repub dysfunction has begun even before new members of the House are sworn in.
You mean Dems submitted a balanced budget?

Uh . . . . no. That's right, they never have.
Not triggered, but I do enjoy rubbing your nose in the fact that Biden beat Trump's ass. Bigly.
Not triggered? Sure, this sounds like someone who is calm and collected, LMAO. Trump admitted to some of his W.H. hack squad that he lost, so eat shit , dummy. So this is your normal demeanor? Again LMAO.

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