McCarthy was on his way in destroying the very principles of America...


Diamond Member
Aug 19, 2010
...and yet we are doing it again
McCarthy and company took any piece of information they could get their hands on that looked damning, or could be perceived as damning - and used it as if it was irrefutable evidence. ACTUAL evidence was almost completely vacant in the entire hearings during that time. Innuendos, hearsay, 2nd hand, 3rd hand information was thrown out as if it alone was enough.
And we are doing it again.
The media and the Democrats are doing something the Russians could not have ever hoped for. In their wildest dreams their meddling was never going to cause an impeachment hearing, never did they think they could divide the nation into two bitter opponents. And yet.... that is exactly what the useful idiots are doing.
The best they hoped for was to create some misinformation to prevent Hillary from becoming President due to her and top Democrats relationship with Ukraine. That is the best they hoped for.
Putin must be hosting nightly parties now. Not in his wildest dreams could he ever imagine his actions would set off a national crises in his enemy America,

Which side are you on?
...and yet we are doing it again
McCarthy and company took any piece of information they could get their hands on that looked damning, or could be perceived as damning - and used it as if it was irrefutable evidence. ACTUAL evidence was almost completely vacant in the entire hearings during that time. Innuendos, hearsay, 2nd hand, 3rd hand information was thrown out as if it alone was enough.
And we are doing it again.
The media and the Democrats are doing something the Russians could not have ever hoped for. In their wildest dreams their meddling was never going to cause an impeachment hearing, never did they think they could divide the nation into two bitter opponents. And yet.... that is exactly what the useful idiots are doing.
The best they hoped for was to create some misinformation to prevent Hillary from becoming President due to her and top Democrats relationship with Ukraine. That is the best they hoped for.
Putin must be hosting nightly parties now. Not in his wildest dreams could he ever imagine his actions would set off a national crises in his enemy America,

Which side are you on?

Yes, like what Shiffty is doing now.

The only difference is that McCarthy was right according to the KGB files revealed after the fall of the Soviet Union.Shiffty is being dishonest.

Too bad their girl lost.
...and yet we are doing it again
McCarthy and company took any piece of information they could get their hands on that looked damning, or could be perceived as damning - and used it as if it was irrefutable evidence. ACTUAL evidence was almost completely vacant in the entire hearings during that time. Innuendos, hearsay, 2nd hand, 3rd hand information was thrown out as if it alone was enough.
And we are doing it again.
The media and the Democrats are doing something the Russians could not have ever hoped for. In their wildest dreams their meddling was never going to cause an impeachment hearing, never did they think they could divide the nation into two bitter opponents. And yet.... that is exactly what the useful idiots are doing.
The best they hoped for was to create some misinformation to prevent Hillary from becoming President due to her and top Democrats relationship with Ukraine. That is the best they hoped for.
Putin must be hosting nightly parties now. Not in his wildest dreams could he ever imagine his actions would set off a national crises in his enemy America,

Which side are you on?

McCarthy was correct in his assertion that the State Department was seething with communists, except now it's spread throughout other branches of the government.

That was Russia's and communism's stated goal in the 1950's, and it looks like they have accomplished that.
...and yet we are doing it again
McCarthy and company took any piece of information they could get their hands on that looked damning, or could be perceived as damning - and used it as if it was irrefutable evidence. ACTUAL evidence was almost completely vacant in the entire hearings during that time. Innuendos, hearsay, 2nd hand, 3rd hand information was thrown out as if it alone was enough.
And we are doing it again.
The media and the Democrats are doing something the Russians could not have ever hoped for. In their wildest dreams their meddling was never going to cause an impeachment hearing, never did they think they could divide the nation into two bitter opponents. And yet.... that is exactly what the useful idiots are doing.
The best they hoped for was to create some misinformation to prevent Hillary from becoming President due to her and top Democrats relationship with Ukraine. That is the best they hoped for.
Putin must be hosting nightly parties now. Not in his wildest dreams could he ever imagine his actions would set off a national crises in his enemy America,

Which side are you on?

I'm on the side of McCarthy. McCarthy was dead on right. There were in fact, spies in the State Department. He was right. Period. End of the story.

The left-wingers were all lying and traitors, and McCarthy was the only one man enough to expose it. The facts contradict the left-wing historical re-writing, that says he was destroying America.

Left-wingers were destroying America, and feeding information to our enemies. McCarthy was factually right. Left-wingers were lying, just as they continue to lie, and tear down America today.
I apparently unleashed the crazies....
That was not my intention. And with that, the thread is destroyed.
...and yet we are doing it again
McCarthy and company took any piece of information they could get their hands on that looked damning, or could be perceived as damning - and used it as if it was irrefutable evidence. ACTUAL evidence was almost completely vacant in the entire hearings during that time. Innuendos, hearsay, 2nd hand, 3rd hand information was thrown out as if it alone was enough.
And we are doing it again.
The media and the Democrats are doing something the Russians could not have ever hoped for. In their wildest dreams their meddling was never going to cause an impeachment hearing, never did they think they could divide the nation into two bitter opponents. And yet.... that is exactly what the useful idiots are doing.
The best they hoped for was to create some misinformation to prevent Hillary from becoming President due to her and top Democrats relationship with Ukraine. That is the best they hoped for.
Putin must be hosting nightly parties now. Not in his wildest dreams could he ever imagine his actions would set off a national crises in his enemy America,

Which side are you on?

McCarthy was correct in his assertion that the State Department was seething with communists, except now it's spread throughout other branches of the government.

That was Russia's and communism's stated goal in the 1950's, and it looks like they have accomplished that.

McCarthy was an opportunistic bombastic manipulating asshole who lied his way into everything he got including those fake medals. Thread title here is accurate, although one could take issue with "well on his way". He was exposed as a con in his own time and fittingly drank himself to death in his 40s.
...and yet we are doing it again
McCarthy and company took any piece of information they could get their hands on that looked damning, or could be perceived as damning - and used it as if it was irrefutable evidence. ACTUAL evidence was almost completely vacant in the entire hearings during that time. Innuendos, hearsay, 2nd hand, 3rd hand information was thrown out as if it alone was enough.
And we are doing it again.
The media and the Democrats are doing something the Russians could not have ever hoped for. In their wildest dreams their meddling was never going to cause an impeachment hearing, never did they think they could divide the nation into two bitter opponents. And yet.... that is exactly what the useful idiots are doing.
The best they hoped for was to create some misinformation to prevent Hillary from becoming President due to her and top Democrats relationship with Ukraine. That is the best they hoped for.
Putin must be hosting nightly parties now. Not in his wildest dreams could he ever imagine his actions would set off a national crises in his enemy America,

Which side are you on?
While you are on the right side, couple of misfires:
  1. The McCarthy hearings were about an actual threat that actually existed from actual communists in the government and positions of influence (and, remember, the 20th century horrors of communism dwarf the 20th century horrors of fascism). The Schiff show is nothing but another empty Watergate-style fraud perpetrated by Jewish media power against the American people.
  2. Russia plays no role in our democracy. It carries no weight in DC. If it did, we'd be running around the globe fighting wars for Russia rather than Israel. If you don't understand at least that, your are hopelessly muddled, politically.

While it makes a cute meme, it is inaccurate.
I am speaking of the METHODS...that McCarthy used.

Primarily... The shotgun method. Just blast away at everything that moves, sucks to be the innocent ones who just sneezed but hopefully we got a few critters while spraying the field with buckshot.
He also used the media to scare and influence the public to support, what is basically pitchfork and torch mentality, to forego the requirements of judicial law to destroy your target in the public arena instead.
I have watched a fair amount of the testimony in this circus the Democrats are calling an impeachment hearing. And they are missing a key element - A FUCKING CRIME. You cannot convict someone because it looks like they might have done something. That no matter how hard you want to believe it to be true - there needs to be an actual crime to convict. You don't go to jail for looking guilty. You don't go to jail because your words could be construed to mean something. YOU NEED A CRIME TO HAVE BEEN COMMITTED.

McCarthy didn't need evidence. He didn't need a crime to have occurred, he merely needed the APPEARANCE that someone MIGHT be connected to a crime.
I think someone might be confusing/conflating the McCarthy hearings with the House Unamerican Activities Committee. The HUAC's "red scare" gestapo tactics are so frequently mischaracterized under moniker of "McCarthyism" that most people honestly don't know the difference, nor do they realize how frighteningly correct McCarthy has since been proven to be about it
...and yet we are doing it again
McCarthy and company took any piece of information they could get their hands on that looked damning, or could be perceived as damning - and used it as if it was irrefutable evidence. ACTUAL evidence was almost completely vacant in the entire hearings during that time. Innuendos, hearsay, 2nd hand, 3rd hand information was thrown out as if it alone was enough.
And we are doing it again.
The media and the Democrats are doing something the Russians could not have ever hoped for. In their wildest dreams their meddling was never going to cause an impeachment hearing, never did they think they could divide the nation into two bitter opponents. And yet.... that is exactly what the useful idiots are doing.
The best they hoped for was to create some misinformation to prevent Hillary from becoming President due to her and top Democrats relationship with Ukraine. That is the best they hoped for.
Putin must be hosting nightly parties now. Not in his wildest dreams could he ever imagine his actions would set off a national crises in his enemy America,

Which side are you on?

McCarthy was correct in his assertion that the State Department was seething with communists, except now it's spread throughout other branches of the government.

That was Russia's and communism's stated goal in the 1950's, and it looks like they have accomplished that.

Exactly as fdr wanted.
...and yet we are doing it again
McCarthy and company took any piece of information they could get their hands on that looked damning, or could be perceived as damning - and used it as if it was irrefutable evidence. ACTUAL evidence was almost completely vacant in the entire hearings during that time. Innuendos, hearsay, 2nd hand, 3rd hand information was thrown out as if it alone was enough.
And we are doing it again.
The media and the Democrats are doing something the Russians could not have ever hoped for. In their wildest dreams their meddling was never going to cause an impeachment hearing, never did they think they could divide the nation into two bitter opponents. And yet.... that is exactly what the useful idiots are doing.
The best they hoped for was to create some misinformation to prevent Hillary from becoming President due to her and top Democrats relationship with Ukraine. That is the best they hoped for.
Putin must be hosting nightly parties now. Not in his wildest dreams could he ever imagine his actions would set off a national crises in his enemy America,

Which side are you on?
You seriously don't know dick about Joe McCarthy
McCarthy vastly understated the extent to which FDRs brain trust reported to and took their orders from mass murderer, "Uncle Joe" Stalin
...and yet we are doing it again
McCarthy and company took any piece of information they could get their hands on that looked damning, or could be perceived as damning - and used it as if it was irrefutable evidence. ACTUAL evidence was almost completely vacant in the entire hearings during that time. Innuendos, hearsay, 2nd hand, 3rd hand information was thrown out as if it alone was enough.
And we are doing it again.
The media and the Democrats are doing something the Russians could not have ever hoped for. In their wildest dreams their meddling was never going to cause an impeachment hearing, never did they think they could divide the nation into two bitter opponents. And yet.... that is exactly what the useful idiots are doing.
The best they hoped for was to create some misinformation to prevent Hillary from becoming President due to her and top Democrats relationship with Ukraine. That is the best they hoped for.
Putin must be hosting nightly parties now. Not in his wildest dreams could he ever imagine his actions would set off a national crises in his enemy America,

Which side are you on?
McCarthy probably would have beaten Trump in 2016's GOP primary

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