McCarthyism , unbelievable

Poor little Jake thinking if he accuses me of being like him it will stick, but if Putin was my hero along with Trump, well I would be a little Trostky like you...

Putin was communist and two of Trumps wives were born in Communist nations and he loves the East Berlin lifestyle, so what make you believe I would worship either communist bastard?

McCarthy was a mental midget whore that accused people of nonsense in a country where it was not illegal to be Communist!

As for your attempt to claim I am some kind of Nazi, well Jake you are the one that loves big government, slanted political news and hate everyone that does not agree with your political opinion and believe they should be silence by accusing them of racism and fascism so remember that little Trostky!

Now should we discuss your Homophobic response!?!

Oh, I am actually independent and if you can show where one moment I have been pro-McCarthyism please do so and if you believe that because I have called you a Trotsky is proof, well no dice because the truth is not a insult except to those that live a lie and want to deny what they really are, right little Trotsky.

Now it is your turn to tell me how I suckle the balls of Trump, drink the bathwater of Ivanka Trump and that I am the fake while you are the light of reasoning of the right, well I took care of it for you Jake so do better and know Trump is a fucking loony moron that make you look sane which is not a compliment but very insulting!
Baghdad Bruce keeps up the nonsense for Trump and for Putin.

McCarthy was smarter than Baghdad Bruce, who is an Alt Right regressive who falsely states he is an "indepedent." :lol:

Be my guess to show where I have ever linked any alt-right articles or where I have ever spew alt-right nonsense and believed it and was not mocking the alt-right.

Jake it seem you believe anyone that does not agree with your opinion must be alt-right and how sad and pathetic are you?

I have yet to post anything that would be consider alt-right but I can find responses from you supporting the alt-left and their Trostky way of thinking.

Now because Stalin would be to the right of you would not have made him alt-right.

Now tell me why would a Trostky like you hate Putin when he has so much in common with what you envision for this country, little Trostky?
Baghdad Bruce continues with the personal because he cannot win on the subjects we discuss. He believes anyone who disagrees with him is a a dem and a lefty. Bruce is to the right of McCarthy where as I am slightly right center, thus Baghdad thinks I am a lefty. Old Baghdad loves him sum Putin.

Now a challenge for you, Bruce. Be polite, and you will receive it in return. This is your choice. Think wisely. Yurt and Correll were both offered the same choice, and now they are in hiding for their poor decisions.

I am sooo scare!

What will I do???

Will I coward in fear or will I write like I usually do and not give a flying fuck what you write?

Jake if you were able to prove I was alt-right you would have.

If you could have shown where I constantly defend Trump and not spit on his name daily you would have.

Seeing you know you can not link any posts by me supporting alt-right articles nor supporting Putin mean you have nothing at all!

Now will you do a top post thread in the flame zone writing about me and telling everyone how you will get your revenge you little nerd?

Get fucking real and realize McCarthy was a mental midget, Putin is a former Communist whore and you and Trump have more in common with YOUR alternate reality.

Now attack little pup and remember Trotsky it is you that believe everyone is alt-right when they disagree with your foolish opinion!
So you wish to continue the personal attacks. PS (Paranoid Schitzophrenia) ^^^. OK. You are Baghdad Bruce, defend of Trump and Putin and the Alt Right.


If your best insults are stealing from other posters then I am sure I will be perfectly fine with whatever you toss at me.:mm:

Now when you can think of some original material of your own let me know but it seem to me that will never happen!:laugh2:

Now let get back to the topic and why is it hard for a little Trostky like yourself to understand that McCarthy was a mental midget from hell?:eusa_think:

I believe you are offended by my description of McCarthy and deep down you want to be another McCarthyist but can not betray your Trotsky way of life!:muahaha:
Was it against the law to be a member of the communist party back then, or now?

That's a weird question.

The narrative has always been that the Red Scare was a "Witch Hunt" ie, that there were no communists.

NOw, suddenly you've switched gears to defending their rights to be a communist.

I guess some of you lefties are slowly reacting to new information after all, ie the Verona Papers.

I merely posed a question. To which you have so far failed to answer.

As you well know, it was not against the law. Please now make your "point".

Oh you must mean the part where goofball repubs go all crazy trying to force everybody to march in lockstep with them, and when we refuse they claim there's some kind of a law against it. Such as treason. Is that what you want me to say?
Fucking ironic.

Ahhhhhhh, it's boys and girls bathrooms!

It's a fucking caaaake!

But the pizza place said!!

Piece of shit
Was it against the law to be a member of the communist party back then, or now?

That's a weird question.

The narrative has always been that the Red Scare was a "Witch Hunt" ie, that there were no communists.

NOw, suddenly you've switched gears to defending their rights to be a communist.

I guess some of you lefties are slowly reacting to new information after all, ie the Verona Papers.

I merely posed a question. To which you have so far failed to answer.

As you well know, it was not against the law. Please now make your "point".

Oh you must mean the part where goofball repubs go all crazy trying to force everybody to march in lockstep with them, and when we refuse they claim there's some kind of a law against it. Such as treason. Is that what you want me to say?

Asking that American government officials NOT hold an ideology that calls for the destruction of the American government and way of life, is hardly "trying to force everyone to march in lockstep with us".

Your point is thus shown to be nonsense.

What do you think of the generations of lefties that smugly and arrogantly dismissed the idea that there were any communists in the US government or media?

Pretty fucking stupid, huh? And so stupidly sure of themselves and too much of pricks to admit they were wrong, or God Forbid, apologize to those whom they smeared on false pretenses.

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