Trump McCarthyism?


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2017
Trump compares Mueller probe to McCarthyism - CNNPolitics

Trump continues each day to act like a convicted felon. He sees the walls closing in on him, and an investigation against him led by people with tons more brainpower than he and his "lawyers" have.

The conservative allies work overtime trying to thwart Mueller's totally legitimate and necessary investigation, while Trump just doubles down daily making statements that just reinforce his obvious guilt.

There are some reasonable allies who have asked Trump to tone down his criticism. They should keep their mouths shut and their opinions to themselves. The more Trump runs off at the mouth and the tweeter, the guiltier he looks. Just leave him along and let nature take its course.
he's been in panic mode for awhile... let the meltdown please begin. the faster he does- the faster he will be removed from office.

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