McCauliffe Refuses to Concede

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need a forensic audit, I'm happy for that to happen for every election. suggest stop bringing in illegal ballots at 3am in the morning. it's really quite simple. point to your mail in ballot. You can't.

Especially in Virginia where they separate the signed envelope from the unsigned mail-in ballot!
I'm still pleasantly surprised this election wasn't stolen!
We HAVE to do away with mass mail-in balloting!!
Arizona there was. You all lost your shit!!!! why? what is it you were afraid of? you don't want elections to be fraud free. I don't care which side.
Trump wanted to throw out votes. He didn’t want audits.

Anything to stay in power. Doesn’t matter how many Americans have their rights violated.
You still can't concede Trump lost can you?
No. I believe the election was rigged by the democrats and the establishment republicans were damn glad to see Trump lose.

If the election was not rigged the democrats would be happy to cooperate with any and all forensic audits of state elections.

No. I believe the election was rigged by the democrats and the establishment republicans were damn glad to see Trump lose.
Then you are a fucking delusional and should probably go rent a 1-room cabin for a month. Sit there and re-evaluate yourself.
No. I believe the election was rigged by the democrats and the establishment republicans were damn glad to see Trump lose.

If the election was not rigged the democrats would be happy to cooperate with any and all forensic audits of state elections.

In other words...if Republicans win, it's your orange fuhrer who gets the credit. If Republicans lose, then the elections must have been rigged?

Yup, we know. That's been the playbook you trumptards have been running with.
In other words...if Republicans win, it's your orange fuhrer who gets the credit. If Republicans lose, then the elections must have been rigged?

Yup, we know. That's been the playbook you trumptards have been running with.

All Trump did was give the Republicans the spine to fight and figure out how to work smarter and not harder.
All of the credit goes to Youngkin!
In other words...if Republicans win, it's your orange fuhrer who gets the credit. If Republicans lose, then the elections must have been rigged?

Yup, we know. That's been the playbook you trumptards have been running with.
As I said the establishment GOP was happy that Trump lost.

Trump was an outsider that the Swamp hated.

In 2020 the Swamp won.

Now we are stuck with quite possibly the worst President in history.
Trump wanted to throw out votes. He didn’t want audits.

Anything to stay in power. Doesn’t matter how many Americans have their rights violated.
he wanted fraudulent ballots removed. You want them?

You believe that Trump got more votes than obammy ever got and lost. too fking funny. The celebrated first black president ever and xiden and trump got 20 million more votes. Can't get any more stupid. See, I have a brain.
Then you are a fucking delusional and should probably go rent a 1-room cabin for a month. Sit there and re-evaluate yourself.
I am not the only one who thinks the 2020 election smells of corruption and rigging. There’s a lot of us out here and we are not going away.

In passing it looks like the Democratic Party needs to reevaluate itself. The democrats got their asses kicked in Virginia. The voters seemed to say that while the republicans are far from perfect the democrats are batshit crazy.

he wanted fraudulent ballots removed. You want them?

You believe that Trump got more votes than obammy ever got and lost. too fking funny. The celebrated first black president ever and xiden and trump got 20 million more votes. Can't get any more stupid. See, I have a brain.
Nope. He wanted all ballots removed and to be declared the winner.

At least in some of the states he lost.
I am not the only one who thinks the 2020 election smells of corruption and rigging.
So what? A lot of people think that wine urns into flesh, when the drink it. That doesn't lend any credibility to your childish fantasies
So what? A lot of people think that wine urns into flesh, when the drink it. That doesn't lend any credibility to your childish fantasies
Roman Catholics believe wine turns into blood. Many Protestants and Evangelicals feel it is symbolic.

Time will tell us all if it is a childish fantasy or not.
Roman Catholics believe wine turns into blood.
Right, good catch. Sorry guys. It turns ionto blood, not flesh. Whew, glad we clarified THAT.

Did you know a lot of people actually believe that, when the visible planets are in a certain part of the sky, it affects their mood, behavior, and health? Fkin dummies.
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