McConnell Give The Senate A Chance To Prove they Can Be A Functional Body!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
In the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing a very, very interesting offer was put on the table it was also sort of funny because the offer had nothing to do with Judiciary matters it was interesting because it holds the potential to really help the American people. The offer was made by Republican Senator Kennedy and it appeared to be a sincere heartfelt offer and it was made to Democrat Senator Coons; Senator Kennedy presented the offer like this he said Senator Coons I too deeply care about the economic harm befalling the American people from the pandemic so I offer this with the McConnell CARES act bill being presented by the Majority leader next week in the Senate Chamber (excuse the terminology errors about Senate Parliamentary procedure) why don't you get Senator Schumer to not have the Democrat caucus block the bill proceeding to the floor and I will get Senator McConnell agree to a good amendment process for the bill on the floor so we can make it a good bi-partisan bill, generating an optimistic hope for the American people Senator Coons expressed interests in the offer!

Assuming it can be arranged where there is no trickery involved, that is, it is a fair, robust and good amendment process that will be provided, maybe agree that each party's caucus gets to offer twenty amendments and there is an hour debate (evenly divided) provided for each amendment, this would be great for the Senate and great for the country. First, it is not good for the Senate that its reputation amongst the majority of the American people is that the Senate is essentially under the control of a small group of far-right Republican Senators that think that Washington does not need to provide financial help to the American people over the pandemic that America is in the midst of a V-shaped economic recovery! Secondly, the reality in America is that it was devastatingly wounded by the pandemic (hundreds of thousands of small businesses permanently shuttered, twenty-five million people on unemployment compensation, tens of millions of people big-time behind on their rent or mortgage) and that it needs massive financial help from Washington immediately to stop real pain being experienced by a lot of the American people and to stop further significant destruction of the American economy at the hand of the pandemic. Thirdly, Washington is in political gridlock right now why not see if a bi-partisan effort by rank and fille Senators can clear the log jam. Fourthly, both party's leaders are being way too optimistic about how a good deal will be reached after the November election. If the election goes as predicted where Vice-President Biden wins the White House and Democrats hold the House, the Senate races are too close to call but let us say for sake of argument the American people do what they often do they give the President they elect a Congress in his same Party so he can get something done. Well Senator McConnell you old hand in Washington what do you think is going to play out yes Mitch vengeance will rule the day Democrats are going to be seeking pay back about how for the longest time your Party talked about the danger of Budget deficits and the national debt and put the Democrats through onerous sequestration deals and your Party threw that whole effort in the trash can with the 2017 tax spending bill which ruined that whole effort now the deficit is beyond any grand bargain fixing deal so Mitch you can forget a good Pandemic liability protection bill for U.S. businesses (your line in the sand) plus your Party Mitch will be in a frantic desperate state where your Party will try to revive a brand that can regain them political power which entails holding the line on spending meaning no CARES Act bill passing the Senate this year that increases the deficit by over $500 billion dollars plus Mitch you know President Trump pretty well he is going to believe the Democrats stole the election from him and what does President Trump do to people he believes wronged him punish them so in all likelihood he will just go along with the Senate Republican caucus on this bill, so under the totality of the circumstances America won't see a new CARES act piece of legislation until January of 2021 unless you reach a deal before the November election!

Senator McConnell take a page from former Speaker of the House Congressman Ryan's playbook he regularly got the majority of votes to pass legislation from the Democrat Caucus. I think what Senator Kennedy and Senator Coons have in mind is a bi-partisan effort in line with the White House's efforts in their negotiation with Nancy Pelosi and if that bi-partisan effort rises to the level of a $1.8 trillion and passes the Senate Chamber and President Trump says he will sign the bill if it comes to his desk it would be hard to believe that Nancy Pelosi could stand in the way of the mob of rank and file House members of both parties that would be insistent saying let us bring that money back to our constituents for so many of them are in desperate need of this money that would flow to them through the legislation and these members would force the bill to passage in the House!
Watch how functional it becomes in January.
In the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing a very, very interesting offer was put on the table it was also sort of funny because the offer had nothing to do with Judiciary matters it was interesting because it holds the potential to really help the American people. The offer was made by Republican Senator Kennedy and it appeared to be a sincere heartfelt offer and it was made to Democrat Senator Coons; Senator Kennedy presented the offer like this he said Senator Coons I too deeply care about the economic harm befalling the American people from the pandemic so I offer this with the McConnell CARES act bill being presented by the Majority leader next week in the Senate Chamber (excuse the terminology errors about Senate Parliamentary procedure) why don't you get Senator Schumer to not have the Democrat caucus block the bill proceeding to the floor and I will get Senator McConnell agree to a good amendment process for the bill on the floor so we can make it a good bi-partisan bill, generating an optimistic hope for the American people Senator Coons expressed interests in the offer!

Assuming it can be arranged where there is no trickery involved, that is, it is a fair, robust and good amendment process that will be provided, maybe agree that each party's caucus gets to offer twenty amendments and there is an hour debate (evenly divided) provided for each amendment, this would be great for the Senate and great for the country. First, it is not good for the Senate that its reputation amongst the majority of the American people is that the Senate is essentially under the control of a small group of far-right Republican Senators that think that Washington does not need to provide financial help to the American people over the pandemic that America is in the midst of a V-shaped economic recovery! Secondly, the reality in America is that it was devastatingly wounded by the pandemic (hundreds of thousands of small businesses permanently shuttered, twenty-five million people on unemployment compensation, tens of millions of people big-time behind on their rent or mortgage) and that it needs massive financial help from Washington immediately to stop real pain being experienced by a lot of the American people and to stop further significant destruction of the American economy at the hand of the pandemic. Thirdly, Washington is in political gridlock right now why not see if a bi-partisan effort by rank and fille Senators can clear the log jam. Fourthly, both party's leaders are being way too optimistic about how a good deal will be reached after the November election. If the election goes as predicted where Vice-President Biden wins the White House and Democrats hold the House, the Senate races are too close to call but let us say for sake of argument the American people do what they often do they give the President they elect a Congress in his same Party so he can get something done. Well Senator McConnell you old hand in Washington what do you think is going to play out yes Mitch vengeance will rule the day Democrats are going to be seeking pay back about how for the longest time your Party talked about the danger of Budget deficits and the national debt and put the Democrats through onerous sequestration deals and your Party threw that whole effort in the trash can with the 2017 tax spending bill which ruined that whole effort now the deficit is beyond any grand bargain fixing deal so Mitch you can forget a good Pandemic liability protection bill for U.S. businesses (your line in the sand) plus your Party Mitch will be in a frantic desperate state where your Party will try to revive a brand that can regain them political power which entails holding the line on spending meaning no CARES Act bill passing the Senate this year that increases the deficit by over $500 billion dollars plus Mitch you know President Trump pretty well he is going to believe the Democrats stole the election from him and what does President Trump do to people he believes wronged him punish them so in all likelihood he will just go along with the Senate Republican caucus on this bill, so under the totality of the circumstances America won't see a new CARES act piece of legislation until January of 2021 unless you reach a deal before the November election!

Senator McConnell take a page from former Speaker of the House Congressman Ryan's playbook he regularly got the majority of votes to pass legislation from the Democrat Caucus. I think what Senator Kennedy and Senator Coons have in mind is a bi-partisan effort in line with the White House's efforts in their negotiation with Nancy Pelosi and if that bi-partisan effort rises to the level of a $1.8 trillion and passes the Senate Chamber and President Trump says he will sign the bill if it comes to his desk it would be hard to believe that Nancy Pelosi could stand in the way of the mob of rank and file House members of both parties that would be insistent saying let us bring that money back to our constituents for so many of them are in desperate need of this money that would flow to them through the legislation and these members would force the bill to passage in the House!
wELL no, actually McConnell didn't.
In the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing a very, very interesting offer was put on the table it was also sort of funny because the offer had nothing to do with Judiciary matters it was interesting because it holds the potential to really help the American people. The offer was made by Republican Senator Kennedy and it appeared to be a sincere heartfelt offer and it was made to Democrat Senator Coons; Senator Kennedy presented the offer like this he said Senator Coons I too deeply care about the economic harm befalling the American people from the pandemic so I offer this with the McConnell CARES act bill being presented by the Majority leader next week in the Senate Chamber (excuse the terminology errors about Senate Parliamentary procedure) why don't you get Senator Schumer to not have the Democrat caucus block the bill proceeding to the floor and I will get Senator McConnell agree to a good amendment process for the bill on the floor so we can make it a good bi-partisan bill, generating an optimistic hope for the American people Senator Coons expressed interests in the offer!

Assuming it can be arranged where there is no trickery involved, that is, it is a fair, robust and good amendment process that will be provided, maybe agree that each party's caucus gets to offer twenty amendments and there is an hour debate (evenly divided) provided for each amendment, this would be great for the Senate and great for the country. First, it is not good for the Senate that its reputation amongst the majority of the American people is that the Senate is essentially under the control of a small group of far-right Republican Senators that think that Washington does not need to provide financial help to the American people over the pandemic that America is in the midst of a V-shaped economic recovery! Secondly, the reality in America is that it was devastatingly wounded by the pandemic (hundreds of thousands of small businesses permanently shuttered, twenty-five million people on unemployment compensation, tens of millions of people big-time behind on their rent or mortgage) and that it needs massive financial help from Washington immediately to stop real pain being experienced by a lot of the American people and to stop further significant destruction of the American economy at the hand of the pandemic. Thirdly, Washington is in political gridlock right now why not see if a bi-partisan effort by rank and fille Senators can clear the log jam. Fourthly, both party's leaders are being way too optimistic about how a good deal will be reached after the November election. If the election goes as predicted where Vice-President Biden wins the White House and Democrats hold the House, the Senate races are too close to call but let us say for sake of argument the American people do what they often do they give the President they elect a Congress in his same Party so he can get something done. Well Senator McConnell you old hand in Washington what do you think is going to play out yes Mitch vengeance will rule the day Democrats are going to be seeking pay back about how for the longest time your Party talked about the danger of Budget deficits and the national debt and put the Democrats through onerous sequestration deals and your Party threw that whole effort in the trash can with the 2017 tax spending bill which ruined that whole effort now the deficit is beyond any grand bargain fixing deal so Mitch you can forget a good Pandemic liability protection bill for U.S. businesses (your line in the sand) plus your Party Mitch will be in a frantic desperate state where your Party will try to revive a brand that can regain them political power which entails holding the line on spending meaning no CARES Act bill passing the Senate this year that increases the deficit by over $500 billion dollars plus Mitch you know President Trump pretty well he is going to believe the Democrats stole the election from him and what does President Trump do to people he believes wronged him punish them so in all likelihood he will just go along with the Senate Republican caucus on this bill, so under the totality of the circumstances America won't see a new CARES act piece of legislation until January of 2021 unless you reach a deal before the November election!

Senator McConnell take a page from former Speaker of the House Congressman Ryan's playbook he regularly got the majority of votes to pass legislation from the Democrat Caucus. I think what Senator Kennedy and Senator Coons have in mind is a bi-partisan effort in line with the White House's efforts in their negotiation with Nancy Pelosi and if that bi-partisan effort rises to the level of a $1.8 trillion and passes the Senate Chamber and President Trump says he will sign the bill if it comes to his desk it would be hard to believe that Nancy Pelosi could stand in the way of the mob of rank and file House members of both parties that would be insistent saying let us bring that money back to our constituents for so many of them are in desperate need of this money that would flow to them through the legislation and these members would force the bill to passage in the House!
McColly is a person who believes in party and not the people. He fears Trump like many Republican senators, they are interested in money and power more. Satan has arrived. Trump is not an icon which he believes. God will prevail over him…..
In the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing a very, very interesting offer was put on the table it was also sort of funny because the offer had nothing to do with Judiciary matters it was interesting because it holds the potential to really help the American people. The offer was made by Republican Senator Kennedy and it appeared to be a sincere heartfelt offer and it was made to Democrat Senator Coons; Senator Kennedy presented the offer like this he said Senator Coons I too deeply care about the economic harm befalling the American people from the pandemic so I offer this with the McConnell CARES act bill being presented by the Majority leader next week in the Senate Chamber (excuse the terminology errors about Senate Parliamentary procedure) why don't you get Senator Schumer to not have the Democrat caucus block the bill proceeding to the floor and I will get Senator McConnell agree to a good amendment process for the bill on the floor so we can make it a good bi-partisan bill, generating an optimistic hope for the American people Senator Coons expressed interests in the offer!

Assuming it can be arranged where there is no trickery involved, that is, it is a fair, robust and good amendment process that will be provided, maybe agree that each party's caucus gets to offer twenty amendments and there is an hour debate (evenly divided) provided for each amendment, this would be great for the Senate and great for the country. First, it is not good for the Senate that its reputation amongst the majority of the American people is that the Senate is essentially under the control of a small group of far-right Republican Senators that think that Washington does not need to provide financial help to the American people over the pandemic that America is in the midst of a V-shaped economic recovery! Secondly, the reality in America is that it was devastatingly wounded by the pandemic (hundreds of thousands of small businesses permanently shuttered, twenty-five million people on unemployment compensation, tens of millions of people big-time behind on their rent or mortgage) and that it needs massive financial help from Washington immediately to stop real pain being experienced by a lot of the American people and to stop further significant destruction of the American economy at the hand of the pandemic. Thirdly, Washington is in political gridlock right now why not see if a bi-partisan effort by rank and fille Senators can clear the log jam. Fourthly, both party's leaders are being way too optimistic about how a good deal will be reached after the November election. If the election goes as predicted where Vice-President Biden wins the White House and Democrats hold the House, the Senate races are too close to call but let us say for sake of argument the American people do what they often do they give the President they elect a Congress in his same Party so he can get something done. Well Senator McConnell you old hand in Washington what do you think is going to play out yes Mitch vengeance will rule the day Democrats are going to be seeking pay back about how for the longest time your Party talked about the danger of Budget deficits and the national debt and put the Democrats through onerous sequestration deals and your Party threw that whole effort in the trash can with the 2017 tax spending bill which ruined that whole effort now the deficit is beyond any grand bargain fixing deal so Mitch you can forget a good Pandemic liability protection bill for U.S. businesses (your line in the sand) plus your Party Mitch will be in a frantic desperate state where your Party will try to revive a brand that can regain them political power which entails holding the line on spending meaning no CARES Act bill passing the Senate this year that increases the deficit by over $500 billion dollars plus Mitch you know President Trump pretty well he is going to believe the Democrats stole the election from him and what does President Trump do to people he believes wronged him punish them so in all likelihood he will just go along with the Senate Republican caucus on this bill, so under the totality of the circumstances America won't see a new CARES act piece of legislation until January of 2021 unless you reach a deal before the November election!

Senator McConnell take a page from former Speaker of the House Congressman Ryan's playbook he regularly got the majority of votes to pass legislation from the Democrat Caucus. I think what Senator Kennedy and Senator Coons have in mind is a bi-partisan effort in line with the White House's efforts in their negotiation with Nancy Pelosi and if that bi-partisan effort rises to the level of a $1.8 trillion and passes the Senate Chamber and President Trump says he will sign the bill if it comes to his desk it would be hard to believe that Nancy Pelosi could stand in the way of the mob of rank and file House members of both parties that would be insistent saying let us bring that money back to our constituents for so many of them are in desperate need of this money that would flow to them through the legislation and these members would force the bill to passage in the House!
McColly is a person who believes in party and not the people. He fears Trump like many Republican senators, they are interested in money and power more. Satan has arrived. Trump is not an icon which he believes. God will prevail over him…..

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