McConnell got it wrong ... intentionally

The special counsel, after a two year investigation, stated that Russia posed a “significant threat” as it increased the frequency and intensity of its active measures.

FBI director Chris Wray concurred. “The Russians are absolutely intent on trying to interfere with our elections,” he said.

The Senate Intelligence Committee released a wide-ranging report that detailed Russia's attempts to hack US election infrastructure during the 2016 election, urging states and the federal government to do more to prevent election cyber- attacks in the future.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) blocked two election security measures last week, arguing Democrats are trying to give themselves a "political benefit."

Republicans in Congress have not sponsored an election security bill that has made it to the floor.

Today, McConnell felt it was necessary to defend his decision, but the undying Trump loyalist only provided a diversion. He defended himself against an imagined critique. A critique he chose rather than the real one.

Mitch McConnell took to the Senate floor Monday to blast the "hyperventilating hacks" who have accused him a being a Russian sympathizer.

He compared the attacks to "modern-day McCarthyism."

These are the attacks he chose. No reliable, respected news source has labeled McConnell a "Russian sympathizer."

Then McConnell made the mistake of singling out the cause of his angst. "Over the last several days, I was called unpatriotic, un-American and essentially treasonous by a couple of left-wing pundits on the basis of bold-faced lies," McConnell said. "I was accused of aiding and abetting the very man I've singled out as an adversary and opposed for nearly 20 years, Vladimir Putin."

Those "left-wing pundits" are Joe Scarborough of MSNBC fame and Dana Milbank of the Washington post. Those two left-wing pundits do not speak for the American people, the news media, not even MSNBC or the Post. They expressed their personal opinions.

McConnell chose these two as targets because, like Trump and his outrageous, immature tweets, the majority leader thinks Trump's gullible base will believe his rant and ignore the real reason he blocked the two bills and the harsh criticism that immediately followed.

Like Trump, McConnell chose extremists views and characterized them as representative of the news media. Once again, only Trump's base will believe such nonsense. No serious news correspondent believes McConnell is a communist sympathizer. That is absurd.

McConnell's reason for blocking the two bills is much more basic. He got marching orders from his boss. According to his boss, the Russian threat is just a "ridiculous hoax."

"There was no defense to this ridiculous hoax, this witch hunt, that's been going on for a long time, pretty much from the time I came down on the escalator with our first lady," Trump said after Mueller's testimony.

Joe Scarborough isn't a liberal. He's a republican. He was in the House as a republican for Florida's first district for 6 years.

People who disagree with trump come both from republican and democratic parties.

I don't usually agree with Scarborough but he got it right this time. mcconnell has blocked very needed legislation for the simple reasons that he and trump need the help from russia and mcconnell took thousand of dollars from a few election machine manufacturers. It will cost them money to change the machines. But mostly, he and trump need that help from russia. Both of them aren't well liked.
Bwaaaaahhhaaaaa....You still haven't learned you worthless retard, yeah Joe Scumborough "was" a Republican but he married a Democrat, works for Demonrats at ShitMSNBC, and he is totally a liberal establishment like all the rest of the tards on the hill. Figures you go to the pigeon sisters when you dont like what you hear. Jeb Bush was a Republican like his daddy also an establishment puke along with his brother..Do you do drugs? You have a recollection of a gnat..
Fox News anchor Shep Smith criticized Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell for failing to address Russian interference in U.S. elections on Monday.

"The Russians are using cyber influence to divide us amongst ourselves," Smith began, once the network cut from McConnell. "They attacked our election, it is the consensus of the intelligence community that they are attacking our election now. There has not been one to stand alone bill in his chamber, the chamber which he leads, to try to stop it."

"There have not been congressional hearings to bring the nation together around the common cause that is the Russians are attacking us and we must make it stop. Democracy is at stake. That has not happened, not yet. Not at all," he concluded.

There was no defense to this ridiculous hoax, this witch hunt, that's been going on for a long time, pretty much from the time I came down on the escalator with our first lady.

Dumb ass Harry Reid helped bring us to this as he tabled every bill the GOP presented, I back then said, if the tables were turned look for payback. Democrats put party over country. It turned the Senate from a Democratic majority to a Republican, now here we are with Mitch McConnell putting party over country and he is going to hand the Senate back to the Democrats.

But hey we all just support the two corrupt party’s and we are all happy to do it. We are all responsible for this mess and will continue to be until we hold the party’s accountable.
Fox News anchor Shep Smith criticized Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell for failing to address Russian interference in U.S. elections on Monday.

"The Russians are using cyber influence to divide us amongst ourselves," Smith began, once the network cut from McConnell. "They attacked our election, it is the consensus of the intelligence community that they are attacking our election now. There has not been one to stand alone bill in his chamber, the chamber which he leads, to try to stop it."

"There have not been congressional hearings to bring the nation together around the common cause that is the Russians are attacking us and we must make it stop. Democracy is at stake. That has not happened, not yet. Not at all," he concluded.

There was no defense to this ridiculous hoax, this witch hunt, that's been going on for a long time, pretty much from the time I came down on the escalator with our first lady.

Dumb ass Harry Reid helped bring us to this as he tabled every bill the GOP presented, I back then said, if the tables were turned look for payback. Democrats put party over country. It turned the Senate from a Democratic majority to a Republican, now here we are with Mitch McConnell putting party over country and he is going to hand the Senate back to the Democrats.

But hey we all just support the two corrupt party’s and we are all happy to do it. We are all responsible for this mess and will continue to be until we hold the party’s accountable.
You think that after the Failed Mueller report that the Senate is going back to the Dims? You must have an IQ of 50.
Fox News anchor Shep Smith criticized Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell for failing to address Russian interference in U.S. elections on Monday.

"The Russians are using cyber influence to divide us amongst ourselves," Smith began, once the network cut from McConnell. "They attacked our election, it is the consensus of the intelligence community that they are attacking our election now. There has not been one to stand alone bill in his chamber, the chamber which he leads, to try to stop it."

"There have not been congressional hearings to bring the nation together around the common cause that is the Russians are attacking us and we must make it stop. Democracy is at stake. That has not happened, not yet. Not at all," he concluded.

There was no defense to this ridiculous hoax, this witch hunt, that's been going on for a long time, pretty much from the time I came down on the escalator with our first lady.

Dumb ass Harry Reid helped bring us to this as he tabled every bill the GOP presented, I back then said, if the tables were turned look for payback. Democrats put party over country. It turned the Senate from a Democratic majority to a Republican, now here we are with Mitch McConnell putting party over country and he is going to hand the Senate back to the Democrats.

But hey we all just support the two corrupt party’s and we are all happy to do it. We are all responsible for this mess and will continue to be until we hold the party’s accountable.
You think that after the Failed Mueller report that the Senate is going back to the Dims? You must have an IQ of 50.

Which seems to be 10 times greater than yours.
Psycho Joe called McConell "Moscow Mitch" 16 times on his show

i'm gonna start using that!

Okay, show of many people changed their vote because of Russian shitpost bots on Facebook?

Lessee...I count zero.
That's the beauty of the Russian influence campaign. None of you tRumpkins realize it worked. You kids are the target, you changed your votes, and you don't even know it.

Do you know of any reason I shouldn't laugh in your face?

Because I can't think of one. You can't, either.

How utterly stupid. Do you really think I was going to vote for Hillary until I saw some fake news on Facebook?

Trick question. You don't think at all.

Look, Skippy, you may be easily swayed. And by that, I mean you are an empty vessel waiting to be filled with the idiocy of your masters. You bitterly clinging to the Russia Collusion nonsense is proof.

Rational people aren't so easily led by the nose. You're nothing but a puppet, told what to believe by people who don't give a single crap about you...but you're perfectly willing to look like an idiot in public for them.
The special counsel, after a two year investigation, stated that Russia posed a “significant threat” as it increased the frequency and intensity of its active measures.

FBI director Chris Wray concurred. “The Russians are absolutely intent on trying to interfere with our elections,” he said.

The Senate Intelligence Committee released a wide-ranging report that detailed Russia's attempts to hack US election infrastructure during the 2016 election, urging states and the federal government to do more to prevent election cyber- attacks in the future.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) blocked two election security measures last week, arguing Democrats are trying to give themselves a "political benefit."

Republicans in Congress have not sponsored an election security bill that has made it to the floor.

Today, McConnell felt it was necessary to defend his decision, but the undying Trump loyalist only provided a diversion. He defended himself against an imagined critique. A critique he chose rather than the real one.

Mitch McConnell took to the Senate floor Monday to blast the "hyperventilating hacks" who have accused him a being a Russian sympathizer.

He compared the attacks to "modern-day McCarthyism."

These are the attacks he chose. No reliable, respected news source has labeled McConnell a "Russian sympathizer."

Then McConnell made the mistake of singling out the cause of his angst. "Over the last several days, I was called unpatriotic, un-American and essentially treasonous by a couple of left-wing pundits on the basis of bold-faced lies," McConnell said. "I was accused of aiding and abetting the very man I've singled out as an adversary and opposed for nearly 20 years, Vladimir Putin."

Those "left-wing pundits" are Joe Scarborough of MSNBC fame and Dana Milbank of the Washington post. Those two left-wing pundits do not speak for the American people, the news media, not even MSNBC or the Post. They expressed their personal opinions.

McConnell chose these two as targets because, like Trump and his outrageous, immature tweets, the majority leader thinks Trump's gullible base will believe his rant and ignore the real reason he blocked the two bills and the harsh criticism that immediately followed.

Like Trump, McConnell chose extremists views and characterized them as representative of the news media. Once again, only Trump's base will believe such nonsense. No serious news correspondent believes McConnell is a communist sympathizer. That is absurd.

McConnell's reason for blocking the two bills is much more basic. He got marching orders from his boss. According to his boss, the Russian threat is just a "ridiculous hoax."

"There was no defense to this ridiculous hoax, this witch hunt, that's been going on for a long time, pretty much from the time I came down on the escalator with our first lady," Trump said after Mueller's testimony.

Joe Scarborough isn't a liberal. He's a republican. He was in the House as a republican for Florida's first district for 6 years.

People who disagree with trump come both from republican and democratic parties.

I don't usually agree with Scarborough but he got it right this time. mcconnell has blocked very needed legislation for the simple reasons that he and trump need the help from russia and mcconnell took thousand of dollars from a few election machine manufacturers. It will cost them money to change the machines. But mostly, he and trump need that help from russia. Both of them aren't well liked.
Joe Scarborough is MOST DEFINATELY a liberal. Simply because he was once a Republican does not mean he is conservative OR a Republican in any sense of the word.

Now, just because the Democrats say it was a security bill does NOT mean it is. Have you read the bill? Do you understand it?
When people talk about "Russian interference", they never come up with a single specific.
There was the DNC email hack, but that was a service.
We all had a right to know the debate questions were compromised.
So that was not an interference.
No one has come up with a single thing the Russians did or could have done, to interfere in the election.
The "email hack" wasn't a Russian operation. It was an inside job.
The special counsel, after a two year investigation, stated that Russia posed a “significant threat” as it increased the frequency and intensity of its active measures.

FBI director Chris Wray concurred. “The Russians are absolutely intent on trying to interfere with our elections,” he said.

The Senate Intelligence Committee released a wide-ranging report that detailed Russia's attempts to hack US election infrastructure during the 2016 election, urging states and the federal government to do more to prevent election cyber- attacks in the future.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) blocked two election security measures last week, arguing Democrats are trying to give themselves a "political benefit."

Republicans in Congress have not sponsored an election security bill that has made it to the floor.

Today, McConnell felt it was necessary to defend his decision, but the undying Trump loyalist only provided a diversion. He defended himself against an imagined critique. A critique he chose rather than the real one.

Mitch McConnell took to the Senate floor Monday to blast the "hyperventilating hacks" who have accused him a being a Russian sympathizer.

He compared the attacks to "modern-day McCarthyism."

These are the attacks he chose. No reliable, respected news source has labeled McConnell a "Russian sympathizer."

Then McConnell made the mistake of singling out the cause of his angst. "Over the last several days, I was called unpatriotic, un-American and essentially treasonous by a couple of left-wing pundits on the basis of bold-faced lies," McConnell said. "I was accused of aiding and abetting the very man I've singled out as an adversary and opposed for nearly 20 years, Vladimir Putin."

Those "left-wing pundits" are Joe Scarborough of MSNBC fame and Dana Milbank of the Washington post. Those two left-wing pundits do not speak for the American people, the news media, not even MSNBC or the Post. They expressed their personal opinions.

McConnell chose these two as targets because, like Trump and his outrageous, immature tweets, the majority leader thinks Trump's gullible base will believe his rant and ignore the real reason he blocked the two bills and the harsh criticism that immediately followed.

Like Trump, McConnell chose extremists views and characterized them as representative of the news media. Once again, only Trump's base will believe such nonsense. No serious news correspondent believes McConnell is a communist sympathizer. That is absurd.

McConnell's reason for blocking the two bills is much more basic. He got marching orders from his boss. According to his boss, the Russian threat is just a "ridiculous hoax."

"There was no defense to this ridiculous hoax, this witch hunt, that's been going on for a long time, pretty much from the time I came down on the escalator with our first lady," Trump said after Mueller's testimony.

Joe Scarborough isn't a liberal. He's a republican. He was in the House as a republican for Florida's first district for 6 years.

People who disagree with trump come both from republican and democratic parties.

I don't usually agree with Scarborough but he got it right this time. mcconnell has blocked very needed legislation for the simple reasons that he and trump need the help from russia and mcconnell took thousand of dollars from a few election machine manufacturers. It will cost them money to change the machines. But mostly, he and trump need that help from russia. Both of them aren't well liked.
"Joe Scarborough isn't a liberal. He's a republican."

You win the "Dumbest Post of the Month" contest.

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