McConnell Has Another Mental Episode

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Here's how Kentucky's law works for filling U.S. Senate vacancies

''Whereas state law previously allowed the sitting governor to make his or her own appointment to fill a Senate vacancy with no restrictions, Senate Bill 228 passed by the Kentucky legislature in the 2021 session changed that.

Under the amended law, the governor now may only choose from three names recommended by the executive committee of the outgoing senator's state party, and must make that selection within 21 days of receiving the list from the party.

With both of Kentucky's senators currently being Republican, the choosing of those three nominees would be up to the executive committee of the Republican Party of Kentucky, which is made up of 54 members.

After a vacancy is filled, there would be a special election with an open and bipartisan process — often referred to as a "jungle primary" — allowing any candidate gaining 1,000 signature to run. A candidate with more than 50% of the vote would win, but if no one wins a majority of the vote, the top two vote getters would go on to a runoff election in 70 days.''
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Here's how Kentucky's law works for filling U.S. Senate vacancies

''Whereas state law previously allowed the sitting governor to make his or her own appointment to fill a Senate vacancy with no restrictions, Senate Bill 228 passed by the Kentucky legislature in the 2021 session changed that.

Under the amended law, the governor now may only choose from three names recommended by the executive committee of the outgoing senator's state party, and must make that selection within 21 days of receiving the list from the party.

With both of Kentucky's senators currently being Republican, the choosing of those three nominees would be up to the executive committee of the Republican Party of Kentucky, which is made up of 54 members.

After a vacancy is filled, there would be a special election with an open and bipartisan process — often referred to as a "jungle primary" — allowing any candidate gaining 1,000 signature to run. A candidate with more than 50% of the vote would win, but if no one wins a majority of the vote, the top two vote getters would go on to a runoff election in 70 days.''
A law produced specifically for Moscow Mitch's failing health, and designed to rob the people of their choices, like so much other republican legislation.
NO ONE "brings on" a government violating the very laws and rights of an individual that they were put in place there to protect in the first place. Shame on you. Not ISIS combatants, traitors, spies, mobsters or even serial killers.
People bring criminal charges upon themselves every day for committing illegal acts.
People bring criminal charges upon themselves every day for committing illegal acts.

Legitimate criminal charges, backed up by clear, sound legal principles in accord with charging a president with, done according to widely accepted and traditional legal methods and procedings, not drumhead trials by a judge and jury already convinced of your guilt determined to "get you" before the hearings have even begun, designed to obstruct his reelection when nothing has been proven against him, better suited to third world banana dictatorships, not a society supposed to be based on freedoms and self-determination.
We need some transparency on this. He's the highest ranking Republican in the Senate.

Where are the calls from Republicans for him to resign?

I don't call for him to resign. He's certainly entitled to serve out his term if so chooses. He should absolutely think twice about running again in 2026 though.
Legitimate criminal charges, backed up by clear, sound legal principles in accord with charging a president with, done according to widely accepted and traditional legal methods and procedings, not drumhead trials by a judge and jury already convinced of your guilt determined to "get you" before the hearings have even begun, designed to obstruct his reelection when nothing has been proven against him, better suited to third world banana dictatorships, not a society supposed to be based on freedoms and self-determination.
Trump chose to enter the Presidential race, already knowing he was a target and going to be indicted in several investigations of which his lawyers were notified.

Trump chose this route. Chose to enter the race, knowing indictments and trial were coming.....trump thought he could stave off the indictments or trials, if he rushed in to declaring his presidential run.... He miscalculated.
President Biden is more coherent on his worst day than Trump is on his best day.
LOL Keep whistling past that graveyard. It's going to get nothing but worse. WHy the fuck do you think they sent him away on vacation for the entire summer?

He doesn't just serve the people of Kentucky. He is in control of legislation that impacts all of us.

He needs to go now
I don't care. He is still one guy among the many. I do not rush to kick people out. Never one of my favorites, but still deserving a modicum of respect. I figure, he and the people of Kentucky will come to what is best soon enough.
As with Senator Feinstein, where are their loved ones? Spouses, children, caregivers??? Where are the people who should be helping and guiding people to step away gracefully before they get to this point?

I know of a woman who had dementia, was in total denial, and would not broach suggestions that "she was crazy". Her family was just trying to get rid of her and steal the house out from under her. She lived out her life in fear and paranoia, lashing out at everyone around her, until nobody came near her at all. She died frightened and angry that nobody came around any more.

Her husband thought he was "protecting her" by keeping her calm, and not letting her get upset. He was enabling her worst behaviours, and driving family away. It was very sad.
Good question. Both of these need to be thinking of when to hang it up, and it will most likely be family that help with the decision. I would not want to be in interstate traffic with either one, but not likely to.
I don't care. He is still one guy among the many. I do not rush to kick people out. Never one of my favorites, but still deserving a modicum of respect. I figure, he and the people of Kentucky will come to what is best soon enough.
In no way is my position disrespectful. The man needs to retire but you know how old people can be. We had to take cars away from both my grandmothers. They often are clueless about what's best for them AND OTHERS

Yeah the only reason that I laughed at the OP is due to the fact that there people out there who seem to think that he can still function at his job.

Actually, he's worse.

More like a horse laying down.

Oh they notice they just don't want to mention it.

I don't.

I figure he is at least partly functional and probably mostly functional most of the time, but these freeze up, definitely show a problem occurring more frequent.
Seems like these are absence seizures that he's having...

My grandmother had a series of these episodes one summer about three years before she died. The doctor later said they were "mini-strokes". A few weeks later she backed her car into a police cruiser, and we discovered she had forgotten to pay her car insurance, and her insurance had been cancelled, - all since these "spells". A few months later, she wandered barefoot into the bus depot in her nightgown, in the middle of the night.

When I saw Mitch on TV when he had the first episode, her mini-strokes was the first thing I thought of.
Mitch was fine till they beat the shit out of him during the initiation ceremony.
Now he's a total wreck.
I think his conscience is getting to him.
For a long term politician, growing a conscience could be inconvenient, to say the least.

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