McConnell Has Another Mental Episode

Only Feinstein.

Fetterman had a stroke, which doesn't impact mental or cognitive ability, it impacts the ability to communicate. Where there is also physical impairment, it's literally having a perfect sound, sane mind, trapped inside a body that doesn't move or speak.

Even if he was parallized and unable to move or speak, his cognitive ability would be "normal". It's a nightmare scenario because the uneducated assume stroke victims are mentally diminished as well.
Strokes effect everyone differently.
Depends on how long it took to get oxygen back to the brain.
My mom never would admit she had one, but she wasn't able to talk for months and she had partial paralysis on one side of her body.
She was able to regain her ability to talk, but she could only use one of her hands, and she needed help getting around.
She couldn't work anymore after that.
So John Fetterman isn't doing his job other than holding down a seat.

Also, he's a bit too pliable to be in any kind of position to vote on important legislation.
Legitimate criminal charges, backed up by clear, sound legal principles in accord with charging a president with, done according to widely accepted and traditional legal methods and procedings, not drumhead trials by a judge and jury already convinced of your guilt determined to "get you" before the hearings have even begun, designed to obstruct his reelection when nothing has been proven against him, better suited to third world banana dictatorships, not a society supposed to be based on freedoms and self-determination.
Trump has no duty to run for POTUS. It's a choice, no different from trying to join the PGA Senior Tour.
Trump chose to enter the Presidential race, already knowing he was a target and going to be indicted in several investigations of which his lawyers were notified.
True but irrelevant.

Trump chose this route.
To run for office? So? Still has nothing to do with a crooked judge who has made it public that she is highly PREJUDICED against the defendant and will not only not recuse herself, but is biasing the case DELIBERATELY to cause maximum harm to his reelection not to mention his defense.

Chose to enter the race, knowing indictments and trial were coming.....
Did Trump expect the state would attack him and try to harm his reelection and defense? You mean Trump should have EXPECTED that he would get a highly biased court and judge working to harm him despite still being innocent until proven guilty! Got it.

Just remember that when democrats start going on trial.
Trump has no duty to run for POTUS. It's a choice, no different from trying to join the PGA Senior Tour.

Again, so what? Totally irrelevant, even non sequitur. Basically you are saying that all things are justified now regardless of law because Trump ran for office and you don't like him, and that he should have known better and not run, so, now that he has, you are going to bully him and impose your will to keep him off the ballot violating both his rights and MINE!
Again, so what? Totally irrelevant, even non sequitur. Basically you are saying that all things are justified now regardless of law because Trump ran for office and you don't like him, and that he should have known better and not run, so, now that he has, you are going to bully him and impose your will to keep him off the ballot violating both his rights and MINE!
No, I'm saying that his running for POTUS doesn't mean shit when it comes to his trials.
No, I'm saying that his running for POTUS doesn't mean shit when it comes to his trials.

Really? Where is that written? Mind you, I'm not saying that Trump should be accorded special privileges as a former president (though ONLY Trump would be denied the respect a president is due), all I'm saying is that such cases typically take a year or more just to begin, and he can't even get an unbiased jury, an unprejudiced judge who isn't already trying to use the case to screw Trump to the max to obstruct his election proceedings and defense, which is bad enough if not actually criminal in itself, or are you going to insult my intelligence suggesting the March 4 date is just a COINCIDENCE? :th_waiting:
Both the Democrats and the Republicans are acting irresponsibly in regard to frail office holders.

There is no rational reason to allow President Biden to run for a second term. He is mentally and physically too fragile.

The Democrats are also wrong to let Senator Feinstein continue. For her sake and that of the people of California, she should resign now. Besides, the governor of California has promised to appoint an African American lady as her replacement.

If Senator Mitch McConnell were a person of integrity, he would resign today -- at least as the leader of the Republicans in the Senate. He has frozen twice. It is almost a given probability that he will have a third freezing incident. It is shameful that top Republicans are circling the wagon and brushing off those two incidents.
Really? Where is that written?
Where is it written that former presidents are afforded special privileges or held above the law?

Mind you, I'm not saying that Trump should be accorded special privileges as a former president (though ONLY Trump would be denied the respect a president is due),
You have to give respect to get respect. Respect is earned. When did Trump ever respect the office of the presidency, and it's traditions? Never. He shit all over them. He invited Russian spies INTO THE OVAL OFFICE!

all I'm saying is that such cases typically take a year or more just to begin,
No they don't.

and he can't even get an unbiased jury, an unprejudiced judge who isn't already trying to use the case to screw Trump to the max to obstruct his election proceedings and defense,
Show me your evidence of any of that. You can't.

which is bad enough if not actually criminal in itself, or are you going to insult my intelligence suggesting the March 4 date is just a COINCIDENCE? :th_waiting:
It was set for January, but Trump whined, so the judge extended it to March. If he had taken the January date it would have been finished by March.

There's no reason why a guy who claims to be worth $10 billion cannot be ready in time for January. They have had since January 6th, 2021 to prepare their case. They knew they were committing illegal acts. The impeachment a few weeks later confirmed that he was committing illegal acts, whether he was convicted in the Senate or not. Willfully refusing to prepare is no excuse.

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