McConnell Has Another Mental Episode

"The Republican leader in the US Senate, Mitch McConnell, experienced another public health scare on Wednesday when he appeared to freeze for more than 30 seconds while speaking to reporters in his home state, Kentucky."

Looks like it's time for 'The Turtle' to pack it in. I do wish him well but, it's time to go.
Only thing he was packing is his shorts.

How long does it take to poop your pants?
Yeah, just like conservatives didn’t make more than one thread when Fettermamnhad his stroke…..
They did. And they were all deleted or merged damn fast. Did it hurt your feelings?
Not a Republican or Democrat, but not in favor of removal. It is obvious, he is having medical issues and it is sad to watch. I do think he should be considering, it might be time to hang up his hat, from serving the people of Kentucky, but that is for him, and the people of Kentucky.
I'm not sure if that is a decision he can make for himself if he's zoning out like that.

I think it's cruel to keep putting him in front of the camera where a spectacle can be made of his mental decline. Where's his wife?
If a political leader of any age demonstrates mental deficiency like McConnell, Feinstein or Biden they should be immediately removed from office.
It may not know any ravages of age. Pennsylvania just elected a young version of those people. We have potential decades of him.
If the episodes are indicative of a mental disability that can only get worse, McConnell should bow out gracefully. What more do lefties want?
I think we can all agree he needs to go. Sadly the left are not equally honest about their party.
You have complete loons like Hank Johnson or that chic from Texas who thinks we planted a flag on Mars.
Then you have Fetterman who belongs under hospice and Biden who at the very least needs a cognitive test. Feinstein should have been pushed out years ago.

Forgive me if this thread is considered a hypocritical joke.
Road Runner
I'm not sure if that is a decision he can make for himself if he's zoning out like that.

I think it's cruel to keep putting him in front of the camera where a spectacle can be made of his mental decline. Where's his wife?
He doesn’t seem incompetent or like he has dementia, but something is going on. It seems like an absence seizure.
I think we can all agree he needs to go. Sadly the left are not equally honest about their party.
You have complete loons like Hank Johnson or that chic from Texas who thinks we planted a flag on Mars.
Then you have Fetterman who belongs under hospice and Biden who at the very least needs a cognitive test. Feinstein should have been pushed out years ago.

Forgive me if this thread is considered a hypocritical joke.
It is up to the voters. The right isn’t any better.
It is up to the voters. The right isn’t any better.
I am a voter ya twit. You poll most voters and base the results on that and all I mentioned would be GONE. Sadly our system doesn't give us a voice despite their power over us no matter what state we reside in.
So turtle boy froze up again. Big deal. He single handed stole a Supreme Court seat, so he earned a special place in hell. He should go ahead and die, and receive his reward.
I am a voter ya twit. You poll most voters and base the results on that and all I mentioned would be GONE. Sadly our system doesn't give us a voice despite their power over us no matter what state we reside in.

Yup, the only voters that matter are the ones in their district and that’s just as well. I also think we need be kind of careful labeling a person mentally incompetent based on a disability (Fetterman).

However, Fetterman’s job approval is underwater with his voters so he may well not get re-elected.

Feinstein has said she will not run again, thank goodness.
We need some transparency on this. He's the highest ranking Republican in the Senate.

Where are the calls from Republicans for him to resign?

Being drowned out by the calls by DEMocrats for Biden to resign. Oh, that's right ....
I also think we need be kind of careful labeling a person mentally incompetent based on a disability (Fetterman)
He is the very definition of unfit for the job just as Mitch is. The fact that it might hurt someone's feelings is 100% irrelevant
Several of these politicians won't see their next reelection. Look at Mitch. He'll be dead or in a nursing home before the fools in Kentucky can pull the lever for him

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