McConnell reportedly warned Trump against using emergency powers

'Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) warned President Trump during a face-to-face meeting at the White House that using emergency powers to get funding for his border wall "may trigger political blowback and divide the GOP," the Washington Post reports.

Why it matters: Trump told the New York Times Thursday that bipartisan conference talks will have been "a waste of time" if Democrats don't provide funding for a wall, and signaled that he has laid the groundwork for declaring a national emergency. McConnell reportedly told Trump that the Senate may pass a resolution disapproving of his use of emergency powers, potentially forcing the president to issue a veto — his first ever — in defiance of his own party.'

McConnell reportedly warned Trump against using emergency powers


Since neither Trump or the Turtle had an aide with them during the meeting and neither man has spoken about the meeting, the Amazon/Washington Post has once again invented a major whopping LIE.
Trump if orders the military to the border, it will be for the reason of stopping an invasion. This is a national emergency. It threatens the stabilization of the financial interior of this nation, along with the security of this nation.

I just find it fascinating that Trump and the GOP had the Congress and the Presidency for the past 2 years and the GOP wouldn't fund Trumps wall. Both the House and Senate had agreed to clean funding to keep the government open in December and the Senate even voted with bipartisan support for funding that didn't include Trumps wall.

The DEMs win the House with a vote of the American People not to fund Trumps wall and suddenly because the DEMs are in control of one of the Houses it's a "National Emergency".

As a Republican I am not happy with Trump or McConnell and hope we can get better after this period of embarrassment.
Are you forgetting the senate needed 60 votes and only had 51? Needed 9 Anti American democrats and couldn't get one because they know they need illegals once they get amnesty to vote for their party.
Are you forgetting the senate needed 60 votes and only had 51? Needed 9 Anti American democrats and couldn't get one because they know they need illegals once they get amnesty to vote for their party.

Nope, you didn't read the link to the law.

The law defines time limits where the receiving chamber has to vote on the measure. The chamber can refer it to committee for up to 15 days, then it has to be reported to the floor and voted on in 3 days. The law requires calendar days, not legislative days.

Now, the filibuster doesn't apply because as the Senate itself says. "The only bills that cannot be filibustered are those few considered under provisions of law that limit time for debating them." (U.S. Senate: Senate Legislative Process) Now, the law (National Emergency Act of 1976) specifies the law under which the Joint Resolution would be submitted and the law itself includes that there is a time limit on debate.

So no, a filibuster can not be used to stop a vote and the JR would pass with a simple majority - which of course is 51 votes in the affirmative.

(Now, I think the JR will fail because McConnell will wrestle enough votes to defeat it, secondly he will be royally pissed at Trump for forcing his GOP Senators to go on a recorded vote going into the 2020 Senate election cycle which is no where near as favorable as the 2018 class.)
'Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) warned President Trump during a face-to-face meeting at the White House that using emergency powers to get funding for his border wall "may trigger political blowback and divide the GOP," the Washington Post reports.

Why it matters: Trump told the New York Times Thursday that bipartisan conference talks will have been "a waste of time" if Democrats don't provide funding for a wall, and signaled that he has laid the groundwork for declaring a national emergency. McConnell reportedly told Trump that the Senate may pass a resolution disapproving of his use of emergency powers, potentially forcing the president to issue a veto — his first ever — in defiance of his own party.'

McConnell reportedly warned Trump against using emergency powers


That makes me want him to do it more.

The US is currently in 31 other national emergencies. Here's what that means.

US President Donald Trump continues to suggest that he might declare a national emergency over the border wall and government shutdown. This didn't happen in his televised address to the nation Tuesday — but that doesn't mean he won't. Declaring a national emergency has been one of the few ways out of the border wall stalemate that has caused a partial government shutdown for three weeks.

But the US is still technically in crisis right now. There are 31 active national emergencies — including three that have been declared under Trump, and one that dates back to Jimmy Carter's administration in the late 1970s.

Yup. Very interesting.
Are you forgetting the senate needed 60 votes and only had 51? Needed 9 Anti American democrats and couldn't get one because they know they need illegals once they get amnesty to vote for their party.

Nope, you didn't read the link to the law.

The law defines time limits where the receiving chamber has to vote on the measure. The chamber can refer it to committee for up to 15 days, then it has to be reported to the floor and voted on in 3 days. The law requires calendar days, not legislative days.

Now, the filibuster doesn't apply because as the Senate itself says. "The only bills that cannot be filibustered are those few considered under provisions of law that limit time for debating them." (U.S. Senate: Senate Legislative Process) Now, the law (National Emergency Act of 1976) specifies the law under which the Joint Resolution would be submitted and the law itself includes that there is a time limit on debate.

So no, a filibuster can not be used to stop a vote and the JR would pass with a simple majority - which of course is 51 votes in the affirmative.

(Now, I think the JR will fail because McConnell will wrestle enough votes to defeat it, secondly he will be royally pissed at Trump for forcing his GOP Senators to go on a recorded vote going into the 2020 Senate election cycle which is no where near as favorable as the 2018 class.)
I was talking about any action on the wall.
Nope, you didn't read the link to the law.

The law defines time limits where the receiving chamber has to vote on the measure. The chamber can refer it to committee for up to 15 days, then it has to be reported to the floor and voted on in 3 days. The law requires calendar days, not legislative days.

Now, the filibuster doesn't apply because as the Senate itself says. "The only bills that cannot be filibustered are those few considered under provisions of law that limit time for debating them." (U.S. Senate: Senate Legislative Process) Now, the law (National Emergency Act of 1976) specifies the law under which the Joint Resolution would be submitted and the law itself includes that there is a time limit on debate.

So no, a filibuster can not be used to stop a vote and the JR would pass with a simple majority - which of course is 51 votes in the affirmative.

(Now, I think the JR will fail because McConnell will wrestle enough votes to defeat it, secondly he will be royally pissed at Trump for forcing his GOP Senators to go on a recorded vote going into the 2020 Senate election cycle which is no where near as favorable as the 2018 class.)

So the 1976 Congress sounded determined to make it as difficult as possible to block a president's request for an emergency declaration. Although McConnell isn't enamored with the wall, he was fine with the trade deal we had with China too, he isn't apt to block Trump's last chance at a border fence for two years. Trump is more popular in Kentucky than the Turtle. If he tries to block the wall with a procedure vote, Trump would hold a rally in Louisville and roast him like a weenie. There may be a GOP defector or two.....Murkowski has lost her fucking mind and Sasse from Nebraska is really a democrat. We can afford them going over the hill...we'd probably pick up Manchin and maybe another Dem who's sick of listening to Schumer. It will pass, be contested by some 9th Circuit egghead, and win in the USSC because the Constitution is very clear about the President having the power to defend the nation.
McConnell 'warned' the President about using his Legal powers, the same ones Obama used 13 times? Once to call BURUNDI a 'U.S. National Emergency'?

I'm no law expert, but surely an emergency is a prerequisite to declaring a State of Emergency?
35 days of shutdown, and another 3 weeks to jaw about it, and it's an emergency?
Two years of Republicans in full control of all three branches of government and failing to fund a ‘wall’ – an now it’s an ‘emergency.’
That's what makes it an emergency. The people whom the government is supposed to represent isn't representing or protecting them anymore. They are more interested in protecting their interest than serving the American people.

Trump is serving the American people for whom elected him.

Democrats oppose what he is doing. Independents oppose what he is doing. A majority of a minority is what you are talking about. It was independents who elected him. He is ignoring them.
Trump calling the crisis at the US southern border an "emergency" makes more sense than the last (10) that Obama declared (seen below). How is "blocking property" of someone called an "emergency"? The courts would need to consider these as not as important to the US as Trump's wall.
Here are the 28 active national emergencies - CNNPolitics
19. Blocking Property of Certain Persons Contributing to the Conflict in Somalia (Apr. 12, 2010)
20. Blocking Property and Prohibiting Certain Transactions Related to Libya (Feb. 25, 2011)
21. Blocking Property of Transnational Criminal Organizations (Jul. 25, 2011)
22. Blocking Property of Persons Threatening the Peace, Security, or Stability of Yemen (May 16, 2012)
23. Blocking Property of Certain Persons Contributing to the Situation in Ukraine (Mar. 6, 2014)
24. Blocking Property of Certain Persons With Respect to South Sudan (Apr. 3, 2014)
25. Blocking Property of Certain Persons Contributing to the Conflict in the Central African Republic (May 12, 2014)
26. Blocking Property and Suspending Entry of Certain Persons Contributing to the Situation in Venezuela (Mar. 9, 2015)
27. Blocking the Property of Certain Persons Engaging in Significant Malicious Cyber-Enabled Activities (Apr. 1, 2015)
28. Blocking Property of Certain Persons Contributing to the Situation in Burundi (Nov. 23, 2015)

These are all foreign policy issues. They do not directly contradict the Constitution. The Congress has the power of the purse. Building a wall under the guise of a national emergency will require the Courts to examine the issue.
McConnell 'warned' the President about using his Legal powers, the same ones Obama used 13 times? Once to call BURUNDI a 'U.S. National Emergency'?


All on foreign policy issues. Name one of them that directly contradicted the Constitution.
'Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) warned President Trump during a face-to-face meeting at the White House that using emergency powers to get funding for his border wall "may trigger political blowback and divide the GOP," the Washington Post reports.

Why it matters: Trump told the New York Times Thursday that bipartisan conference talks will have been "a waste of time" if Democrats don't provide funding for a wall, and signaled that he has laid the groundwork for declaring a national emergency. McConnell reportedly told Trump that the Senate may pass a resolution disapproving of his use of emergency powers, potentially forcing the president to issue a veto — his first ever — in defiance of his own party.'

McConnell reportedly warned Trump against using emergency powers


I'm no law expert, but surely an emergency is a prerequisite to declaring a State of Emergency?
35 days of shutdown, and another 3 weeks to jaw about it, and it's an emergency?

What’s also interesting is that there is no ‘national emergency’ – there is only Trump’s fear, ignorance, bigotry, and hate.

And whatever unobligated funds Trump might misappropriate, it won’t be near enough to build a ‘wall.’

'Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) warned President Trump during a face-to-face meeting at the White House that using emergency powers to get funding for his border wall "may trigger political blowback and divide the GOP," the Washington Post reports.

Why it matters: Trump told the New York Times Thursday that bipartisan conference talks will have been "a waste of time" if Democrats don't provide funding for a wall, and signaled that he has laid the groundwork for declaring a national emergency. McConnell reportedly told Trump that the Senate may pass a resolution disapproving of his use of emergency powers, potentially forcing the president to issue a veto — his first ever — in defiance of his own party.'

McConnell reportedly warned Trump against using emergency powers

Let him declare an emergency. When the GOP loses Dems can call a couple of things emergencies.

Trump swears our security wont work without a wall - next thing out of his yap, we are already building the wall.

the only emergency is the old fart remembering what he's says.

What’s also interesting is that there is no ‘national emergency’ – there is only Trump’s fear, ignorance, bigotry, and hate.

And whatever unobligated funds Trump might misappropriate, it won’t be near enough to build a ‘wall.’



5 facts about illegal immigration in the U.S.

Illegal immigration is declining - not rising.

So where is the emergency?

And why has Trump not even mentioned increasing penalties for those who hire illegal immigrants?

Surely, that would be an obvious course of action if this were an 'emergency'.

But no, he has not (to my recollection) even mentioned it during the shutdown.

Not once.

Might this have something to do with it?

President Trump hired undocumented immigrants for $4 an hour for demolition project: court docs
He hired them for construction and cleaning and all kinds of things. He started firing them recently because he got caught red handed.

What’s also interesting is that there is no ‘national emergency’ – there is only Trump’s fear, ignorance, bigotry, and hate.

And whatever unobligated funds Trump might misappropriate, it won’t be near enough to build a ‘wall.’



5 facts about illegal immigration in the U.S.

Illegal immigration is declining - not rising.

So where is the emergency?

And why has Trump not even mentioned increasing penalties for those who hire illegal immigrants?

Surely, that would be an obvious course of action if this were an 'emergency'.

But no, he has not (to my recollection) even mentioned it during the shutdown.

Not once.

Might this have something to do with it?

President Trump hired undocumented immigrants for $4 an hour for demolition project: court docs
He hired them for construction and cleaning and all kinds of things. He started firing them recently because he got caught red handed.
Winery owned by Trump’s son trying to hire 23 foreign guest workers: petition
like father; like son.
Although better than fake green cards.

To each and every one of you stupid fucks: A Democrat Congress promised to secure the border in 1989 in exchange for president Reagan granting amnesty to 3 million illegals, which he did.

WHERE IN THE FUCK IS THE SECURE BORDER? Wall, like more than 20 years ago is what it's time for. Each and every one of you asshats that claims it isn't, is a retard. You're going to get a wall, you may not like it, but you are gonna learn to deal with it.

Ronald Reagan wanted to tear down walls not build them. There is going to be no wall. If there were, after 2020, a Democrat President could declare a national emergency and tear down the wall. You like Trump are retarded.
Fuck what Turtle wants. Maybe him and the rest of Congress should have done their damn jobs YEARS AGO and defended the damn border. I don't particularly see WHY President Trump needs to declare a national emergency when he can just order the military to build it and there is NOTHING anyone can do to stop him,while the NE declaration will have a lawsuit filed against it ASAP.

I think Trump should do that immediately. Tell them to bring shovels.

See Article 1 Section 9 Clause 7 clearly places the power of appropriations (power of the purse) squarely under the control of Congress.

So Trump orders a whole bunch of troops (10's, 100's, 1000's, 10's of thousands?) to the border. No explain where they are going to get the money to build the wall? (eminent domain to pay for land taken, concrete, steel, etc.)

You realize that Trump having the military build the wall isn't about ordering troops to the border to build the wall, Trumps "military will build the wall" is really about Trump taking DOD funds away from military personnel, military training, military procurement, and military operational funds to hire contractors to build the wall.

Please note that even if Trump does declare a national emergency to build his "mission accomplished" photo-op wall, that the people voted the House in to oppose such an idea. So if he does than as you mention it will be challenged in court AND you can bet that the DEMs in the House will pass a Joint Resolution in a hot minuted (under Section 202 of the National Emergencies Act of 1976) which the Senate will be required under the law vote on. The last think McConnell wants in the GOP Senators on record going into the 2020 Senate elections as the picture is not as nice for the GOP in 2020 as it was in 2018 since they will have A LOT more seats to defend. If passed it would end Trumps national emergency and he wouldn't be able to take funding away from military men and women and their ability to do jobs.
Trump if orders the military to the border, it will be for the reason of stopping an invasion. This is a national emergency. It threatens the stabilization of the financial interior of this nation, along with the security of this nation.

There is no invasion. There is no emergency. The only threat to this country is Trump and his goons.
Fuck what Turtle wants. Maybe him and the rest of Congress should have done their damn jobs YEARS AGO and defended the damn border. I don't particularly see WHY President Trump needs to declare a national emergency when he can just order the military to build it and there is NOTHING anyone can do to stop him,while the NE declaration will have a lawsuit filed against it ASAP.

I think Trump should do that immediately. Tell them to bring shovels.

See Article 1 Section 9 Clause 7 clearly places the power of appropriations (power of the purse) squarely under the control of Congress.

So Trump orders a whole bunch of troops (10's, 100's, 1000's, 10's of thousands?) to the border. No explain where they are going to get the money to build the wall? (eminent domain to pay for land taken, concrete, steel, etc.)

You realize that Trump having the military build the wall isn't about ordering troops to the border to build the wall, Trumps "military will build the wall" is really about Trump taking DOD funds away from military personnel, military training, military procurement, and military operational funds to hire contractors to build the wall.

Please note that even if Trump does declare a national emergency to build his "mission accomplished" photo-op wall, that the people voted the House in to oppose such an idea. So if he does than as you mention it will be challenged in court AND you can bet that the DEMs in the House will pass a Joint Resolution in a hot minuted (under Section 202 of the National Emergencies Act of 1976) which the Senate will be required under the law vote on. The last think McConnell wants in the GOP Senators on record going into the 2020 Senate elections as the picture is not as nice for the GOP in 2020 as it was in 2018 since they will have A LOT more seats to defend. If passed it would end Trumps national emergency and he wouldn't be able to take funding away from military men and women and their ability to do jobs.
If the congress votes to disapprove of the Trump emergency declaration its like marking themselves with a HUGE target and I will bet now that we will see the biggest turnover rate in the congress come 2020. A LOT of America First and populist candidates taking out establishment candidates who refuse to put America first.

If they don't then Republicans will lose independents and suburban voters. Remember what happened in SC. Mark Sanford was defeated in the primary by a Trump nut and lost the General. In Minnesota, a nutty Trumpie beat Pawlenty in the primary for Governor and Democrats won easily.
'Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) warned President Trump during a face-to-face meeting at the White House that using emergency powers to get funding for his border wall "may trigger political blowback and divide the GOP," the Washington Post reports.

Why it matters: Trump told the New York Times Thursday that bipartisan conference talks will have been "a waste of time" if Democrats don't provide funding for a wall, and signaled that he has laid the groundwork for declaring a national emergency. McConnell reportedly told Trump that the Senate may pass a resolution disapproving of his use of emergency powers, potentially forcing the president to issue a veto — his first ever — in defiance of his own party.'

McConnell reportedly warned Trump against using emergency powers


I'm no law expert, but surely an emergency is a prerequisite to declaring a State of Emergency?
35 days of shutdown, and another 3 weeks to jaw about it, and it's an emergency?

What’s also interesting is that there is no ‘national emergency’ – there is only Trump’s fear, ignorance, bigotry, and hate.

And whatever unobligated funds Trump might misappropriate, it won’t be near enough to build a ‘wall.’

'Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) warned President Trump during a face-to-face meeting at the White House that using emergency powers to get funding for his border wall "may trigger political blowback and divide the GOP," the Washington Post reports.

Why it matters: Trump told the New York Times Thursday that bipartisan conference talks will have been "a waste of time" if Democrats don't provide funding for a wall, and signaled that he has laid the groundwork for declaring a national emergency. McConnell reportedly told Trump that the Senate may pass a resolution disapproving of his use of emergency powers, potentially forcing the president to issue a veto — his first ever — in defiance of his own party.'

McConnell reportedly warned Trump against using emergency powers

Let him declare an emergency. When the GOP loses Dems can call a couple of things emergencies.

Trump swears our security wont work without a wall - next thing out of his yap, we are already building the wall.

the only emergency is the old fart remembering what he's says.



5 facts about illegal immigration in the U.S.

Illegal immigration is declining - not rising.

So where is the emergency?

And why has Trump not even mentioned increasing penalties for those who hire illegal immigrants?

Surely, that would be an obvious course of action if this were an 'emergency'.

But no, he has not (to my recollection) even mentioned it during the shutdown.

Not once.

Might this have something to do with it?

President Trump hired undocumented immigrants for $4 an hour for demolition project: court docs
He hired them for construction and cleaning and all kinds of things. He started firing them recently because he got caught red handed.

And why has Trump not even mentioned increasing penalties for those who hire illegal immigrants?

Surely, that would be an obvious course of action if this were an 'emergency'.

But no, he has not (to my recollection) even mentioned it during the shutdown.

Not once.

Might this have something to do with it?

President Trump hired undocumented immigrants for $4 an hour for demolition project: court docs
He hired them for construction and cleaning and all kinds of things. He started firing them recently because he got caught red handed.
Winery owned by Trump’s son trying to hire 23 foreign guest workers: petition
like father; like son.
Although better than fake green cards.

To each and every one of you stupid fucks: A Democrat Congress promised to secure the border in 1989 in exchange for president Reagan granting amnesty to 3 million illegals, which he did.

WHERE IN THE FUCK IS THE SECURE BORDER? Wall, like more than 20 years ago is what it's time for. Each and every one of you asshats that claims it isn't, is a retard. You're going to get a wall, you may not like it, but you are gonna learn to deal with it.
what they really thought:

Bush was a globalist piece of shit. He should have built some wall, I don't think he built any, had to wait until Clinton for that. To date, Bill Clinton has built more wall than any other president.

Where is Trump's stuff made in? China. Trump is a globalist.
'Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) warned President Trump during a face-to-face meeting at the White House that using emergency powers to get funding for his border wall "may trigger political blowback and divide the GOP," the Washington Post reports.

Why it matters: Trump told the New York Times Thursday that bipartisan conference talks will have been "a waste of time" if Democrats don't provide funding for a wall, and signaled that he has laid the groundwork for declaring a national emergency. McConnell reportedly told Trump that the Senate may pass a resolution disapproving of his use of emergency powers, potentially forcing the president to issue a veto — his first ever — in defiance of his own party.'

McConnell reportedly warned Trump against using emergency powers


I'm no law expert, but surely an emergency is a prerequisite to declaring a State of Emergency?
35 days of shutdown, and another 3 weeks to jaw about it, and it's an emergency?

What’s also interesting is that there is no ‘national emergency’ – there is only Trump’s fear, ignorance, bigotry, and hate.

And whatever unobligated funds Trump might misappropriate, it won’t be near enough to build a ‘wall.’

'Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) warned President Trump during a face-to-face meeting at the White House that using emergency powers to get funding for his border wall "may trigger political blowback and divide the GOP," the Washington Post reports.

Why it matters: Trump told the New York Times Thursday that bipartisan conference talks will have been "a waste of time" if Democrats don't provide funding for a wall, and signaled that he has laid the groundwork for declaring a national emergency. McConnell reportedly told Trump that the Senate may pass a resolution disapproving of his use of emergency powers, potentially forcing the president to issue a veto — his first ever — in defiance of his own party.'

McConnell reportedly warned Trump against using emergency powers

Let him declare an emergency. When the GOP loses Dems can call a couple of things emergencies.

Trump swears our security wont work without a wall - next thing out of his yap, we are already building the wall.

the only emergency is the old fart remembering what he's says.

What’s also interesting is that there is no ‘national emergency’ – there is only Trump’s fear, ignorance, bigotry, and hate.

And whatever unobligated funds Trump might misappropriate, it won’t be near enough to build a ‘wall.’



5 facts about illegal immigration in the U.S.

Illegal immigration is declining - not rising.

So where is the emergency?

And why has Trump not even mentioned increasing penalties for those who hire illegal immigrants?

Surely, that would be an obvious course of action if this were an 'emergency'.

But no, he has not (to my recollection) even mentioned it during the shutdown.

Not once.

Might this have something to do with it?

President Trump hired undocumented immigrants for $4 an hour for demolition project: court docs
He hired them for construction and cleaning and all kinds of things. He started firing them recently because he got caught red handed.



5 facts about illegal immigration in the U.S.

Illegal immigration is declining - not rising.

So where is the emergency?

And why has Trump not even mentioned increasing penalties for those who hire illegal immigrants?

Surely, that would be an obvious course of action if this were an 'emergency'.

But no, he has not (to my recollection) even mentioned it during the shutdown.

Not once.

Might this have something to do with it?

President Trump hired undocumented immigrants for $4 an hour for demolition project: court docs
He hired them for construction and cleaning and all kinds of things. He started firing them recently because he got caught red handed.
Winery owned by Trump’s son trying to hire 23 foreign guest workers: petition
like father; like son.
Although better than fake green cards.

To each and every one of you stupid fucks: A Democrat Congress promised to secure the border in 1989 in exchange for president Reagan granting amnesty to 3 million illegals, which he did.

WHERE IN THE FUCK IS THE SECURE BORDER? Wall, like more than 20 years ago is what it's time for. Each and every one of you asshats that claims it isn't, is a retard. You're going to get a wall, you may not like it, but you are gonna learn to deal with it.

Ronald Reagan wanted to tear down walls not build them. There is going to be no wall. If there were, after 2020, a Democrat President could declare a national emergency and tear down the wall. You like Trump are retarded.
You apparently know nothing about the Democrats or Republicans. In 2013, Chuck Schumer introduced Senate bill S. 744, which provided billions of dollars for hundreds of miles of border fencing, more billions of dollars for hi tech surveillance equipment to make it a smart fence, ended the visa lottery and ended chaim immigration, as well as funding for thousands more border patrol agents - all the things the President no wants - and it proposed trying to find paths of citizenship for 11,000,000 illegals already here, but did not specify what those paths might be. Every Democrat in the Senate voted for this bill along with the two independents, Sanders and King. The Republicans in the House refused to allow the bill to come to a vote in the House, so it never became law, but the lesson to be learned from S. 744 is that 3 years before Trump became President, the Democrats unanimously supported exactly what he is demanding now. So what we are seeing from the Democrats now is purely partisan politics and has no relation to their actual opinions on the President's immigration proposals.
I'm no law expert, but surely an emergency is a prerequisite to declaring a State of Emergency?
35 days of shutdown, and another 3 weeks to jaw about it, and it's an emergency?
Two years of Republicans in full control of all three branches of government and failing to fund a ‘wall’ – an now it’s an ‘emergency.’
That's what makes it an emergency. The people whom the government is supposed to represent isn't representing or protecting them anymore. They are more interested in protecting their interest than serving the American people.

Trump is serving the American people for whom elected him.

Democrats oppose what he is doing. Independents oppose what he is doing. A majority of a minority is what you are talking about. It was independents who elected him. He is ignoring them.

Trump calling the crisis at the US southern border an "emergency" makes more sense than the last (10) that Obama declared (seen below). How is "blocking property" of someone called an "emergency"? The courts would need to consider these as not as important to the US as Trump's wall.
Here are the 28 active national emergencies - CNNPolitics
19. Blocking Property of Certain Persons Contributing to the Conflict in Somalia (Apr. 12, 2010)
20. Blocking Property and Prohibiting Certain Transactions Related to Libya (Feb. 25, 2011)
21. Blocking Property of Transnational Criminal Organizations (Jul. 25, 2011)
22. Blocking Property of Persons Threatening the Peace, Security, or Stability of Yemen (May 16, 2012)
23. Blocking Property of Certain Persons Contributing to the Situation in Ukraine (Mar. 6, 2014)
24. Blocking Property of Certain Persons With Respect to South Sudan (Apr. 3, 2014)
25. Blocking Property of Certain Persons Contributing to the Conflict in the Central African Republic (May 12, 2014)
26. Blocking Property and Suspending Entry of Certain Persons Contributing to the Situation in Venezuela (Mar. 9, 2015)
27. Blocking the Property of Certain Persons Engaging in Significant Malicious Cyber-Enabled Activities (Apr. 1, 2015)
28. Blocking Property of Certain Persons Contributing to the Situation in Burundi (Nov. 23, 2015)

These are all foreign policy issues. They do not directly contradict the Constitution. The Congress has the power of the purse. Building a wall under the guise of a national emergency will require the Courts to examine the issue.

McConnell 'warned' the President about using his Legal powers, the same ones Obama used 13 times? Once to call BURUNDI a 'U.S. National Emergency'?


All on foreign policy issues. Name one of them that directly contradicted the Constitution.

'Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) warned President Trump during a face-to-face meeting at the White House that using emergency powers to get funding for his border wall "may trigger political blowback and divide the GOP," the Washington Post reports.

Why it matters: Trump told the New York Times Thursday that bipartisan conference talks will have been "a waste of time" if Democrats don't provide funding for a wall, and signaled that he has laid the groundwork for declaring a national emergency. McConnell reportedly told Trump that the Senate may pass a resolution disapproving of his use of emergency powers, potentially forcing the president to issue a veto — his first ever — in defiance of his own party.'

McConnell reportedly warned Trump against using emergency powers


I'm no law expert, but surely an emergency is a prerequisite to declaring a State of Emergency?
35 days of shutdown, and another 3 weeks to jaw about it, and it's an emergency?

What’s also interesting is that there is no ‘national emergency’ – there is only Trump’s fear, ignorance, bigotry, and hate.

And whatever unobligated funds Trump might misappropriate, it won’t be near enough to build a ‘wall.’

'Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) warned President Trump during a face-to-face meeting at the White House that using emergency powers to get funding for his border wall "may trigger political blowback and divide the GOP," the Washington Post reports.

Why it matters: Trump told the New York Times Thursday that bipartisan conference talks will have been "a waste of time" if Democrats don't provide funding for a wall, and signaled that he has laid the groundwork for declaring a national emergency. McConnell reportedly told Trump that the Senate may pass a resolution disapproving of his use of emergency powers, potentially forcing the president to issue a veto — his first ever — in defiance of his own party.'

McConnell reportedly warned Trump against using emergency powers

Let him declare an emergency. When the GOP loses Dems can call a couple of things emergencies.

Trump swears our security wont work without a wall - next thing out of his yap, we are already building the wall.

the only emergency is the old fart remembering what he's says.

What’s also interesting is that there is no ‘national emergency’ – there is only Trump’s fear, ignorance, bigotry, and hate.

And whatever unobligated funds Trump might misappropriate, it won’t be near enough to build a ‘wall.’



5 facts about illegal immigration in the U.S.

Illegal immigration is declining - not rising.

So where is the emergency?

And why has Trump not even mentioned increasing penalties for those who hire illegal immigrants?

Surely, that would be an obvious course of action if this were an 'emergency'.

But no, he has not (to my recollection) even mentioned it during the shutdown.

Not once.

Might this have something to do with it?

President Trump hired undocumented immigrants for $4 an hour for demolition project: court docs
He hired them for construction and cleaning and all kinds of things. He started firing them recently because he got caught red handed.



5 facts about illegal immigration in the U.S.

Illegal immigration is declining - not rising.

So where is the emergency?

And why has Trump not even mentioned increasing penalties for those who hire illegal immigrants?

Surely, that would be an obvious course of action if this were an 'emergency'.

But no, he has not (to my recollection) even mentioned it during the shutdown.

Not once.

Might this have something to do with it?

President Trump hired undocumented immigrants for $4 an hour for demolition project: court docs
He hired them for construction and cleaning and all kinds of things. He started firing them recently because he got caught red handed.
Winery owned by Trump’s son trying to hire 23 foreign guest workers: petition
like father; like son.
Although better than fake green cards.

To each and every one of you stupid fucks: A Democrat Congress promised to secure the border in 1989 in exchange for president Reagan granting amnesty to 3 million illegals, which he did.

WHERE IN THE FUCK IS THE SECURE BORDER? Wall, like more than 20 years ago is what it's time for. Each and every one of you asshats that claims it isn't, is a retard. You're going to get a wall, you may not like it, but you are gonna learn to deal with it.

Ronald Reagan wanted to tear down walls not build them. There is going to be no wall. If there were, after 2020, a Democrat President could declare a national emergency and tear down the wall. You like Trump are retarded.

Fuck what Turtle wants. Maybe him and the rest of Congress should have done their damn jobs YEARS AGO and defended the damn border. I don't particularly see WHY President Trump needs to declare a national emergency when he can just order the military to build it and there is NOTHING anyone can do to stop him,while the NE declaration will have a lawsuit filed against it ASAP.

I think Trump should do that immediately. Tell them to bring shovels.

See Article 1 Section 9 Clause 7 clearly places the power of appropriations (power of the purse) squarely under the control of Congress.

So Trump orders a whole bunch of troops (10's, 100's, 1000's, 10's of thousands?) to the border. No explain where they are going to get the money to build the wall? (eminent domain to pay for land taken, concrete, steel, etc.)

You realize that Trump having the military build the wall isn't about ordering troops to the border to build the wall, Trumps "military will build the wall" is really about Trump taking DOD funds away from military personnel, military training, military procurement, and military operational funds to hire contractors to build the wall.

Please note that even if Trump does declare a national emergency to build his "mission accomplished" photo-op wall, that the people voted the House in to oppose such an idea. So if he does than as you mention it will be challenged in court AND you can bet that the DEMs in the House will pass a Joint Resolution in a hot minuted (under Section 202 of the National Emergencies Act of 1976) which the Senate will be required under the law vote on. The last think McConnell wants in the GOP Senators on record going into the 2020 Senate elections as the picture is not as nice for the GOP in 2020 as it was in 2018 since they will have A LOT more seats to defend. If passed it would end Trumps national emergency and he wouldn't be able to take funding away from military men and women and their ability to do jobs.
Trump if orders the military to the border, it will be for the reason of stopping an invasion. This is a national emergency. It threatens the stabilization of the financial interior of this nation, along with the security of this nation.

There is no invasion. There is no emergency. The only threat to this country is Trump and his goons.

Fuck what Turtle wants. Maybe him and the rest of Congress should have done their damn jobs YEARS AGO and defended the damn border. I don't particularly see WHY President Trump needs to declare a national emergency when he can just order the military to build it and there is NOTHING anyone can do to stop him,while the NE declaration will have a lawsuit filed against it ASAP.

I think Trump should do that immediately. Tell them to bring shovels.

See Article 1 Section 9 Clause 7 clearly places the power of appropriations (power of the purse) squarely under the control of Congress.

So Trump orders a whole bunch of troops (10's, 100's, 1000's, 10's of thousands?) to the border. No explain where they are going to get the money to build the wall? (eminent domain to pay for land taken, concrete, steel, etc.)

You realize that Trump having the military build the wall isn't about ordering troops to the border to build the wall, Trumps "military will build the wall" is really about Trump taking DOD funds away from military personnel, military training, military procurement, and military operational funds to hire contractors to build the wall.

Please note that even if Trump does declare a national emergency to build his "mission accomplished" photo-op wall, that the people voted the House in to oppose such an idea. So if he does than as you mention it will be challenged in court AND you can bet that the DEMs in the House will pass a Joint Resolution in a hot minuted (under Section 202 of the National Emergencies Act of 1976) which the Senate will be required under the law vote on. The last think McConnell wants in the GOP Senators on record going into the 2020 Senate elections as the picture is not as nice for the GOP in 2020 as it was in 2018 since they will have A LOT more seats to defend. If passed it would end Trumps national emergency and he wouldn't be able to take funding away from military men and women and their ability to do jobs.
If the congress votes to disapprove of the Trump emergency declaration its like marking themselves with a HUGE target and I will bet now that we will see the biggest turnover rate in the congress come 2020. A LOT of America First and populist candidates taking out establishment candidates who refuse to put America first.

If they don't then Republicans will lose independents and suburban voters. Remember what happened in SC. Mark Sanford was defeated in the primary by a Trump nut and lost the General. In Minnesota, a nutty Trumpie beat Pawlenty in the primary for Governor and Democrats won easily.

'Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) warned President Trump during a face-to-face meeting at the White House that using emergency powers to get funding for his border wall "may trigger political blowback and divide the GOP," the Washington Post reports.

Why it matters: Trump told the New York Times Thursday that bipartisan conference talks will have been "a waste of time" if Democrats don't provide funding for a wall, and signaled that he has laid the groundwork for declaring a national emergency. McConnell reportedly told Trump that the Senate may pass a resolution disapproving of his use of emergency powers, potentially forcing the president to issue a veto — his first ever — in defiance of his own party.'

McConnell reportedly warned Trump against using emergency powers


I'm no law expert, but surely an emergency is a prerequisite to declaring a State of Emergency?
35 days of shutdown, and another 3 weeks to jaw about it, and it's an emergency?

What’s also interesting is that there is no ‘national emergency’ – there is only Trump’s fear, ignorance, bigotry, and hate.

And whatever unobligated funds Trump might misappropriate, it won’t be near enough to build a ‘wall.’

'Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) warned President Trump during a face-to-face meeting at the White House that using emergency powers to get funding for his border wall "may trigger political blowback and divide the GOP," the Washington Post reports.

Why it matters: Trump told the New York Times Thursday that bipartisan conference talks will have been "a waste of time" if Democrats don't provide funding for a wall, and signaled that he has laid the groundwork for declaring a national emergency. McConnell reportedly told Trump that the Senate may pass a resolution disapproving of his use of emergency powers, potentially forcing the president to issue a veto — his first ever — in defiance of his own party.'

McConnell reportedly warned Trump against using emergency powers

Let him declare an emergency. When the GOP loses Dems can call a couple of things emergencies.

Trump swears our security wont work without a wall - next thing out of his yap, we are already building the wall.

the only emergency is the old fart remembering what he's says.

And why has Trump not even mentioned increasing penalties for those who hire illegal immigrants?

Surely, that would be an obvious course of action if this were an 'emergency'.

But no, he has not (to my recollection) even mentioned it during the shutdown.

Not once.

Might this have something to do with it?

President Trump hired undocumented immigrants for $4 an hour for demolition project: court docs
He hired them for construction and cleaning and all kinds of things. He started firing them recently because he got caught red handed.

He hired them for construction and cleaning and all kinds of things. He started firing them recently because he got caught red handed.
Winery owned by Trump’s son trying to hire 23 foreign guest workers: petition
like father; like son.
Although better than fake green cards.

To each and every one of you stupid fucks: A Democrat Congress promised to secure the border in 1989 in exchange for president Reagan granting amnesty to 3 million illegals, which he did.

WHERE IN THE FUCK IS THE SECURE BORDER? Wall, like more than 20 years ago is what it's time for. Each and every one of you asshats that claims it isn't, is a retard. You're going to get a wall, you may not like it, but you are gonna learn to deal with it.
what they really thought:

Bush was a globalist piece of shit. He should have built some wall, I don't think he built any, had to wait until Clinton for that. To date, Bill Clinton has built more wall than any other president.

Where is Trump's stuff made in? China. Trump is a globalist.

7 posts in a row?

All on foreign policy issues. Name one of them that directly contradicted the Constitution.

You tell me how BURUNDI was a legitimate US Natl emergency when our national sovereignty due to illegal border crossing is not.

How many Americans were raped, robbed, or murdered by Illegals in Burundi?
Last edited:
I'm no law expert, but surely an emergency is a prerequisite to declaring a State of Emergency?
35 days of shutdown, and another 3 weeks to jaw about it, and it's an emergency?

More like 300 Americans dying every day from drugs coming across the border.

'Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) warned President Trump during a face-to-face meeting at the White House that using emergency powers to get funding for his border wall "may trigger political blowback and divide the GOP," the Washington Post reports.

Why it matters: Trump told the New York Times Thursday that bipartisan conference talks will have been "a waste of time" if Democrats don't provide funding for a wall, and signaled that he has laid the groundwork for declaring a national emergency. McConnell reportedly told Trump that the Senate may pass a resolution disapproving of his use of emergency powers, potentially forcing the president to issue a veto — his first ever — in defiance of his own party.'

McConnell reportedly warned Trump against using emergency powers


Why are the Democrats so opposed to protecting our country's sovereignty?

Good question.

We have been invaded by illegals for decades and Trumps wall will stop them.

They cost we the tax payer billions every year and the Dems don't seem to give a shit.

Get the wall built. Stop more from coming in and boot those that are here out. No more anchor baby bullshit either.

Build the wall.

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