McConnell reportedly warned Trump against using emergency powers

What’s also interesting is that there is no ‘national emergency’ – there is only Trump’s fear, ignorance, bigotry, and hate.

And whatever unobligated funds Trump might misappropriate, it won’t be near enough to build a ‘wall.’



5 facts about illegal immigration in the U.S.

Illegal immigration is declining - not rising.

So where is the emergency?

And why has Trump not even mentioned increasing penalties for those who hire illegal immigrants?

Surely, that would be an obvious course of action if this were an 'emergency'.

But no, he has not (to my recollection) even mentioned it during the shutdown.

Not once.

Might this have something to do with it?

President Trump hired undocumented immigrants for $4 an hour for demolition project: court docs
He hired them for construction and cleaning and all kinds of things. He started firing them recently because he got caught red handed.
What’s also interesting is that there is no ‘national emergency’ – there is only Trump’s fear, ignorance, bigotry, and hate.

And whatever unobligated funds Trump might misappropriate, it won’t be near enough to build a ‘wall.’



5 facts about illegal immigration in the U.S.

Illegal immigration is declining - not rising.

So where is the emergency?

And why has Trump not even mentioned increasing penalties for those who hire illegal immigrants?

Surely, that would be an obvious course of action if this were an 'emergency'.

But no, he has not (to my recollection) even mentioned it during the shutdown.

Not once.

Might this have something to do with it?

President Trump hired undocumented immigrants for $4 an hour for demolition project: court docs
He hired them for construction and cleaning and all kinds of things. He started firing them recently because he got caught red handed.
Winery owned by Trump’s son trying to hire 23 foreign guest workers: petition
like father; like son.
Although better than fake green cards.
'Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) warned President Trump during a face-to-face meeting at the White House that using emergency powers to get funding for his border wall "may trigger political blowback and divide the GOP," the Washington Post reports.

Why it matters: Trump told the New York Times Thursday that bipartisan conference talks will have been "a waste of time" if Democrats don't provide funding for a wall, and signaled that he has laid the groundwork for declaring a national emergency. McConnell reportedly told Trump that the Senate may pass a resolution disapproving of his use of emergency powers, potentially forcing the president to issue a veto — his first ever — in defiance of his own party.'

McConnell reportedly warned Trump against using emergency powers


I'm no law expert, but surely an emergency is a prerequisite to declaring a State of Emergency?
35 days of shutdown, and another 3 weeks to jaw about it, and it's an emergency?

What’s also interesting is that there is no ‘national emergency’ – there is only Trump’s fear, ignorance, bigotry, and hate.

And whatever unobligated funds Trump might misappropriate, it won’t be near enough to build a ‘wall.’

'Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) warned President Trump during a face-to-face meeting at the White House that using emergency powers to get funding for his border wall "may trigger political blowback and divide the GOP," the Washington Post reports.

Why it matters: Trump told the New York Times Thursday that bipartisan conference talks will have been "a waste of time" if Democrats don't provide funding for a wall, and signaled that he has laid the groundwork for declaring a national emergency. McConnell reportedly told Trump that the Senate may pass a resolution disapproving of his use of emergency powers, potentially forcing the president to issue a veto — his first ever — in defiance of his own party.'

McConnell reportedly warned Trump against using emergency powers

Let him declare an emergency. When the GOP loses Dems can call a couple of things emergencies.

Trump swears our security wont work without a wall - next thing out of his yap, we are already building the wall.

the only emergency is the old fart remembering what he's says.

What’s also interesting is that there is no ‘national emergency’ – there is only Trump’s fear, ignorance, bigotry, and hate.

And whatever unobligated funds Trump might misappropriate, it won’t be near enough to build a ‘wall.’



5 facts about illegal immigration in the U.S.

Illegal immigration is declining - not rising.

So where is the emergency?

And why has Trump not even mentioned increasing penalties for those who hire illegal immigrants?

Surely, that would be an obvious course of action if this were an 'emergency'.

But no, he has not (to my recollection) even mentioned it during the shutdown.

Not once.

Might this have something to do with it?

President Trump hired undocumented immigrants for $4 an hour for demolition project: court docs
He hired them for construction and cleaning and all kinds of things. He started firing them recently because he got caught red handed.

What’s also interesting is that there is no ‘national emergency’ – there is only Trump’s fear, ignorance, bigotry, and hate.

And whatever unobligated funds Trump might misappropriate, it won’t be near enough to build a ‘wall.’



5 facts about illegal immigration in the U.S.

Illegal immigration is declining - not rising.

So where is the emergency?

And why has Trump not even mentioned increasing penalties for those who hire illegal immigrants?

Surely, that would be an obvious course of action if this were an 'emergency'.

But no, he has not (to my recollection) even mentioned it during the shutdown.

Not once.

Might this have something to do with it?

President Trump hired undocumented immigrants for $4 an hour for demolition project: court docs
He hired them for construction and cleaning and all kinds of things. He started firing them recently because he got caught red handed.
Winery owned by Trump’s son trying to hire 23 foreign guest workers: petition
like father; like son.
Although better than fake green cards.

To each and every one of you stupid fucks: A Democrat Congress promised to secure the border in 1989 in exchange for president Reagan granting amnesty to 3 million illegals, which he did.

WHERE IN THE FUCK IS THE SECURE BORDER? Wall, like more than 20 years ago is what it's time for. Each and every one of you asshats that claims it isn't, is a retard. You're going to get a wall, you may not like it, but you are gonna learn to deal with it.
Last edited:
'Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) warned President Trump during a face-to-face meeting at the White House that using emergency powers to get funding for his border wall "may trigger political blowback and divide the GOP," the Washington Post reports.

Why it matters: Trump told the New York Times Thursday that bipartisan conference talks will have been "a waste of time" if Democrats don't provide funding for a wall, and signaled that he has laid the groundwork for declaring a national emergency. McConnell reportedly told Trump that the Senate may pass a resolution disapproving of his use of emergency powers, potentially forcing the president to issue a veto — his first ever — in defiance of his own party.'

McConnell reportedly warned Trump against using emergency powers


I'm no law expert, but surely an emergency is a prerequisite to declaring a State of Emergency?
35 days of shutdown, and another 3 weeks to jaw about it, and it's an emergency?

What’s also interesting is that there is no ‘national emergency’ – there is only Trump’s fear, ignorance, bigotry, and hate.

And whatever unobligated funds Trump might misappropriate, it won’t be near enough to build a ‘wall.’

'Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) warned President Trump during a face-to-face meeting at the White House that using emergency powers to get funding for his border wall "may trigger political blowback and divide the GOP," the Washington Post reports.

Why it matters: Trump told the New York Times Thursday that bipartisan conference talks will have been "a waste of time" if Democrats don't provide funding for a wall, and signaled that he has laid the groundwork for declaring a national emergency. McConnell reportedly told Trump that the Senate may pass a resolution disapproving of his use of emergency powers, potentially forcing the president to issue a veto — his first ever — in defiance of his own party.'

McConnell reportedly warned Trump against using emergency powers

Let him declare an emergency. When the GOP loses Dems can call a couple of things emergencies.

Trump swears our security wont work without a wall - next thing out of his yap, we are already building the wall.

the only emergency is the old fart remembering what he's says.

What’s also interesting is that there is no ‘national emergency’ – there is only Trump’s fear, ignorance, bigotry, and hate.

And whatever unobligated funds Trump might misappropriate, it won’t be near enough to build a ‘wall.’



5 facts about illegal immigration in the U.S.

Illegal immigration is declining - not rising.

So where is the emergency?

And why has Trump not even mentioned increasing penalties for those who hire illegal immigrants?

Surely, that would be an obvious course of action if this were an 'emergency'.

But no, he has not (to my recollection) even mentioned it during the shutdown.

Not once.

Might this have something to do with it?

President Trump hired undocumented immigrants for $4 an hour for demolition project: court docs
He hired them for construction and cleaning and all kinds of things. He started firing them recently because he got caught red handed.

What’s also interesting is that there is no ‘national emergency’ – there is only Trump’s fear, ignorance, bigotry, and hate.

And whatever unobligated funds Trump might misappropriate, it won’t be near enough to build a ‘wall.’



5 facts about illegal immigration in the U.S.

Illegal immigration is declining - not rising.

So where is the emergency?

And why has Trump not even mentioned increasing penalties for those who hire illegal immigrants?

Surely, that would be an obvious course of action if this were an 'emergency'.

But no, he has not (to my recollection) even mentioned it during the shutdown.

Not once.

Might this have something to do with it?

President Trump hired undocumented immigrants for $4 an hour for demolition project: court docs
He hired them for construction and cleaning and all kinds of things. He started firing them recently because he got caught red handed.
Winery owned by Trump’s son trying to hire 23 foreign guest workers: petition
like father; like son.
Although better than fake green cards.

To each and every one of you stupid fucks: A Democrat Congress promised to secure the border in 1989 in exchange for president Reagan granting amnesty to 3 million illegals, which he did.

WHERE IN THE FUCK IS THE SECURE BORDER? Wall, like more than 20 years ago is what it's time for. Each and every one of you asshats that claims it isn't, is a retard. You're going to get a wall, you may not like it, but you are gonna learn to deal with it.
what they really thought:
'Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) warned President Trump during a face-to-face meeting at the White House that using emergency powers to get funding for his border wall "may trigger political blowback and divide the GOP," the Washington Post reports.

Why it matters: Trump told the New York Times Thursday that bipartisan conference talks will have been "a waste of time" if Democrats don't provide funding for a wall, and signaled that he has laid the groundwork for declaring a national emergency. McConnell reportedly told Trump that the Senate may pass a resolution disapproving of his use of emergency powers, potentially forcing the president to issue a veto — his first ever — in defiance of his own party.'

McConnell reportedly warned Trump against using emergency powers


I'm no law expert, but surely an emergency is a prerequisite to declaring a State of Emergency?
35 days of shutdown, and another 3 weeks to jaw about it, and it's an emergency?

What’s also interesting is that there is no ‘national emergency’ – there is only Trump’s fear, ignorance, bigotry, and hate.

And whatever unobligated funds Trump might misappropriate, it won’t be near enough to build a ‘wall.’

'Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) warned President Trump during a face-to-face meeting at the White House that using emergency powers to get funding for his border wall "may trigger political blowback and divide the GOP," the Washington Post reports.

Why it matters: Trump told the New York Times Thursday that bipartisan conference talks will have been "a waste of time" if Democrats don't provide funding for a wall, and signaled that he has laid the groundwork for declaring a national emergency. McConnell reportedly told Trump that the Senate may pass a resolution disapproving of his use of emergency powers, potentially forcing the president to issue a veto — his first ever — in defiance of his own party.'

McConnell reportedly warned Trump against using emergency powers

Let him declare an emergency. When the GOP loses Dems can call a couple of things emergencies.

Trump swears our security wont work without a wall - next thing out of his yap, we are already building the wall.

the only emergency is the old fart remembering what he's says.

What’s also interesting is that there is no ‘national emergency’ – there is only Trump’s fear, ignorance, bigotry, and hate.

And whatever unobligated funds Trump might misappropriate, it won’t be near enough to build a ‘wall.’



5 facts about illegal immigration in the U.S.

Illegal immigration is declining - not rising.

So where is the emergency?

And why has Trump not even mentioned increasing penalties for those who hire illegal immigrants?

Surely, that would be an obvious course of action if this were an 'emergency'.

But no, he has not (to my recollection) even mentioned it during the shutdown.

Not once.

Might this have something to do with it?

President Trump hired undocumented immigrants for $4 an hour for demolition project: court docs
He hired them for construction and cleaning and all kinds of things. He started firing them recently because he got caught red handed.



5 facts about illegal immigration in the U.S.

Illegal immigration is declining - not rising.

So where is the emergency?

And why has Trump not even mentioned increasing penalties for those who hire illegal immigrants?

Surely, that would be an obvious course of action if this were an 'emergency'.

But no, he has not (to my recollection) even mentioned it during the shutdown.

Not once.

Might this have something to do with it?

President Trump hired undocumented immigrants for $4 an hour for demolition project: court docs
He hired them for construction and cleaning and all kinds of things. He started firing them recently because he got caught red handed.
Winery owned by Trump’s son trying to hire 23 foreign guest workers: petition
like father; like son.
Although better than fake green cards.

To each and every one of you stupid fucks: A Democrat Congress promised to secure the border in 1989 in exchange for president Reagan granting amnesty to 3 million illegals, which he did.

WHERE IN THE FUCK IS THE SECURE BORDER? Wall, like more than 20 years ago is what it's time for. Each and every one of you asshats that claims it isn't, is a retard. You're going to get a wall, you may not like it, but you are gonna learn to deal with it.
what they really thought:

Bush was a globalist piece of shit. He should have built some wall, I don't think he built any, had to wait until Clinton for that. To date, Bill Clinton has built more wall than any other president.
'Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) warned President Trump during a face-to-face meeting at the White House that using emergency powers to get funding for his border wall "may trigger political blowback and divide the GOP," the Washington Post reports.

Why it matters: Trump told the New York Times Thursday that bipartisan conference talks will have been "a waste of time" if Democrats don't provide funding for a wall, and signaled that he has laid the groundwork for declaring a national emergency. McConnell reportedly told Trump that the Senate may pass a resolution disapproving of his use of emergency powers, potentially forcing the president to issue a veto — his first ever — in defiance of his own party.'

McConnell reportedly warned Trump against using emergency powers

Fuck what Turtle wants. Maybe him and the rest of Congress should have done their damn jobs YEARS AGO and defended the damn border. I don't particularly see WHY President Trump needs to declare a national emergency when he can just order the military to build it and there is NOTHING anyone can do to stop him,while the NE declaration will have a lawsuit filed against it ASAP.
Fuck what Turtle wants. Maybe him and the rest of Congress should have done their damn jobs YEARS AGO and defended the damn border. I don't particularly see WHY President Trump needs to declare a national emergency when he can just order the military to build it and there is NOTHING anyone can do to stop him,while the NE declaration will have a lawsuit filed against it ASAP.

I think Trump should do that immediately. Tell them to bring shovels.

See Article 1 Section 9 Clause 7 clearly places the power of appropriations (power of the purse) squarely under the control of Congress.

So Trump orders a whole bunch of troops (10's, 100's, 1000's, 10's of thousands?) to the border. No explain where they are going to get the money to build the wall? (eminent domain to pay for land taken, concrete, steel, etc.)

You realize that Trump having the military build the wall isn't about ordering troops to the border to build the wall, Trumps "military will build the wall" is really about Trump taking DOD funds away from military personnel, military training, military procurement, and military operational funds to hire contractors to build the wall.

Please note that even if Trump does declare a national emergency to build his "mission accomplished" photo-op wall, that the people voted the House in to oppose such an idea. So if he does than as you mention it will be challenged in court AND you can bet that the DEMs in the House will pass a Joint Resolution in a hot minuted (under Section 202 of the National Emergencies Act of 1976) which the Senate will be required under the law vote on. The last think McConnell wants in the GOP Senators on record going into the 2020 Senate elections as the picture is not as nice for the GOP in 2020 as it was in 2018 since they will have A LOT more seats to defend. If passed it would end Trumps national emergency and he wouldn't be able to take funding away from military men and women and their ability to do jobs.
Last edited:
Why are the Democrats so opposed to protecting our country's sovereignty?
Because they hate freedom and love slavery, like they always have.


And where is your link to unbiased, factual proof of your matter-of-fact statement that all Democrats 'hate freedom and love slavery'?

Without it - which I guarantee you cannot provide - your statement means absolutely nothing...just more Trumpbot hate-filled, libelous nonsense.
What’s also interesting is that there is no ‘national emergency’ – there is only Trump’s fear, ignorance, bigotry, and hate.

And whatever unobligated funds Trump might misappropriate, it won’t be near enough to build a ‘wall.’



5 facts about illegal immigration in the U.S.

Illegal immigration is declining - not rising.

So where is the emergency?

And why has Trump not even mentioned increasing penalties for those who hire illegal immigrants?

Surely, that would be an obvious course of action if this were an 'emergency'.

But no, he has not (to my recollection) even mentioned it during the shutdown.

Not once.

Might this have something to do with it?

President Trump hired undocumented immigrants for $4 an hour for demolition project: court docs

Truthfully neither political party want to really deal with this wedge issue because it get the base going on both sides.

Obama had his chance from 2009 to 2011 to kill this wedge issue but waited until the GOP took the House to demand some sort of Immigration Reform Bill which was just him playing to his base to show the GOP would never do Immigration Reform.

Now you have Trump and yes you are correct him and many have yet to really go after those that encourage illegal Immigration and that is the employer, and why?

Simple, he knows that his base will turn on him the moment he support real fines against employers hiring illegals.

So nothing will be done as usual but enjoy the mental midget show...
'Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) warned President Trump during a face-to-face meeting at the White House that using emergency powers to get funding for his border wall "may trigger political blowback and divide the GOP," the Washington Post reports.

Why it matters: Trump told the New York Times Thursday that bipartisan conference talks will have been "a waste of time" if Democrats don't provide funding for a wall, and signaled that he has laid the groundwork for declaring a national emergency. McConnell reportedly told Trump that the Senate may pass a resolution disapproving of his use of emergency powers, potentially forcing the president to issue a veto — his first ever — in defiance of his own party.'

McConnell reportedly warned Trump against using emergency powers


Why are the Democrats so opposed to protecting our country's sovereignty?

1) why are you asking me? I am not a Democrat.

2) And where is your link to unbiased, factual proof that Democrats are opposed to protecting America's sovereignty?

I guarantee that you can provide no such link.

Which makes your point completely pointless.

Have a nice day.
Trump understands something much more important

The nation has now Unequal JUSTICE

Because of that the nation is falling fast

Majority of men says one thing

And the opposite majority of women the opposite

Has the men on his side

Trump must do the wall and declare the govt totally broken

And make logic tests for voting

Even if a 5 to 4 split from the court will not stop trump because he has the men

Trump has a majority of men judging the mueller probe as simple pure blackmail crime

Do you know how utterly and completely demended/stupid you sound?

You do realize there are more women in America than men, right?

'According to the U.S. Census Bureau, there were 161 million females in the U.S. in 2013 versus 156.1 million males'
Women Outnumber Men in All But Nine States | CSG Knowledge Center

And most of the men who support Trump are old and stupid/uneducated.

Race, Education, Gender Key Factors in Trump Job Approval

Plus, he apparently does not even have the support of most misogynistic idiot.

'Trump garners a slightly higher, but still underwater, approval rating among male voters, 49 to 51 percent. But he has a lower approval rating among female voters of 44 to 56 percent.'

(granted, it's from a few months ago...but that was when his approval rating was higher then it is today).

What the hell do you do when you type a post....just bang on the keyboard and hope it makes sense?
Last edited:
Fuck what Turtle wants. Maybe him and the rest of Congress should have done their damn jobs YEARS AGO and defended the damn border. I don't particularly see WHY President Trump needs to declare a national emergency when he can just order the military to build it and there is NOTHING anyone can do to stop him,while the NE declaration will have a lawsuit filed against it ASAP.

I think Trump should do that immediately. Tell them to bring shovels.

See Article 1 Section 9 Clause 7 clearly places the power of appropriations (power of the purse) squarely under the control of Congress.

So Trump orders a whole bunch of troops (10's, 100's, 1000's, 10's of thousands?) to the border. No explain where they are going to get the money to build the wall? (eminent domain to pay for land taken, concrete, steel, etc.)

You realize that Trump having the military build the wall isn't about ordering troops to the border to build the wall, Trumps "military will build the wall" is really about Trump taking DOD funds away from military personnel, military training, military procurement, and military operational funds to hire contractors to build the wall.

Please note that even if Trump does declare a national emergency to build his "mission accomplished" photo-op wall, that the people voted the House in to oppose such an idea. So if he does than as you mention it will be challenged in court AND you can bet that the DEMs in the House will pass a Joint Resolution in a hot minuted (under Section 202 of the National Emergencies Act of 1976) which the Senate will be required under the law vote on. The last think McConnell wants in the GOP Senators on record going into the 2020 Senate elections as the picture is not as nice for the GOP in 2020 as it was in 2018 since they will have A LOT more seats to defend. If passed it would end Trumps national emergency and he wouldn't be able to take funding away from military men and women and their ability to do jobs.
If the congress votes to disapprove of the Trump emergency declaration its like marking themselves with a HUGE target and I will bet now that we will see the biggest turnover rate in the congress come 2020. A LOT of America First and populist candidates taking out establishment candidates who refuse to put America first.
'Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) warned President Trump during a face-to-face meeting at the White House that using emergency powers to get funding for his border wall "may trigger political blowback and divide the GOP," the Washington Post reports.

Why it matters: Trump told the New York Times Thursday that bipartisan conference talks will have been "a waste of time" if Democrats don't provide funding for a wall, and signaled that he has laid the groundwork for declaring a national emergency. McConnell reportedly told Trump that the Senate may pass a resolution disapproving of his use of emergency powers, potentially forcing the president to issue a veto — his first ever — in defiance of his own party.'

McConnell reportedly warned Trump against using emergency powers


WTF, is McConnell one of your hero's now?
Fuck what Turtle wants. Maybe him and the rest of Congress should have done their damn jobs YEARS AGO and defended the damn border. I don't particularly see WHY President Trump needs to declare a national emergency when he can just order the military to build it and there is NOTHING anyone can do to stop him,while the NE declaration will have a lawsuit filed against it ASAP.

I think Trump should do that immediately. Tell them to bring shovels.

See Article 1 Section 9 Clause 7 clearly places the power of appropriations (power of the purse) squarely under the control of Congress.

So Trump orders a whole bunch of troops (10's, 100's, 1000's, 10's of thousands?) to the border. No explain where they are going to get the money to build the wall? (eminent domain to pay for land taken, concrete, steel, etc.)

You realize that Trump having the military build the wall isn't about ordering troops to the border to build the wall, Trumps "military will build the wall" is really about Trump taking DOD funds away from military personnel, military training, military procurement, and military operational funds to hire contractors to build the wall.

Please note that even if Trump does declare a national emergency to build his "mission accomplished" photo-op wall, that the people voted the House in to oppose such an idea. So if he does than as you mention it will be challenged in court AND you can bet that the DEMs in the House will pass a Joint Resolution in a hot minuted (under Section 202 of the National Emergencies Act of 1976) which the Senate will be required under the law vote on. The last think McConnell wants in the GOP Senators on record going into the 2020 Senate elections as the picture is not as nice for the GOP in 2020 as it was in 2018 since they will have A LOT more seats to defend. If passed it would end Trumps national emergency and he wouldn't be able to take funding away from military men and women and their ability to do jobs.
Trump if orders the military to the border, it will be for the reason of stopping an invasion. This is a national emergency. It threatens the stabilization of the financial interior of this nation, along with the security of this nation.
Trump if orders the military to the border, it will be for the reason of stopping an invasion. This is a national emergency. It threatens the stabilization of the financial interior of this nation, along with the security of this nation.

I just find it fascinating that Trump and the GOP had the Congress and the Presidency for the past 2 years and the GOP wouldn't fund Trumps wall. Both the House and Senate had agreed to clean funding to keep the government open in December and the Senate even voted with bipartisan support for funding that didn't include Trumps wall.

The DEMs win the House with a vote of the American People not to fund Trumps wall and suddenly because the DEMs are in control of one of the Houses it's a "National Emergency".

As a Republican I am not happy with Trump or McConnell and hope we can get better after this period of embarrassment.
'Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) warned President Trump during a face-to-face meeting at the White House that using emergency powers to get funding for his border wall "may trigger political blowback and divide the GOP," the Washington Post reports.

Why it matters: Trump told the New York Times Thursday that bipartisan conference talks will have been "a waste of time" if Democrats don't provide funding for a wall, and signaled that he has laid the groundwork for declaring a national emergency. McConnell reportedly told Trump that the Senate may pass a resolution disapproving of his use of emergency powers, potentially forcing the president to issue a veto — his first ever — in defiance of his own party.'

McConnell reportedly warned Trump against using emergency powers


Why are the Democrats so opposed to protecting our country's sovereignty?

1) why are you asking me? I am not a Democrat.

2) And where is your link to unbiased, factual proof that Democrats are opposed to protecting America's sovereignty?

I guarantee that you can provide no such link.

Which makes your point completely pointless.

Have a nice day.
Everything might not have a direct link speaking literally the truth of the matter, but what one does is compile the facts by researching multiple facts, and then putting those facts together. The picture then begins to become clear as day as to what goes on or is going on.
Trump if orders the military to the border, it will be for the reason of stopping an invasion. This is a national emergency. It threatens the stabilization of the financial interior of this nation, along with the security of this nation.

I just find it fascinating that Trump and the GOP had the Congress and the Presidency for the past 2 years and the GOP wouldn't fund Trumps wall. Both the House and Senate had agreed to clean funding to keep the government open in December and the Senate even voted with bipartisan support for funding that didn't include Trumps wall.

The DEMs win the House with a vote of the American People not to fund Trumps wall and suddenly because the DEMs are in control of one of the Houses it's a "National Emergency".

As a Republican I am not happy with Trump or McConnell and hope we can get better after this period of embarrassment.
Never Trumper eh ?? Undermining the republicans or the president in which can only play into the Demon-crats hands is just plain bad politics.
'Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) warned President Trump during a face-to-face meeting at the White House that using emergency powers to get funding for his border wall "may trigger political blowback and divide the GOP," the Washington Post reports.

Why it matters: Trump told the New York Times Thursday that bipartisan conference talks will have been "a waste of time" if Democrats don't provide funding for a wall, and signaled that he has laid the groundwork for declaring a national emergency. McConnell reportedly told Trump that the Senate may pass a resolution disapproving of his use of emergency powers, potentially forcing the president to issue a veto — his first ever — in defiance of his own party.'

McConnell reportedly warned Trump against using emergency powers


Why are the Democrats so opposed to protecting our country's sovereignty?

1) why are you asking me? I am not a Democrat.

2) And where is your link to unbiased, factual proof that Democrats are opposed to protecting America's sovereignty?

I guarantee that you can provide no such link.

Which makes your point completely pointless.

Have a nice day.
Actions speak louder than words, McRocket.
When did a wall become immoral? When Trump became president.
This has nothing to do with a wall, and has everything to do with Trump being in office.
The 'good ol' boys' club' is all butthurt because an outsider was elected to the highest office in the US.

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