McConnell reportedly warned Trump against using emergency powers

'Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) warned President Trump during a face-to-face meeting at the White House that using emergency powers to get funding for his border wall "may trigger political blowback and divide the GOP," the Washington Post reports.

Why it matters: Trump told the New York Times Thursday that bipartisan conference talks will have been "a waste of time" if Democrats don't provide funding for a wall, and signaled that he has laid the groundwork for declaring a national emergency. McConnell reportedly told Trump that the Senate may pass a resolution disapproving of his use of emergency powers, potentially forcing the president to issue a veto — his first ever — in defiance of his own party.'

McConnell reportedly warned Trump against using emergency powers

I suspect that the Turtle is no longer sitting out getting a compromise on "wall" funding. The dems seem to actually be coming along on "infrastructure." If Trump demands another shutdown or moves to expand Executive power any further, I suspect there will be ten of so senators unamused.
'Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) warned President Trump during a face-to-face meeting at the White House that using emergency powers to get funding for his border wall "may trigger political blowback and divide the GOP," the Washington Post reports.

Why it matters: Trump told the New York Times Thursday that bipartisan conference talks will have been "a waste of time" if Democrats don't provide funding for a wall, and signaled that he has laid the groundwork for declaring a national emergency. McConnell reportedly told Trump that the Senate may pass a resolution disapproving of his use of emergency powers, potentially forcing the president to issue a veto — his first ever — in defiance of his own party.'

McConnell reportedly warned Trump against using emergency powers

I suspect that the Turtle is no longer sitting out getting a compromise on "wall" funding. The dems seem to actually be coming along on "infrastructure." If Trump demands another shutdown or moves to expand Executive power any further, I suspect there will be ten of so senators unamused.
Calling a national emergency would not be an expansion of executive powers, but an exercise of existing executive powers, and since Congress is clearly unable to function effectively and this gridlock the Democrats have introduced will lead to another shutdown, the situation is clearly a national emergency even in the colloquial sense of the term.
The wall is coming, you leftist douches!

1trumpdealwith it.gif
It's going to get even more interesting in the next few months. More and more people are beginning to work on their 2018 tax returns and finding out just how much the conservative republicans screwed them.
yeah, it must suck for them finding out how much more money they made after getting a job, how much they made in raises and bonuses, how much better they are off now than when they did not have a job and was dependent on govt handouts.
Sure....if that is what really happens......but, as I said, I've already got pro-trump friends starting to get "sticker shock" about their 2018 tax returns. Anecdotes for sure....but they are piling up.
Pro-Trump rich friends ?
Fuck what Turtle wants. Maybe him and the rest of Congress should have done their damn jobs YEARS AGO and defended the damn border. I don't particularly see WHY President Trump needs to declare a national emergency when he can just order the military to build it and there is NOTHING anyone can do to stop him,while the NE declaration will have a lawsuit filed against it ASAP.

I think Trump should do that immediately. Tell them to bring shovels.

See Article 1 Section 9 Clause 7 clearly places the power of appropriations (power of the purse) squarely under the control of Congress.

So Trump orders a whole bunch of troops (10's, 100's, 1000's, 10's of thousands?) to the border. No explain where they are going to get the money to build the wall? (eminent domain to pay for land taken, concrete, steel, etc.)

You realize that Trump having the military build the wall isn't about ordering troops to the border to build the wall, Trumps "military will build the wall" is really about Trump taking DOD funds away from military personnel, military training, military procurement, and military operational funds to hire contractors to build the wall.

Please note that even if Trump does declare a national emergency to build his "mission accomplished" photo-op wall, that the people voted the House in to oppose such an idea. So if he does than as you mention it will be challenged in court AND you can bet that the DEMs in the House will pass a Joint Resolution in a hot minuted (under Section 202 of the National Emergencies Act of 1976) which the Senate will be required under the law vote on. The last think McConnell wants in the GOP Senators on record going into the 2020 Senate elections as the picture is not as nice for the GOP in 2020 as it was in 2018 since they will have A LOT more seats to defend. If passed it would end Trumps national emergency and he wouldn't be able to take funding away from military men and women and their ability to do jobs.
If the congress votes to disapprove of the Trump emergency declaration its like marking themselves with a HUGE target and I will bet now that we will see the biggest turnover rate in the congress come 2020. A LOT of America First and populist candidates taking out establishment candidates who refuse to put America first.

If they don't then Republicans will lose independents and suburban voters. Remember what happened in SC. Mark Sanford was defeated in the primary by a Trump nut and lost the General. In Minnesota, a nutty Trumpie beat Pawlenty in the primary for Governor and Democrats won easily.
In a year that the party in power was expected to lose,guess you missed the poll that showed most supporters of both parties want both parties to go farther left and farther right....I mean yall love polls and all. In Minnesota since when was it a red state? The leftist elected replaced a leftist SC the woman that lost was injured in a horrible car wreck but that didn't stop the clown leftist from campaigning like a real man would have done.

What we saw was something that could present huge future problems for the GOP. A potential realignment. President Reagan's coalition had many parts to it that are not necessarily related. Suburban voters and rural voters. Less educated people and more educated people. Younger voters. Suburban voters and especially suburban women voted heavily for the Democrats. More educated voters voted for Democrats. Younger voters voted for Democrats.

All of the House seats that were lost had a strong suburban component to them. The House seat in SC. The House seat in Oklahoma. The 3 seats in Virginia. The 4 seats in Pennsylvania etc etc. The only 2 House seats Republicans picked up were rural seats.

Minnesota has not been a strong blue state at the Presidential level like NY. Romney lost by 7.5 and Trump lost by 1.5 largely because Clinton's numbers collapsed. In 2010, Republicans captured the state legislature. Tim Pawlenty was a former Governor and the 1 Republican Democrats were worried about because he could appeal to moderates. He lost the primary because he didn't bow to Trump. As a result, Republicans lost by double digits.
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We should question the right wing being willing to shut down Government over a dictate for a Wall, but not equality or equal protection of the law.
You should question Pelosi's willingness to stand with violent illegals, human traffickers, rapists, thieves, and cop killers against US Citizens to keep the borders open and shut down the govt just to hurt the President's re-election chances in 2020.

You should question the Left's rejection of the concept of equal protection / accountability of everyone under the law, as obvious by their illegally operating / protecting Sanctuary Cities that provide a safe haven for the criminals mentioned obvious by their protection or proven criminal Democrats (according to existing evidence), such as Hillary, Holder, Comey, McCabe, Clapper, Brennan, etc...

The overwhelming hypocrisy in your condescending post is a great example of the typical Leftist Extremist re-cycled propaganda.

US citizens agree with Democrats on immigration issues. Trump is damaging his re-election chances as evidenced by the 2018 mid-terms.

Sanctuary cities do not hide illegals. They refuse to cooperate with the federal government which they have every right to do. They are not proven criminals. Trump and his associates are proven criminals.
We should question the right wing being willing to shut down Government over a dictate for a Wall, but not equality or equal protection of the law.
You should question Pelosi's willingness to stand with violent illegals, human traffickers, rapists, thieves, and cop killers against US Citizens to keep the borders open and shut down the govt just to hurt the President's re-election chances in 2020.

You should question the Left's rejection of the concept of equal protection / accountability of everyone under the law, as obvious by their illegally operating / protecting Sanctuary Cities that provide a safe haven for the criminals mentioned obvious by their protection or proven criminal Democrats (according to existing evidence), such as Hillary, Holder, Comey, McCabe, Clapper, Brennan, etc...

The overwhelming hypocrisy in your condescending post is a great example of the typical Leftist Extremist re-cycled propaganda.

US citizens agree with Democrats on immigration issues. Trump is damaging his re-election chances as evidenced by the 2018 mid-terms.

Sanctuary cities do not hide illegals. They refuse to cooperate with the federal government which they have every right to do. They are not proven criminals. Trump and his associates are proven criminals.
pamericans citizens agree with Pelosi on closing the govt to hurt Trump's 2020 chances, to keep Sanctuary Cities operating, to keep borders open for more California, Texas, and Fla illegals voting?

We should question the right wing being willing to shut down Government over a dictate for a Wall, but not equality or equal protection of the law.
You should question Pelosi's willingness to stand with violent illegals, human traffickers, rapists, thieves, and cop killers against US Citizens to keep the borders open and shut down the govt just to hurt the President's re-election chances in 2020.

You should question the Left's rejection of the concept of equal protection / accountability of everyone under the law, as obvious by their illegally operating / protecting Sanctuary Cities that provide a safe haven for the criminals mentioned obvious by their protection or proven criminal Democrats (according to existing evidence), such as Hillary, Holder, Comey, McCabe, Clapper, Brennan, etc...

The overwhelming hypocrisy in your condescending post is a great example of the typical Leftist Extremist re-cycled propaganda.

US citizens agree with Democrats on immigration issues. Trump is damaging his re-election chances as evidenced by the 2018 mid-terms.

Sanctuary cities do not hide illegals. They refuse to cooperate with the federal government which they have every right to do. They are not proven criminals. Trump and his associates are proven criminals.
Americans citizens agree with Pelosi on closing the govt to hurt Trump's 2020 chances, to keep Sanctuary Cities operating, to keep borders open for more California, Texas, and Fla illegals voting?

It's going to get even more interesting in the next few months. More and more people are beginning to work on their 2018 tax returns and finding out just how much the conservative republicans screwed them.
yeah, it must suck for them finding out how much more money they made after getting a job, how much they made in raises and bonuses, how much better they are off now than when they did not have a job and was dependent on govt handouts.

The wall is coming, you leftist douches!

View attachment 244128

I suppose 55% of Americans are leftists. The wall is coming only in your wet dreams you lawless douches.
We should question the right wing being willing to shut down Government over a dictate for a Wall, but not equality or equal protection of the law.
You should question Pelosi's willingness to stand with violent illegals, human traffickers, rapists, thieves, and cop killers against US Citizens to keep the borders open and shut down the govt just to hurt the President's re-election chances in 2020.

You should question the Left's rejection of the concept of equal protection / accountability of everyone under the law, as obvious by their illegally operating / protecting Sanctuary Cities that provide a safe haven for the criminals mentioned obvious by their protection or proven criminal Democrats (according to existing evidence), such as Hillary, Holder, Comey, McCabe, Clapper, Brennan, etc...

The overwhelming hypocrisy in your condescending post is a great example of the typical Leftist Extremist re-cycled propaganda.

US citizens agree with Democrats on immigration issues. Trump is damaging his re-election chances as evidenced by the 2018 mid-terms.

Sanctuary cities do not hide illegals. They refuse to cooperate with the federal government which they have every right to do. They are not proven criminals. Trump and his associates are proven criminals.
Americans citizens agree with Pelosi on closing the govt to hurt Trump's 2020 chances, to keep Sanctuary Cities operating, to keep borders open for more California, Texas, and Fla illegals voting?


Americans agree with Pelosi on the wall and immigration. Blame Trump for the shutdown. There are no illegals voting in any state.

So, BB, did you throw such a panty-soiling tantrum when Barry declared A National Emergency for BURUNDI?

We should question the right wing being willing to shut down Government over a dictate for a Wall, but not equality or equal protection of the law.
You should question Pelosi's willingness to stand with violent illegals, human traffickers, rapists, thieves, and cop killers against US Citizens to keep the borders open and shut down the govt just to hurt the President's re-election chances in 2020.

You should question the Left's rejection of the concept of equal protection / accountability of everyone under the law, as obvious by their illegally operating / protecting Sanctuary Cities that provide a safe haven for the criminals mentioned obvious by their protection or proven criminal Democrats (according to existing evidence), such as Hillary, Holder, Comey, McCabe, Clapper, Brennan, etc...

The overwhelming hypocrisy in your condescending post is a great example of the typical Leftist Extremist re-cycled propaganda.

US citizens agree with Democrats on immigration issues. Trump is damaging his re-election chances as evidenced by the 2018 mid-terms.

Sanctuary cities do not hide illegals. They refuse to cooperate with the federal government which they have every right to do. They are not proven criminals. Trump and his associates are proven criminals.
Americans citizens agree with Pelosi on closing the govt to hurt Trump's 2020 chances, to keep Sanctuary Cities operating, to keep borders open for more California, Texas, and Fla illegals voting?


Americans agree with Pelosi on the wall and immigration. Blame Trump for the shutdown. There are no illegals voting in any state.



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