McConnell should explain why he obscured Russian interference in our election


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2014
I am so sick of Republican shenanigans the sooner we get the out the better. Comey needs to loose his job as well. McConnell needs to step down, he has been part of the swamp for tooooo long. He is the head of the alligator. Ryan can accompany him to Sewer Ville too, will not be missed.

Mitch McConnell should explain why he obscured Russian interference in our election

Read more here: Mitch McConnell should explain why he obscured Russian interference in our election

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell should explain why he blocked a bipartisan denunciation of Russian interference in our election before voters went to the polls.

Americans deserve to hear why McConnell did not trust them with the evidence that he and 11 other congressional leaders received in a confidential briefing in September.

The Washington Post reports that during that briefing McConnell “made clear to the administration that he would consider any effort by the White House to challenge the Russians publicly an act of partisan politics.”

McConnell also questioned the veracity of the intelligence, according to the Post, based on information from unidentified officials present at the September briefing.

On Monday, McConnell said he had the “highest confidence” in U.S. intelligence agencies.

But McConnell would not answer reporters’ questions about the Post’s account. He passed up the opportunity to deny that he torpedoed the administration’s request for a bipartisan pre-election statement calling out the Russians.

Now McConnell and other Republicans are saying the integrity of our elections is too important for partisanship. But before the election McConnell appears to have put partisan concerns first.
Russian interference in our election? There is zero evidence for "interference". There is marginal evidence for Russian hacking "attempts".

Even that has to be taken with a grain of salt, because it is easy to embed data in a hack message to make it appear as if it originated from Russia or China or wherever. Liberals who do not understand hacking use it to explain Hillary's epic defeat. That's less painful than facing the Truth.
Russian interference in our election? There is zero evidence for "interference". There is marginal evidence for Russian hacking "attempts".

Even that has to be taken with a grain of salt, because it is easy to embed data in a hack message to make it appear as if it originated from Russia or China or wherever. Liberals who do not understand hacking use it to explain Hillary's epic defeat. That's less painful than facing the Truth.
That's a lie, MM, and you are not a very good liar.

The intel agencies say the Russians interfered.

You have the same problem as MW: you think people will believe you.
They should remove him from his position, just like they removed Harry Reid from his position when he lied about Romneys taxes in 2012.
I am so sick of Republican shenanigans the sooner we get the out the better. Comey needs to loose his job as well. McConnell needs to step down, he has been part of the swamp for tooooo long. He is the head of the alligator. Ryan can accompany him to Sewer Ville too, will not be missed.

Mitch McConnell should explain why he obscured Russian interference in our election

Read more here: Mitch McConnell should explain why he obscured Russian interference in our election

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell should explain why he blocked a bipartisan denunciation of Russian interference in our election before voters went to the polls.

Americans deserve to hear why McConnell did not trust them with the evidence that he and 11 other congressional leaders received in a confidential briefing in September.

The Washington Post reports that during that briefing McConnell “made clear to the administration that he would consider any effort by the White House to challenge the Russians publicly an act of partisan politics.”

McConnell also questioned the veracity of the intelligence, according to the Post, based on information from unidentified officials present at the September briefing.

On Monday, McConnell said he had the “highest confidence” in U.S. intelligence agencies.

But McConnell would not answer reporters’ questions about the Post’s account. He passed up the opportunity to deny that he torpedoed the administration’s request for a bipartisan pre-election statement calling out the Russians.

Now McConnell and other Republicans are saying the integrity of our elections is too important for partisanship. But before the election McConnell appears to have put partisan concerns first.

McConnel is the most corrupt man in the Senate..

One week after Amgen, a pharmaceutical multinational, hosted a fundraiser for McConnell in December of 2012, one of their lobbyists, who was in charge of monitoring the “fiscal cliff” negotiations, wrote a $3,000 check to McConnell’s campaign. By the time the negotiations were finished, McConnell had secured a $500 million Christmas present for Amgen that came directly out of Medicare. But even that wasn’t McConnell’s foulest moment of corruption.

How does this guy keep getting elected he is such a yucky guy.
Russian interference in our election? There is zero evidence for "interference". There is marginal evidence for Russian hacking "attempts".

Even that has to be taken with a grain of salt, because it is easy to embed data in a hack message to make it appear as if it originated from Russia or China or wherever. Liberals who do not understand hacking use it to explain Hillary's epic defeat. That's less painful than facing the Truth.
That's a lie, MM, and you are not a very good liar.

The intel agencies say the Russians interfered.

You have the same problem as MW: you think people will believe you.

Love your new sigline image Jake. :thup:
Russian interference? You mean publicizing actual electronic communications among the Democrat power structure?

(Assume Barry's delusions are all true).

Let me describe to you what "Russian interference" might have looked like. They make up a phony slanderous story about one of the candidates, and generate false but believable support for it (doctored videos, recordings, and photos). The story is published broadly right before the election, when there is no time for the slandered candidate to effectively rebut the false story. Millions of people change their votes and the outcome of the election is changed from what it would have been.

Then we would all have justification to be PISSED. Then the losing side would have an argument for some kind of a RE-DO! Then, it would be appropriate to impose severe sanctions on those responsible, especially if they were foreign nationals, or working at the direction of a foreign government, with an apparent stake in the election.

But that's not what happened. Some TRUTHFUL information came out. No government communications were intercepted or published. People did dastardly things (to Bernie Sanders and his supporters) that they didn't want to be known publicly, but it became known.

If it swayed a few votes THAT'S A GOOD THING! People learned the truth and acted on it.

Save your outrage for something outrageous.
The Russians didn't so much interfere with our elections, as they did with your party...assuming what we're hearing from the intelligence community is correct. The DNC was hacked because your guys were to stupid to avoid a simple phishing email that businesses deflect every day. The emails released reveled a fair amount of embarrassing shit your guys wrote and did. Why is this anyone else's fault but theirs? They wrote the damn emails. They didn't secure them.

Rather than being pissed at the Republicans, maybe you could focus your ire on your own party leadership.
I am so sick of Republican shenanigans the sooner we get the out the better. Comey needs to loose his job as well. McConnell needs to step down, he has been part of the swamp for tooooo long. He is the head of the alligator. Ryan can accompany him to Sewer Ville too, will not be missed.

Mitch McConnell should explain why he obscured Russian interference in our election

Read more here: Mitch McConnell should explain why he obscured Russian interference in our election

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell should explain why he blocked a bipartisan denunciation of Russian interference in our election before voters went to the polls.

Americans deserve to hear why McConnell did not trust them with the evidence that he and 11 other congressional leaders received in a confidential briefing in September.

The Washington Post reports that during that briefing McConnell “made clear to the administration that he would consider any effort by the White House to challenge the Russians publicly an act of partisan politics.”

McConnell also questioned the veracity of the intelligence, according to the Post, based on information from unidentified officials present at the September briefing.

On Monday, McConnell said he had the “highest confidence” in U.S. intelligence agencies.

But McConnell would not answer reporters’ questions about the Post’s account. He passed up the opportunity to deny that he torpedoed the administration’s request for a bipartisan pre-election statement calling out the Russians.

Now McConnell and other Republicans are saying the integrity of our elections is too important for partisanship. But before the election McConnell appears to have put partisan concerns first.

Huh? Ryan was just praising O over his decision to kick russians out.
I am so sick of Republican shenanigans the sooner we get the out the better. Comey needs to loose his job as well. McConnell needs to step down, he has been part of the swamp for tooooo long. He is the head of the alligator. Ryan can accompany him to Sewer Ville too, will not be missed.

Mitch McConnell should explain why he obscured Russian interference in our election

Read more here: Mitch McConnell should explain why he obscured Russian interference in our election

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell should explain why he blocked a bipartisan denunciation of Russian interference in our election before voters went to the polls.

Americans deserve to hear why McConnell did not trust them with the evidence that he and 11 other congressional leaders received in a confidential briefing in September.

The Washington Post reports that during that briefing McConnell “made clear to the administration that he would consider any effort by the White House to challenge the Russians publicly an act of partisan politics.”

McConnell also questioned the veracity of the intelligence, according to the Post, based on information from unidentified officials present at the September briefing.

On Monday, McConnell said he had the “highest confidence” in U.S. intelligence agencies.

But McConnell would not answer reporters’ questions about the Post’s account. He passed up the opportunity to deny that he torpedoed the administration’s request for a bipartisan pre-election statement calling out the Russians.

Now McConnell and other Republicans are saying the integrity of our elections is too important for partisanship. But before the election McConnell appears to have put partisan concerns first.
Good luck on him explaining anything. Kinda like you being able to explain how exactly you're able to breathe with only two functioning brain cells. :dunno:
I am so sick of Republican shenanigans the sooner we get the out the better. Comey needs to loose his job as well. McConnell needs to step down, he has been part of the swamp for tooooo long. He is the head of the alligator. Ryan can accompany him to Sewer Ville too, will not be missed.

Mitch McConnell should explain why he obscured Russian interference in our election

Read more here: Mitch McConnell should explain why he obscured Russian interference in our election

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell should explain why he blocked a bipartisan denunciation of Russian interference in our election before voters went to the polls.

Americans deserve to hear why McConnell did not trust them with the evidence that he and 11 other congressional leaders received in a confidential briefing in September.

The Washington Post reports that during that briefing McConnell “made clear to the administration that he would consider any effort by the White House to challenge the Russians publicly an act of partisan politics.”

McConnell also questioned the veracity of the intelligence, according to the Post, based on information from unidentified officials present at the September briefing.

On Monday, McConnell said he had the “highest confidence” in U.S. intelligence agencies.

But McConnell would not answer reporters’ questions about the Post’s account. He passed up the opportunity to deny that he torpedoed the administration’s request for a bipartisan pre-election statement calling out the Russians.

Now McConnell and other Republicans are saying the integrity of our elections is too important for partisanship. But before the election McConnell appears to have put partisan concerns first.
I am so sick of Republican shenanigans the sooner we get the out the better. Comey needs to loose his job as well. McConnell needs to step down, he has been part of the swamp for tooooo long. He is the head of the alligator. Ryan can accompany him to Sewer Ville too, will not be missed.

Mitch McConnell should explain why he obscured Russian interference in our election

Read more here: Mitch McConnell should explain why he obscured Russian interference in our election

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell should explain why he blocked a bipartisan denunciation of Russian interference in our election before voters went to the polls.

Americans deserve to hear why McConnell did not trust them with the evidence that he and 11 other congressional leaders received in a confidential briefing in September.

The Washington Post reports that during that briefing McConnell “made clear to the administration that he would consider any effort by the White House to challenge the Russians publicly an act of partisan politics.”

McConnell also questioned the veracity of the intelligence, according to the Post, based on information from unidentified officials present at the September briefing.

On Monday, McConnell said he had the “highest confidence” in U.S. intelligence agencies.

But McConnell would not answer reporters’ questions about the Post’s account. He passed up the opportunity to deny that he torpedoed the administration’s request for a bipartisan pre-election statement calling out the Russians.

Now McConnell and other Republicans are saying the integrity of our elections is too important for partisanship. But before the election McConnell appears to have put partisan concerns first.

Democrats interfered in their own election by being corrupt. The email leak wouldn't have meant shit if the DNC was not corrupt.

It might have been alarming to some voters to see those DNC staffers so gleefully fucking over Bernie Sanders and CNN giving Hillary debate questions prior to the CNN debate.

CNN knew she was a garbage candidate and they knew she needed their help.

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