McDonald's may be liable for worker lawsuits


Gold Member
Apr 5, 2009
McDonald's may be liable for worker lawsuits

By Patrick M. Sheridan
July 29, 2014

Facing a barrage of lawsuits from fast food worker groups seeking fair treatment and compensation, McDonald's could be on the verge of losing one of its main protections.

The National Labor Relations Board's top lawyer on Tuesday determined that McDonald's (MCD) is a "joint employer,"along with thousands of independent franchise owners.

The ruling, if upheld, would mean that McDonald's could be held liable for labor violations at its more than 12,000 franchisee-owned restaurants.

"McDonald's can try to hide behind its franchisees, but today's determination by the NLRB shows there's no two ways about it: The Golden Arches is an employer, plain and simple," said Micah Wissinger in a statement issued by a public relations firm representing fast food workers. Wissinger is an attorney who brought the case on behalf of McDonald's workers in New York City.

In March, McDonald's workers filed seven class-action lawsuits in New York, California and Michigan over wage theft violations. The suits allege that McDonald's has forced employees to work off the clock, not paid them overtime and struck hours off their time cards.

McDonald's has contended that franchisees operate as independent businesses and that therefore, it's not liable, but the N.L.R.B. ruling contradicts that claim. Other fast-food operators like Burger King could feel the repercussions.

The decision was hailed by low wage workers who have recently staged protests across the country seeking a $15 an hour wage.

"McDonald's clearly uses its vast powers to control franchisees in just about every way possible," Kendall Fells, organizing director of Fast Food Forward, said in a statement. "It's time the company put those same powers to work to do something about the fact that its workers are living in poverty."


well there ya go, this is another government agency making up it's OWN RULES and is now in the business of Suing you.... and if you're an employer you are going get sued for stuff like wage thief and any damn frivolous thing they can dream up...

this is what this administration has given us...And Expect this to run a lot of mom and pop stores right of business whereas they can't afford to be sued for every whim, whine and whimper of their employee's

this is sickening what this administration has brought on us and it's all intended to HURT YOU
AND now you wonder why businesses is leaving the country.... who want's to use their hard earned money to open a company only to bow to their extortion and demands under threat of being SUED

so there is the 'money quote" it's time for them for them to do something about people living in poverty...and here we thought with Obama swooping down from the heavens above we didn't have poverty anymore...

this is not going not going to end well, more people will lose their jobs and I wouldn't open a business under this fascist regime and it's idiots under them like some idiot call Kenndel Feels who is a director of, Fast food forward of all things...good grief
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we can all assume the op has never owned, ran a business or they would'nt be cheering something like this...but people who don't know about, money, business, life...what would you expect

I don't recognize our country anymore where you MADE YOUR OWN WAY in life and not expect a job to pay you something you're not worth

Freedom to make our own life succeed or fail we used to have, today we have slaves devoted to the government, Unions, Democrat party to make their life's decisions for them
McDonald's may be liable for worker lawsuits

By Patrick M. Sheridan
July 29, 2014

Facing a barrage of lawsuits from fast food worker groups seeking fair treatment and compensation, McDonald's could be on the verge of losing one of its main protections.

The National Labor Relations Board's top lawyer on Tuesday determined that McDonald's (MCD) is a "joint employer,"along with thousands of independent franchise owners.

The ruling, if upheld, would mean that McDonald's could be held liable for labor violations at its more than 12,000 franchisee-owned restaurants.

"McDonald's can try to hide behind its franchisees, but today's determination by the NLRB shows there's no two ways about it: The Golden Arches is an employer, plain and simple," said Micah Wissinger in a statement issued by a public relations firm representing fast food workers. Wissinger is an attorney who brought the case on behalf of McDonald's workers in New York City.

In March, McDonald's workers filed seven class-action lawsuits in New York, California and Michigan over wage theft violations. The suits allege that McDonald's has forced employees to work off the clock, not paid them overtime and struck hours off their time cards.

McDonald's has contended that franchisees operate as independent businesses and that therefore, it's not liable, but the N.L.R.B. ruling contradicts that claim. Other fast-food operators like Burger King could feel the repercussions.

The decision was hailed by low wage workers who have recently staged protests across the country seeking a $15 an hour wage.

"McDonald's clearly uses its vast powers to control franchisees in just about every way possible," Kendall Fells, organizing director of Fast Food Forward, said in a statement. "It's time the company put those same powers to work to do something about the fact that its workers are living in poverty."



I hope you'll be happy if every McDonalds shuts down and moves out of the country...then you can celebrate you helped in destroying them and put countless of people OUT OF WORK...Or they can just go fully automatic, the hell with using people in the county, they are a bunch of whiny ungrateful people, so why be threatened with lawsuits bring in the robots, they don't even talk back, miss days of work, or eat them out of and Feldman can toast to what a great job you did
Stephanie clearly believes that it is acceptable for a business to refuse their workers overtime when it may be required, or to deduct hours from their rosters for no reason at all. Stephanie is a dumb bitch, obviously.

To note - the same thing happens here, too. No overtime when we clock off after an 8 hour maximum shift, extra hours are removed to avoid paying overtime, and we are expected to work off the clock.

All that is illegal. Stephanie would like to see it commonplace.
Stephanie clearly believes that it is acceptable for a business to refuse their workers overtime when it may be required, or to deduct hours from their rosters for no reason at all. Stephanie is a dumb bitch, obviously.

To note - the same thing happens here, too. No overtime when we clock off after an 8 hour maximum shift, extra hours are removed to avoid paying overtime, and we are expected to work off the clock.

All that is illegal. Stephanie would like to see it commonplace.

Listen up little girl, I've been working 30 more years then you have been alive... so don't come on here telling me what I would to see...If any of that you described was happening then it's up to YOU FIRST to confront your employer about and if it isn't settled then a threat of a lawsuit might make them look twice about things...
It already is illegal here to do any of that. and usually what happens if it is caught by the employee they take to labor relations...they will resolve it usually and one is, they will fine the company and compensating the employee who was injured by it all...have you sued or been sued by someone? It take a lot time and MONEY guess who it won't hurt and guess who it will?
oh well, I hope this doesn't create another Utopia I mean disaster for you and people like you...good luck to you
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Stephanie clearly believes that it is acceptable for a business to refuse their workers overtime when it may be required, or to deduct hours from their rosters for no reason at all. Stephanie is a dumb bitch, obviously.

To note - the same thing happens here, too. No overtime when we clock off after an 8 hour maximum shift, extra hours are removed to avoid paying overtime, and we are expected to work off the clock.

All that is illegal. Stephanie would like to see it commonplace.

Listen up little girl, I've been working 30 more years then you have been alive... so don't come on here telling me what I would to see...If any of that you described was happening then it's up to YOU FIRST to confront your employer about and if it isn't settled then a threat of a lawsuit might make them look twice about things...
It already is illegal here to do any of that. and usually what happens if it is caught by the employee they take to labor relations...they will resolve it usually and one is, they will fine the company and compensating the employee who was injured by it all...have you sued or been sued by someone? It take a lot time and MONEY guess who it won't hurt and guess who it will?
oh well, I hope this doesn't create another Utopia I mean disaster for you and people like you...good luck to you

Well, then what's your problem with this ruling, then?

McDonald's has insulated itself from the bad behavior of franchise owners by saying, "Hey, that's with the Franchise owner"... even though the Franchise owner benefits by the brand name and distribution system, etc.

So McDonald's can be held liable for bad Franchise owners now.

Sounds fair to me.
Stephanie clearly believes that it is acceptable for a business to refuse their workers overtime when it may be required, or to deduct hours from their rosters for no reason at all. Stephanie is a dumb bitch, obviously.

To note - the same thing happens here, too. No overtime when we clock off after an 8 hour maximum shift, extra hours are removed to avoid paying overtime, and we are expected to work off the clock.

All that is illegal. Stephanie would like to see it commonplace.

Listen up little girl, I've been working 30 more years then you have been alive... so don't come on here telling me what I would to see...If any of that you described was happening then it's up to YOU FIRST to confront your employer about and if it isn't settled then a threat of a lawsuit might make them look twice about things...
It already is illegal here to do any of that. and usually what happens if it is caught by the employee they take to labor relations...they will resolve it usually and one is, they will fine the company and compensating the employee who was injured by it all...have you sued or been sued by someone? It take a lot time and MONEY guess who it won't hurt and guess who it will?
oh well, I hope this doesn't create another Utopia I mean disaster for you and people like you...good luck to you

Well, then what's your problem with this ruling, then?

McDonald's has insulated itself from the bad behavior of franchise owners by saying, "Hey, that's with the Franchise owner"... even though the Franchise owner benefits by the brand name and distribution system, etc.

So McDonald's can be held liable for bad Franchise owners now.

Sounds fair to me.

yeah so you all have all of the 1000's of McDonald franchises judged, juried and ready to hang them...This is going to be more EXTORION by your federal government folks....wake the hell up to this ugly administration
and the Federal government needs to stop SUING US at every turn...Holder has sued in our how many frikkking time's already?
man you people need a nanny government probably to wipe your butts too
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Stephanie clearly believes that it is acceptable for a business to refuse their workers overtime when it may be required, or to deduct hours from their rosters for no reason at all. Stephanie is a dumb bitch, obviously.

To note - the same thing happens here, too. No overtime when we clock off after an 8 hour maximum shift, extra hours are removed to avoid paying overtime, and we are expected to work off the clock.

All that is illegal. Stephanie would like to see it commonplace.

How about you go after the people actually writing the paychecks? If the franchisees are the ones doing the naughty stuff, go after them.
Stephanie clearly believes that it is acceptable for a business to refuse their workers overtime when it may be required, or to deduct hours from their rosters for no reason at all. Stephanie is a dumb bitch, obviously.

To note - the same thing happens here, too. No overtime when we clock off after an 8 hour maximum shift, extra hours are removed to avoid paying overtime, and we are expected to work off the clock.

All that is illegal. Stephanie would like to see it commonplace.

Listen up little girl, I've been working 30 more years then you have been alive... so don't come on here telling me what I would to see...If any of that you described was happening then it's up to YOU FIRST to confront your employer about and if it isn't settled then a threat of a lawsuit might make them look twice about things...
It already is illegal here to do any of that. and usually what happens if it is caught by the employee they take to labor relations...they will resolve it usually and one is, they will fine the company and compensating the employee who was injured by it all...have you sued or been sued by someone? It take a lot time and MONEY guess who it won't hurt and guess who it will?
oh well, I hope this doesn't create another Utopia I mean disaster for you and people like you...good luck to you

Well, then what's your problem with this ruling, then?

McDonald's has insulated itself from the bad behavior of franchise owners by saying, "Hey, that's with the Franchise owner"... even though the Franchise owner benefits by the brand name and distribution system, etc.

So McDonald's can be held liable for bad Franchise owners now.

Sounds fair to me.

Of course it does, you are a communist douchebag.

yeah so you all have all of the 1000's of McDonald franchises judged, juried and ready to hang them...This is going to be more EXTORION by your federal government folks....wake the hell up to this ugly administration
and the Federal government needs to stop SUING US at every turn...Holder has sued in our how many frikkking time's already?
man you people need a nanny government probably to wipe your butts too

Yeah, Staph, you aren't coming off the least bit nutty here. Really.

Okay- reality check. The whole "Franchise" thing was a way for McDonalds to protect itself from bad conduct by individual stores.

Now they can't.

Not having a problem with this.

You know what I do have a problem with. McDonalds telling its minimum wage employees how to apply for SNAP and Medicaid and TANF. So they are already making the government responsible for taking care of their workforce. Now they are whining about the government wagging their finger at them?
Listen up little girl, I've been working 30 more years then you have been alive... so don't come on here telling me what I would to see...If any of that you described was happening then it's up to YOU FIRST to confront your employer about and if it isn't settled then a threat of a lawsuit might make them look twice about things...
It already is illegal here to do any of that. and usually what happens if it is caught by the employee they take to labor relations...they will resolve it usually and one is, they will fine the company and compensating the employee who was injured by it all...have you sued or been sued by someone? It take a lot time and MONEY guess who it won't hurt and guess who it will?
oh well, I hope this doesn't create another Utopia I mean disaster for you and people like you...good luck to you

Well, then what's your problem with this ruling, then?

McDonald's has insulated itself from the bad behavior of franchise owners by saying, "Hey, that's with the Franchise owner"... even though the Franchise owner benefits by the brand name and distribution system, etc.

So McDonald's can be held liable for bad Franchise owners now.

Sounds fair to me.

Of course it does, you are a communist douchebag.

When McDonalds decided that the rest of us had to take care of their employees, they made it our business.
Well, then what's your problem with this ruling, then?

McDonald's has insulated itself from the bad behavior of franchise owners by saying, "Hey, that's with the Franchise owner"... even though the Franchise owner benefits by the brand name and distribution system, etc.

So McDonald's can be held liable for bad Franchise owners now.

Sounds fair to me.

Of course it does, you are a communist douchebag.

When McDonalds decided that the rest of us had to take care of their employees, they made it our business.

McDonalds did nothing of the sort. The government made benefits available and SOME of those people qualify. Once again Joe's "fuck law and order the ends justify the means" mentality gets put on display.
Stephanie clearly believes that it is acceptable for a business to refuse their workers overtime when it may be required, or to deduct hours from their rosters for no reason at all. Stephanie is a dumb bitch, obviously.

To note - the same thing happens here, too. No overtime when we clock off after an 8 hour maximum shift, extra hours are removed to avoid paying overtime, and we are expected to work off the clock.

All that is illegal. Stephanie would like to see it commonplace.

There is no proof that happened.

Innocent until proven guilty and all that other bothersome constitutional shit huh?
What I want to know is why did these employees wait so long to bring up these issues.

When i had to punch a time clock I always punched 2 cards. I kept one for myself so I could compare it to my check every week. I also kept track of my own holiday and vacation time.

It seems these people were too stupid to do that and now want to blame other people for their lack of diligence.
Of course it does, you are a communist douchebag.

When McDonalds decided that the rest of us had to take care of their employees, they made it our business.

McDonalds did nothing of the sort. The government made benefits available and SOME of those people qualify. Once again Joe's "fuck law and order the ends justify the means" mentality gets put on display.

The reason why those people "qualify" is because McDonald's doesn't pay them for shit.

And you only have a problem with 'Law and order" when law and order take the side of the working man over the rich.

"Government working for working folks! We can't have that! You can't do this to me, I'm rich!!!!"
When McDonalds decided that the rest of us had to take care of their employees, they made it our business.

McDonalds did nothing of the sort. The government made benefits available and SOME of those people qualify. Once again Joe's "fuck law and order the ends justify the means" mentality gets put on display.

The reason why those people "qualify" is because McDonald's doesn't pay them for shit.

And you only have a problem with 'Law and order" when law and order take the side of the working man over the rich.

"Government working for working folks! We can't have that! You can't do this to me, I'm rich!!!!"

It pays them what they are worth, probably more than what they are worth due to minimum wage laws.

You are not looking for government, you are looking for jack booted thugs to enforce your views on others. Again, please go follow your leader.
McDonald's may be liable for worker lawsuits

By Patrick M. Sheridan
July 29, 2014

Facing a barrage of lawsuits from fast food worker groups seeking fair treatment and compensation, McDonald's could be on the verge of losing one of its main protections.

The National Labor Relations Board's top lawyer on Tuesday determined that McDonald's (MCD) is a "joint employer,"along with thousands of independent franchise owners.

The ruling, if upheld, would mean that McDonald's could be held liable for labor violations at its more than 12,000 franchisee-owned restaurants.

"McDonald's can try to hide behind its franchisees, but today's determination by the NLRB shows there's no two ways about it: The Golden Arches is an employer, plain and simple," said Micah Wissinger in a statement issued by a public relations firm representing fast food workers. Wissinger is an attorney who brought the case on behalf of McDonald's workers in New York City.

In March, McDonald's workers filed seven class-action lawsuits in New York, California and Michigan over wage theft violations. The suits allege that McDonald's has forced employees to work off the clock, not paid them overtime and struck hours off their time cards.

McDonald's has contended that franchisees operate as independent businesses and that therefore, it's not liable, but the N.L.R.B. ruling contradicts that claim. Other fast-food operators like Burger King could feel the repercussions.

The decision was hailed by low wage workers who have recently staged protests across the country seeking a $15 an hour wage.

"McDonald's clearly uses its vast powers to control franchisees in just about every way possible," Kendall Fells, organizing director of Fast Food Forward, said in a statement. "It's time the company put those same powers to work to do something about the fact that its workers are living in poverty."



I hope you'll be happy if every McDonalds shuts down and moves out of the country...then you can celebrate you helped in destroying them and put countless of people OUT OF WORK...Or they can just go fully automatic, the hell with using people in the county, they are a bunch of whiny ungrateful people, so why be threatened with lawsuits bring in the robots, they don't even talk back, miss days of work, or eat them out of and Feldman can toast to what a great job you did

Seeing McDonalds leave the US would not effect me at all. And it would probably be a nutritional benefit for the country.

I don't want to see a company run thru the ringer because of people like JoeB and his "everyone deserves a living wage" comments and then him running from the discussion.

But having people work off the clock or other violations need to be dealt with. McDonalds is VERY controlling of their franchisees. They bear some responsibility.
McDonalds did nothing of the sort. The government made benefits available and SOME of those people qualify. Once again Joe's "fuck law and order the ends justify the means" mentality gets put on display.

The reason why those people "qualify" is because McDonald's doesn't pay them for shit.

And you only have a problem with 'Law and order" when law and order take the side of the working man over the rich.

"Government working for working folks! We can't have that! You can't do this to me, I'm rich!!!!"

It pays them what they are worth, probably more than what they are worth due to minimum wage laws.

You are not looking for government, you are looking for jack booted thugs to enforce your views on others. Again, please go follow your leader.

So what happens when the majority decides what they are worth.

I guess they can go out of business. Someone else will just step in and I'm totally good with that.

Seriously, fuck rich people. I'm tired of their shit and so is everyone else.
Seeing McDonalds leave the US would not effect me at all. And it would probably be a nutritional benefit for the country.

I don't want to see a company run thru the ringer because of people like JoeB and his "everyone deserves a living wage" comments and then him running from the discussion.

But having people work off the clock or other violations need to be dealt with. McDonalds is VERY controlling of their franchisees. They bear some responsibility.

Everyone deserves a living wage.

That's the end of the discussion as far as I'm concerned.

I'm not sure why we are even having a discussion after that.

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