McDonald's may be liable for worker lawsuits

When McDonalds decided that the rest of us had to take care of their employees, they made it our business.

McDonalds did nothing of the sort. The government made benefits available and SOME of those people qualify. Once again Joe's "fuck law and order the ends justify the means" mentality gets put on display.

The reason why those people "qualify" is because McDonald's doesn't pay them for shit.

And you only have a problem with 'Law and order" when law and order take the side of the working man over the rich.

"Government working for working folks! We can't have that! You can't do this to me, I'm rich!!!!"

Fast food is entry level low skill work. The wages are appropriate.
This is SEIU pulling the strings of the NLRB. That's all.
Last year I had no income while seeking employment and never gave McDonald's a thought
Stephanie clearly believes that it is acceptable for a business to refuse their workers overtime when it may be required, or to deduct hours from their rosters for no reason at all. Stephanie is a dumb bitch, obviously.

To note - the same thing happens here, too. No overtime when we clock off after an 8 hour maximum shift, extra hours are removed to avoid paying overtime, and we are expected to work off the clock.

All that is illegal. Stephanie would like to see it commonplace.

Then DON'T work there.....
Anyway, all this is hearsay. Anyone can make up a story and report unsubstantiated charges.
Like I said, this has no chance of going anywhere.

Yes it does. It is illegal to do what they are doing.

Yeah, this post pretty much proves my point.

And no, I will not sit down. I will not shut-up. And whether you and the dwindling number of union thugs care is not my concern.

But you are already losing.

YOu are just Scalia taking a dirt nap away from a sane judiciary on labor issues.

I'm losing? LMAO!! I busted my ass and worked my way up to a decent income. No, I am not one of the dreaded rich that you hate so much. But I am quite comfortable and have a decent 401k for when I retire. My kids all graduated from college, and they are doing well.

Maybe if some of those unskilled laborers had worked a bit harder in school and gone on to college, they would have something to offer an employer that cannot be replaced by a machine.

But please enlighten me on what the judiciary will do for labor? Exempt them from the laws like they did in PA?

That would be awesome if they did.

But keep thinking you are better than others. One day you'll find out you aren't. Usually after someone with more money and more power screws with you for the hell of it.

That was the wakeup call I got about six years ago.
McDonalds did nothing of the sort. The government made benefits available and SOME of those people qualify. Once again Joe's "fuck law and order the ends justify the means" mentality gets put on display.

The reason why those people "qualify" is because McDonald's doesn't pay them for shit.

And you only have a problem with 'Law and order" when law and order take the side of the working man over the rich.

"Government working for working folks! We can't have that! You can't do this to me, I'm rich!!!!"

Fast food is entry level low skill work. The wages are appropriate.
This is SEIU pulling the strings of the NLRB. That's all.

And that's bad, why?

I mean, that's better than big corporations pulling the strings at the NLRB.
Neither does working a register with pictures of the food on it. lol

But the pressure, stress, and constant verbal and sometimes physical abuse from customers sure as fuck does.

Sorry but if you think bagging burgers is a pressure filled job then you obviously have not worked very much

I've worked in fast food and in an office, amongst other things.

It's much better to work in an office. You couldn't pay me enough to work in fast food again.

But keep looking down on working folks, and then wonder why they vote away all your goodies.
But the pressure, stress, and constant verbal and sometimes physical abuse from customers sure as fuck does.

Sorry but if you think bagging burgers is a pressure filled job then you obviously have not worked very much

I've worked in fast food and in an office, amongst other things.

It's much better to work in an office. You couldn't pay me enough to work in fast food again.

But keep looking down on working folks, and then wonder why they vote away all your goodies.

Yeah you have probably never really worked very hard either.

People stay at fast food jobs because they want to. They are relatively easy jobs that require absolutely no skill.

People who keep these jobs forever have no ambition no desire to improve themselves and their pay reflects that.

If you don't like what you're paid the get another fucking job.

I swear with your incessant whining that you must break more glasses than an opera star.

Yeah you have probably never really worked very hard either.

People stay at fast food jobs because they want to. They are relatively easy jobs that require absolutely no skill.

People who keep these jobs forever have no ambition no desire to improve themselves and their pay reflects that.

If you don't like what you're paid the get another fucking job.

I swear with your incessant whining that you must break more glasses than an opera star.

ANd once again, Skull can't really defend the fact he's kind of a horrible human being, so he has to attack others.

Conservatism- an ongoing rationalization of selfishness.

Yeah you have probably never really worked very hard either.

People stay at fast food jobs because they want to. They are relatively easy jobs that require absolutely no skill.

People who keep these jobs forever have no ambition no desire to improve themselves and their pay reflects that.

If you don't like what you're paid the get another fucking job.

I swear with your incessant whining that you must break more glasses than an opera star.

ANd once again, Skull can't really defend the fact he's kind of a horrible human being, so he has to attack others.

Conservatism- an ongoing rationalization of selfishness.

You are deaf to your own whining.

And you have no idea what kind of person or employer I am.

I just happen to have a low tolerance for bullshit, excuses and whining.

You are deaf to your own whining.

And you have no idea what kind of person or employer I am.

I just happen to have a low tolerance for bullshit, excuses and whining.

No, I just read your posts and your complete lack of human empathy. You come off like someone who pulls the wings off of flies.


Sorry but paying someone more for a job than the job is worth is not empathy it is charity.

I'm sure I give more money to charities than you in fact the majority of causes I give to are animal related.

World Animal Protection International | Move the world to protect animals

ASPCA | Official Site for the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals

The Humane Society of the United States : The Humane Society of the United States

All these organizations try to compensate for human cruelty and lack of compassion.

The other I give to are environmental and conservation groups who again are trying to fix what people have fucked up.

Those are charities worth giving to. Someone who never tries to better themselves and voluntarily stays at a low paying job does not deserve charity.
I'd feel bad for any poor bastard who'd have to work for you, but I imagine your car gets keyed a lot.

Yeah I've been i business 7 years and have a 90% employee retention rate so far.

They must hate it here.
Your lack of concern for your fellow man is well-documented.

If you aren't capable of humanity, you should be capable of self-preservation. When the welfare collectors and minimum wage workers are in the majority, what do you think they end up voting for?
I'd feel bad for any poor bastard who'd have to work for you, but I imagine your car gets keyed a lot.

Yeah I've been i business 7 years and have a 90% employee retention rate so far.

They must hate it here.

Yup, and you have a 12 inch dick and drive a Lexus. We get it.

Must be fun to brag about yourself on the internets...

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