McDonald's may be liable for worker lawsuits


I didn't mention the gas bill either. But it is in the budget. Add up those numbers I posted. It comes to $1150. Spend $400 a month on groceries.

And yes, public transportation. Quit trying to dodge the actual topic. I have not said anything about stopping all gov't services.

But yes, you can live on $26k a year and still have savings.

Yeah, you could. not that a burger flipper makes anywhere near that.

You should be happy living on Ramen noodles and wishful thinking!

Gee, for some reason, people aren't.

So a "Living Wage" is one that makes them happy?? WTF?

Yeah, $400 a month for groceries for one person can be done quite easily. You don't get fast food. You don't buy frozen pizza. You buy ingredients and cook. Cheaper and healthier. Plus you can cook a weeks worth of meals.

But at least you admit you were wrong when you said people couldn't live on $500 a week. That was big of you.

You are dancing again. I think everyone here agrees that people should be paid for the hours they work and their pay not be fucked with.

If your views are so noble and right, why can you never discuss them straight up?

I'm not the one trying to justify the abuse of working folks.

"Oh, boo-hoo, they called me a scab in front of my kids".
He said "pride'. Not "Self-Respect". Well, Pride is considered a sin in most religions.

Frankly, if I'm a poor person getting SNAP, Medicaid, Section 8 and an Obamaphone, and all I had to do was vote for anyone with a "D" after his name, that's a pretty good exchange.

A shitload better than working for $7.25 a hour flipping burgers for some asshole who invested his life savings buying a franchise and trying to cheat me out of overtime or deducting wasted fries from my paycheck...

Yes he did say "Pride". Is he religious? Are you? Am I? Is the fact that religions consider pride a sin actually relevant to the discussion?

I'm not religious at all. If the rich stole the American Dream, the Religious Right was driving the getaway car.

But he tried to claim that someone was teaching people "pride" was a sin, and therefore it was okay to collect welfare.

Quite the contrary. We have a bigger welfare state because the wealthy have been making war on the working class for 30 years.

And now it's biting them in the ass.

30 years ago, someone as radical as Obama never could have gotten elected.

Today he wins record landslides.

What does that tell you?

This tells me you are still avoiding our discussion.

You are dancing again. I think everyone here agrees that people should be paid for the hours they work and their pay not be fucked with.

If your views are so noble and right, why can you never discuss them straight up?

I'm not the one trying to justify the abuse of working folks.

"Oh, boo-hoo, they called me a scab in front of my kids".

You want to go there??????

It was never about being called a scab in front of their kids. It was about threatening those kids, and you defended THAT. It was about threatening someone with violence, and destroying work areas because they were willing to work.

So you know all the answers, how much should a manual laborer, with no skills, be paid? I have already shown that you can live on $500 a week. But you still dismiss it.

And why do these people have no skills? They got 12 years of public education, but they chose to not take it seriously. There are grants and scholarships available for almost anyone to get some sort of education to give them something to better their situation. Don't like making minimum wage? Do something about. Go for a 2 year degree and learn a skill.

But noooo, you want to defend someone fucking around in school, not looking to learn a skill, and want them to make enough to "be happy"? Pure, unadulterated bullshit.
Well people with even a modicum of pride will work as many jobs as it takes to stay off the dole.

Personally I would pick up dog shit 16 hours a day for a penny a pile before I ever took a fucking dime from anyone.

But then again we have taught the sheep like you that pride is a sin

Actually, most of the major religions consider pride to be a sin.

As a practical matter, though, if you make working less lucrative than being on the dole, most people will go on the dole. And they'll vote to increase the dole.

You guys complain about "big government" all day, but it's just people taking what they need.

You did this to yourselves. I'm so sorry you can't see that.

Working is not less lucrative than being a leech.

You can make far more working than you can collecting welfare.

The problem is people do not want to work. They have somehow gotten into their sheep brains that working one job that requires absolutely no skill should be enough to pay buy a house have 2 cars and send 4 kids to college.
Well people with even a modicum of pride will work as many jobs as it takes to stay off the dole.

Personally I would pick up dog shit 16 hours a day for a penny a pile before I ever took a fucking dime from anyone.

But then again we have taught the sheep like you that pride is a sin

Actually, most of the major religions consider pride to be a sin.

As a practical matter, though, if you make working less lucrative than being on the dole, most people will go on the dole. And they'll vote to increase the dole.

You guys complain about "big government" all day, but it's just people taking what they need.

You did this to yourselves. I'm so sorry you can't see that.

Good thing I don't belong to a religion.

Pride and self respect are absent qualities in those who live purposely at the expense of others.

You are dancing again. I think everyone here agrees that people should be paid for the hours they work and their pay not be fucked with.

If your views are so noble and right, why can you never discuss them straight up?

I'm not the one trying to justify the abuse of working folks.

"Oh, boo-hoo, they called me a scab in front of my kids".

You want to go there??????

It was never about being called a scab in front of their kids. It was about threatening those kids, and you defended THAT. It was about threatening someone with violence, and destroying work areas because they were willing to work.

So you know all the answers, how much should a manual laborer, with no skills, be paid? I have already shown that you can live on $500 a week. But you still dismiss it.

And why do these people have no skills? They got 12 years of public education, but they chose to not take it seriously. There are grants and scholarships available for almost anyone to get some sort of education to give them something to better their situation. Don't like making minimum wage? Do something about. Go for a 2 year degree and learn a skill.

But noooo, you want to defend someone fucking around in school, not looking to learn a skill, and want them to make enough to "be happy"? Pure, unadulterated bullshit.

$500 bucks? - the average fulltime fast food worker earns under $350/wk, a fulltime federal minimum wage worker earns less than $300/wk, the highest state minimum wage is $9.32/hr that's <$400/wk for a fulltime worker and-----and the $10.10/hr that, that fucking socialist Obama is proposing will still-----still only earn $404/wk if-----big IF they work fulltime.
The reason why those people "qualify" is because McDonald's doesn't pay them for shit.

And you only have a problem with 'Law and order" when law and order take the side of the working man over the rich.

"Government working for working folks! We can't have that! You can't do this to me, I'm rich!!!!"

Fast food is entry level low skill work. The wages are appropriate.
This is SEIU pulling the strings of the NLRB. That's all.

And that's bad, why?

I mean, that's better than big corporations pulling the strings at the NLRB.
SEIU is demanding the impossible.
In all actuality, SEIU is a business. And as such it is in SEIU's best interest to accumulate as many members as possible. And why is this? Easy. To turn a profit for the officers that operate the union.
Nothing has been settled.
This goes nowhere.
Wishful thinking though...

Keep whistling past the graveyard, baby.

My guess is, McDonald's cracks down on their franchisees before the government gets involved.

Keep guessing.
Wage increases of the magnitude which SEIU is demanding have far reaching economic and fiscal difficulties which few if any small business owners would be able to survive.
So in the end, SEIU gets it's way and lots of small business owners close up shop and lots of low skilled wage earners find themselves out of work....Makes sense.
JoeB, at least you are consistent.

You do not discuss. Every time I have seen you post about wages it amounts to the same thing. "Rich people are abusing us, we should TAKE their money". No real dialogue, just rants about "rich people". You ignore the facts of the economic situation by trying to make everyone but the rich a victim.

How about you take responsibility for YOUR own life, and expect others to do the same. I am not defending the rich. I am just calling you on your unwillingness to discuss an issue.

And finally, if you want a good income you need to have something to offer besides a warm body. People are paid because of their skills. Some are underpaid, of that there is no doubt. But these are still people with skills.

There's nothing to talk about.

i simply have no interest in trying to reason with the wealthy or their apologists.

None whatsoever.

Nor do I care to hear their opinion of the "economy". We listened to them, we got the worst disaster in 80 years. Sit down, shut up, we don't care.

Any questions?
Joe we get it. You hate anyone who has accumulated an amount of wealth with which you feel uncomfortable.....Your hysterical rantings get you no mileage here...
I'm not the one trying to justify the abuse of working folks.

"Oh, boo-hoo, they called me a scab in front of my kids".

You want to go there??????

It was never about being called a scab in front of their kids. It was about threatening those kids, and you defended THAT. It was about threatening someone with violence, and destroying work areas because they were willing to work.

So you know all the answers, how much should a manual laborer, with no skills, be paid? I have already shown that you can live on $500 a week. But you still dismiss it.

And why do these people have no skills? They got 12 years of public education, but they chose to not take it seriously. There are grants and scholarships available for almost anyone to get some sort of education to give them something to better their situation. Don't like making minimum wage? Do something about. Go for a 2 year degree and learn a skill.

But noooo, you want to defend someone fucking around in school, not looking to learn a skill, and want them to make enough to "be happy"? Pure, unadulterated bullshit.

$500 bucks? - the average fulltime fast food worker earns under $350/wk, a fulltime federal minimum wage worker earns less than $300/wk, the highest state minimum wage is $9.32/hr that's <$400/wk for a fulltime worker and-----and the $10.10/hr that, that fucking socialist Obama is proposing will still-----still only earn $404/wk if-----big IF they work fulltime.

The $500 a week was not about minimum wage. It was about workers on a Verizon job I was on several years ago, and they were manual labor. JoeB claimed that $500 a week was not a "living wage" and that they couldn't live on it and should be paid more.
I agree, however flipping burgers doesn't justify $15 an hour.

Neither does working a register with pictures of the food on it. lol

But the pressure, stress, and constant verbal and sometimes physical abuse from customers sure as fuck does.

Then choose another occupation....
All you are doing is whining.
"WAAAAH The customers are mean..Pay me more money....WAAAAAAH...
Hey look genius, you CHOSE to take a job that deals with the public....Get that? CHOICE..
Wages are EARNED not given
Stephanie clearly believes that it is acceptable for a business to refuse their workers overtime when it may be required, or to deduct hours from their rosters for no reason at all. Stephanie is a dumb bitch, obviously.

To note - the same thing happens here, too. No overtime when we clock off after an 8 hour maximum shift, extra hours are removed to avoid paying overtime, and we are expected to work off the clock.

All that is illegal. Stephanie would like to see it commonplace.

Then DON'T work there.....
Anyway, all this is hearsay. Anyone can make up a story and report unsubstantiated charges.
Like I said, this has no chance of going anywhere.

Yes it does. It is illegal to do what they are doing. isn't.....Wanna know why? Because if there isn't any documentation or video it didn't happen....
That's how we do things here. One needs proof to prevail.
But the pressure, stress, and constant verbal and sometimes physical abuse from customers sure as fuck does.

Sorry but if you think bagging burgers is a pressure filled job then you obviously have not worked very much

I've worked in fast food and in an office, amongst other things.

It's much better to work in an office. You couldn't pay me enough to work in fast food again.

But keep looking down on working folks, and then wonder why they vote away all your goodies.

Describing the functions of a job is "looking down on them"?

You are deaf to your own whining.

And you have no idea what kind of person or employer I am.

I just happen to have a low tolerance for bullshit, excuses and whining.

No, I just read your posts and your complete lack of human empathy. You come off like someone who pulls the wings off of flies.

Oh. So your version of doing business and performing labor is wrapped up in 'human empathy"?
Cry me a river.
Your lack of concern for your fellow man is well-documented.

If you aren't capable of humanity, you should be capable of self-preservation. When the welfare collectors and minimum wage workers are in the majority, what do you think they end up voting for?

You are lazy.....The OP says he owns a business of 7 years and in that time has retained 90% of the workers....
Then in response you bleat out some bullshit regarding welfare....

Maybe you shouldn't have thought you were better than anyone else.

I never have claimed to be better than anyone. I have simply talked about paying people for skills and for what they bring to the table. I don't think you pay someone well for just making it to the table empty handed.

They do bring something to the table. they bring time and labor.

And they should be paid a living wage. Period.

Why are we still discussing this?

Hours worked and the act of working are small parts of a larger package.
It is typical of the pro union pro labor believer to claim that merely 'putting in time' is enough to gain increases in wage....It isn't. One must do their assigned tasks well. They must then show they are capable of handling more responsibility. They must show they are capable of learning new skills and implementing those skills....At that point they become eligible for wage increases.
No one has been able to define a living wage. That is because it is a theory. In other words it doesn't exist except in the minds of those who want something for nothing.
They do bring something to the table. they bring time and labor.

And they should be paid a living wage. Period.

Why are we still discussing this?

First of all, because you still have not defined "living wage".

Second, because the unskilled ARE paid a decent wage, for what they bring, as I have shown. However, you decided to spout off about it being below the poverty line, so I am engaging you so you will learn something.

And because I am still waiting to hear what you are hoping the judiciary will do for your union thugs. You know, the ones you want to be above the law.

Keep trying to take the subject off topic, because you can't defend your position.

you work for a living, you should get a living wage. Period.

Or we can just let everyone go on welfare.

What you guys don't seem to get is that when you pay someone below living wage, they get food stamps, they get Section 8 housing, they get ObamaPhones (er... ReaganPhones, but nevermind) they get MedicAid.

All stuff you are paying for, anyway.

Again, if you aren't capable of decency, you should be capable of common sense.
That stupid argument? Please...
Until you define what is a 'living wage' you are posting nonsense.
BTW, time and time again it has been proven beyond all refute that the vast majority of unskilled or low skill workers are NOT supporting a family or even themselves.
He said "pride'. Not "Self-Respect". Well, Pride is considered a sin in most religions.

Frankly, if I'm a poor person getting SNAP, Medicaid, Section 8 and an Obamaphone, and all I had to do was vote for anyone with a "D" after his name, that's a pretty good exchange.

A shitload better than working for $7.25 a hour flipping burgers for some asshole who invested his life savings buying a franchise and trying to cheat me out of overtime or deducting wasted fries from my paycheck...

Yes he did say "Pride". Is he religious? Are you? Am I? Is the fact that religions consider pride a sin actually relevant to the discussion?

I'm not religious at all. If the rich stole the American Dream, the Religious Right was driving the getaway car.

But he tried to claim that someone was teaching people "pride" was a sin, and therefore it was okay to collect welfare.

Quite the contrary. We have a bigger welfare state because the wealthy have been making war on the working class for 30 years.

And now it's biting them in the ass.

30 years ago, someone as radical as Obama never could have gotten elected.

Today he wins record landslides.

What does that tell you?

Obama would LOSE the election if it were held today.
Americans are SICK of Obama and his policies.

You are dancing again. I think everyone here agrees that people should be paid for the hours they work and their pay not be fucked with.

If your views are so noble and right, why can you never discuss them straight up?

I'm not the one trying to justify the abuse of working folks.

"Oh, boo-hoo, they called me a scab in front of my kids".

You want to go there??????

It was never about being called a scab in front of their kids. It was about threatening those kids, and you defended THAT. It was about threatening someone with violence, and destroying work areas because they were willing to work.

So you know all the answers, how much should a manual laborer, with no skills, be paid? I have already shown that you can live on $500 a week. But you still dismiss it.

And why do these people have no skills? They got 12 years of public education, but they chose to not take it seriously. There are grants and scholarships available for almost anyone to get some sort of education to give them something to better their situation. Don't like making minimum wage? Do something about. Go for a 2 year degree and learn a skill.

But noooo, you want to defend someone fucking around in school, not looking to learn a skill, and want them to make enough to "be happy"? Pure, unadulterated bullshit.

Joe is just another angry underachiever who blames others for his own actions.

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