McDonald's may be liable for worker lawsuits


You are dancing again. I think everyone here agrees that people should be paid for the hours they work and their pay not be fucked with.

If your views are so noble and right, why can you never discuss them straight up?

I'm not the one trying to justify the abuse of working folks.

"Oh, boo-hoo, they called me a scab in front of my kids".

You want to go there??????

It was never about being called a scab in front of their kids. It was about threatening those kids, and you defended THAT. It was about threatening someone with violence, and destroying work areas because they were willing to work.

Yup. Beats the hell out of an inflatable rat, doesn't it?

So you know all the answers, how much should a manual laborer, with no skills, be paid? I have already shown that you can live on $500 a week. But you still dismiss it.

And why do these people have no skills? They got 12 years of public education, but they chose to not take it seriously. There are grants and scholarships available for almost anyone to get some sort of education to give them something to better their situation. Don't like making minimum wage? Do something about. Go for a 2 year degree and learn a skill.

But noooo, you want to defend someone fucking around in school, not looking to learn a skill, and want them to make enough to "be happy"? Pure, unadulterated bullshit.

Manual Labor? A lot more than $500.00 a week.

How about this. Before we let anyone be a CEO or a Manager, they have to spend 5 years working the lowest job in the shop for the lowest pay.

And frankly, it's not about being an "underacheiver". It's about keeping the whole workforce happy.

Because if they can fuck over the manual laborer, they can (and will) fuck over the skilled laborer.

Been there, done that, wore the t-shirt.
I'm not the one trying to justify the abuse of working folks.

"Oh, boo-hoo, they called me a scab in front of my kids".

You want to go there??????

It was never about being called a scab in front of their kids. It was about threatening those kids, and you defended THAT. It was about threatening someone with violence, and destroying work areas because they were willing to work.

Yup. Beats the hell out of an inflatable rat, doesn't it?

So you know all the answers, how much should a manual laborer, with no skills, be paid? I have already shown that you can live on $500 a week. But you still dismiss it.

And why do these people have no skills? They got 12 years of public education, but they chose to not take it seriously. There are grants and scholarships available for almost anyone to get some sort of education to give them something to better their situation. Don't like making minimum wage? Do something about. Go for a 2 year degree and learn a skill.

But noooo, you want to defend someone fucking around in school, not looking to learn a skill, and want them to make enough to "be happy"? Pure, unadulterated bullshit.

Manual Labor? A lot more than $500.00 a week.

How about this. Before we let anyone be a CEO or a Manager, they have to spend 5 years working the lowest job in the shop for the lowest pay.

And frankly, it's not about being an "underacheiver". It's about keeping the whole workforce happy.

Because if they can fuck over the manual laborer, they can (and will) fuck over the skilled laborer.

Been there, done that, wore the t-shirt.

A lot more than $500 a week? Then the company pays a Vac truck to come in and do the digging. They could realistically replace 2 or 3 crews that way. Congrats, your plans resulted in 8 to 12 people being unemployed. Well done!!

How about we put the most qualified in the highest positions? That way, the person running the company has an idea about the papers they are signing.

And yes, it is often about being an underachiever. Almost anyone in the country can put some effort into studying and graduate from high school with good enough grades to get into a college or trade school. Then they can have a skill that is worth something on the job market.
Joe is just another angry underachiever who blames others for his own actions.

I've probably accomplished more than you have, and I have the degrees and medals and certificates to show for it.

Doesn't take away from the fact that most employers are scumbags who'd sell their own mothers for the right price.

I have had few problems with my employers being scumbags. The couple of times in my life I did, I found a better job.

I think you might be your own worst enemy. If you go to work with this "We deserve more money!" and "The rich are assholes who will screw us over" nonsense, I would imagine you are disliked by your co-workers AND your employers.

Hours worked and the act of working are small parts of a larger package.
It is typical of the pro union pro labor believer to claim that merely 'putting in time' is enough to gain increases in wage....It isn't. One must do their assigned tasks well. They must then show they are capable of handling more responsibility. They must show they are capable of learning new skills and implementing those skills....At that point they become eligible for wage increases.
No one has been able to define a living wage. That is because it is a theory. In other words it doesn't exist except in the minds of those who want something for nothing.

That would be fine if we lived in a world based on merit and recognition.

We don't.

I've seen coworkers fired because they were gay.
I've seen asskissers promoted to management who had no idea what they were doing.
I've seen people fired for running up medical bills.
I've seen people fired because their ex-girlfriends traded up to fucking the manager.

And, shit, that's just the stuff I know about. God knows how much rancid shit I don't see because I'm doing my job instead of gossipping around the water cooler.
Your lack of concern for your fellow man is well-documented.

If you aren't capable of humanity, you should be capable of self-preservation. When the welfare collectors and minimum wage workers are in the majority, what do you think they end up voting for?

You are lazy.....The OP says he owns a business of 7 years and in that time has retained 90% of the workers....
Then in response you bleat out some bullshit regarding welfare....

Yeah, I know. ANd you believed him?
Your lack of concern for your fellow man is well-documented.

If you aren't capable of humanity, you should be capable of self-preservation. When the welfare collectors and minimum wage workers are in the majority, what do you think they end up voting for?

You are lazy.....The OP says he owns a business of 7 years and in that time has retained 90% of the workers....
Then in response you bleat out some bullshit regarding welfare....

Yeah, I know. ANd you believed him?

I know plenty of companies with 80% to 90% retention.

You disbelieve him for what reason?

But you expect us to believe you were fired for your medical bills? lmao

Hours worked and the act of working are small parts of a larger package.
It is typical of the pro union pro labor believer to claim that merely 'putting in time' is enough to gain increases in wage....It isn't. One must do their assigned tasks well. They must then show they are capable of handling more responsibility. They must show they are capable of learning new skills and implementing those skills....At that point they become eligible for wage increases.
No one has been able to define a living wage. That is because it is a theory. In other words it doesn't exist except in the minds of those who want something for nothing.

That would be fine if we lived in a world based on merit and recognition.

We don't.

I've seen coworkers fired because they were gay.
I've seen asskissers promoted to management who had no idea what they were doing.
I've seen people fired for running up medical bills.
I've seen people fired because their ex-girlfriends traded up to fucking the manager.

And, shit, that's just the stuff I know about. God knows how much rancid shit I don't see because I'm doing my job instead of gossipping around the water cooler.

So you want the good ol' union method of giving raises, promotions, and preferential treatment to the ones with seniority? Just don't leave and we'll give you more, regardless of the quality of your work?

I know plenty of companies with 80% to 90% retention.

You disbelieve him for what reason?

But you expect us to believe you were fired for your medical bills? lmao

No, i don't expect you to believe that. In fact, I know that your worldview would be absolutely destroyed if you had to accept that fact, so I am happy to let you live in your fantasy world that I would make that up for some reason.

But it really happened. Just saying.

No, the reason why I believe Skull is because even though I've worked for some real, honest to god douchebag assholes in my time, not a one of them came off as callous to people and their problems as he does.

So you want the good ol' union method of giving raises, promotions, and preferential treatment to the ones with seniority? Just don't leave and we'll give you more, regardless of the quality of your work?

Works for me. I'd trust the fact a guy has been on a job for years more than I'd trust the boss promoting the gal who kisses his ass he hired last week.

So you want the good ol' union method of giving raises, promotions, and preferential treatment to the ones with seniority? Just don't leave and we'll give you more, regardless of the quality of your work?

Works for me. I'd trust the fact a guy has been on a job for years more than I'd trust the boss promoting the gal who kisses his ass he hired last week.

That explains why unions are failing at an ever-increasing rate.

You give promotions and raises to the people who earn them. That is the one thing I have never seen you say is that anyone earned anything. For you, if they show up they have done their part. Whether they work hard, learn new skills, or try to better the company is not relevant to you.

I spent a little time in a union shop. I watch fat old men hold all the prime spots and get any new ones that came around. While younger guys had to wait until they died or retired to get something better. Were the old men doing their share? Hell no. They had their spot and knew they weren't going to lose it, so why bother working hard?

Unions had their place and they were needed then. That day is long gone. I can't think of a single industry where unions are growing instead of shrinking. Good riddance to thugs extorting employers.
That explains why unions are failing at an ever-increasing rate.

You give promotions and raises to the people who earn them. That is the one thing I have never seen you say is that anyone earned anything. For you, if they show up they have done their part. Whether they work hard, learn new skills, or try to better the company is not relevant to you.

Yes, that stopped being relevent to me after spending six years helping them build their company, they let me go when I had medical issues.

I've pretty much stopped buying the bullshit after that.

ANd the thing is, I should have figured that out after my first job after I left the Army. But I wrote that one off as "that really bad one".

I spent a little time in a union shop. I watch fat old men hold all the prime spots and get any new ones that came around. While younger guys had to wait until they died or retired to get something better. Were the old men doing their share? Hell no. They had their spot and knew they weren't going to lose it, so why bother working hard?

Unions had their place and they were needed then. That day is long gone. I can't think of a single industry where unions are growing instead of shrinking. Good riddance to thugs extorting employers.

Unions are still needed for the same reasons they were needed 100 years ago.

Because most business owners are cocksuckers.

Unfortunately, unions are probably going to be the least of your problems. I think America will either become a socialist dictatorship or a theocratic dictatorship within the next 30 years.

Either way, it will suck to be the rich.
That explains why unions are failing at an ever-increasing rate.

You give promotions and raises to the people who earn them. That is the one thing I have never seen you say is that anyone earned anything. For you, if they show up they have done their part. Whether they work hard, learn new skills, or try to better the company is not relevant to you.

Yes, that stopped being relevent to me after spending six years helping them build their company, they let me go when I had medical issues.

I've pretty much stopped buying the bullshit after that.

ANd the thing is, I should have figured that out after my first job after I left the Army. But I wrote that one off as "that really bad one".

I spent a little time in a union shop. I watch fat old men hold all the prime spots and get any new ones that came around. While younger guys had to wait until they died or retired to get something better. Were the old men doing their share? Hell no. They had their spot and knew they weren't going to lose it, so why bother working hard?

Unions had their place and they were needed then. That day is long gone. I can't think of a single industry where unions are growing instead of shrinking. Good riddance to thugs extorting employers.

Unions are still needed for the same reasons they were needed 100 years ago.

Because most business owners are cocksuckers.

Unfortunately, unions are probably going to be the least of your problems. I think America will either become a socialist dictatorship or a theocratic dictatorship within the next 30 years.

Either way, it will suck to be the rich.

If your fantasies come true, it won't hurt the rich. They'll bribe the leaders or leave and take their money with them. This idea that the truly rich will be taken down by the mobs of poor people is laughable. It simply won't happen.

Now it could hurt some people who busted their ass and EARNED some money and saved it. But mainly it will hurt the poor even more. They will be starving sooner than the rich.

If your fantasies come true, it won't hurt the rich. They'll bribe the leaders or leave and take their money with them. This idea that the truly rich will be taken down by the mobs of poor people is laughable. It simply won't happen.

Now it could hurt some people who busted their ass and EARNED some money and saved it. But mainly it will hurt the poor even more. They will be starving sooner than the rich.

Tell that to the Romanovs or the Pahlevis or the whiny bitches in Florida who are still butt-hurt because Castro chased them out on leaky boats with suitcases of worthless money.

And, yes, a lot of people will be hurt by the short-sightedness and greed of the 1%ers.

It's like 2008 happened, and they didn't learn a thing.
That explains why unions are failing at an ever-increasing rate.

You give promotions and raises to the people who earn them. That is the one thing I have never seen you say is that anyone earned anything. For you, if they show up they have done their part. Whether they work hard, learn new skills, or try to better the company is not relevant to you.

Yes, that stopped being relevent to me after spending six years helping them build their company, they let me go when I had medical issues.

I've pretty much stopped buying the bullshit after that.

ANd the thing is, I should have figured that out after my first job after I left the Army. But I wrote that one off as "that really bad one".

Yeah, as long as you don't worry about whether people earn their place at work or whether they do anything at all, its easy to be pro-union.

Most of the rest of us see unions as leeches and protectors of mediocrity.

Yeah, as long as you don't worry about whether people earn their place at work or whether they do anything at all, its easy to be pro-union.

Most of the rest of us see unions as leeches and protectors of mediocrity.

Actually, most people have figured out that unions are their friends and their bosses aren't.

The State of the Unions

In late June, the Pew Research Center released the results of its biennial poll on unions and corporations, and reported that 51 percent of Americans had a favorable view of unions—up from just 41 percent in 2011, the last time Pew popped the question. Pew’s new number is almost identical to Gallup’s, which found that 52 percent of Americans approved of unions when it last asked that question in August of 2012. Gallup polls on union approval every year and has reported a 52 percent approval rating each of the past three years. Before then, union approval had hit an all-time low for Gallup surveys, with just 48 percent in 2009.

Now, where I am critical of unions is that they usually are about protecting what they have left instead of going to bat for all workers.

If your fantasies come true, it won't hurt the rich. They'll bribe the leaders or leave and take their money with them. This idea that the truly rich will be taken down by the mobs of poor people is laughable. It simply won't happen.

Now it could hurt some people who busted their ass and EARNED some money and saved it. But mainly it will hurt the poor even more. They will be starving sooner than the rich.

Tell that to the Romanovs or the Pahlevis or the whiny bitches in Florida who are still butt-hurt because Castro chased them out on leaky boats with suitcases of worthless money.

And, yes, a lot of people will be hurt by the short-sightedness and greed of the 1%ers.

It's like 2008 happened, and they didn't learn a thing.

It was not just the 1%ers that screwed up and caused the 2008 collapse. How many people bought houses they couldn't afford? Are you saying the 1%ers are responsible for that too? lol

I'll tell it to anyone who knows how the banking and investment systems work. The rich don't have their money in vaults in their dungeon. It is just as accessible from outside the country. By the time there was enough of a fundamental change in the laws (including burning the US Constitution), the truly rich will have moved their money.

The Romanovs?? lol Believe it or not, the world has changed a bit since 1917.

But you keep praying for your socialist revolution, and I'll keep being a capitalist. You'll keep losing and I'll stay where I am.

Yeah, as long as you don't worry about whether people earn their place at work or whether they do anything at all, its easy to be pro-union.

Most of the rest of us see unions as leeches and protectors of mediocrity.

Actually, most people have figured out that unions are their friends and their bosses aren't.

The State of the Unions

In late June, the Pew Research Center released the results of its biennial poll on unions and corporations, and reported that 51 percent of Americans had a favorable view of unions—up from just 41 percent in 2011, the last time Pew popped the question. Pew’s new number is almost identical to Gallup’s, which found that 52 percent of Americans approved of unions when it last asked that question in August of 2012. Gallup polls on union approval every year and has reported a 52 percent approval rating each of the past three years. Before then, union approval had hit an all-time low for Gallup surveys, with just 48 percent in 2009.

Now, where I am critical of unions is that they usually are about protecting what they have left instead of going to bat for all workers.

But you certainly don't mind them threatening someone's children. Which puts you on a disgustingly low level.

It was not just the 1%ers that screwed up and caused the 2008 collapse. How many people bought houses they couldn't afford? Are you saying the 1%ers are responsible for that too? lol

I'll tell it to anyone who knows how the banking and investment systems work. The rich don't have their money in vaults in their dungeon. It is just as accessible from outside the country. By the time there was enough of a fundamental change in the laws (including burning the US Constitution), the truly rich will have moved their money.

The Romanovs?? lol Believe it or not, the world has changed a bit since 1917.

But you keep praying for your socialist revolution, and I'll keep being a capitalist. You'll keep losing and I'll stay where I am.

Actually, shit is going to get very bad because of "Capitalists" like you.

And if you think they are going to save you a seat on the Gulfstream, think again.

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